Transcript of The Collective Imagination Show February 12, 2024
Lisa: Welcome, world, to this week’s Collective Imagination program. As always, we have a lovely, eclectic group of people coming together on this show. One missing would be Barbara. She’s not going to be joining us this week, which is unfortunate; a shout-out to Barbara in New York if you’re listening. We had an amazing show yesterday on Freedom Reigns, the OPPT-In program dedicated purely to The One People’s Public Trust. There were nearly 200,000 people listening live, which is a movement that has caught on like nothing I’ve ever seen. The numbers are extraordinary. The excitement is palpable. The energy is incredible. People are just getting it. As I’ve stated on this show a couple of weeks ago, how this show for me has been a reflection of where we’ve been at collectively. We tend to focus more on how the collective imagination, the collective consciousness, is expressing itself on this show. That’s where our focus is.
However, The One People’s Public Trust has been our main topic of conversation obviously, because that seems to be where and how we’re expressing the collective decision an intent that we put out there last year. Those of you who have been with us for a long time, in the beginning you know how much work we put into that week after week…our intentions, our meditations, our experiments. It’s been a beautiful journey. It really has, to watch the show evolve, to watch myself and the crew evolve, the audience evolve. We’ve all been on this amazing journey together. I just want to thank each and every one of you for participating. It’s been beautiful.
Now, I do have co-hosts. I just don’t know where they are, because we had some technical difficulties. I think I’ve got Bob.
Bob: Yeah, I’m here. (chuckle)
Lisa: Where’s Chris? Is he with you?
Bob: Chris…where is Chris?
Lisa: I don’t know.
Bob: He said he can’t get into Skype.
Lisa: He can’t get into Skype. That’s interesting. Can you add him to your call?
Bob: Yeah. I’ll add him on.
Lisa: See how that works. I think we do have Brian Kelly, who’s on the road right now. I believe he’s joining us anyway. Are you there Brian?
Brian: I’m here, unless I’m muted and don’t know it, like last night. Can you hear me?
Lisa: I can hear you…loud and clear.
Brian: Hi, Lisa. Hi, guru Bob.
Lisa: I think we lost guru Bob for the moment. He’ll be back. He’ll be back. So, you’re on the road, is that right? So, if we lose you…
Brian: I am. I am. Now, you’ve got me for an hour. I’ve got a 6:00 Pacific-time appointment that I’ll probably run into a few minutes late. I’ll be on for the first half of the show and there in spirit for the second half. Looking forward to the awesome flash mobs that we have lined up for tonight.
Lisa: We do. We will have some fun yet again.
Lisa: I do love these flash mobs. Guys, they are making a big difference. The people who have come across my path in the last few days have said to me “What’s all this OPPT-IN stuff?”…not having any idea that I’ve got anything to do with it or I know anything about it. They’re just musing “There’s all this OPPT-IN stuff on my Facebook. Do you know anything about it?”…” Well, yeah, I could probably share a couple of things with you.”
Lisa: It’s fun. It really is.
Brian: Yes, it is. It’s a lot of fun. Every day is an adventure. Just another day in paradise as they say.
Lisa: Yes, it is. There are some things we didn’t cover off in yesterday’s show that I want to re-introduce today, as it may be a new audience. It usually is. For those who were with us yesterday and joining us again today, that’s lovely. Thank you for joining in. One of the things that we talked about was websites that are supporting OPPT-IN. I just wanted to clarify, because apparently what I said caused a little bit of confusion. What I’m saying is that there are lots of websites coming out…blogsites coming out and what have you… all around the world. People coordinating with their local area and trying to get the word out in their local area…whether it’s a city, a country, province, small town, whatever… these websites are being created by individuals who are just supporting The One People’s Public Trust and trying to help educate others. Some of them do ask for donations. The only clarification I want to make here is if you do make a donation, you’re supporting the person who created that website. That is fine. If you live in New York…and I know that there is a One People’s Public Trust website from New York and you want to support that person for doing that and helping to educate you and helping you to connect with other people in your area…then by all means do that. It’s just that those funds are not going to The One People’s Public Trust per se. They’re going to the person who created that site. If you want to support them, by all means do so. So just some clarification there.
What else was there? I’m going to try and get some of our people back. Where are they all? We should have D in the queue too. Where is she?
Brian: D is probably calling from Skype.
D: I’m here.
(several talking at once and general laughter)
Lisa: And we’ve got Chris as well.
Chris: Yeah, I’m here. Battling my way through the internet maze. We’re here now. Good.
(several talking at once)
D: (inaudible)…difficulties getting on tonight too. It’s like “Come on, Skype. You can do this. Hold the light.”
(general laughter)
Lisa: With Blogtalk itself, it wasn’t going to let us login and start the show, but, we’re here.
D: The ankle-biters are everywhere right now, darlin’. Let me tell you.
Lisa: They are. They’ve taken down the website for a little while. They’ve taken down three other websites that I know of in the last 24 hours.
D: Oh, I’ve been hacked several times in the last 72 hours. They were messing with my email and then messing with files on my computer. Files that I didn’t have access to when I went to go open the file. They were like being used by someone else…”Oh, really”.
Brian: (chuckle) By the way, if the person that hacked the OPPT-IN website is listening to this call, I want you to know we’re on to you and we have security measures in place to make sure you NEVER do such a thing again. Whaa ha ha ha.
(general laughter)
Lisa: Nicely said. Nicely said. So, Brian, if we don’t have you for too long, is there any updates you wanted to come straight out with at the top of the show?
Brian: Wow…yeah…gosh. Things are super exciting with what I’m doing on kind of organizing the troops. The amount of emails that came in last night…every time we put an announcement out there, it just blows my mind. What I’m doing right now is I’m organizing a team of people that are really good with project management, organization, operation. Just like any well-established business, we’re in the process of getting very well organized. One thing I want to put out there is what we want to do with this flash-mob thing. It has (chuckle) such great potential. Myself, Lisa and Chris were talking about it before we went on last night. What we want to do is we want to get more organized in our flash-mob approach. Become professional flash-mobbers, if you will. When you take into consideration all the Facebook pages, all the emails that we can do, phone calls, faxes. If somebody doesn’t want to listen, try knocking down their door with 150,000 people singing the same tune. All of a sudden they don’t really have a whole lot of choice but to open up their ears and receive the message.
What I want to put out on the call for tonight is that we need to create professional flash-mob strategic team. If you’re one of those people that have great ideas…I know everyone’s that’s listening to this call has some ideas…but if you think you have great ideas and you think you have a special ability to come up with creative ideas like D’s whoopee cushion and hair dye prank type ideas for flash-mobbing…send us an email at [email protected]. By next week, we’ll have an organized team. This is something we’re not going to do just on these calls, we’re going to do these flash mobs as a day in and day out, push, drop the hammer hard in every way kind of operation from this point moving forward. That’s the biggest thing that I wanted to put out there.
I’m shocked…190,000 live callers? I don’t know of other blogtalk shows that have received that kind of exposure so quickly. How exciting it is to be a part of it. Every day I’m excited to see what unfolds from the amount of DO’ing that’s going on out there. People are submitting their own artwork and designs and ideas. We’re all on a level playing field here. Everybody is part of the One People part of the collective. It’s not our operation that’s on this phone call. It’s everybody out there who wants to contribute and has an opportunity to do so in their own way. Thank you for everyone listening. I look forward to a great call. I’ve got about another 40 minutes before my appointment, but I will be listening to the archives as soon as I’m done with this appointment. Happy to be here.
Lisa: Thanks, Brian.
Brian: Thanks, Lisa.
Lisa: Oh, I just forgot what I was going to say. It just went straight out of my head…straight out. That’s bizarre.
(general laughter)
Chris: While you’re having a mental moment there, I was just going to say that one of the things that we’ve been discussing more and more in the background is just the sheer power of the numbers of the One People. We’re really starting to get that message across. When we actually get into action the way Brian’s talking about…so we have a mid-day flash mob every day or at a certain time…the system will feel it.
Lisa: Absolutely. I’ll really do love the idea of emails too. I’d love someone to wake up one morning and have 100,000 or 200,000 emails in their Inbox, all saying the same thing.
Brian: Hey Lisa, so we can take advantage of the 2-hour time, do you want to throw a flash-mob out there now? Then we can switch it up halfway through? What’s your plan on that?
Lisa: Yeah, we can do that. I’ll just grab hold of some of the links that I’ve got ready to go. Most of you probably do know, we’re looking at Obama’s State of the Union address that’s supposed to happen today or tonight, in the next few minutes. We want to get to websites where they may be advertising that or showing it live, things like that. In the chat room, I just put the Facebook address for NBC; it’s If you haven’t already, you can go to the Facebook page for OPPT-IN. There will be lots of photographs and albums there with the Foreclosed signs on them for bankers and politicians and royalty and just about everybody. By all means you can take those photographs and you can share them on your own timeline. You can share them on these flash mobs. That’s one of the easiest ways to do it. There we go,, asking Obama in his State of the Union address to address The One People’s Public Trust.
D: Oh, I like that! Whoo hoo hoo.
Brian: I love it!
(general laughter)
Lisa: Everybody who can, bring up Facebook. Let’s see how we go. This is so exciting to watch this in real time, as we did last time. (silence) Oops, oops, what’s going on? (silence) “In your State of the Union address”…
Brian: (chuckle) I’m driving with an ear-to-ear smile, rushing down (inaudible) … just thinking about what’s going on and what’s about to happen. What’s great is these news sites are going to have a much higher concentration of traffic. People go in there naturally to talk about their thoughts on the State of the Union. So it’s going to be funny (chuckle), when we just take over their entire Facebook page. Whoever came up with this flash mob idea in the beginning, I love you. Whoever you are. Wherever you are.
Lisa: Brian Bradley.
Brian: Oh! Thanks Brian. Thanks BB.
(general laughter)
Lisa: Yeah. Oh, here we go! Here they come. That looks great, people. Nice.
Brian: Hey, hammer ’em home. Hammer ’em home everybody. Multiple posts is necessary.
Lisa: And liking other people’s posts as well.
Brian: Yes. There you go. I can’t do one now, because I’m driving, but I will when I stop.
Lisa: I want to encourage you…
D: (inaudible) right now, looking at the phone number for the White House switchboard. Oooh! Oooh, oooh, oooh! We could have everyone flash mob the switchboard? I’m just sayin’.
(general laughter)
Lisa: Well, what’s the number? Come on.
D: Area code 202…numbers 456-1414.
Brian: Oh my God! It’s so funny (chuckle).
Lisa: 202-456-1414. Okay, I put it in the chat room as well…White House switchboard. Do you think that will be answered by a living, breathing individual?
D: It says White House switchboard. I don’t know. Now, there is another phone number here for comments, which is area code 202-456-1111. That might be one where you just leave a recorded comment. That could be good too.
Lisa: Yeah, do you want to repeat it again?
D: How about merging (distorted) calls(?)…202-456-1111.
Lisa: Okay, that’s gone into the chat room as well. So, when you’re standing around and you’re cooking dinner and you got nothing to do, just call the number.
Brian: Call the White House.
(general laughter)
Lisa: Well, hello there (chuckle).
(general laughter)
Brian: Excuse me. May I speak to President Obama please? I know he’s busy, but this is extremely important.
(continued laughter)
D: I like it. I think that’s an awesome idea.
(continued laughter)
D: I’m just going to jump in here for a second. If everyone’s really in the mood to stand up and BE, I mean seriously BE, we have a member of our team…someone who has been doing a lot of transcription work and helped me out with that…who is being kicked out of her house tomorrow. We’ve been kind of organizing a little mini flash mob to the local sheriff, who’s the one who is kicking her out of her house. So, if you should so feel like you need to express yourself and send an email to [email protected]…(inaudible)…
Lisa: Can you just skype that to me, D? I’ll just put that in to the chat room.
D: [email protected]. If someone wants to drop him a line and just tell him that foreclosing on someone’s house and kicking someone out of their home and devastating their daughter who’s lived in that house for her entire life and is now emotionally scarred and terrified of the police kicking in their door with weapons. If you want to just drop a little email to the guy, telling him “Dude, you’re committing a crime.”
Lisa: I just skyped you the email address, D. Can you confirm it’s right? Then I’ll share it.
D: Hold on, I will drop it over to you.
Lisa: Are you allowed to say the area? Just in case there are people who are local and may physically want to pay the guy a visit?
D: It is in Missouri…in, oh goodness…
Brian: Jackson County:
D: Jackson County?
Brian: Correct.
D: Yes, it’s a nastiness. It’s a real nastiness. She went to the court fully armed knowing what her rights were with her UCC files. Not only did they absolutely refuse to acknowledge anything, they gave her less than 48 hours, I believe, to get out before the sheriff was coming to evict her.
Bob: D, what we are talking about right now. We’re almost getting a 5D education on how to live. Because all of us share all of our interests on the Earth, what effects one effects all of us. So, we should support each other.
D: Absolutely. Now, I’ve had messages from people saying they’ve been calling the sheriff’s department there and getting hung up on. Oh, I can give you his phone number too. Everyone want his phone number? I’ll give you his pager too. Would you like his pager number? I’ve got all of them.
Lisa: Just Skype them to me and I’ll stick them into chat.
D: The sheriff’s name is Oliver (Glen) Boyer. The area code is (626) 797-5521.
Lisa: Repeat, (626) 797-5521.
D: Now, apparently he’s just gotten to the point where he’s just hanging up on people. But you know what? I don’t care. It takes a little time away from his dinner, doesn’t it?
(general laughter)
Lisa: I was going to say something along the same lines that Bob just said, is that we’re all in this together. Chris can elaborate on it more in terms of the legal ramifications, but this his is a way in which we can support each other week in and week out for people who have got issues
D: Exactly.
Lisa: We’ll never get to everybody because there is so many, but there’s certain things that we can do in the moment on these programs. Although, I feel like it might be too big and it feels overwhelming right now, because there are simply so many people from all over the world who are suffering. But if there was a point, a central point, where people could express their concerns or what their issues are and tens or hundreds of thousands of people could come on board and send an email or make a phone call or send a Facebook message or a text message.
D: Yep, I agree.
Chris: D, what about the name of this person so we can reference the email?
D: I would rather not give her name out over the radio.
Chris: How can we identify what it is we’re complaining about? Just the fact that he’s performing an eviction on a certain person?
D: Oh, I’m pretty sure there’s only one person who’s had hundreds of people write emails and phone calls for. I think he’ll get the picture without a name. For the sake of privacy, I don’t really want to give her name out over the phone. Like I said, I’m pretty sure any email that comes in saying “Hey dude. You’re screwing things up. Stop.” I think he’ll get the picture of who it’s about.
Lisa: Cease and desist all eviction activity.
Chris: Indeed. If you want me to, Lisa, I’ll give the listeners a quick rundown on how we’re seeing the liability that’s taking place here. That the liability that the sheriff is incurring and how it stems from what the People’s Trust has done.
D: That’s one of the things that I put in my email that I sent to him, was that “We will hold you personally and every person under your command who follows you to that house personally liable.”
Chris: Indeed. Exactly. Now just to explain to the listeners, when the People’s Trust collapsed the corporations, what they left was a landscape where there are just people. It’s just the planet and the people, even the countries are gone. The way that it works now lawfully, I won’t use the term legal because the legal system was part of the corporate empire and that’s been collapsed, so the legal statute systems don‘t exist. What’s left is Common Law, Universal Law and UCC Law.
Now, situations like this cut through each of those types of law. Universal Law is that you may act as long as you don’t affect the free will choice of another, which the sheriff is clearly doing, because the person he’s evicting has no wish to be thrown out of their house. So he’s acting against her free will choice. Under Common Law, he’s actually committing a tort against this person, because he thinks he works for an organization that doesn’t exist anymore. He’s actually working as an individual and under false pretenses, is actually physically assaulting these people if he removes them from the house. It could even be called kidnapping if he takes one of them down to the station, for instance, because he’s acting on his personal liability. All of these actions that he is doing aren’t under the statute, under the protection and the insurance of the statute system. He is completely on his own.
The way that it works is that the sheriff is instructed by somebody. Now, he is committing what’s called a legal tort, which is a harm against this family. He’s been instructed to do so by another individual, not by a court, by someone who formerly was known as a judge tapping him on the shoulder and saying “Excuse me, go and manhandle those people and throw them out on the street and commit a crime against them.” That’s actually what’s going on now. That is the lawful landscape. Anyone involved in that chain of conspiracy to do harm to that family are also personally liable. So if there are other officers involved, if there’s a clerk of court involved, they’re all personally liable. They need to know this and if they get it told to them by 195,000 people, they will get the message.
Here’s one angle that we’re working on. We’re not sure whether we can lawfully insist on this, but we’re going to give it a shot. In the next couple of weeks we’ll see if we can work out a way of doing it. We’re all One People. The trustees in their filings, one of the things they actually ordered the One People to do, was assist the public servants of the Trust to actually help shut the corporations down. We’re actually obliged to do this, if you like, under the filings we’re supposed to help. These people are still promulgating crimes and promulgating a slavery system, so they’re clearly not doing the right thing. So if they’re committing torts against one person, are they not committing a harm against all of the One People? On that basis, any harm that people operating under these misguided assumptions actually make, they could actually be, if you like, served on by any one of the One People. Which means that these flash mobs can actually have a legal force behind them. We haven’t worked out all the aspects of this yet. This is what we’d like to do. There’s a huge, huge pressure effect from numbers…massive. We underestimate how much effect it has. If we can add a lawful edge to it, we’ll just amplify that enormously.
Lisa: Chris? In terms of impact of what we’re talking about doing here, with D’s friend or for D’s friend, we’ve got three rather high profile people at the moment. We’ve got Dean Clifford, who’s in prison in Canada. He’s high profile inside the sovereignty movement.
Chris: Oh, yes.
Lisa: We’ve got Brad Manning in the United States and we’ve got Schapelle Corby, currently in Bali. There’s three individuals who could get an awful lot of assistance and possibly exposure. We would have an instant reaction. We would know if they were released. They’re not going to let Schapelle go; not based on the current information, the current structure and the current background that’s available to us. What was it about four or five months ago they talked about letting her out? And that was a direct result of that movie that came out that Max Igan promoted quite a bit. Which I cannot remember the name of it right now, but it exposed the entire corruption behind her imprisonment. But nothing actually happened. They talked about it to shut people up and they didn’t follow through. Something like this for those three individuals, we’d see a result. We’d see the effectiveness of it.
Chris: We would, yes.
Lisa: Now, whether that could then give us ways in which to improve upon it or change it, whatever, or know that it’s successful either way.
Chris: Yeah. Well, all around the world, virtually all the governments on this planet are corporations. Governments that are imprisoning people under extremely dubious circumstances are actually acting individually. Those entire governments…everyone involved in putting someone in jail unlawfully, someone who’s not dangerous, someone who didn’t actually commit any harm under Common Law…then they become personally liable. Look, it’s a complex situation. We’ll develop these arguments over a period of time. At the moment, just the sheer weight of numbers from the flash mobs and the email flashes…they’ll have an effect. They won’t be missed. Like I say, we‘d like to add a lawful edge to all of them. We’ll let you know how that goes.
We’ve got to talk it through amongst our little research groups and with Heather and see if that’s executable. We do have other legal documents we’re preparing, which are actually probably absolutely pivotal at the moment for getting people into the DO’ing mode. We need to finish those first, but at all times we have a right to stand. We have a right to actually tell the people around us the situation is not what they thought and that we know it and now they know that we know. As I’ve said before, we are trying to get that slight regurgitation in their bowels when they start to see the emails piling up.
Lisa: Speaking of that dealing with the law, though, I just wanted to mention one thing, Bob. In Canada, we have had the Paradigm Report and the Press Release entered into a court case. The court was advised of the systemic fraud within the banking system and that the Bank of International Settlements, the Federal Reserve, etc, etc, had been foreclosed, that all commercial paper and real assets were in the hands of the trustees. They were cautioned that if the plaintiff continued they would be complicit in the crime of systemic fraud and held personally liable. So the judge has reserved their decision in order to review the evidence. So, we do have a case in Canada where the paperwork has been accepted and admitted into a case and the judge did not on the spot go “ Well I’m not looking at that”, which tends to be their usual response. We will keep you updated on that as well. D, give us an update on your friend as well next week.
D: She has no internet now. I haven’t been able to talk to her since this afternoon. I am hoping that very soon we’ll have some sort of an update from her.
Lisa: Okay, lovely. Bob, you wanted to say something?
Bob: Yeah. I just wanted to mention that when all these tools become available to us, it’s important. Because we’ve all been working on BE’ing and getting into the right frame of mind, so that we can envision what it is that we‘re actually trying to build and what we’re trying to build is a new world. It’s never been done before like this. Once we get those tools, they’re useless until we use them. We’ve got to put hammer to nail. So everyone, as many as you that can, get involved and have fun with it.
D: Have fun with it. Whoopee cushions for everyone!
Lisa: I want to just send out a thank you to KP, Kaulepele, on his blog he posted yesterday. Firstly, the whole of the show from yesterday, but also he took out the excerpt of Ken Bartle’s description and beautiful analogy for what he believes is a great way of explaining what’s taking place and what we’re doing when it comes to the Courtesy Notice and trying to educate the current system that the landscape has changed. So if you didn’t here that yesterday or you want to share it with others, you can probably get it from Kauilepele’s…download it directly from Kauilepele’s blog. I just wanted to say thank you to him for doing that because it was beautiful. It really was. We’re getting there. I was just looking at my list.
Also for those who didn’t hear it yesterday, Scott and Ken Bartles from western Australia, their “What the FUQ?”…it’s called ”What the F U Q? Frequently Unanswered Questions of the Australian Government”. It’s a documentary that these guys made last year. If you’re looking for a way to really get your head around what the One People’s Trust has done, this is a great resource. Because what these guys did in western Australia and Australia, is what the One People’s Trust did globally. If you’re looking for a way to try and explain it to others, send them to that video. Now, the views on that thing jumped by about 60,000, I think, last night…and to the website. So it worked. We got the word out yesterday and a lot of people obviously hadn’t seen it, especially outside of Australia. So just apply global thinking when you‘re watching it and you‘ll understand how this happened. Is there any other little quick updates that we wanted to cover off before we move into more of a discussion?
Chris: I have one. Just a meeting that I went to last night, which was an OPPT meet-up, first one in Melbourne. Big thanks to Linda and Rod who organized it and did an exemplary job of putting a group together in a very short period of time. I spoke to them for round about an hour to try and answer their questions and give a clear picture of what went on. It was tremendous the response that Linda is getting today. I was really, really excited. There are a couple of other people that are going to start groups in other parts of Melbourne. The sense of community was exactly what we’ve been working towards. Thanks to Linda and Rod for that and there’ll be more.
D: That’s awesome. I also just found out that there is a new OPPT website for Greece. I just got contacted today with it, so I’m quite excited about that. We’re adding it to the big list of all the sites. I know for a fact we’ve got OPPT sites now in Germany and the Netherlands and Greece.
Lisa: Wonderful.
Brian: Hey, one more thing just on Chris’s comment that he just made. If you’re out there and you’re listening to this call and you want to do something, a meet-up is a great start, because it’s so easy to host a meet-up group. Anybody that is searching for anything that’s even remotely like OPPT will be guided to it; that’s what meet-up does. If you have a meet-up community, you can do your own little mini flash mobs with various organizations around your own town. That’s a great way to meet people in your community and to start to raise awareness and to bring people up to speed with what’s going on in the One People’s Public Trust on a local level. Just another grass roots approach. So, if that resonates with you, hop on there. It’s so easy to start a meet-up group.
Lisa: Yeah, they are great. I’ve got one to go to next week in Sydney, so looking forward to that. There is one next Thursday in Sydney if you’re in the area. The details will be on my Facebook page. If you’re on Facebook or, you’ll be able to find those for Sydney. They are a great idea. For those who are listening in from Greece or have family and friends in Greece, I’ve just put the link to the Greek website in the chat room. It’s, for those who are just listening and
Chris: Before we leave the subject of meet-ups, I’d like to thank the people who came last night. I talked to quite a few of them and of like mind would be an understatement. (noise) Ouch.
Lisa: Yeah. Sorry about that, I dropped my headphones. (laughing) Oh, dude, having one of those days. There’s so many things to try to…what the People’s Public Trust has done has actually brought up so many questions for us, as the population of this planet, to start thinking about. It’s all good and well to say”Okay, the old structure is gone. We’re going to build a new one.”, but there’s a lot of questions. There are a lot of things we have to address. One of the things that’s fun about doing this show is being able to have these conversations and get them, in some cases, get them started or in other cases join in where they’ve already started. One of the things that came up yesterday was“What do we do collectively with the existing members of the old structure?” There’s been a lot of talk for some time about arrests. Drake even called for them to be shot on the spot at some point. How do we want to move forward?
One of the things that flashed into my mind yesterday was the movie, 2012. Towards the end there when one of those ships is obviously not viable and the call is made to just shut the doors and leave those people to perish. Of course John Cusack’s character comes in and says something along the lines of “We’re building a new world here. What are we going to build it on? Who are we going to be?” That’s what flashed into my head yesterday, when that question came up because that’s all I could think of. If we’ve got a clean slate now and can build a new world and be the People, the BE’ings, who are DO’ing, what we are really meant to BE here and DO? What does that look like? If we are self-responsible and self-governing, what does like that look like? How do we build those foundations to work from? Does incarcerating everybody who’s ever worked in a bank, does that serve us? We’ve also got the question of what about those people who are really caught between a rock and a hard place.
Julien, who joined us on the show a couple of weeks ago, has been energetically receiving a lot of information over the last few weeks. He contacted us one morning quite upset, saying he feels that there are cabal members who really are caught between a rock and a hard place. They want to do the right thing. They want to come out and disclose what they know. But they can’t, because the people behind them will take them out and take their families out. They also don’t feel like they can, because the mob will take them out. They are choosing to opt out themselves. They’re taking their own lives. He just felt at the time that there was only four or five, but that it happened overnight…pretty quickly …and that is a sad state of affairs. Even David Icke talks about the idea that not everybody involved in the matrix is necessarily there because they want to be.
Chris: Lisa, this subject came up last night. One of the gentlemen at the meeting said that at some point there’s an aspect of forgiveness in all this so that we can all move on. We talked about that for awhile and virtually all the people there agreed that if we really seek revenge, we just become them and we don’t want to go there.
Bob: This is the foundation of how we start this and how we build this. What are we going to build this on? The energy that we’re receiving and what’s allowing this to go move forward and grow so quickly. We’ve got to stay in that high vibration. So, what have we learned? Because this whole journey, like I said, has been like a crash course. This has been Mystery School AP. Because for all of us it brings up so many issues and this is one of those issues of how do we treat the ones who do us ill? If you’re going to measure a society, how we treat our enemies is probably one of the best measures. Or we don’t want to even look at them as enemies, but those who harm us.
Lisa: That’s right, I agree. D, what’s your thoughts?
D: Funnily enough, I had a conversation with Heather just the other day. At the end of a very seriously, intense, brain-warping conversation, we were talking along these lines of these members…the cabal if you will…these puppets…because they are puppets of those who are controlling them. Heather was talking about the fact that we need to love their eternal hearts too, because their eternal hearts are doing what they need to do, etc. I said “Well, I understand that and it’s fine, but if I see Papa Shrub in front of me, I WILL kick him in the balls. I might give him a hug afterwards and tell him that I love him…”
(general laughter)
D: “or even give him an ice pack, but I’m still rather 3D…sorry.”
Chris: Yeah. This is the struggle that people have. They want some justice. What I said to them was that there are probably people in the system who have done such evil things that there’s really no redemption for them. But that’s really, really a specific group inside those camps.
(several talking at once)
Lisa: They’re also probably the ones that wouldn’t be asking for it Chris are they?
Chris: No, they’d just be trying to head off planet probably. But there are many, many, many in there who have been trapped…for various reasons, been drawn into it…and found that they have been completely compromised and been unable to get out and are desperate to get out and want to do the right thing if possible but cannot. Now, I just got a message from Julian and I will read you what he said…“I am feeling intense relief/love energy from the ones in the hard place, just by what they are hearing right now. I’m overwhelmed.”
Lisa: Oh, wow! We do know they are listening. We know they are listening to this show.
(several talking at once)
Chris: They listen to these shows. They know what we’re thinking. We understand their position. Helping them come forward is very difficult, because we can’t offer them any physical protection. Only by helping them to get as public as possible as quickly as possible. We know it is very difficult for any person on this call here, for instance, to get a voice in the mainstream media to get up to the huge numbers, which would be the safest place for them. But we certainly…the families of these people…for the great majority would be innocent by-standers. They are caught up in this web of threat…very difficult situation for everybody.
Lisa: I have to say, I don’t know if you guys are watching the chat room, but overwhelmingly in the chat room people are saying, “Yes, we have to forgive them…It is not our place for retribution…Let’s leave that to the Creator…Leave that to Source…Leave that to God.” There’s even a “We love you” message. If they are watching and they are monitoring this, then I’m sure they’re feeling a lot better. Also it comes back to a conversation that I’ve had multiple times with multiple interview guests, or radio guests, or just privately in conversation, about it all serves Source anyway… ultimately. Even if we take something as horrific as 911…shocking, horrible, evil act…woke so many people up.
D: Yes, it did.
Lisa: Where do you go with that? Do you thank them for it or do you still blame them for the lives lost? It woke up more people than lives were lost and yet how do we know on a bigger picture scale those individuals didn’t make that decision to leave at that time to participate in our awakening? These are bigger spiritual questions, I know.
D: Oh, yes.
Bob: I‘ve always been of the belief, Lisa, that this was all a game. It was all an experiment. It was a grand play. I’ve always said that at the end everybody stands on the stage and takes a bow. The heroines and the villains and we all have the after party together. This has been in my mind for a long time and now here we are. Because when you look at the whole picture, it was the contrast that allowed us to see who we are. The energy that we’re moving in right now…everybody, whatever is inside of you right now, you are experiencing in a very real way outside of you. Those who have negative things, they’re suffering right now. They are undergoing emotional trauma, physical trauma, because the energy is being reflected back so much quicker and with so much more force. So if there was ill intent, it’s going to come back on you. This is one of those eras where I don’t think you can be deceptive in this new energy. I don’t think it’s possible.
Lisa: It comes back to bite you on the ass very, very quickly.
Bob: It does…very quick.
D: Instant…karma is going to get you.
Chris: My response to this is this has to stop and the only people that can put a stop to it, is us. So as the weeks and months ahead of us that come…if you’re in a position to do something, do it. Because one of the things that came out of our discussions with Julien yesterday…because we’re in touch fairly often…is that the time line that he’s seeing, the way that it unfolds…it’s inevitable that we get this new paradigm that is coming. That it is 100% going to come. The only variable is how much energy we put into it to make it happen sooner. That’s the thing that we are working on here. That’s why…I know you guys are listening and we want to become DO’ers at some point and listeners. We are hoping that the tools that are coming out will encourage you to take a stand and that the people around you will gradually get on board. All I can say is, I’m looking for the moment where Absolute Data arrives, because that is the point where this really stops. There’s so many people suffering everywhere, we have to end this. This old paradigm has to go.
D: Yep…instantly please.
Lisa: In the twinkling of an eye.
Chris: Well, that’s the term that Heather uses. I understand that if all the humans stood at once and said “No, we’re done.”…it would be the twinkling of an eye. We’re getting that the crowd is going to leap to their feet and cheer like someone just scored a goal, but it is going to be in slow motion. Except for the last part of it where the majority of the crowd all at once come up. We are just the cheer squad, the people who just get to their feet first. But it’s coming. It’s a wave.
Lisa: It seems like we have a lot of people with their hands up. Now, whether they actually want to speak or not, well, I guess we’ll find out. Sounds like a lot of people might have a view on this. I might take a couple of calls just to see what’s happening. We’ve got area code 561…561? You’ve got your hand up and your mic is now live. (silence) Okay, I’m muting you now.
Brian: Hey Lisa, on that silent note, it is my time. So I wish you all a beautiful evening. I look forward to connecting with you next week. I love you all. I’ll talk to you soon.
Lisa: Okay, thanks Brian. We will do one or two more flash mobs before the end of the show.
Brian: Beautiful, good luck, flash mob it.
Lisa: Okay, we’ve got area code 646…Hello?
Caller: Hi, how are you?
Lisa: I am good…who are we speaking to?
Rick (caller): This is Rick again. I spoke with you last week
Lisa: Hi Rick, how are you doing?
Rick: I’ve had a glass of wine, so I am much more relaxed than I was last week.
Lisa: (laughing)…it’s a little early for me, but I’ll get there later.
Rick (caller): I have to say I like this particular conversation over the Monday’s, because Monday seems to be about details and strategies and this is about concepts. I’m much more concepts driven, so I’m glad to be speaking with you again. Let me just say what is on my mind. I believe that when the light really does dawn on the greater part of humanity…like the ones that the system has most severely oppressed…like in third world countries…and those humans, particularly like women and children…and the more patriarchally dominant countries…how is the prosperity, and the concepts of utter freedom …how are they even going to be able to grock what’s going on? Because they’re like in the Maslow’s hierarchy of need, they’re really down on the survival there where they are trying to get by day to day. Meanwhile, we’re saying”Yeah, we are going to be free.” and “We are going to get all this stuff.” It is something we can grasp. It is something that we have the luxury of talking about.
But we are talking about some seven billion people on the planet. I just heard the talk about it being a wave, so I do get that. I understand that things are going to come in kind of a progressive fashion. But then I think in terms of the people that are so used to running their lives in a nefarious or controlling or dominating way. How are they…is it going to be some sort of wonderful spiritual shift? I would be totally open to that; you don’t have to convince me of that. People expect their garbage to be picked up by the curb every week. They expect to go into a room and flip their finger and the lights come on. All of those things are managed, because we are basically…those are services and goods and transportation and everything provided by a formerly enslaved society. So are we going to come together as a community? Just because, say, we love what we do and continue to do all those things since money will ostensibly be an object? Do you see where I am coming from there?
Lisa: I think so and you have touched on a few different points. I‘ve had the conversation with a couple of people and I think Chris and I have also discussed it about countries that have Sharia law. What are they going to think when they look at a CVAC? Are they going to go “Excuse me? I don’t think so.” What it physically looks like when we’re not driven by money or the need for an income and survival. One of the things that is part of the CVAC announcements is all Absolute Data, including the release of technologies that have been suppressed. I’ve been told about this from various people just within Australia. Apparently there’s three different groups that I know about, who have created waste disposal units that kind of vaporize or dematerialize your waste products. So you don’t need someone to come and collect your garbage, because you will have a unit in your own home.
Rick (caller): I get that. I understand that there’s a lot of technology that’s just right there waiting to be revealed to us. I think there are people will just jump on that. But there is probably going to be this transitional time where people, like you have mentioned earlier in the call last night, people expecting to be told what to do. They’re going “Well, how do we do this?” They’re getting upset with you, because you’re not answering them fast enough. I’m thinking there’s this massive amount of dysfunction in society and it’s exhausting to you folks that are just trying to answer the questions. So, imagine what it’s going to be like at a planetary level. I’m not speaking dubiously. I’m speaking…I’m kind of trying to come up with great ideas…kind of crunching the numbers and coming up with the ideas to BE a leader in my community.
Lisa: Just BE it…create it and they will come.
Chris: Indeed. Look, if I could just…and I know that Bob will have something to say about this as well…but I’ll lead off. The bottom line is this…the paradigm shift is going to overtake people’s lives in different ways, depending on their role, their attitude, everything about their basic belief set. But, what I like to try to keep in mind, is the destination. If you can imagine a place where everybody is free to choose, to what degree they divide up, contributing to society and living. We don’t have any choice about that at the moment. We’re told “No.”, at terms of employment are not favorable for us, but if you could imagine…..if you for instance…. really wanted to do something for the community and you quite liked driving a garbage truck…. you like flying around the streets and picking up garbage and you are happy to do it three days a week….and there are others guys that are happy to do it and fill in the other week and they do it quite well because they like doing it. There are guys who love building cars and ladies who love nursing…for instance, most nurses don’t do it for the money. They would be happy to divide their time more between living and working. They are contributing back to society, because the lifestyle they will get, they have this opportunity to live a completely different life.
In other words, they are actually working their passions. They are at what they want to do. It’s what they do to return energy to the community because it is all about energy. We supply the energy to make this world function. We build the factories that produce the electricity that happens when you flicked the lights on; that’s us. Now, it’s a hard thing to grasp, that we could live that way. The only reason for that is for our entire lives we’ve been forced to live another way. How the different people around the world will adapt to it, I think we will be incredibly surprised how rapidly that change takes place because the patriarchal domineers that you spoke of before the correction will come from us and from the people around those people. When everybody knows that we are all on an equal footing, watch this chap over here who’s wanting to start running another little hierarchy. No thanks…no hierarchies here. So I will hand it over to Bob for his comments on that.
Bob: Well, I was just going to say that this is what is a revelation to a lot of people when we’re starting to discover who we really are. You’re going to understand that nobody does anything inappropriate given their understanding of their circumstances. Nobody thinks that they are a bad guy. Even the worst of the worst, they don’t think of themselves as being bad. Whether they’re satisfying an addiction or a need that needs to be satisfied, they’re doing what they feel they need to do in order for them to be. When you start to remove a lot of the things that people do in order to fit into society, a lot of those ideals that we’ve held for so long…a lot of the fear …a lot of the oppression. Well, a lot of things change. Just so many things change, internally so many things change. Your motivation changes. If you were not getting paid to do it, how many of you would stay in your job? Think about that.
Bevan: I used to interview people and give them that question and then watch the wheels turn (chuckles)
Bob: It’s funny, because so many people are doing what they are doing because of money. When you remove that as a factor, your motivation is going to change. You’re going to naturally gravitate towards the things you want to do. I don’t want to have to crunch numbers. I’m only doing that for my paycheck. If my paycheck isn’t coming, I’m certainly not going to spend eight hours a day crunching numbers. I’d rather be gardening or I’d rather be whatever. That will become your motivation. What it is that fulfills you… what makes you happy…because there is no human nature, there is only human behavior. All of us are Divine Spirit. When a Divine Spirit is oppressed and they are threatened and they feel separated and alone, this is how Divine Spirit behaves. We’ve learned that, so we don’t do that to Divine Spirit. You do not grieve the Spirit. You go in line with what makes you feel good, because what hurts one hurts the whole thing.
If you get a little tiny small cut on your tiny little finger and it’s just a paper cut, regardless of how small and insignificant, it’s going to annoy the whole entire body and the whole entire body will suffer. Well, here this little part of the solar system, imagine it as a cut on Source’s finger and until it gets repaired the whole thing suffers. So when what is Absolute is coming here, it means exactly that…absolute. There’s not a lot of choice involved here because this whole experiment where we’re learning about free choice and how to exercise it, it is over. It’s time to play a new game and enter into a new paradigm. All of those wounds must be healed. This is why I emphasize when I close my eyes, I see purple all of the time. I associate that with forgiveness. This is the energy that is coming through and it is what is necessary in order to heal.
Bevan: Beautiful…lovely…love the way how you said that Bob.
Lisa: Bob, it’s actually a perfect segue into something I wanted to bring up on the show, which was our why. There’s our why…as in the crew here, who are here on the radio show…why do we do it. I spend 12 hours a day usually sitting at my computer working away. There’s not a cent in it (chuckles), so I’m not driven by money. I’m not driven by any material gain because there just isn’t any. Why did I start doing this in the first place? Why am I now doing what I am doing? I know my personal why. I’m putting it out there to the audience too. Why are you resonating with the information that gets shared on these radio shows? Why have you responded to The One Peoples Public Trust? Why are you feeling that you want to DO? Because what brought this up for me was Caleb actually, one of the trustees, sent a link to a TED talk, only goes for about twenty minutes. I’ll put the link into the chat room. A guy called Simon Sinek did a TED talk and he was talking about what makes great, not leaders as such, but what motivates people to follow. Whether it’s buy in a business, follow a brand, become part of a movement and it’s because whoever is leading that business or movement or represents that product is able to communicate the why.
If you’re talking to people trying to introduce them into the The One People’s Public Trust and you don’t understand or can’t express the technology of it, that’s fine, as long as you understand the why that you’re connecting with it. You can express that. People will hear it and people will feel it and people will want to know more. That’s just something I wanted to put out there. Really get your own head and your own heart around your own personal why…why you want to see this work. The answer for most of us is really easy, we want to be free. We want the entire world to be free and we’ve wanted that for as long as we’ve known that we weren’t free.
Bob: Lisa?
Lisa: Yeah?
Bob: I think my brother is bursting at the seams to say something.
Lisa: Okay, where is he…oh, there he is, Bevan, are you there?
Bevan: Yes I am.
Lisa: (laughs) Your seams haven’t burst yet I hope…let’s go.
Bevan: I was listening to you talk and I remember way back when the show first started in its infancy. I remember you asking me a question, way back then, of what I saw happening with the show. I told you it would take a life of its own. Looking at it now, I couldn’t even imagine how this has unfolded. There was no way to even actually create these events that are actually happening for all of us that are here. There was truly no way to see it. All I saw was complete abundance. I was transferring that back to you in what I saw and now you see. You see the unfolding of just allowing people to know the truth and how the truth literally just completely ignites the world. It’s actually miraculous, just this aspect, because it hasn’t been that long that we’ve, that my brother, you and others who’ve been actively a part of this. There is another highlight I want to bring up about forgiveness. It’s completely impossible to forgive anything unless you have forgiven yourself. If you’re holding anything about yourself or negativity about yourself, how can you transfer forgiveness to someone else? People have to completely weed out that negative, what they may consider something negative within them and fall in love with it.
Bob: When it’s not there, that is where judgment, people who begin to judge, are the ones who haven’t forgiven themselves. They have to judge because they are judging themselves. When you’re clear of all that, you really don’t feel the need to judge anybody, because you’ve forgiven yourself. We’ve done terrible things in our life. It may not be as atrocious as what we see going out in the world, but the way it affected us may be just be as deep. Whether it was, running over an animal or being cruel to a homeless person, it may have affected us just as deeply. You can’t tell where their level of consciousness or awareness is and what it takes to reach some people. Look what it took to wake us up. Really think about this, what did it take?
Bevan: I know it’s taken me all my life. I’ve been working consistently, actively waking up and coming into new enlightenment as others would say. It’s not an overnight process. We’re pretty much like the fruit of a tree, ripening at its own pace. Some of us are ripening ahead of others. It doesn’t mean that it gives us any grander aspects in life. It’s just that we’ve actually been able to take the nutrients in a lot quicker than some others have and been able to apply it. So if you look at the world scale, even here in this forum, all the listeners that are listening in, they are ripe for the knowledge. People are taking action. You can’t ask for anything better than that because people are doing the work on their own. They’re not being spoon fed. The ones who are still wanting to be spoon fed or are holding onto that negative old energy, as was stated earlier, they are the ones that are actually suffering. They’re the ones that are hurting. I don’t know of any person who is in the true light of things of what is really going on, is really a (inaudible). It’s exciting times. It’s times that seem to be snowballing so quickly. Yet we’re still rushing toward it and it’s coming in faster. It’s happening so exponentially. It’s happening almost like it is in the twinkling of an eye. Things are changing overnight. I’m seeing things just in my own reality and what I’m actually preparing in my own life. It’s a beautiful thing.
(long silence)
Bob: And you could have heard a pin drop. (laughs)
Lisa: (laughter) Sorry, I was muted. I think Ds’ got an update for us. D, you there? Hello, D? She does, but I’ll do it for her (chuckles).
D: Mute button… (laughter)
Lisa: Oh…there she is.
D: Oh…I’ll get used to that one of these times. I just got this sent to me about that lovely sheriff we were talking earlier. Apparently he is going to be on the radio tomorrow morning at 8:30 am. They are going to be taking calls. (cough, cough) Hmm, just a thought, the radio station is KJFF Radio, on-demand radio, go to Just a thought, in case anyone feels the need to call and maybe voice their opinion.
Lisa: I think this is a great test case for us to see how effective it can be.
D: Absolutely. Just remember to tell him you love him, when you are done.
(Lisa chuckles)
Lisa: Now I was going to share with you, by popular demand apparently, a vision that I had, that I woke up with. Chris said “Please, please, talk about it on the show.” This is what I mentioned yesterday. I mentioned it yesterday, because I shared the vision with Heather. She got back to me a week later and she said “I was in a fever for 3 days after you shared that with me, but I think it was a good fever.” She had a positive response to it. I went to bed last week listening to an interview that Heather was supposed to do, but only lasted about 15 minutes. Angel Lucci did this interview with Mel V from Freedom Central. When I finished listening to it, I put the computer away, went to sleep and woke up the next morning with, I hate the word download, but it’s the only way I can describe it I think. It was, because it was just the flash of an image that lasted a split second, but it came with all of this information that felt like it had been encrypted. It took my mind a couple of minutes to decrypt it and run crypt it or whatever it is. I laid there as all of this information unfolded. I just couldn’t stop smiling. The image was of a face and the name of the face was, “The Beast”. It represented the cabal right through the dimensions, right throughout creation, right up to and including boots on the ground 3D Earth. It wasn’t an evil, satanic-looking face, by any means. It was actually like it was almost made out of smoke. It was ethereal, transparent. It wasn’t pretty, but it wasn’t necessarily ugly either. It had its mouth open and I could see that it was inhaling, sort of sucking up energy.
This beast had established harvesting tools on each dimension throughout creation and right here on this boots on the ground Earth. That harvesting tool is the UCC. When these documents were filed, they have a unique energetic signature. As they were filed, this unique energetic signature was going back through this creation, this harvesting tool creation, right through the dimensions. Suddenly this beast, it hit the beast’s mouth and it sucked it in it and started to choke on it. It was shocked and surprised and scared because it realized that it was choking on its own creation. That its creation had been turned in on itself and it didn’t expect it. In the following days, there were other little bits of information that just seemed to get unlocked. It was that there was no karma. This was not an act of retribution or revenge on our part at all. It was always meant to happen and it was always meant to happen just like this. The beast was always meant to be caught by surprise. It was always part of the plan.
As this energetic signature travels back through the dimensions and through creation, it’s dismantling the slavery systems on each level. Everybody is being freed as a result, not just here, but everybody and everything. Not just humanity, but as we talked about with the gold meditation, the consciousness of the gold. That we’ve enslaved gold, not only here on the planet, but gold exists right throughout creation in various forms, in gaseous, in liquid, conscious and unconscious, and all of these things Heather has talked about in the past. They’ve been enslaved throughout creation, so it is the consciousness of everything that is being freed. It blew me away and it came to me in a way that was perfect for me to get it. It was a custom-made vision for me, be cause I got it instantly. I knew what it meant for me, but if that helps anybody to get a visual on energetically what is going on then…
Bevan: I could…now this is on a personal note…in 2012, Lisa, I made a…how do I want to say it…I stated that I wanted to be completely free of anything that was enslaving me. When you look, when you talk about being enslaved and freeing everything, I want everyone in the room or that may be listening, look at your lives. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want to be freed. There must have been a lot of things that were changing in your life up until this point. A lot of things we put categories on that may be chaotic…it’s stress or whatever. A lot of those things that you wanted as far as freedom had to be released, whether it came off in a negative tone to you, but it was what was necessary. Like for me for instance, I’ll put myself out there on the frying pan. I stated that I wanted to be completely free. The very first thing that happened to me, my job was gone. The very next thing that happened to me, my marriage ended. The very next thing that happened to me, I was taken out of my house, the house that was enslaving me. The very next thing that happened to me, my vehicle was taken away.
All of these things that were holding me back, I could have looked at it as a negative tone that was happening in my life, but it was all the things that were needed to release me from any type of bondage or restraint that was holding me back. I am looking at my life right now. I wasn’t taking it in a negative tone, but it was something that I knew that was needed to be necessary. All that which you saw in your vision, Lisa, is just that everyone who is yearning for this, everyone who is just envisioning it as a reality, all of those shackles are falling off of them and no one would be here if that is not the case. Look at your own personal life and see what is going on. See what is transitioning. It’s not negative things that are happening to you, It’s things that are releasing away from you, unnecessary things, unnecessary restraints, to get you to where…
Lisa: You do say that careful what you ask for because you just might get it…for a reason.
Bevan: Yeah. This is what we’re here for. Everyone’s looking for complete freedom. Freedom from the way society is running. There’s a lot of things that that beast has enslaved us in that we’ve actually…well I don’t know what man stated this…”It’s no matter of health to be conditioned to a sick society. There is no manner of health in that.” We were digesting an unhealthy lifestyle for all this time and these generations that have been preceding us. Now we’re being fed a very healthy life format. We’re seeing it. The plate’s in front of us. We’re starting to take a lot of that nutrient in to revive us into a healthy state of mind. This is pretty much the format of why all of us are here.
Lisa: This also touches on the subject we briefly touched on yesterday, which is the whole concept of ownership, because ownership is slavery. We’re enslaving something. I actually think the concept of ownership is…oh, I’m using the word cabal just because we all know what it means, but it’s not really what I’m trying to get to. A cabal concept that feeds the agenda that keeps us moving and working and achieving and occupied and preoccupied. You know if we’re supposed to be the Australian dream and I know it’s supposed to be the American dream to own your own home. What that does to us day in day out for 20, 30, 40 years in order to achieve that and it’s a lie. Anybody who has fallen behind on their payments on a house knows that it’s a lie. Anybody who’s managed to pay off their mortgage, but still finds they have to pay what turns out to be rent to their local government in the form of rates knows it’s a lie. If…(sigh)…but it keeps us busy, keeps us getting up and going to work all day, keeps us occupied. I think there is a direct relationship between what we enslave, what we try to own, and our own slavery. If we can release the concept of ownership of other things, other consciousness, then we release ourselves in the process.
Bevan: I couldn’t say that any better. That is poetically said.
Lisa: Thank you. I’ve got Seraph on the phone too. Seraph, are you there?
Seraph (caller): Yes, I am…can you hear me?
Lisa: I can.
Seraph (caller): Excellent. Excellent. I think that quote came from Dr. King. I think. I’m not totally sure, don’t quote me on it, but I think that Dr. Martin Luther King said that the quote about…
Lisa: Someone else said Christa Morgee(?).
Seraph (caller): Oh, well, whatever (laughter). Here’s the deal. I want to interject this comment because, for people who I’ve been pushing these calls on, people who don’t know anything about it for weeks now. For people who are on their first call, I want them to understand that this is not a support group for people who have lost their homes. This is not a support group for people who can’t pay their bills. There are people in this movement on high levels of government, high levels of military, that do all of these things regularly. They just decided that the fiction is over. What I came to today and I was once again I had all intention of not speaking tonight, but anyway, I came to this thought process today. The question that came to my mind was “What is actually being done by OPPT?”
It all kind of spelled out this…and I made two or three notes so I would stay on task. First word: Walmart. Second word: my foreclosure. Third word: V for Vendetta. All of these corporations that are masquerading as governments and courtrooms and all these things, they’re low energy fictions. Just like how I feel when I’ve gone into Walmart in the past…I refuse to go in now. I stay out of that energy field. “Cuz when you go in that energy field, it lowers your energy field ‘cuz everybody in there is mad because they gotta work there. Everybody in there that’s buying something is mad ‘cuz it’s a junk joint. Everybody’s mad…that’s why people wear what they do when they go there. It’s like an outcropping of how they feel about that particular place. But if you live in a small town where the only place you can buy stuff that doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg is Walmart, you go there.
I think that OPPT has already done what’s necessary to eliminate those corporations, their fictions. They’ve already done what’s necessary to get rid of that. I think our job is to provide the alternative. So in other words, let’s say for instance you live in a big giant apartment complex. For some reason all the powers gone out and it’s not gonna come back on again. Why would you stay in there and freeze in the dark? Unless you had no other alternative. I think what OPPT is doing is providing a full-scale alternative to all of the stuff we are accustomed to until we realize that we no longer need that either. So, just imagine, in the first stages. Once this is online, if you will, once OPPT is fully implemented and we have done the work of alerting the masses. Imagine millions of people leaving their current homes, walking off jobs, changing their lives as they see it.
The corporate fictions who are being run by people who don’t even realize that they are running these fictions are like “Why did they just…why did everybody…why does everybody just leave? What’s going on”, right? Now, I went through all of the same things that the other brother was speaking on. I went through the same foreclosure, the wife who left me because I wasn’t making money. I went through losing the house. I went through living with my in-laws in the basement (laughs). Somebody could have shot me in the head and I would have felt better about it. But I went through all of that. I went through losing all of my stuff to come to the realization that it is just that. It’s stuff. It doesn’t make you happy.
What makes you happy is freedom. Since I walked away from all of those jobs and stuff and house and all that crap, the stuff that I have now feels better. There is nothing wrong with having stuff. If you believe in a Creator that is all-encompassing and unlimited, why would you limit yourself ‘cuz of some politically or spiritually correct thought process that makes you feel like you should be broke and busted? That’s craziness. I think that our job as humans is to have everything we’ve desired until we desire no more. ‘Cuz if everybody on the planet has what they desire, even if what they desire is just the basic necessities of life, like the children who right now are dying ‘cuz they’re sleeping on the ground in a desert. When we alert them that they don’t have to do that anymore, that’s when we’ve done our jobs. I don’t care about the court systems. The sister who’s losing her house? She’s probably going to lose it because the people who are working for the fiction have the guns. But when she decides “You know what? Let me hurry up and pack my stuff ‘cuz pretty soon I’ll have an alternative that has nothing to do with the banks and the court and all of the crap that people are locked into on an everyday minute by minute basis.”
Can you imagine what it will feel like when all of that fiction is gone? Then that subliminal weight that’s lying on your back is gone? It’s kind of like when you go out into the country and you sit on a porch and you realize”Wow, this is too quiet.” ‘Cuz you’re used to living in the city and that constant drone of noise and crap has become a part of your existence. It’s the same thing. I believe that A: Heather has a plan that she just can’t give us all of right now. B: I believe that the Trustees already know that all of that fiction is dead. I believe C: The heads of those fictions know that they’re dead, ‘cuz as soon as these sheriff’s deputy’s check bounces then they will know it’s dead as well.
I think our whole job is to make sure that people are beginning to wake up. We don’t have to hit them in the head, just kind of nudge them, “Hey, wake up. I know you’re doing that thing over there, that job thing and that paying the taxes, and all that crap, but just kind of look the other way. Just a little bit. You don’t have to turn all the way around. Just turn your vision slightly to the left, or to the right. However you want to look.” I know thousands of people, right now, are watching a fictitious president speaking from a fictitious position, about fictitious issues that affect our lives personally if we buy into the fiction. I refuse to buy into the fiction. I’m done with the fiction. It’s all over for me. So it’s just a matter of biding my time, watching OPPT grow to the level that it is, and then just like in “V for Vendetta”, there won’t be a shot fired. We’re just gonna walk right past the fiction and go to another level and they can stay in that fiction as long as they want. Hopefully they’ll come join us. If they don’t, that’s their call. I have spoken.
Lisa: Thank you Seraph. You have spoken! Yes you have! How are you going there, D?
D: Unmuting. I remembered to do it this time. (laughter)
Lisa: What did you have to… any input on what Seraph had to say on the conversation so far?
D: Unfortunately, I missed a good portion what Seraph had to say because my little guy’s just woken again with a fever, so, I just kind of muted myself out… was just making sure that he was settled with Daddy for a few minutes.
Lisa: Apple cider vinegar socks. Sorry, apple cider vinegar socks.
D: Okay. Dip the socks in apple cider vinegar and make them wear them?
Lisa: Yep.
D: Yep.
Lisa: And use it on his forehead as well.
D: The only problem is he’s a little crystal baby who wants to be grounded to Mother Earth all the time and will not wear socks or shoes, even if it is 20 degrees below zero.
Lisa: Okay.
D: Yeah.
Lisa: Just try it on his forehead then.
D: I do have some. I’ll go do it right now.
Lisa: It works. It does. Okay, Seraph that was, that was good and I’m sure that Chris and Bob have some inputs…
Chris: Yeah, I just wanted to say Seraph ”Thank you for calling in, it’s always really good to hear from you.” What you said about simply walking away from that which was, is absolutely how I see it. That’s what will happen. Now the system will wake up one day and all their taxpayers will be gone. All that energy will be gone.
D: Hmm…yes…gone.
Chris: Just trying to unmute myself here. That day is coming. It’s not a thing over the horizon anymore. It’s past the horizon and it’s coming towards us.
Lisa: Bob, I think that’s what’s one of the things is, we need live our lives knowing that it’s here. It kind of comes down to, I just read an interesting article that was talking about manifesting what we want. It was very interesting because one of the things that really went into it was that it’s not just enough to just to say the words “I want to be free. I want this corporate driven government to fall.” You need to live your life like it has happened. It is happening, so don’t say “I want”, say “I am”. Don’t say “I would like to say I am. I will”. It’s the mindset, right? You need to live that you’re free. You can’t dwell on that, and I know we all have to… you know our family struggles just as much as all the other families do that are listening. We all need to make our way, pay our bills that we’re dealing with, put food on the table, but your mindset is a thing that’s deep inside you that “You are free. They can’t do this to me anymore. I am free and I am moving forward and I’m leaving that crap behind me.”
You know we’ve seen a lot of this in the sovereignty movement, where people go to court with a certain set of paperwork. You can have two people go to different courts with the same paperwork for similar cases and get completely different results. Does it come down to the judge? Maybe. Or does it come down to you? Your mindset and where you’re standing? Are you believing in who you are? Do you know who you are? You know who they are and who they’re pretending to be, and you’re coming from that place? Or are you putting all of the power in these pieces of paper? Because it’s the people that put all of their power in the pieces of paper that are the ones who tend to get ignored and put in jail anyway. The success cases we’ve seen over the years have been from people who know what the pieces of the paper are. They simply represent their knowing. That’s all they are, they’re notices.
Chris: D, heavy breathing there.
D: That’s not me darling.
Lisa: No, it’s you. It’s you Chris. I’ve been sending you messages “Move your mic away from your mouth!”
D: I promise I’m not breathing heavy at you today Chris.
Chris: I’ve had my microphone muted, actually. I think it might be guru Bob. However, talking about manifesting now and that’s the collective imagination. If we want to manifest, we have to feel it. It’s the feeling it that actually gets the results. Living it is a way to actually make sure that you experience how it feels and it’s feeling it, if everybody feels it, that’s what we’ll get and knows it, that’s what we’ll get.
Lisa: Actually this would be as good a time then.
Bob: A perfect time, yeah.
Chris: Indeed it is, yes.
Lisa: We haven’t done a meditation on this show every week this year so far, but we’ve only done a couple. We’re going to combine something here, which is our usual meditation with a visualization that Chris has come up with to his view, his visualization of the CVACs. Now the thing about this is, with the power of the collective imagination, if we’re in alignment with this vision, and we focus on it, we bring it into being a hell of a lot quicker. So what I’m asking of the listeners is to go through it with us, this one time. See how you feel about it. Tweak it if you want to tweak it. Expand upon it. Change it entirely if you see it differently and then share that vision with us. Because if we can come up with a visualization of what this new paradigm looks like, and we can give our energy to that, then the numbers of DO’ers grow exponentially and the reality becomes a reality on the ground, boots and all, a lot faster. So if everyone’s up for it, won’t take us long. Chris, I imagine you’ve got it somewhat down and abbreviated now to keep it down to about 10 minutes.
Chris: Well, Bob’s actually going to run us through it, because Bob’s heard it several times now. He’s got a much better voice for getting people into a meditative state than I have. But what I would like to do is just make a couple of comments before we begin. This description comes directly out of my interpretation of the actual filings, this is what I see when I kind of distill the information down. What we’re describing, the energetic and emotion connections, that living the way this scenario suggests actually generates. It’s all about the connections. At the end of the meditation when the picture is fully built, what we need for you to do is pour your energy into that thing. If we pour energy into this vision, it will come to us, it will happen. We just have to know that it will.
Lisa: Okay.
Chris: Now I’ll give one more comment. Now to begin this picture, just before we begin… oh no, leave the music running Lisa, leave the music running… I’ll hand over to Bob. You’ve got to imagine that on the 24th of December the world was as it was. All the hierarchy’s in place. If you view the world as Google Earth, centered above your nation, that on the 24th, on the 25th of December when they went public with OPPT filings, all borders disappeared. All the hierarchy’s disappeared, and all that was left on the planet was us. So I’ll hand it over to Bob.
(Bob proceeds with meditation which can be found here:
Lisa: Okay, thank you Bob.
Bob: You’re welcome.
Lisa: A couple of comments have come up that I’ve just noticed in the chat. I was actually going along with the meditation, so I didn’t catch them all. One sounded confusing, so perhaps we can work on that. Someone’s asked Chris a specific question which is “Where is our ‘safety net’ when someone carries fear with them?”
Chris: Are you talking about a personal interaction?
Lisa: I don’t know, that’s what the comment was.
Chris: Whether you’re carrying the fear or the person is carrying the fear?
Bob: Can I answer that question? If you feel you need a safety net, then it is you who are in fear.
Lisa: It’s kind of a perfect answer actually.
Chris: It is. Thanks.
Lisa: Thanks Bob.
Chris: One of the things about the situation we’re heading into, we have to always bear in mind that we’re dealing with another of the One People. They may be dressed up in a fancy outfit, but they’re still one of us. They just don’t have the information they need to have yet.
Lisa: I’m kind of thinking it was in terms of putting your energy into something, and if you’re carrying fear or you’re also bringing that energy stream with it.
Chris: Well, if we’re projecting this entire reality, and we experience a situation that contains fear, then we are contributing to generating that. So if we’re feeling fear, we are creating a fearful situation. If we’re not feeling the fear, then we’ll tend not to. And also addressing the listener that found it a bit confusing… (phone ringing)
Lisa: Don’t you take that off the hook during the show?
Chris: Yeah, I forgot to. It’s fixed, okay. Now the description of the CVACs is quite complex. It’s going to be valuable for people to seek out an audio which is going up on the OPPT website shortly we hope. Where Lisa, Bob and I are discussing the visualization Bob just gave in step by step detail. It’s probably good if you can go and listen to that, because it will actually lead you through it in an almost identical fashion, but with some commentary. Not as a meditation. Ultimately what you end up with is a situation where everything is connected to everything else. Every person on this planet is connected to everyone else. No one is left out. Those secondary orbs, the eight orbs that are offshoots of the CVAC, which will perform functions, they’re the actual mechanisms for assisting us. Because the CVAC is the center for assistance, far, far more than it is a government. It’s a service. They are interconnected to one another and they are interconnected to the people and the people themselves are interconnected. When you’ve got that many lines in play, you can’t see the planet. It’s nothing but a ball of light.
That’s as close as 7 billion people are going to come to unity. Pouring, if you think about that structure and put your energy into it and think of it as your destination and feel it, then we’ll get there just that bit faster. Now you could draw some other conclusions about how you could hook these things together, but the degree of connectivity and the presence of all that human energy in it is absolutely the key factor here. That’s why we present that visualization to you rather than saying “Read the filings”. It’s much easier to think of that particular kind of structure.
Lisa: I also want to put it out there for any graphic artists, animators, people who are capable of…I suppose animators is really what we’re after. Who could put together a short video demonstrating the concept that we just did a meditation on and the concept we discussed. Please let us know. You can send me an email at “lisa at”, or you can send an email to Brian’s ground crew address. Brian, are you back with us? Can you share that address with me again?
Brian: (chuckle) Brian’s Ground Crew, I need to create that one…[email protected].
Lisa: Great. Either of those addresses would be great, because we’d love to get just a short 5-10 minute video of what we’re talking about. Just as a conversation starter. Because that is Chris’s interpretation, and I like it…it’s very similar to mine. It is certainly open for discussion and interpretation and we want to hear from you guys. What do you see when you think about what a CVAC is and what this new structure could look like?
Chris: Remembering the CVACS are there to actually allow interchange and exchange and allow us…the CVAC is completely under the control of the people, when you read the specs. They can’t do anything without our permission. Their entire purpose is to actually assist us in getting the value out of our lives. That includes resource values and that’s the point where we’re talking about financial resources in the first instance. They’re there for us.
Lisa: Now, Brian, we actually haven’t had a chance to get to anymore flash mobs because we’ve been having some great conversations and hearing some wonderful input from various callers. We haven’t gotten around to another one, so you didn’t miss any.
Brian: It’s okay, I came in right in the middle of what sounded like an amazing visualization exercise by guru Bob.
(several talking at once)
Lisa: Yeah, it was…it was great.
Brian: Thanks for that Bob, even if I only caught the end of it.
Chris: You should hear him do Barry White.
Bob: AAHHH YEAH…(in his best Barry White imitation).
Brian: Ahh Yeah…(in his attempted Barry White imitation).
(general laughter)
Brian: One thing that I will add here if I can, I know we only have about six minutes. This movement has power behind it because of the contribution of everyone co-creating it. That’s been made very clear over the course of the last couple of weeks. With that thought, what we really need right now is for anybody that is driven to contribute. If you’ve got 150,000 people that talk to 10 people, now we are talking about the power of…the effect of everybody contributing in some way. If you don’t want to start a meet-up group, don’t. I’m in the middle of drafting an open letter to radio media right now. There are thousands of radio stations around the country. I’m going on one tomorrow, called “The Morning Brew”. We’ll put this out there for people to download and send it to your local radio stations in your home town. There is no radio station or no media outlet that is too small, all press is good press.
I think we are over 4 or 5 million ping-backs on Google, searching public trust foreclosure on major corporations. It doesn’t have to be big. Take some kind of action if it resonates with you. If everybody does that, all the small things become one great big thing. It is with every little movement that gives us the ability to catch the traction that we need to get this message out there in a greater way. The thing is once it explodes, it just explodes. We’ll reach a tipping point where there will be no trying to avoid it or no way around seeing it everywhere you look. That is where we’re going. It’s just a function of how fast can we get there? We get there a lot faster when everybody decides that they want to contribute, if it resonates with you. If you just like listening to your call for your own personal benefit, that is okay too. We still love you, keep tuning in. But if it resonates with you to take some kind of action, every absolutely little tiny bit helps out so substantially.
Lisa: Even if that action is privately visualizing and meditating and you don’t talk to anybody, don’t under estimate the power of that. Regular TCI viewers or listeners know that. Part of putting that visualization out there is to actually do that. To put something out there that we can focus on, that we can put our energy to and just watch how fast we manifest it. The work in my opinion, we’ve already done all the work energetically. The old structure is gone; the new structure is coming into play. It’s already done, it’s already formed; it’s already a living, breathing, pulsing paradigm. We’re just grounding it now; we’re pulling it into 3D, that is kind of how I see it. It’s like it’s a floating city above the planet, somewhat translucent and we’re just pulling it in and grounding it. We do that with every email. We do that with every flash mob. We do that with every person we speak to. We do that with every visualization. We do that every time we think about it and every time we feel into it. We’re grounding it that little bit more.
Chris: That is sort of a great ending for the visualization. If we create this massive network structure surrounding the planet with all of the people down on the ground; you could pull that structure right down to the ground in and amongst the people and just make it all the one thing. There is a great ending if you want to make your own visualization.
Lisa: Yeah…right. I’d like to see a whole bunch of videos hit YouTube over the next couple of weeks of people doing their version of it.
Chris: Yeah and they don’t have to be exactly what I’ve decided that I think it is. The interconnectivity is the key thing and the equity the fact that everyone is equal in this new paradigm.
Lisa: Wow, beautiful. We’ve only got three minutes left guys. A quick chance for everyone to say good-by. There are things that we didn’t get to cover because we just talked too much today and we will hopefully get to them next week. We still haven’t quite covered off the Pope’s resignation. Heather was hoping to join us and give us a little more intel on that or her interpretation of that. I’ve certainly got my view on it, but we’ll talk about it next week. Brian, say good-bye.
Brian: Good-bye…good evening…I’ll see you later. I’m going to end with a flash mob,…lets make it happen. We don’t need more time on this call in order to do it, so let’s close it out in style. Go and stir some things up on it. Love you guys and thanks for listening. We’ll look forward to speaking with everyone real soon, I know that. Thanks all.
Lisa: Thanks Brian. Okay, CNN mob. When the call finishes, hit CNN. Okay, who have we got? Bob, do you want to say your goodbye?
Bob: Thank you everybody for joining in and please continue to tune in next week, on Monday night and again on Tuesday night if you’re in the United States. If you’re in Australia, one day ahead.
Lisa: Thanks Bob, and also tomorrow we have Andrew Norton Weber’s Distilled Water, a new radio show on the 5D Media Network on Blogtalk. And the night after that, you’ve got Barbara doing Cool Coincidence, so tune in. And Chris?
Chris: Have a great week everybody. Thanks for your energy and it is returned in kind. These conversations are exactly what we need to be having at the moment. It’s a pleasure to be part of it.
Lisa: Thanks Chris. D, you want to shout out and say good-bye, if you’re still with us?
D: I want to say goodbye to everyone. Just a quick update. I just got handed some news. Deryl up here in Canada, who of course we’ve all talked with and emailed back and forth with. I just got this note handed to me; Deryl blew away the judge in Ontario Superior Court today at his hearing over his foreclosure suit. The judge had to adjourn for half an hour to read the documents and even then, at the end of the hearing, said “I’ll have to send you my judgment through email. I need to look into this with more detail.” Deryl got both the Paradigm Bullet Report and the OPPT Press Release entered into the public record of the case as evidence. This is HUGE of course.
Lisa: It is huge, love you, Deryl!
D: Thank you Deryl. I just want to goodbye to everyone and thank you for tuning in and listening.
Lisa: Lovely, always great to have you with us D. We will see everybody next week on Monday night and on Tuesday night. See you then, have a great week.