An open letter to HATJ 2/25/18
My Dearest Heather
Hmm, been wanting to write you for months now, however as the universe has it, the TIMING was off. HAHA
Since you have as you stated in a video last year ‘its time to come into the light’ and expose not only yourself but everything EVERY THING that has been transpiring the past 20 years. You have so gently peeled back your layers to show us each human part of who you are. Not the quantum that you are but the liner human that you tend to BE in the NOW. This must not have been easy. You have family and children to protect and as the feminine you are, this must have taken a profound toll on the energy and BEING you are today.
I have patiently watched everything unfold this last year. I had a sense that timing as such changed because of the co-creative efforts of ALL of us, which kinda through you off a bit(not in a bad way) just in a way that you might say(well darn, I was not prepped for this) You have all your checks and balances in order, and even you were beyond joyed to see of much FASTER everything was unfolding because of us ALL consciously wanting freedom.
You have had so many attacks from every outlet, from us humans. From the ones who are frustrated, afraid, do not understand and are lost by what they are seeing unfold. I have to say myself, it’s daunting to read everything, and confusing. I empathize with those that are frustrated and think your just BSing everyone. I also ask them to take your time…whatever that time is for you….
I say to those that may read this, ask yourself WHY are you pointing that energy at Heather? Why are you co-creating those thoughts? It’s fairly simple. If you don’t understand all the legalese of all this(which I myself don’t as well) I look inside myself, and take a step back and I know…KNOW it’s correct, complicated, confusing, however correct.
Many people that understand banking and the current law have thrown daggers at you. Why? They think they are right, however if you keep reading and moving and going , you will see the LAW we thought was correct since civil war times, was actually corrupted by humans and non humans who are and were simply afraid.
I would also say to those reading this, lets say right now. Why would they have an ENTIRE Federal Prison on lock down….when Heather entered the establishment? Think about that? I am one not to tell people what to think or how to think but only to come to your end of the road conclusion on this.
Lastly(but not lastly) The TDDA accounts. It’s now very widely open and shown that theses accounts are real, and have been for many many many years. THUS the frustration from all of us who want to be released from the burden of paying a cell bill, utility, car payments mortgage..etc. I am WITH all of you on this, however I say this I NEVER blamed Heather or Randy when I attempted to use the accounts and got reversals. No blame here. IF those accounts where NOT real, why even listen them, why are there 1000’s of videos about it? Why even try? Why even talk about it. I’ll leave that to all of you. I will say this to those reading this. STOP blaming Heather and Randy for something YOU wanted to take action on. I always say this..’Take Responsibility for your own actions’!!!!!!
Finally, Heather, thank you. It’s not a big enough phrase to say what you are doing, however it’s what I can muster for you. WE ALL THANK YOU. The ones that are open, the ones that are pissed, the ones that are expanding, the ones that send hate your way. WE ALL THANK YOU!
In Luv Joey!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your loving, true heart. I myself feel only love, respect, wonder and appreciation for Heather and Randy. Oh and of course, compassion, but I never feel sorry for them. I have found tuning into their energies, as I did especially during the trial is such an uplifting experience. I found it easy, as i imagine many do, to feel their pure, powerful, joyful, wise, loving hearts. They have such HUGE RADIANT FIELDS of energy they emanate! How else could it be otherwise, to do what they have done and are doing/being? And we are all part of that, as Heather always says, all part of this revealing. I am so happy i allowed my consciousness to open wide enough that I could see these amazing dark truths.,,,.in order to do that i needed to connect with my inner light ….so…perhaps i am obtuse, but i don’t understand why people would be angry or feel hatred…it feels to me there is a kind of honor and grace to being part of this historical unfolding, which is unfolding quickly and as Heather always lets everyone know -it is ALL ON! I think that’s what she says-hope i got it right,LOL!
thank you joey. that was simply and profoundly beautiful!
Heather and Randy put out the information about TDDA without verifying any of it. When the reversals began to happen Heather lied and claimed she put an end to the reversals. They are fully responsible for misleading the people, any fees or criminal charges people are facing due to the bad information are on HATJ and Randy. Full responsibility and accountability as she says.
have you read anything besides what HATJ and Randy did … you really (NOT KNOW) about these ACCOUNTS??????/ WTF……I can’t believe you just said that you fuckin wing nut
Jeffrey you might want to do YOUR own research before you pass judgement on anyone. Try taking responsibility for you. No one is coming to save you.
this is more bullshit william……
harvey dent got the latest installment of this movement going back in late June 2017
it was then that heather re entered the fray as if to take credit for what harvey had brought back into the spotlight
so give credit where it is due and not where it isnt….cos up to this point it seems to me that this whole hatj business has been a huge distraction and hatj being so intent on playing her game and trying to use the same tools that enlsave to undo that enslavement …which are not whats going to be allowed to play out the way we want…..and wanting to be the new messiah….with this bullshit about loving your persecutors and slave drivers and those that are bullying you….this is her little leo false god program which is its own litte whirlwind of neurotic guru-ism that we have seen and been disappointed by all down the decades
Harvey Dent was likely just a pawn used by the Cabal to release just enough information for them to steal more of our value. This was because of the UCC foreclosure had stopped their access and they were strapped for cash. Everyone who did access thier TDDA account and had the payment reversed had the money stolen. It didn’t get returned to the Fed Res account. It was another scam that Heather didn’t orchestrate.
That is the problem. Legalese and the law is not correct when it has to be that confusing and complicated. This is one issue that hasn’t been addressed. Also, the other problem is we haven’t learn our lesson from Jesus. Jesus turned his other cheek to the cabal and it got him politically assassinated. I see Heather doing the same thing and set herself up to be a martyr. End result is the same and the cabal stays in control. Then BZ and others dare to say if we don’t understand its because we choose not to do the research, that’s not true either. If you want everything to be transparent, it should also start with you, for the universe is holographic, and most people have no clue what Heather is doing because she and team BZ have not been totally transparent. Maybe energetically, the result would have been different, if these things were done last year.
Thank You for writing you hit the nail on the head.
As a Canadian who had accessed my Bank of Canada account (the BoC is a division of the FBRofNY as are most national World Bank controlled banks) to pay a couple of bills. One of those payments was returned (reversed) after about 15 days while the other remained paid and the creditor (Enbridge) told me their bank would not accept payments from that account any longer. I know the accounts are real.
I just want to make a constructive comment I I don’t want to offend. Spelling is important. There is a big difference between the possessive your and the contraction you are or you’re.
Thank you again.
Hey Dave,
I would like to talk to you about your experience with BofC if you’re willing.
William Anderson-McAulay,
TY for sharing, I’m not sure why some are so up in air about who brought what up first and when? I’ve been on this journey way before Heather came along however she highlighted some of the issues behind the scenes when she brought forward the first OPPT filings linked to the UCC law.
We know the FED is fraud as are most of our governments no matter were we reside. Taking a step back I truly thank all involved in outing hidden information to the general public as wonderful beings, Trump has his role in open the can of worms linked to fake news etc.. and Heather has her role.. in show casing the corruption in our financial systems.
Hopefully even more stuff will come out that will baffle people and make us all together demand true change that is good for everyone not only one percent.
Hugs Ollie
its funny, all this is truth ..”the banks corrupted all our leaders then they put layer upon layer to bury the corruption and even after ALL THAT ..we ALL know the truth again the paper money we use is worthless we ALL know what took place in front of everyone ((heather’s) trail was fake, controlled and as worthless as the paper they continue to sell to us…but let me ask this of all of the MOUTHS that have tagged along and been so busy ……how many of you are willing to even walk into a court and demand justice for these people??? I mean really get up off you ASS and demand truth, change …no more lies !!!!???? our reality is filled with ‘WHAT`IF`S AND LIES everyday yet….NO`ONE will put down this (2 dimensional) fake reality screen thats carried around all day and stared at all day to actually live again in the 3 dimensional REAL WORLD even when the lies and fraud are right in front of you……(OH)!!! LETS SEND POSITIVE ENERGY HEATHER`S WAY…. yea that and a feather under my ass and we`ll both be tickled…this woman is now at their mercy because they know NO-ONE WILL DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT…CHEERS
Thank you Joey (William?).
To those who don’t like what Heather has done, or what BZ has done, or the way things have gone here:
If you feel that this is distraction, or that someone has done wrong, or is otherwise a waste of your time, by all means follow your heart where ever it leads. That is your choice and prerogative. Heart based action is what all here are encouraging you engage in. The comments that direct vitriol at those who are following their hearts don’t feel to me like they serve anyone.
I have had direct electronic contact with Heather many times since December of 2012. Each time I had a question about what to do with the filings or anything else she was up to at the time, she always came back with some version of “Do as you feel to.” She has never directed anyone to do anything that they are not comfortable with. If you want transparency and accountability, start with yourself. Heather may not have explained every nuance of what she was doing - do you explain every nuance of what you are up to?
I view Heather as an amazing individual who has stuck to her story and guns in conditions that few would knowingly walk into. I don’t know that she “knew” what she was walking into, although I doubt that she was blindsided by any of it. A savior? No, as there are no “savior” from this, other than each and every one “saving” themselves.
If you don’t like what you see or hear here, then do yourself the favor of finding some place where you like what you see and hear.
Each and every one of us IS fully responsible and accountable for everything we do, whether we are aware of it or not.
Peace to you all.
Well said Reuben and Ollie! Well said.
I think what people need to realize is … there are special with in some people here .. having a message to tell .. and that is a message of pointing out something going in a wrong direction .. like having a messiah such as Heather … making her look like she is some sort of jesus Christ savior … and like there are so many followers on her .. and I know that I am also here to point out that which seems very wrong and off … so I do have to say that Daniel above is correct for pointing this out…. and to me that she is like leading everyone down a garden path of struggle and trauma .. and told to be patient .. and it is really a false foundation when we find someone like Heather doing this … it might lead down another path .. but what she seems to be doing is what Yahweh the false god of the bible admonishes us to do .. it is the same thing .. and we are not suppose to repeat the same thing .. that right there would say it is a false foundation from which to start a new for everyone.
Thank You joey, Heather is my hero. This fraud will be cracked very very soon.
Thank you all. Wonderful comments
Thank you Joey,
I applaud Heather and Randy. My inner knowing directed me to participate in the TDA process. I am in gratitude for their sacrifice. Personally, I don’t know if I would have the courage and conviction that these two brave beings have volunteered for. Yes, I know we all volunteered to experience this 3D existence, We are each on our own path. I feel that I am a voice for the voiceless. Everything is in divine order! No judgement.
You must respect those who knowingly enter the fray. Are the tail coat riders just mad their ride has slowed? Courage. Faith. Do you not know where she currently is? Where is your empathy? Continue to be as One, or actually become completely responsible and enter the wilderness all on your own hacking your own trail. Go ahead and take a step back, exercise some patience, and widen your peripheral vision. Especially those rusty things called feelings. Did you think all would be easy? Do you know what it is to struggle for freedom? You won’t make it alone. Be as One. Join the tribe completely, giving of yourself. Never give up. Never.
Thank you Joey. I have been a victim of this corrupt legal system. Heather is more than a Heroine to me she has shone the light on the whole corrupt legal system that has nothing to do with the truth or justice.
It’s a theatrical stage for the lawyers to demonstrate their acting skills in front of the adjudicator (judge) and the judging panel is the jury who vote upon the performance of the lawyers. Like all competitions there is a winner and loser. These courts have nothing to do with upholding the law. Especially in the Federal family law court system. Even though this case is not in the family law court it is the Federal Law Court and is based on maritime law (commercial law) and admiralty law (commercial law). We were lead to believe our court system was based on common law. What has commercial law got to do with common law NOTHING. Commercial law was set up by corporation so corporations could resolve conflict.
If the Federal or district court use commercial law does that not mean they work as a corporation for the corporations and this case is nothing more than corporate litigation, nothing to do with right or wrong doing.
If you listen to the arguments, going back and forth here it is all about coropation acts etc and nothing to do with any crime committed. The stand off here is lawyer (Heather) has challenged the system. She is strong, brilliant and I wished she was my Lawyer. She stands for the truth and is exposing the whole corrupt legal system.
If you have never been involved in court action, litigation, then you could not possibly understand the games being played out before, during and after the results of the case. For those fortunate enough to never have been involved. Send all your energy to Heather so she has the strength defeat this monster. And send love and light to the court officials, and government officials so they can see in plan sight that what they too are victims of a corrupt system, which has nothing to do about upholding the law.
The longer a case the more income it generates. From what I can see every time Heather has them cornered they change the rules, say they made a clerical error, yea right! They set the rules, they bend the rules, and heaven help anyone who exposes this fraud on power.
This whole effort done by HATJ is real, powerful and absolutely amazing. It’s not about the TDDA’s folks Money is the ultimate illusion. Until you realize that you are the source of all there is you won’t see through the thick fog.
Thank you Joey for writing Heather.
Jeffrey and Daniel and everyone,
ALL you experience is a reflection of where You are at. You attract those frequencies/people/experiences that match your vibration. Don’t like it? Then raise your vibration and your world will shift. Instantly. Whatever is going on within you is mirrored back to you - this mirror being an immediate IN-sight from the universe about YourSelf. You are co-creating always whether conscious of it or not. Ride the horse in the direction it is going, or change the direction. Your hands are always on the reins.
Thank you Joey! Thank you all family of light for hanging in there. Holding the light for all souls on this planet is not an easy mission to uphold. Many times we wanted to give up but our essence of God in us nagged us how could we? They are us! So, we get back in and stay the course regardless. At least, we’re awakened and we know where we’re going, and the wonderful life awaited us. So, thank you Joey for writing that letter, you became our voices to express to Heather how thankful we are for her and Randy. It seems sometimes, we’re hitting our heads against the brick wall, but my light worker sisters and brothers, we are making a huge impact to our world. We are different but more the same. Regardless our confusion and misunderstanding or forgetfulness, there is one thing I intuitively know, we all want love, peace, prosperity and freedom. So, thank you Joey, Heather, Randy, BZ and all of you out there. The light is getting closer and closer at end of the tunnel. Hang in there. Sending you all love and light.
Nothing to see here. Heather’s strange world-view was comprehensively tested in court and found to be wanting. Also suggesting that corruption is endemic in the court system is a slap in the face for the many thousands of hard-working people in the justice system.
Patrick: “Hard working people in the justice system?” Working hard at what? Towards what? Freedom for all or just enabling the present corrupt system?
One has to sometimes take a stand within the system and expose as much as possible for the highest good off all and not a few slave masters who control 99.9% of the existing monetary network.
Sometimes it may take sacrifices on our own freedom. I have used some of the templates from 2012 and OPPT filing and some of Heather’s legal-eeze. It worked. I had to use it recently on a medical bill. No rebuttal, it was null and void. One has to also research and get it right. It takes work and more work and research. If you don’t know what you are doing..don’t do it. You have to be confident in knowledge and application. As far as the recent events of the TDA’s, I tested the water and the system wasn’t ready but it was close. Then Beane jumped in with a big splash and the rest is history. I’ll reserve comment on Beane. You have to be smart about it.
Heather ensured all of the information is stored on their records and the system. The matrix. It’s there for future reference and as a building block for whoever wishes to pursue that angle. There are others. All is not lost.
“Freedom is the only driving force I know.”
Someone once said, “The only way to live in an un-free world is to be so absolutely free that your very existence alone is an act of rebellion” Every moment of every day is that expression. One’s being, one’s nature, one’s essence stands self-revelatory.
Last year, more than 200,000 people were serving life or virtual life in prison in the US, mainly for murder, manslaughter or other violent crimes including rape. The people in the justice system are responsible for keeping these criminals off the street. You can’t make generalised disparaging comments about a system you disagree with while having nothing to replace it, unless you want chaos to rule the country. If you had some minor success with bills, it is likely that the cost of chasing them up outweighed collecting on the actual bill itself, so I wouldn’t draw too much comfort from that. No-one disputes the unequal distribution of wealth in the world but try not to go full overboard conspiracy on why it is thus.