The Trump State Visit to the UK Riddle Solved and the reason he tweeted “Prince of Whales”.
We continue to decode the UK State Visit Riddle introduced earlier. Before you proceed, make sure you read part1.
First, did you notice that 3 hours after I posted part1 where we went through the falsified story of America’s independence and the 3 City Empire, the Maestro posted 3 tweets with confirmations and encouragements?
At 9:21 PM, he tweeted a video timestamp-connected to Q3321 and where we read: “This is why we are here. Good find, Anons”. This is confirmed by the video length 68’ which is the value for GOOD JOB. Thank you POTUS! 🙂 Img1 We have another confirmation with the line “Joe D. stated tonight?” which connects to a tweet made the same day about John Dean. Coincidence? Then, we have this emphasized OUTSIDE CONTRACTOR that continues the conversation. Read the decoded message.
To illustrate the reality of these “outside contractors” and contracts, here is an example of how the Cabal used laws through Congress to curb our foreign policy: Img2
Then, you have another type of deception using legal subtleties to remove from a document the substance understood by the majority. For example many fell into the trap of the 1783 Peace Treaty where they think the US is sovereign because of its Article 1. Well, if the pizza deliverer you’ve just met says he’s ok for a divorce and is ready to talk about it, wouldn’t you tip him quick, lock your door and look for another Pizza Restaurant? That’s exactly what happened when both the US and the UK commissioned esquires to discuss the 1783 Peace Treaty. They introduced specific and obscure lines that would not engage the legal responsibilities of the real beneficiaries hiding behind the curtains. Look:Img3
As you can see, if King George III was working for the “holy and undivided trinity” and collecting stuff on their behalf, he could sign whatever with America without engaging the holy and undivided trinity’s responsibility. This reality was later confirmed with the war of 1812 where the British torched and burned to the ground the White House and all US government buildings and destroyed ratification records of the US Constitution.
These bogus and treasonous treaties designed to put us asleep while the enemy was bleeding us dry or regrouping were carefully crafted by esquires. They will tell you this term is just used for respect or is another word for lawyer. Not true. An esquire is a patsy with not enough credentials to enjoy the royal proximity of a knight and positioned to accomplish a specific mission for the King. Does this ring a bell? Look: Img4
Now that you know what an esquire really is, we can decode the second confirmation tweet: Img5
Their esquires could not deliver this time. Here is the decode of the third confirmation tweet: Img6
Let’s now dive into the 10 tweet riddle: Img7
Tweet 1. The subject matter is revealed: Img8
Tweet 2. The Duke of York accompanies POTUS to meet with the Prime Minister and business leaders. The owner of the US Corporation is revealed here: Img9
Tweet 3. The Steele problem: Img10
Tweet 4. Prime Minister May had to go: Img11
Prime Minister May tried to save herself and satisfy POTUS by dropping GCHQ Director Hannigan: Img12
Behind the scenes, POTUS had very specific demands that had to be satisfied before he would accept the Queen’s invitation to a State Visit. When he got what he wanted, the visit was scheduled and he put an end to the multiple delays that the Fake News never understood: Img13
What do you think these demands were?
Tweet 5. Demand 1. The Steele package and GCHQ: Img14
Demand 2. Prime Minister May’s resignation: Img15
Tweet 6. Now that you’ve delivered on the Prime Minister, GCHQ and Steele, we can try to heal the wounds: Img16
Tweet 7. The spoils of war. Now comes the pain: Img17
Do you want to know what the spoils of war are? I will show you.
Tweet 8, 9 and 10. Img18 These 3 tweets are a sub riddle. The clues are 3MIN33 SEC CLIP, ACCESSORY, SINGER and TOGETHER WE WIN. Can you solve?
Peruvian Coffee for those who solved it through singer Jane Birkin and Melania’s Hermes Birkin bag! Look: Img19
How about the 3min33 sec clip? It’s right here: video.
Now what does Melania mean with this croco bag and the gloves? To solve this, we need to go back to her trip to Africa. Do you remember when the Fake News attacked her on her outfit? Img20
Well, Melania knew exactly what she was doing. When she landed in Commonwealth Ghana, look how she attacked London and the 3 City Empire: Img21
Then, she gave an interview to ABC with a swamp in the background. Right there and then, the crocodile bag she would hold when meeting UK Prime Minister May started to be confectioned: Img22
If you remember that in Img19 we saw Hermes complied with Birkin’s request not to use cruel methods to remove the skin from crocodiles, then you’ll see the gloves and the Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal outfit represent how POTUS and FLOTUS smoothly took control of the Commonwealth swamp without leaving any fingerprints!
Hahaha! Are you tired of wining yet?! Let’s dance and celebrate: video
Now question: why did Melania wear the Smooth Criminal outfit with the Giza pyramids in the background? Let’s dance first: video Big load of Peruvian Coffee for those who noticed that the Christie’s 3min 33 sec clip mentioned the ‘holy trinity’! We are in triangle territory and here is the decode: Img23
We went full circle. Thank you Hermes. The holy trinity that was mentioned in the 1783 Peace Treaty was actually nothing more than the worship of the beast inherited from ancient Egyptian religions and using spying as its main way of ruling!
Yes, this holy trinity, translated into the 3 City Empire, is the occult hand through which the Cabal owns and controls kings, their kingdoms, their people and their possessions.
You now know why the Maestro tweeted the Prince of Whales and happily accepted to be mocked yet again by the clueless low IQ Fake News video. You know he got that extra H from Hermes right? What is that whale? Have you read Herman Melville’s [Moby Dick?] ( Did you decipher it? Are you familiar with the Philistines’ Dagon from the Bible? Look: Img24
As you can see, the Vatican follows the ancient religion instructed by their Babylonian masters and consisting of worshipping animal spirits, specially the maritime ones. Welcome to the Beast/Antichrist agenda with a zest of ‘holy trinity’. This is the secret reason behind the omnipresence of admiralty law in our society and this is how all the religions they control are zoologically hierarchized…
You did not know the Vatican had Babylonian masters they feared? It’s right here, in Q547: Img25
The image in Q547 is one of the most explosive revelations in the Q board. It’s the door to a complete understanding of the Antichrist agenda and to the identification of the real tyrants and owners hiding behind kings and dogma and who, with Lucifer’s help, have enslaved mankind for centuries.
POTUS attacked the very foundation of their ternary structure and is now depriving them from the wealth and power they have accumulated over the years through lying to us, stealing from us and deceiving us.
Now you have the palate to enjoy the following drop posted a year ago and how it relates to Prime Minister May’s resignation announced in… May:
Q997 [Pope] will be having a terrible May.
Are you now ready to go through the London spoils of war symbolized in the last video of this amazing riddle?
Enjoy: Img26 – Img27 – Img28 – Img29
At this stage, what could be the last outstanding question?
Yes, perhaps you are wondering on which ground I translated USSV=81 to BORN AGAIN=81 in Img14 and Img26. Well, the UK State Visit ended on June 6 2019. The very next day, it was VP Mike Pence’s birthday and the Maestro tweeted about it. Value for MIKE PENCE? Yes 81. BORN AGAIN? Isn’t what a birthday celebration is all about?
Img30 The timestamp pulls Q944 where Q attempted a pull back last year because he felt we were not ready to receive a certain type of information about the New World Order.
Do you see why the Maestro chose a picture with Air Force One? Yes, he’s talking about our spiritual journey!
If you are reading these lines today and are resonating with them, with all the things I have been sharing with you about the Battlefield, take a look back and consider the huge distance covered!
Q, as you can see, we are now ready. We have grown. We are ready to be born again with the knowledge we have and the freedom that comes with it.
The Maestro knows.
He coded it in the vertical image size: A NEW CHAPTER IN THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE HAS JUST BEGUN = 546.
Q918 Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here. Q
Edit: typo
love it, freedom is here. Thank you Potus and his beautiful lady