One People en Mass Mailing to Wells Fargo 9.24.13
For this to bring the right volume, energetics, physicality focused energy into the Wells Fargo system and into the banking system as a whole it would be great if as many people who care about accessing a representation of their value in the form of money from banks with our collective focused intent take part in this mailing.
The intention is for everyone to mail their 2 packages on the same day! September 24, 2024
Lovely example of energetic preparation of your packages
[4:01:18 PM] Thomas M: BZ…got everything printed and collated…crystals on top and intentions set…ready to FedX on Tuesday 24th…
From BWWEE room: so that the pkgs will show up en mass over a 1-3 period depending on where they were mailed from
(heart) if there are a lot of people from all over Gaia who want to access a representation of their value
and they focus their BEing and DOing collectively together then there will be 100’s or more of packages that show up to these 2 addresses at the top of Wells Fargo as all the other pressure of the fall of the system are also coming to bear at the same moments.
Direct Downloadable documents:
Instructions for One People en Mass Mailing to Wells Fargo 9.24.13 click here
Cover letter you personalize click here
Copy of letter to Mr. Stumpf click here
July 25th UCC filling click here
August 21st UCC filling click here
Instructions Priority Mailing Pkg Wells Fargo by BZ Riger
Example Wells Far Go Person All Tr
Beautiful preparation.
Isn’t it better to wait for more info on how banks are responding to the “early” approaches?
A mass mailing could “spoil the pitch” for OPPT
Roger, if it does not resonate with you then your inner guidance knows best for you. It is all bringing energetics, awareness, information and Transparency into the system.
Those who know They are the Value and to Tune In to Their Knowing will know what to do and what to disregard (heart)(hug)
Does this only apply to Americans, as there is no Wells Fargo banks in Australia or a lot of other Countries. cheers noel
it applys to all One People on Gaia who feel moved to BE and DO with others who are BEing and DOing this same thing in unity.
Believe me, when this gets going there will be a WF in every city in the world!
Mine are ready to go on Tuesday. Thank you BZ.
Question: Are we not to put our individual address’s on the cover letter? (I did not)
You [BZ] said to just print our name and sign them.
I can only assume that Wells Fargo may keep these on file for future use.
Great Max. Yes very good idea put at least your city state country and phone if you like. on your personalized cover letter. perfect
Hello, we are also very diligent in Germany, behörten have now a lot put under stress with the Courtesy Notice… smile. I’m So happily
What a beautiful smile!
What criteria was used to settle on contacting WELLS FARGO personnel?
My wish is you collect and present results and experiences here with the intention of sharing with all and to be refined for similar invitations to more receptive businesses, such as public banks and credit unions. I am very interested in inviting the public bank of North Dakota…
♥Thank you for sharing your creativity, and thank you for being here!
I wish to say to every one that I love you alll. (-; And it’s really amazing how much things happens in the same time. Really our world is changing and that is because WE ARE changing our world collectively AND we just have to check every were around us. We are AWAKE that WE are the VALUE and I KNOW that I AM THE most Beautiful thing, AND it’s UP to EVERY ONE on this Planet. The FED is not able to make any more notes for theres dept dollars. The banking system is falling down, and we know it. So banking have a choice to do. Or they coming irrelevant (because when you got something that is break or you repair it or YOU Change it for something better !!!) Or they do what they like to do, ”profits” but lawfully and Wells Fargo as a chance to take the BIG part of the cake if they make up one’s mind to put the boat on float. YOU, ME Every ONE. Are Inspired. and ME I inspired a other one AND this site is the most beautiful thing we can get at the moment. Spread the message to every one and I wish to tanks every one that contributes to this achievement <3
I placed crystals atop the papers and can already feel the Happy Energetics emanating from them!
In talking with my other half this morning this idea hit me. Since, in the long run, Wells Fargo stands to benefit more over all financially than each single individual. That said wouldn’t it be nice if part of our individual deals with this bank be that if they are willing to accept our value and our discount fee then in return they need to cancel out any outstanding alleged debt that any individual might have with this bank.
In other words, if anyone has any loan with WF, of any kind, then that loan will be cleared and subtracted from the ‘discount fee’ they get from that individual. In other words the bank is going to pay off the loan out of the money theiy receive from us. Seems only fair to me. Any thoughts? Unfortunately I don’t have any loans to wipe out with WF but I am certain there will be those who do.
It’s the very least they can do. Other side is that with our $450,000,000.00 deposit we can easily pay off any existing loan with the bank but it’s the principal here that we would need to stand for. They know full well every existing loan is fraudulent so it should be a no brainer for them to at least make that offer of good will to try and bring themselves up to our level and redeem their souls in the eyes of the Eternal essence.
Max, it sounds like in your discussion you both forgot that there are no Loans. They are fraudulent and nothing is needed to be paid back. Unless you borrowed money from someone who actually used hard cash gave it to you and you gave it to some one else there is no loan.
The I UV site has information, documents, and much discussion on this. If you want to pay off a loan that does not exist with the representation of your value once you have it that is your choice. Make sure you are clear in your decision process.
just one example -
I am fully aware that all loans are fraudulent. That I fully understand but simply telling the bank that will not remove the liens against ones property (we have none) on record with a county or remove that information from the banks records. Since we are not fully “there” yet well may still have to deal with the system in any way we can. Getting the Banks to remove all traces (within their current legal system as they see it) can be a first step towards achieving the goals we are all trying to reach.
If they want some of our value then in return they have to be willing to return anything they took from us (meaning all) regardless of how they may have taken it.
I have been following OPPT and TOP since last February so I am aware of what is happening and am doing my best to make it happen and helping any others who are much newer to this movement.
Not sure what happened to my reply but i am send another summerized reply, i wish to be added to the skype room and this is my skype name DORCAS NAHALETH above is two email addresses and below a phone number in which you may contact me, the first one is my husband email this is my phone number (303) 307 - 4612 if you need to call me for more infomation. Much thanks for all the hard work you all are doing, PEACE and LOVE.
Hi DORCAS NAHALETH, If you wish to be added to the BWWEE room, please email me at : [email protected]
Hey there, I want to send the documents via Email. Is this the Email of Mr. Stumpf or the Board of Directors? Can you tell me, please: [email protected]
Hi Ines
I did some online searching and [email protected] is the address for the Board of Directors.
Address for Mr Stumpf is: [email protected]
Some other people’s addresses were included on the list if you look on:
I hope this helps - I’m going to email mine too.
My husband and I each have 2 packages ready to mail tomorrow. Love to all.
Hi all from Australia. I sent my mail packages to Wells Fargo today Express Post. Sent love in with my heart and pure intentions to use the initial funds if and when approved to educate the local community how to build a self supporting alternative energy system in NSW. The proposed system will incorporate solar/wind electricity, hydrogen gas heating, cooking and fuel for the car and fresh food from aquaponic gardens. Anyone interested in supporting me with this project is welcome to contact me by email at [email protected]. God’s Speed to us all. Cheers!!
Done and done! Love going out to all. Thank you BZ and your team for making it so easy for us to be a part of this paradigm-shifting event!
inserted “known un-rebutted and established” into 1st sentence of personal letters; now reads: “This letter is an opportunity to add my voice to the international group of One People who are individually accessing our known un-rebutted and established value to deposit into new personal and business bank accounts, possibly with Wells Fargo.”
Blessings to ALL!! 🙂
Joyfully Done, With Love both pk posted today from London, UK.
Thank you BZ for your guidance anlong with gratitude to all of you in the skype room and all others giving loving intentionion to this action….
With Absolute Love to bring Honest , Integrity and Transparency
Sophia from the UK
Two priority mail envelopes sent today at 3:37 pm PST. One for Mr. Stumpf and one for the Board of Directors. They will be delivered on Thursday 26 SEP 2013. Thank you One People.
there is a nice site to find the CEO mail of differents kind of corporations (banks) etc… around the world so it can be easy to send our docs to these company, SO enjoy and send in mass HA HA 😉
A friend of mine and me have sent our two letters two days ago by Fedex.
Lets hope and postulate the best for everybody!
Should we send them out to our local banks? Maybe just start emailing them to banks everywhere as local activism? I’m still a bit baffled by the language and new language coming into play but I’m extremely over joyed and excited and I tell everyone I encounter that we are free!
Sending in immeasurable fathomless expansive Aloha!!!
Bless! We are Priceless!