Update July 28- The RV and “New” Financial System: Clearing the Air
By D, posted on RTS , July 28, 2024
Well, it would seem that I’ve pissed off even more people this week than usual. While many many people have been waking up to some of the things I’ve been talking about for the past 8 months with regards to the “RV”, “NESARA” etc, many have also been seriously ticked off. Pissed off to the point that I’m basically persona non grata in the intel community- apparently I have the intel “cooties”. I’ll get back to my cooties issue in a moment….
Last weekend John from the Nesara web site posted an article that reflected some of my opinions about the RV etc, that I’ve discussed over the past few months, and a lot of people in the intel community were a bit miffed. (and a few friends too- sorry chickdee- I love you always, even when you’re furious with me).
This is something that I want to make very very Clear: This RTS blog is a representation of myself. It is a place where I openly write about my opinions, the information and intel that interest me, and where I can share this information with anyone who wishes to read it. I do not ask that people follow me, listen to me, look to me for the answers of Life, the Universe and Everything (42)…. I am ME. This is ME talking to you. I’m not a “Guru” and I don’t’ own a pedestal…. although I do pull out my old battered soap box occasionally when the mood strikes me.
I have been writing about following your intuition and using your tools of inner resonance to guide you instead of blindly following the words/ideologies/dogma of someone else- and that is equally applicable to me too: I write about the information I have and the understanding I get from that information when it’s combined with other information I have, and then I write about how that resonates with me. IF it resonates with you, awesome. IF it does NOT resonate with you, that’s also awesome, because then you are using your tools of heart to realize that it doesn’t resonate!! It’s all good.
When I stopped giving regular updates on the “RV” and when the articles I wrote didn’t follow the party by-line of “RV’ness”, a lot of readers stopped coming to RTS. I’m sorry to see them go, but I’m not here to compete for the “Most blog readers” prize and I’m not about to write fluff or stuff that I don’t believe in just to bump up my readership. I’m not here to win a popularity contest. I just tell it as I see it. RTS is a tool for communication and that’s it.
Now… about that RV and financial stuff ….
Scott Mowry’s article has gone viral through the “dinar” and “Nesara” and “Prosperity Packages” and “New Age” communities. The article is very well written and sums up most of the intel that has been going round for the past 3 months in a concise and easily understandable manner. I love how Scott brought in the Quantum Physics information, opening up that area of information to whole groups of people who were not aware of it previously. Brilliant.
Actually, Scott’s article is the most perfect example of manifestation that I can give in this moment. I wanted to write about the RV and “new financial system”, because there are some very big puzzle pieces that are missing from most people’s understanding of what’s going on. I was working on how to outline this information, when a friend sent me a link to Scott’s article and I thought “WELLA! There is the vehicle for me to use!”
I am going to post Scott’s article below and I will add my own comments and information to it, section by section.
There are a lot of hidden parts going on in the RV/New Financial System world- things that the “guru’s” are not aware of (or do not want to listen to), things that are being deliberately misrepresented by those people “in charge”, and information that they do not have access too. I’ve come to realize through my own journey in RVland that one of the hardest things to do when you’ve devoted years of your life to something, is to either admit that you’ve been wrong or that the information you have been fed is not accurate. It is a bitter pill to swallow and very few people in the intel community want to taste it.
…. Hence the fact that I have the intel “cooties”.
I will give you the information that I have, I will give you my opinion on what is happening, and I will tell you what resonates with me according to the intel that I have access to. If anything changes, I will write updates to disclose that information….. just like I always do.
As usual, my notes and comments are in purple.
Their plan is to make the Iraqi Dinar the new world reserve currency (for the moment). When I received direct information from sources, including from within several governments telling me that they (the world corporate governments) were told to buy up all the IQD they could. This wasn’t for them to then “cash it in” and use it to pay off their fraudulent debts- it was because the IQD would quietly become the reserve currency as a bridge to their “NEW” global currency. ….. did you catch that? A Global Currency? Again, I’ll get back to that in a bit.
First off, for there to be any transparency at all, this “New” Financial System needs to openly and clearly explain to the world what VALUE is and explain that all currencies and precious metal commodities etc… are only REPRESENTATIONS of the Real Value- which is YOU.
….Why else do you think there are Strawman Accounts for every registered person on the planet? Why else do you think that every time a person is put in hospital, jail, institution, etc.. the corporations that own that institution place a BOND in YOUR Strawmans name?! Which are then traded on the markets (Ever wondered why they keep putting people in jail for nothing? they’re making billions if not trillions of dollars every) Everyone in the alternative media scene, the truther scene, and in the RV/NESARA/PP scene seems to know about their Strawman, and yet no one seems to be able to grasp that each BEing on this planet is the VALUE. Money is created to represent every person born on this planet in each corporate government’s perceived territory. THAT is where “money” comes from. It goes further than that though. If YOU are the value, and all money is created through YOUR value, then WHY are the banks calling you the “Debtor” and their corporations the “creditor”?
A person or company to whom money is owed.
So, in order for this financial system to be transparent- then they need to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…. Money is a lie and YOU are the value. There are NO Debts, because every single debt was fraudulently made by withholding the truth from the people and based upon the global lie that money has value.
….. and “equality”?!? “even playing field”?!? This “new” system is not even remotely based in Equality.
- The state of being equal, esp. in status, rights, and opportunities.
- The condition of being equal in number or amount.
No matter how many sweeping strings are playing in the back ground while they tell you that the “New” system will create a level playing field, they are blowing smoke up your ass. The new system was designed to give the illusion of political and financial change (actually financial and financial change - “political” is actually just the word “financial” spelled differently ), toss some pennies to the crowd so that they cheer, while continuing with a system that is still completely hierarchy based, part of an agenda that has nothing to do with equality, and is designed to fool the people into thinking that they’ve “Changed”.
BASEL III is based on the lie that Gold and Silver are the foundation of VALUE. It’s also so corrupt and been so corrupted (just as Basel I and Basel II were) that it’s pretty much meaningless. Just ask Dr. Death about Basel III- his resume alone is enough to shed light on the reality of yet another twisted, aberrant and debased financial system. Here’s the thing I don’t get. So many of you will study every aspect of the Cabal and their crimes under an electron microscope- analyze every word, every move, every announcement/law/bill/paper….. and yet I haven’t seen a single person digging into the Basel Accords and pulling this crap apart. Why is that? Seriously- They are trying to sell you a “new” system of finance- one that’s being planned out BY THEM. Please just think about that for a moment- and think about it in the totality of what I’ve been talking about for the past 7 months- about WU, the Chinese control of the UST, IQD Oil Credits, the Bribes and Black mail, and the scrambling of the military to push this through….. and yet….. nothing.
-Barclays (which is run by MI5 and MI6)
-Deusche Bank (which is run by a rag tag group of the “families” including ExQueen Beatrix)
-HSBC (which is run by the “Old Man”)
You’ll notice that UBS is not on that list- that was the Bush’s bank and you can see how well they fared just by reviewing the Main stream media reports recently.
These are the guys that decide on the price of gold daily. Doesn’t it make you wonder that supposedly every country and every bank on the planet has been running around trying to buy up enough gold to meet the so called “gold standards”… and yet the price of gold plummetted? I believe that’s what they call “Price fixing”- highly illegal in the realm of commodities. Doesn’t it make you question the moral ethics of a “New” financial system that is being built on a foundation of illegal financial and trade activities? Bribes being paid out, blackmail, extortion- these are all the rule of the day right now as they set up their “New” system….. What a grand way to usher in the new era of abundance and the “golden age” eh?
The other interesting thing to think about is: WHERE IS THE GOLD? They didn’t’ take physical possession of it. Supposedly the golden coffers of America were audited to prove they have enough gold to back their currency (regardless of the fact that they had to borrow gold from from Canada and Russia and “The Old Man” to barely cover it- oh and then they reneged on paying back the gold they borrowed from “The Old Man” so they then had to borrow gold from China to pay back the Old Man, but then they only paid half of that gold back and a certain US high up guy had to go to China and give blow jobs for a weekend to get the US out of very hot toxic water AND pay back the Old Man …. I’m not even sure where they got the gold to make up the missing gold as they’d already lost the gold that they stole… I mean “borrowed” from China …no seriously, I can’t make this shit up!), and yet there is no proof of the audit taking place, no one will say which agency/person did the audit, and no proof that the audit was correct or that the gold the US supposedly has is even THERE.
All we have is the word of some guy with a clipboard and a click counter. Oh, and the UST…. and the guys who supposedly sold them the gold. If they actually bought any gold that is, ’cause there’s no proof of that either.
How do you feel about the Basel III “Gold Standard” now?
… Did I mention that there is no Proof that any of these G20 corporate nations have any gold?
The St. Germaine Trust and various so called “Prosperity Programs”. The SGT Fund requires a special signature from the SGT trustee. This signature is not just pen and ink but also an energetic signature- a much higher order of biometric security. The Trustee spent a couple of months on the run after a couple of kidnapping and assassination attempts and being poisoned. “They” finally got his signature (through duress I believe) …. and it didn’t work. The energetics have changed and none of the people who they’ve tried to coerce to sign off on the release (nor any of the forged signatures they’ve tried) will release the funds. Without the SGT funds they have no backing for the “New” financial system.
…to my awesome friend across the pond: The guy who’s been prancing through walls in the Pentagon is NOT the real St. Germaine. He is a “talented” Being who has been masquerading as Germain to convince you and your buddies that he can release the SGT funds and that you have to follow his “Divine” Plan. The “New” financial system is part of this so called “Divine” Plan and is a continuation of the Slavery that we are already under, but with new “bosses”. Luckily their perceived “Divine” Plan isn’t working out- just as the “New” financial system and “NESARA” is not working out either. They are pushing with everything they have…. but they can’t put it through. Hence the reason that you have been told for months “It’s Happening!”…. and then nothing happens, except them tossing out of more lame excuses- and even those aren’t original any more.
The Wanta Reagan Mitterand Accord funds. These funds were created by crashing Russian Currency (and there was a lot more to it than that) to bring down the “Iron Curtain” and thereby killing millions of Russians. The entire operation was illegal from beginning to end and in reality was an act of financial terrorism and war. If Iran, North Korea or Cuba pulled off this sort of operation against another nation, the UN and NATO probably would of nuked them. Not only that, but the fund should have over $70 trillion bucks in it and yet they can only seem to find $27.4 trillion dollars. Oh and Wanta? He’s keeping a cool $4 trillion of that money for himself for services rendered (nice redistribution of wealth, eh?). I have no idea where this money is, but all I have been hearing for over a year is that it’s going to American citizens….. ummmmm excuse me? I believe that money might belong to someone else.
NESARA. As I’ve been saying for the past 7 months NESARA, while it’s beginnings might of been honorable with a plan to return America to it’s Constitutional roots, it was usurped by the Cabal(s) and warped into it’s current state. NESARA has been absorbed into the “New” financial system. If NESARA is ever released, I guarantee that it will only resemble the original plan in name alone.
Debt Forgiveness and amnesty programs…… There is NOTHING to forgive! There is no Debt. And Amnesty from what? And while I’m sure those with $500,000 in mortgages and debts would appreciate it, but how does that benefit the 19 year old who has only $7,000 in student loans? How is that fair and equitable?
I don’t know very much about the CMKX so I’ll leave that one out. Currency Reset End of the Fed Freedom For America and the Global Community
I’m sorry my friends, I knew this article would be a long one, but didn’t know it would be THIS long… and I still haven’t covered several aspects of the Current and the “New” Financial Systems that are vitally important. I will complete the rest of the article in the next few days, but I ask for your patience to read just a few more paragraphs.
Here are a few more points about the revaluation of the IQD that many people do not know or understand.
When the US invaded Iraq - led by the Bush cabal and following the preplanned Bush agenda- the American Government took over the Iraqi central bank. At that time, the central Bank of Iraq was one of only 5 freestanding national central banks left in existence- meaning that they were NOT aligned (owned) by the Federal Reserve Corporation. The other 4 freestanding central banks were Libya (now gone), Iran, North Korea, and Cuba….. the US had already taken care of the 6th one: Afganistan. Oil was just the bonus for the invaders, what they really came for was the BANK.
Iraq was one of the richest countries in the world before the invasion. The Shrubs came in and stole every Dinar and piece of gold from the Iraq Central Bank, took over the government and put their own puppets in power, had their own people write the new Iraqi Constitution, and…….
…. they sold off every single drop of oil, piece of gold, all mineral rights- present and future- and every single thing of value to private corporations.
The Iraqi people will get nothing out of this RV deal. Every piece of their wealthy country has been sold off to the highest bidder. They have no control over their central bank or government at this moment. What better place to make the interim global reserve currency? China has been buying up Iraq like crazy and has the largest stash of Dinar in the world (including all the IQD that Bush stole when he invaded), and is, of course, the biggest pusher of the RV, with Mdm Wu and General Wong heading it all up. Again- it has nothing to do with humanitarian good will towards men… it’s all about the money. And control.
Think about this for a moment: Every single country in the world has bought huge sums of IQD because they were told to. Private investors and insiders have bought obscene amounts of IQD (I’m talking about hundreds of Trillions of Dinar!), plus there is all the Dinar that the public have bought- and some of the people I know are heavily invested in the billions. Think about the vast amount of Dinar currency that is “out there” right now…. and ask your self: How and why would any country- let alone a war torn country that lost everything- print THAT MUCH CURRENCY? It makes absolutely no sense AT ALL!!! not only that, but the Iraqi dinar is one of the most high tech paper currencies in the world!!! Do you have any idea how much it costs to create paper money like that?! There are limits to how much paper currency a country can print- a country isn’t allowed to just print off fresh $100 bills any ol’ time they want. They have to follow financial protocols. So how is it that the Iraq Central Bank was able to print that much money? ….. unless of course, it’s because it was all part of the plan- to use the RV of the IQD to fund the new reserve currency.
They say the Federal Reserve is gone…. but is it really? They’re the ones in control of all the Central Banks world wide, including Iraq. Soooooo…. if the IQD is quietly put into the position of being the global reserve currency, then the fed is still in charge after all.
The entire scheme is corrupt from top to bottom.
This is not a “New Financial System”. It is a copy of one that is already in existence… we just haven’t seen it HERE before.
Your comment is absolutelly correct D … Wolfgang Germany
thanks d, really appreciate the overview.