#UNIVERSALCLEANUP: Universal Security Agreement USCA Pacer Doc# 30 - Notice of Filing HATJ Bill of Lading 03.11.19
published on The I UV, on March 16, 2024
Updated: 3.18.19
Gift Packages to RKB and DGT are ON THE WAY
Tracking Number: 9505511157339077311131
Expected Delivery by WEDNESDAY
20 MARCH 2024
by 8:00pm
Tracking Number: 9505511157339077311124
Expected Delivery by
21 MARCH 2024
by 8:00pm
BZ: Heather hand wrote all of these documents with a golf pencil, and copied and sent out the different packages directly from FCI Dublin. Once return receipts of certified mail were sent to her confirming the facility had actually mailed them. Heather then mailed a copy of the documents to us for archive on The I UV. Heather’s “lawyer” is being notified now with his own copy that will be mailed to him priority mail on Monday. If he is paying attention, which I belive he is Now… he will already have been notified by the Chinese and by the USCA, 6TH CIRCUIT Pacer record of fillings.
All is Cosmically Delicious. (heart)
Universal Security Agreement Coverpage
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Universal Security Agreement
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ZIP File of The Universal Security Agreement References - Click link below- Click link below.
Universal Security Agreement with Coverpage
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USPS Tracking Delivery Record 2024-03-15
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USCA Pacer Doc# 30 - Notice of Filing HATJ Bill of Lading 03.11.19
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USCA Pacer Doc# 30 - Notice of Filing HATJ Bill of Lading 03.11.19
USCA 18-5752 Pacer Docket Summary HATJ 03.16.19
to download directly click here
USCA 18-5752 Pacer Docket Summary HATJ 03.16.19 rEDTN Pacer Live Database-History Case 3 17CR00082 HATJ 03.17.19_
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EDTN Pacer Live Database-History Case 3 17CR00082 HATJ 03.17.19_Redacted
EDTN Pacer Document History - 3-17-CR-82 - All Defendants - 2024-03-19
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EDTN Pacer Document History - 3-17-CR-82 - All Defendants - 2024-03-19
USCA 18-5752 Pacer Docket Summary HATJ 03.19.19
to download directly click here
USCA 18-5752 Pacer Docket Summary HATJ 03.19.19
USCA 18-5777 Pacer Docket Summary RKB 03.19.19
to download directly click here
USCA 18-5777 Pacer Docket Summary RKB 03.19.19
https://i-uv.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Universal-Security-Agreement-1.pdf…………………on page 8….I see that the B.I.S. is included as a debtor…
love and light to HATJ and randall for their incredible ‘work’
Really impressively written! Amazing she could do such a good job just with a golf pencil, looks professional. If I got it right, she seems convinced she’s going to be out of there soon and collect a fortune for false imprisonment. Is that the thinking here too?
This is quite a test for our new AG Barr. My guess is all of the facts and documents filed by HATJ have been hidden or destroyed by the corrupt DOJ actors. I can see the moment when they both are set free.
Im glad that HATJ is/has put in all this effort, but I am wondering; as a result of this, are we expecting the “ptb” to admit and acquiesce to ‘default’ and allow access to TDA Accounts?
I know that we are supposed to think positively about this, but on the other hand, I am a critical thinker too, which means that if all we had to do was to “think positive” about this stuff, then HATJs work would not have been necessary in the first place, no?
Also, if access to TDA is allowed, shouldnt there be some kind of condition put on those who access, like they need to be spiritually ready and have their hearts in the right place? And how would that be judged or by whom?
Maybe the book THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE UNIVERSE should be required reading to access? 😉
much love to HATJ et. al
Well alien6,
You wrote in your comment “Also, if access to TDA is allowed, shouldnt there be some kind of condition put on those who access, like they need to be spiritually ready and have their hearts in the right place? And how would that be judged or by whom?”
Isn’t that playing small again?
Isn’t that taking up the mantle and the propensity to play small and make others small again?
Where is the Sovereignty in that?
All Are KACB (kick ass creators beings) All Are 100% Responsible, Accountable, Liable…
just as well no one is relying on you to make a competent decision eh? 😉 … ya numpty
Hi BZ,
Perhaps I misstated what I was trying to say?
My point is that if we all are allowed to access, then how will we all be any better off than we are now? There are a lot of evil people out there and with access to unlimited or almost unlimited funds, they will be in a position to harm many others.
Mind you, I am in no way presenting that I am able to judge someones heart, but there must be some kind of way to determine what someone intends to do with large amounts of money, as if their goal is to harm others, than how am I any better off than now, by being enslaved by those who control money, ie, Federal Reserve, Central Banks, and our corrupt system?
And am not trying to play ‘small’ in any way, just trying to figure out how it will be free me from enslavement or make it better than it is now.
None of us want control, as weve been “controlled” for hundreds of years now, but unless a better system is put in place, then what do we have? I submit that we will just have control by another group of “ptb”.
Remember, human nature is flawed, and there will be those who try to take advantage of this situation for an opportunity to control others for their gain. Im sure that you would agree, that while we are all rooting for HATJ to win and everyone access their TDA accounts, that would there be a way to judge someones heart as to what they want to do with vast sums of money, unfortunately, there is not.
I myself have been at this game since the very first book Cracking the Code came out decades ago and followed all the “rabbit holes” because I figured out that the game is rigged by the ptb. Obviously, Ive had no success and was never going to be allowed to have success, as Ive found out that they just wont let one win, and will try to stop someone at all costs, up to and including murder. And Ive tried many avenues, UCC-1 financing statement, mortage fraud/vapor money theory/Accepted for Value/Birth Certificate Bond/Winstons Shrouts work, Jerry Kane and changing the Trustee on a mortgage (the ptb set him up and killed him and its on youtube) and many more that Im sure that Ive forgotten even. I even filed my own Pro-Se lawsuit in a federal court against a bank for TILA and other violations including trying to expose a vapor money mortgage loan when they tried to foreclose on my home. Little did I know that I have no chance, as it was not about truth, but about $$$$. So, although the bank never loaned me any of “their” money, I would not be given any chance to prove this, and they wore me out with high price legal cousel with motions etc until I jsut quit, or suffer nervous exhaustion as I did everything by myself, type out motions, perform discovery, mail, access constables to deliver documents, etc Almost would up in a hospital from exhaustion, and they knew thats what would happen if I continued, so I just quit. I am not a quitter, but there was not choice..wont get much typing done in a hospital bed…..
So, Im very happy that HATJ has gotten this far as there are many fighting this battle in one form or another (monetary fraud/Federal Reserve/vapor money/etc), many in CMU secret prisons, some of whom I have followed over the years of fighting this stuff. CMU units are Communication Management Units as Im sure that you know where every letter/call, any information in or out is monitored and contact is prohibited with the outside world altogether even family, basically a torture unit prison inside the USA, not Guantanamo Bay.
And I even watch your videos as well…always learning something from different sources…thank you.
much love to all
Love and greetings!
Just a thought, if currency units are the measurement of value, then all decisions made that are based on, or involving units of currency are decisions already decided for us; wether it be actively or passively made. I try to avoid making decisions based on ‘monetary cost’ or ‘calculated value’ as they do not serve me on a higher and spiritual level. Quitting my job and freeing myself from these man made systems is a shaky and uncertain future, but may allow me to live my life how I please. In full privacy. This beautiful turn of events in Randy’s and Heathers timeline (Winston, Timothy, and all others) is amazing and loving. I’m still learning to flex the muscles of my higher self as I am still searching for unanswered questions. Like you I have dipped my toes into what these systems are all about. Knowing full well that I don’t stand a chance at victory in the courtroom, did not deter me from the voyage. I view it as learning experience and energy transfer. The longer I drag these things out, the more energy ‘they’ give back into it, giving me more information and data to learn and grow. Cost doesn’t matter to me the same as cost doesn’t matter to them. Creating an ‘equal’ and level playing field to journey through. I hope to continue the future set evenly for all.
Much love!! ❤️
Hi, I agree with your comment ” don’t stand a chance at victory in the courtroom” and am now seeing it in a different light, meaning, the courtroom is their playing field for their game, I’m not participating anymore playing their game, I will not step into a courtroom of my own volition. If ‘they’ come to my door to get me, I’ll deal with it, but for now, I’m starring in my own ‘life story’ and ‘they’ are just peripheral bit players in my script. I’m no longer an obedient servant, bound by the spell of the words cast on a piece of paper in my mail box - how threatening is that, when you think about it, that paper in the mail box, or the voice at the other end of the phone line, it is not threatening. Like Robert Stanley says, stay calm, be kind, be creative.
“Remember, human nature is flawed, and there will be those who try to take advantage of this situation for an opportunity to control others for their gain.”
ARE these words REALLY TRUE? Isn’t it at least POSSIBLE that this is a programmed belief? Not ALL beings want to “control”… Is it possible that the “control” that has heretofore been “highlighted” could also be a programmed and BTW, highly successful programmed belief?
Until recently, it’s been AWFULLY easy to “convince” a WHOLE PLANET’s worth of folks that a mere few “control” everyone and everything… I saw the programs are fading, folks are coming around… it is each BEings IN-forcement that is required moving forward… it is happening and growing exponentially… 😉 NOTHING IS AS IT HAS APPEARED PRIOR…. and it will NEVER appear the same again…
Much love, Sheila
https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomccalendars.htm………….. Minutes of meeting should be released from the 3/19-3/20/19 meeting at the FRB on this page……..
hi to all , i ask , if there are anyone can rewriter in txt or pdf format ,this one have write , the big soul ,Heather by hand , for us italians for to translate . thanks in advance
Schon seltsam das immer wieder viele viele Gute Sachen
am 16 März auf meinem Geburstag passieren!
Weiterhin viel Erfolg allen die hier fleisig lesen posten und verteilen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Stephan Schmidt
It is now 22 days from the listing of this post. What happened after the 72hrs from midnight of the date of receipt?
We need to pray for their safe passage.
We need to know how to use the identification of who we are in the collapsing deep state agency based system (if that is the correct description of the current situation)?
Are there correspondences between the process advocated by Anna von Reitz for recovery of stolen identities and the process Heather has setup with UCC filings?
Nothing posted on this lately, ……are Heather and Randy still alive?……..when is this going to happen or has something circumvented it?….can someone please fill me in……..