#UNIVERSALCLEANUP: Play The Noticing and Proving Game-to “See” All Was Not As It Seems…
published on The I UV, on September 1, 2024
Its so much fun to take a moment and notice all of the things hidden in plain sight. We are in the moments when You can easily “see” all was not as it seems.
You just simply notice and proof of the way the systems have always operated are easily revealed. These two documents are fun examples.
What do You notice, what “hidden in plain sight” detail is clear and un hidden for you to notice and gives proving of what has always been so, and the connections to all systems and structures in the crumbling false construct.
Charlemagne - 11th Ciruit Court of Appeals18-12259 Summary Docket Summary 08.30.18
to download directly click here
Charlemagne - 11th Ciruit Court of Appeals18-12259 Summary Docket Summary 08.30.18
to download directly click here
“Certificate of Interested Persons and Corporate Disclosure Statement filed by Attorney Holly Lynn Gershow for Appellee USA. On the same day the CIP is served, the party filing it must also complete the court’s web-based stock ticker symbol certificate at the link here http://www.ca11.uscourts.gov/web-based-cip or on the court’s website. See 11th Cir. R. 26.1-2(b). (ECF: Holly Gershow)”
Purheart Investments LTD.?
It just does not seem to matter how much fraud HATJ exposes “on the record”.
The Banking cabal just never gives up - no matter what.
They no longer care how it looks because they have their
ignorant army of hypnotized, fluoridated and pithed sheep to keep them in power.
Ah yes, how special. NOT