Step In To Assist Your Light Codes To Reconstruct Your Everything
produced on Conscious Conversation Central, recorded on Wednesday November 7, 2024
Come play in the conversation with Sheila Corona, Lisa Rush, and BZ Riger
This is a big process and so a very big topic. In this conversation we play with some of the basic components to help all have an understanding of the process from a broad perspective. And then we play with the actual processes involved in assisting, and what your light codes do. So much more to expolore in this focus and the grand adventure that is Our Light Codes coming online to reconstruct our everything.
Would you like to come play around the quantum campfire… all are welcome. If you would like to come play in an upcoming energetic envelop of Around The Quantum Campfire or have a question or something you would like to share with me. Send an email to me, at [email protected] and we’ll make it so :- )
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