Some August Review & Correct Experiences
by Denise Le Fay, published on High Heart Life, on September 4, 2024
It was a month ago, August 3, 2017, that my compressed and greatly amplified Review & Correct phase lets call it, began for me in the craziest, most in-my-face extreme sort of ways. I don’t need to tell anyone how potent July was, and then how August took it to another level altogether! We knew it was going to be an extra action-packed August this year but we didn’t know exactly how it all would play out in our internal bodies, hearts, consciousness and our external physical lives and realities. I’m going to share some highlights from what I experienced on August 3, 2017, because it was so obvious that I/we had entered and begun what August held for humanity.
August 3rd I had to do some shopping and other errands and because I knew I might not be able to or want to try to do them deeper into August, I decided I’d better rush out early in the month and just get them done. That morning my first stop was at the gas station to fill my car up. As I pulled into the pump area I spotted one man in his fifties sitting there off on the eastern side of the property. He was homeless or certainly looked and felt like it. Next I noticed a group of four young males in their late teens or early twenties clustered in a corner of the gas station property at the west side. Some of them were literally smashed up against one wall there which felt suspicious to me but didn’t understand why until I got into the gas station store and saw the security cameras behind the cashier. Two of the guys were trying to stay off camera by clinging to the outside wall while two of them were squatted down openly preparing drug pipes (not pot), and one was, like the man in his fifties at the other side of the gas station, watching for people buying gasoline that they could potentially panhandle from as we walked from the gas pumps to the store where we paid for our gasoline. It was a good setup for this motley crew but because I was the only one at the gas station when I pulled in, I was ultra aware of what was going on and what was coming. Or so I thought.
As I walked towards the store to pay for my gas, the young pack leader was physically closest to me and said something I didn’t completely hear only because it wasn’t until I’d gotten close enough to him that I could clearly see him… and seeing him made my brain shoot out my nostrils! Not really but my mind did yell loudly at me, “OMG, WTF is it?!” My next thought upon seeing him up close was, “Oh this cannot be real. This guy is way too much. Am I on camera and all this is some crazy joke at my expense?” I quickly realized however that this wasn’t a joke or a hidden camera setup but was a face-to-face conversation and energy exchange between the Descending Dark world and me of the Ascending Light just trying to pay for my gas.
I didn’t hear every word this young male said to me but I knew he was panhandling and doing his best to hustle me out of however much money he could. I knew that’s what he was doing but I also knew that he was playing games too which Team Dark enjoys doing to some humans sometimes. Certainly on occasion with some of us that are overflowing with Light. I looked him in his black soulless eyes and said directly to him with a deliberate energetic connection to let him/them know that I wasn’t playing the game, nor was I going to give him or any of them any money. End of our conversation and up close and face to face interactions.
However, in those seconds when I got close enough to clearly see this young male, what I saw was so outrageous, so over-the-top bizarre, so classic Team Dark-esk that it was something that I’ll not soon forget. Let me attempt to describe what this young male looked like.
For starters he was abnormally short for a male, I’d guess around four-foot or so. He was not a dwarf, not a Little Person, just unusually short. I’m 5’2″ and was a head and shoulders taller than him so just this feature of his got attention from everyone. That however was nothing in comparison to the external package that was him through and through! Try to visualize this: A young male human probably in his early twenties that’s only four-foot tall or so, has tattoos on his face and under both eyes that were triangles pointing down, black “biker” type clothes on, was a drug addict, and was fully conscious of how his appearance affected people and used it for all it was worth. And lastly and most importantly, he was no longer a human; he was merged with a demonic being that he had knowingly and willingly given over his physical body, consciousness and physical life to. It was not some short young human male drug addict I was talking and interacting with but a demonic entity that had taken up residence inside this young human male. He was not possessed by it, he was merged with it and it with him in his physical body.
Big difference here and this is something I’ve not written about in the past only because I don’t want to focus on this Descending feature that many humans have and/or soon will be experiencing through their physical bodies. Just as we of the Light are Ascending and merging with our Higher Self/Selves/Soul/Source in our physical human bodies, so too are many people that are Descending, except they are merging with negative non-human beings, aliens and entities in their physical bodies. The flip side duality of the Ascension Process is the Descension or Descending Process, and many of those humans are merged or merging with like-frequency Team Dark beings, aliens, entities, devils, demons etc. I don’t want to talk about this aspect of this much because it’s too unpleasant and heartbreaking every time I’ve clairvoyantly Seen them when looking into the Descending Earth world and timeline. The whole “trans-humanism” business isn’t only about humans merging with machines, but also with nonphysical, nonhuman aliens, demons, devils, entities etc. Certain Team Dark beings “Walking-In” to certain living physical humans that exist in the Descending Earth world. You know how Team Dark inverts all Divine organic things? This is more of that (for a very short period however) because it’s how they’re using and distorting the Ascension Process and inverting it to Walk-In to living physical bodies and life on Descending Earth. This has been a plan of theirs for a very, very long time and is happening now and is more visible due to the Separation of Worlds.
I’m just trying to pay for my gas but no, this human demonic hybrid combo-pack is trying to get me to give him/it/them some money. This one human demonic hybrid was the only one in this group so he was Lord of the Flies of his little band of drug addicted, homeless, panhandling Descending humans and thoroughly enjoyed the shock value his unusual physical appearance and energy had on regular folk. That plus his demonic Walk-In used it, worked it, pushed it out at other humans for the shock, fear and confusion the entire human demonic hybrid package created in other people seeing and feeling him/it/it/ him. There are of course also negative alien Walk-Ins like this too walking around in physical, living human bodies experiencing and feeling physical earthly sensations for the first time. I don’t want to live in a horror movie anymore so I don’t write about these things much anymore. You get what you focus on and I’m all done with the old lower negative stuff and I won’t have anything to do with the worsening Descending Earth world with its newly merged, newly unified, newly integrated inhabitants Walking-In now just as easy as pie.
Ascending, Descending. Walk-Ins of Light, Walk-Ins of Dark. Human alien, human demonic merging taking place physically now because nonphysical, nonhuman Team Dark has wanted into the physical dimension and physical bodies for a very long time. This is one big way this has been and is happening now physically, on the physical Descending Earth world.
I go into the store, pay for my gas and tell the cashier that there’s a group of males outside on the property panhandling. She turns swiftly without even looking and hits an outdoor alarm that rings for thirty seconds or so and we both watch the Lord of the Flies & Co. do absolutely nothing in response to it. Now I’ve got to walk back to my car with all of us knowing I was the one that snitched on them. Because I didn’t know how big this test, this insight, this education might go for me, I got large and tall and extra bright and was ready for anything. As I walked back to my car the short Lord of the Flies demonic human merge comb pack guy does his best to rile up his crew over my having told the cashier that they were panhandling. Problem was that the rest of his gang were more interested in smoking their pipes and the older guy on the other side of the property was too lazy to do much of anything. I made direct Light to Dark eye contact with the hybrid guy as I walked back to my car. The feeling I had was of a pack of feral dogs who’d tried to take over the gas station property. It wasn’t working but they weren’t going to leave either. I did and was I glad to get out of that nightmare!
The other thing that happened while I was walking back to my car was that another two cars had arrived and those people were waking towards the store to pay for their gas. While all this was going on I intentionally watched the other people as the Lord of the Flies hybrid guy did his panhandling thing with each of them. For me, this was very important because I’m used to Seeing the Unseen, the negative, the unbelievable, but regular people are not and I wanted and needed to see their reactions to this used to be a human creature working them for money.
One man in his early thirties with his wife and young kids heard this merged hybrid trying to hustle money from him as he neared the store and his reaction was really important to me. He too could not believe what he was seeing. At first he laughed uncomfortably at what he was seeing but that quickly changed into confusion and then mild fear as he grappled with what he was seeing and talking with. The same thing happened with another older male that walked past this hybrid human; shock, confusion, repulsion, disbelief and then slow rising fear because IT didn’t make any sense to them. IT shouldn’t have been. IT shouldn’t exist but IT did, does, right out in the open daylight and these regular humans did their best to rationalize what they saw and felt and had to deal with IT not fitting into any of their old reality boxes. Welcome to the Ascending / Descending Process one and all.
After this lovely gas station experience I headed to super Walmart where, once I’d gotten inside of that store, discovered that they were just getting started with a whole store remodel. Said another way — shit was all over the damned place and no one could find what they went to Walmart to buy so everyone, myself included, was varying degrees of pissy and frustrated by it all. Oooo, here comes Phase Two! You ready Denise? Sadly I was not and I should have known better, especially after what I’d experienced at the gas station only minutes before.
I’m walking quickly through Walmart trying to find things because they’ve all been moved yet again and I’m not happy about this and the fact that it’s going to take months most likely before this store remodel is completed and I get to memorize where everything is again. There were many other shoppers that felt as I did and many who could care less. Those are the people who don’t live with constant physical pain most likely. Anyway, I’m doing my best to find the things I went to Walmart to buy when I and a twenty-something young woman came close to a shopping cart collision. We didn’t crash into each other, just came close because we both were walking fast and with purpose. She was coming in from one direction and I was coming in from another and at the corner of the shopping isles we came close to bumping shopping carts. I just smiled slightly and moved on quickly. She however had a delayed reaction to our near collision and said loudly to me that, and I quote, “You’re at fault too!” I could care less one way or the other but obviously she felt the need to blame me too for our near hit with each other’s shopping carts. In that moment I knew what and why she said what she did; I clairvoyantly Saw her Daddy doing and saying certain things to her decades ago when she was a child and they were pouring out of her at me in that moment; her many unresolved inner emotional wounds and distortions.
Do your Inner Work people if you want the pressures, pains and frustrations to go away. My Inner Work with her was to See, Know, Feel, Understand and not be reactionary in those old lower egoic ways that I’ve Worked very long and hard to resolve and evolve beyond. I had a momentary twinge of wanting to look her in the eyes like I did with human demonic hybrid man-child at the gas station, and lay it all out for her and let her know that she didn’t and I didn’t do anything wrong that we were at “fault” over. But at this point I decided it was time for me to be focused on me because something was going on and doing a great job lining up people triggers, experiences and responses for me. This “test” is for you Denise, pay attention to whatever it is that’s wanting you to be much more consciously aware of right now.
I finished up at Walmart and got out to my car in the daily 100-102° heat and loaded it up with my difficultly located booty. While backing out of the parking space “test” number three arrived in the very familiar form of a male, usually an older male (heavy patriarchal consciousness of old), feeling the need to direct me and my driving by him waving his arm and hand frantically at me to “go on”. Now, in all honesty, this one gets me almost every time some old guy waves me on at a stop sign or anywhere like I’m a brain-damaged female idiot. I’ve driven for over five decades now so I know what to do and not do old dudes so fu** off with your need to stand there like a patriarchal jerk directing traffic at me or any other female driver for that matter.
[This is me being honest. This is NOT me being unaware, just honest. I’m saying this only because the unaware ego people believe honesty in others is weakness and they always come in for the kill when you/I/we do it.]Now, I could have dealt with this “test”, this how ya doing with this one? issue differently but I consciously chose to respond the way I did. Plus Review “test” #1 and #2 had me getting all done with this crap fast. Here’s what I did at this man who was probably about my age. I rolled my passenger side window down because that’s the side he was on and I thanked him for directing me out the parking space because “I JUST COULDN’T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT HIM!” Yes, I yelled those words at him and then drove off and did my best to get back up to the Happy Place one…more…time.
I had one last stop to make and at this point I was super aware that I was under the Divine Gun so to speak and that a lot was being shown to me about me and about other people and the different levels of awareness, development, focus, ability and energetic Stair-steps each of us were on that day. All I could think of at this point was that it was August 3rd and I’m getting hit repeatedly only minutes apart with one trigger experience, insight, self and collective realization after another and by gawd I’d better get this and do what’s necessary for myself and everyone else at this moment. This was my Review & Correct phase within all that August 2017 would bring and I was going to do my best and highest, even the yelling parts believe it or not. Discernment every second.
I had one more attempted trigger event driving home that day and it was another older male waving me on at a four-way stop. I appreciate it when someone does this because they’re being honest and helpful, not because they disrespect females. This time I ignored the man and drove on home unaffected. Haul in the groceries and other supplies into the house, rip the bra off, check on mom, fall into recliner chair and pass out to recuperate from the morning’s wild events and do more Embodying. All I could think of at that point was how the rest of August 2017 was going to be incomprehensible and would change all of us. End of August 3rd Review & Correct work.
A couple of days after 8-8 Lions Gate day I had another really rough one of these types of “tests”. This one was the worse of the entire month and yet it did for me exactly what it needed to do; light a fire under my ass to end this crap from ever happening in my life again. It was so horrible and frustrating that it brought me to tears with this silly woman who keep ‘mind sliding’ on me. If what she was doing didn’t affect me in any way, this wouldn’t have mattered to me but she did financially which is why it was happening and why I got so frustrated with her inability to be honest and stay on track in our conversation. Inept people with the ability to influence my life, my income, my future etc. has bothered me my entire life but it happening in August 2017, a week before the Eclipse, was the last straw. If we don’t Consciously Create for ourselves now, some little lower frequency, lower consciousness human ego idiot will so the push was/is on for each of us to step up, take greater conscious responsibility for ourselves and our futures, do the Work and create what we want now. This horrid, corrupt, mentally unstable woman who had momentary power over my income brought this message home to me like nothing else could have. I am grateful for the misery she brought me which forced me to get much more serious about certain things in my life. Big gifts often come in shitty little hurtful packages. Who cares right? Just recognize the Review & Correct happening and change you and it.
To complete this extraordinary month, I had to take mom to her doctor on August 31st, but he had changed offices in July and couldn’t tell any of his patients where he was going while under contract with the old doctor’s office. This too was more work than it should have been but I finally located him before her prescriptions ran out. Going to a new office means you’re going to be there for a lot longer than usual so I wasn’t looking forward to this trip in 110° heat that day. But, we got it done despite having to spend two hours with a nurse who also kept mind sliding on me when I’d give her some information about my mom. Frustrating is an understatement with people who do this. And she messed up some other things with the prescriptions but I’ll get that sorted out too as I always do.
Once we were done and leaving, her doctor was standing in the hallway talking with another nurse. He’s very young, looks like he’s maybe thirty. I glanced at him down the hall once, then again a few seconds later and the second time I looked at him he looked like he was in his seventies. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was the “future” and he was still practicing at that age. His body was bent over slightly from age related bone loss but it was him. I watched and understood that, as epic August wrapped up that last day of the month, I’d succeeded in all my month-long Review & Correct “tests”. Linear time was, is becoming fluid and I’m increasingly able to slide into and out of any number of moments in it from anywhere. This ability is increasing quickly in each of us the more we Embody our higher, greater aspects into these human physical bodies.
There’s tons more to say and share but I’ll end this here. How was your August Review & Correct “tests”? As always they were to help us prepare for the next Step, the next layer in this ongoing Process which in this case is the September Libra Equinox coming up in three weeks (equivalent of about thirty-five minutes!). More about that and related things soon.
September 4, 2024
Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.
Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL ttps:// and Copyright Notice is included.
I’m speechless…
Happy Mercury Retrograde (among other things) 😉
Thanks for such a great post …. you had me laughing and nodding the whole time.
Have you read Carlos Castanada re: being grateful for “petty tyrants”? It really changed
my whole view after reading it.