Senator Warren Questions Secretary Mnuchin About Volatility in Overnight Lending Market
BZ: Notice Bix’s comment on the order of things moving forward as it relates to “after” banks going down… Well a whole lot more will go down once that occurs, but more and more people are pointing to the banks going down and discovering just what that Transparency will mean as to what the Real Value is and What Really has been HIDDEN all of this time!
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Alert! Elizabeth Warren Attempts to Block Bank Bailouts!! (Bix Weir)
“Everybody saying that the Fed will just keep bailing out the banks forever just got a NEW Red Pill! It’s not going to be allowed this time!! If it wasn’t Warren it would have been another Democrat that sees a stock market crash is their ONLY hope. It’s getting good!” Bix Weir
2024.10.18 Letter to Mnuchin Re Repo Funding Turmoil
Curious…..Nov 1st deadline and then this predictive programming…
Deep State Dual citizens will not be able to seek asylum in Israel as the embassies have closed…