Questioning the Narrative
by Dr. Jaymie Rennert, published on April 7, 2020, @jaymie_rennert
I have been going down the rabbit hole and doing research on and off for about 3 years now, this is not just a “I watched one youtube video and now I am a conspiracy theorist” kind of deal.
My goal is to wake as many people up as possible to the bigger picture and agenda that is going on to humanity as a whole. We are not meant to live in a Matrix- wake up, go to work,
come home, zone out in front of the TV (its called TV programming for a reason!), and pay a shitload of taxes at every corner, all while striving for that Great American Dream. Life and the
Universe are ABUNDANT and we all were meant to live in a world where we are truly FREE!!
Not enslaved in a 9-5 work week. We all need to take a deep breath, and dive into some uncomfortable questions, and search for the bigger meaning in our world and in ourselves.
Unfortunately so much of the worldly atrocities tie back to money, greed, and control of the masses by stripping their rights. In every agenda that comes up, follow the money path. What
organizations stand to benefit from an event? What rights are being taken away from us? How much freedom do we lose????
What does the word “government” mean? Guvernare= control, and Mens or Mentis= mind. Mind control. Over the masses. Think about those who have been in power throughout the history of
the world and our country. I remember learning about propaganda and how the victor of any war controls the narrative. And how are the masses controlled? The media. Think about who owns
the media outlets? If you trace it backwards, there are 4 larger companies that hold a monopoly (90%) of the media, and control everything that the talking heads are saying. Watch this and see
what I mean: .
Is the US media being held hostage?
Haven’t you seen the videos of media exaggeration? Anderson Cooper pretending he is up to his waist in water during the hurricane, while his cameramen are merely wading in it? The reporter pretending he is getting blown around by the wind, while some pedestrians walk by normally and laughing at him? Reporters all gowned up and masked in this pandemic, but their cameramen aren’t even wearing a mask?
CBS using film from an Italian Hospital and saying that it was New York? Things just don’t add up, right? Why is anything that attempts to bring to light this manipulation and any “conspiracy
theory” immediately discredited as Fake News? Several congresspeople including Pelosi were encouraging people to go out and go to Chinatown in NY in February, before the borders were shut down. The media at that time said Trump was xenophobic. Now “with the pandemic out of control”, they are blaming him for not closing the borders sooner. What?! You can’t have it both ways. Don’t just nod your head in agreement with the news, sit back and THINK.
People keep mentioning listening to “experts”. Follow what “the experts” say. If this is the case, why is the media interviewing Mr. (Mr., NOT Dr.) Bill Gates about vaccines? Why is he now a
leading expert? He has money, not a medical degree. How much money does he contribute to the WHO (hint, 36 billion so far)? Why does he want mass vaccinations to occur (hint, he just
happens to be invested in several companies that are competing to get the vaccine out, and stand to profit billions of dollars from the vaccine)?? He was recently interviewed on mainstream
TV, and said that mass gatherings would not occur unless you had a certificate showing that you had the vaccine. Red Flag alert!! We are PEOPLE not SHEEP!!!
Dr. Fauci is considered an “expert”, and he doesn’t seem to be honoring the 6 feet social distancing rule.. after a pressor he actually did a hearty two handed back pat to a military person walking in front of him. He also was on live national TV when he said that vaccines do not work and can actually make a person MORE sick after they have had them. Did you catch that clip? I hope that makes you question and instill doubt in every single vaccine that you give your patients, if you are a medical professional, and think about every vaccine you receive, if you aren’t already. Please look at Dr. Jean Dodd’s website about her vaccine recommendations for animals, and consider using titers through her lab instead of vaccinating your animals routinely.
Along the topic of Mr. Gates, please look up Event 201, a simulation funded by the Gates Foundation back in October 2019, in which the topic was… you guessed it… a Coronavirus!!!!
Hmm, Mr. Gates seems to be turning up a lot these days, very peculiar since he is NOT a doctor!!!! Why?!?!?
Science is ever evolving, remember who was ridiculed before their theories actually proved right years later. At one point people believed the Earth was flat, and that Earth (not the sun) was the
center of our galaxy. Arrogance is the downfall of current science, we think we know everything until we don’t. So no, I don’t believe anyone is truly an expert, because we are not omnipotent.
Have u read anything about quantum healing or any other healing modality besides what u were taught in our institutionalized schools? Healing is NOT just about western medicine where we
inject chemicals, prescribe chemicals and processed food, and cut things out of the body. There is a whole other world of beautiful true healing and preventative health that exists and I truly
encourage you to explore it. Two books I would start with are Anatomy of the Spirit, by Caroline Myss, and Becoming Supernatural, by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Add in The Divine Matrix also by
Gregg Braeden to wow your mind. Also, watch the documentary “HEAL” on Netflix.
Regular medicine has failed me and my patients on many occasions and has led to disillusionment of the establishment. This is what started me on my holistic path and waking up
and looking at how unhealthy our system and society is, and seeing the bigger picture and agenda. Big Pharma is real, and the system wants to keep us sick. Poison and process the
food, make the people sick so they need the expensive medications and hospital visits, and who profits? The drug companies. Oh, and they also contribute $5.4 BILLION dollars a year to the
media, to bring it full circle.
We are being manipulated, scammed, and intoxicated. They turn us against each other to divide us- men vs women, black vs white, rich vs poor. When will enough be enough? When will we all
come together and unite as humanity to break the cycle?
I could literally go on and on for hours. This is just a sampling. I am just writing this to implore of you.. channel your curious 3 year old self and QUESTION EVERYTHING that you come across.
Why is this happening? Why are they having us do this or that? Who stands to benefit from this?
Where we go one, we go all. The truth will set you free.
If any of this has inspired you to look deeper and question the narrative, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. We are in this together.
Grandfather said, if you have one foot it the physical and onein the spirit would you have balance.
I have few issues with the statements by Dr.Rennert. However, this rabbit hole is deeper than most of us have dreamed it could be, and I believe that it is important for us all to be able to look for the roots of the problem on our own, so I am adding a little more detail. Project Camelot () has many post that address the various connections to powerful sources that are working to contain the human potential.
The folks who built the base for much of what we now call social media, Michael McKibben, President of Leader Technologies, and others, were denied a patent for the software they had worked on for nearly a decade before presenting source code and a working system to the U.S. Patent office (UPO), at which point the people behind / within the UPO distributed that same system to the entities now providing you with this scaled up social contact.
As a result of a trail of lost court appeals and deep research, they and American Intelligence Media () have pieced together the scope of subterfuge that has confirmed the experience of Heather and Randy vv the legal system. Leader Tech. found that all judges of each appeal had large blocks of FB stock (which should have been grounds for recusal).
Their ongoing research has brought clarity to the source of the following aspects of our global environment:
1) corporate and government / extra-government mind control,
2) externalization of internal government functions to foreign entities (SERCO, Quinteq, …),
3) compromisation of anyone in a position of power,
4) extra (outside of) government control of those in power (SES – Senior Executive Service), and
5) the formation of the Pilgrims Society and the Gates / Welcome connection to patented disease (this is worthy of extended study for any who would seek to correct what is wrong with the time line we now are on).
There is much more that is hard to document (as capably as McKibben etal have done) such as the Adaptive Program for Agriculture, but the need for clarity is profound.
We will need to understand how to avoid what is happening in S. Africa as time passes and the scope of what has transpired to “normal people” eventually hits home.
Heather’s magnamity is a model for first steps. The question of what will happen decades from now is still up for grabs.