Quantum Playground: Playing Quantum Baseball as We Follow My Nudge
produced in The Quantum Playground on The I UV, on February 16, 2024
With the Triads of BZ Riger, Lisa Flamino Rush, Sheila Corona… ;- )
Following a nudge to play in the quantum field…. Quantum baseball~
I had a nudge to play on camera a game to build quantum muscles, stretch out of our linear slotting habit and start intentional pumping up, qunatuming up, and building up our multidimentionsal play muscles in our tangible physical bodies…
Here are the sections I read of the email to Sheila and Lisa, asking if they wanted to play with my nudge in Quantum baseball.
“I’m sensing we are not running the game or the innings (the we in the shirt)
we are creating the coherence in the structure of the cohesive field with in the energetic envelope (which has been quantumed-up)”
“I was funnily “told” to let go of my attachment to the question… the question is the ball and how we connect with it, each other, our all in open heart brings the differing degrees of magic onto the field of play”
“These are some of the imagery- senses I perceived:
playing on the field together
in a focused intentional non attached way
feeling the moves as we field the ball
building our muscles for a “bigger field”
much support and camaraderie flowing from the dugout
as we practice for the major leagues…
We Played Ball and had some insights, some aha’s, and lots of fun!
Come Join the conversation and let me know if you would like to come play in one of our quantum baseball “pickup games” https://i-uv.com/quantum-playground-playing-quantum-baseball-as-we-follow-my-nudge
Would you like to come play in conversation…have a question or something you would like to share with me. Send an email to me, at [email protected]
Find Lisa’s Heart Song Musings blog at: https://heartsongmusings.wordpress.com/ Find Lisa’s Rush Solutions Tools For Transformation at: https://rushsolutionstft.wordpress.co…
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