President Trump Has Filed His Motion To Intervene In The Texas Supreme Court Case (Now with17 other states co Joined)
published on December 9, 2024
20201209155327055_No. 22O155 Original Motion to Intervene
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20201209155327055_No. 22O155 Original Motion to Intervene
17 States…wow, isn’t Q the 17th letter of the alphabet? I believe that we all know who has the ball in his court!!
How exciting!! What a gift to BE here on this beautiful planet at this time.
Yo, Uncle Don, is that you? … looking for due and fair remedy in the former “U.S. Supreme Court”? Oh what? They turfed it out on you? Lol. Oh dear oh dear oh! Now there’s a surprise. Charlie C. Miller was right, maybe, in one sense. “Fatally flawed” he called it, although not for the reasons that make it perpetually inert, by Universal Security Agreement, *the Perpetuity, No. 2000043135 and the amendments thereunder. Wow, is not the world is full of AMAZING BEings?
This may come as a bit of a surprise; there isn’t going to BE another “President of the United States”, because you, amongst many others, already agreed and guaranteed the end of that particular way of doing things, even if certain paperwork was kept from you, and diverted from your gaze down in the whitehouse mail room. Oh dear oh dear oh. Maybe Christopher C. Miller over at the Pentagon would be good enough to give you a copy of it. I can give you a copy of it my self if you like, courtesy the lovely, lovely BZ, albeit that HE’s got the original envelopes and everything … here ya go!
It must be said at this juncture, in relation to the above, that you ARE duly authorized to maintain any duly Secured collateral, structures and networks as Custodian of the former “Office of President of the United States of America”, (the organic variety), if you happen to BE anywhere in the vicinity of that thing, as long as you make a duly validated, verified Declaration to that effect, and in the form to be found in the above Universal Security Agreement. ‘Kay? That’ll cover your ass in spades, all the way back to 1776. NOW get a bleedin’ move on! 🙂
Uncle Don, we love you so much, you’re such a cool dude, and your capabilities are so awesome, and you’ve got the coolest haircut this side of the stray cat strut. We love you in Ireland too. When we go down to the supermarket and happen to cough because of all the Marlboro’s we’ve smoked, we turn it into a “Trump!!!” instead, as quick as a flash, just to annoy the other masked-up former plantation slaves, who don’t quite “get it” yet (insert startled, quizical stares)… every chance we get. Oh yeah!. 😀
NOW is the moment to get out those tools and devices “you didn’t even know we had” and use them with impunity and wild abandon. Release the JOY my son, release the JOY … amongst other things, and you can start by releasing all hostages (“china” will love you) by ensuring that that PRAECIPE above is complied with, to the letter!
Come on Uncle Don, these things can be DONE, only forget about DOing it the “old, tired and regurgitated way” over and over again at the former “U.S. Supreme Court”. Branch out man, branch off!!! Git yer BOOTS on. Git yer hands dirty, we love all that. My boots are so dirty they’re starting to grow trees. Handsome Randy is down to his last millimeter of tread in his sneakers and it probably hurts to walk. All Donations gratefully received by the way, send an email to [email protected] and I’ll send you a paypal link so you can send as much pre-1933, lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, as you like.
Yes it is well known how complex ALL appears to be in these delicious moments NOW … yet “the complexity has been seeing how simple all is, in reality.” “Your enemy” is not “your enemy”, rather one of the greatest assets and gateways to higher and highest achievement, ever previously known or imagined. And once seen, cannot be unseen. Set the controls for the Heart Of The Fun! Let’s Goooooo!!!!!
ALL together now,