Our Ascension : Tales From The Front
by Sophia Love, published on November 11, 2024
Realize that what happens and the conclusions made about what happens will probably change as we move along. We are associative beings. As we gather information, our stories deepen.
We are ascending. Our frequency is rising.
I’ve spoken to my higher self as well as to the higher self of my partner about the story you’re about to read. Their first comment was “Welcome to our world.”
As the rate of our vibration increases, WE HAVE ACCESS TO MORE. We see more of what has always been around us. It is similar to this film, (click here for Flatland). Only we are moving from the third to the fourth, fifth and dimensions beyond. It is not as if we are going anywhere. It is that we are seeing what has been here all along, but had been virtually invisible to us.
Pay attention. Things out the corner of your eye, brief flashes that seem to disappear… these are real and once you accept them as such, they will occur more often for you.
The key is to relax. The trick is to allow. You cannot TRY to ascend or make the list of 90% Service to Others in order to be “worthy”. This is fallacy. You are here to experience this shift, with Gaia, and what you must do now is remember. Remember who you are. This life is but a small portion of your truth.
We have been told that time is linear; that our past is finite and our future is unknown. This is only as true as much as the third dimension is (the only thing that is) true. It will remain that way for those of us who refuse to consider the idea that the momentum of life is towards evolution and growth. Always. We came for this shift and it is happening.
We are expanding now beyond it (3D) and as we do, we will realize that time is more like a sphere. There are multiple possibilities, each equally valid, for our lives, our days, for us. This is what took place a few days ago…
I was in my home and getting ready to run to the store. I noticed my partner out in the yard, cutting back some hedges. I figured I’d just run my errand, and be back quickly. I did not go outside.
I continued to gather items and my coat, etc. for this errand. This took several minutes, maybe 5 to 10. I walked through another part of the house and was astonished to see my partner sound asleep on the couch!
We talked about it later that night, and he revealed that he was thinking about trimming those bushes right before taking that nap! He had planned out which to trim first, second, etc. He was pretty detailed in thinking about this, as it is a big job. Then he fell asleep.
The next day, walking through the house again, I notice, upon looking through the back door that he is once again, in the same coat and the same position, trimming the bushes!
I checked the couch. (smile) It was empty this time.
So, was it a déjà vu BEFORE it happened???
We have done some inner work, and also reached out to our higher selves, and we’ve discovered the following. I’ll describe it as clearly as I know how.
My partner and I are entangled. We’ve been together for awhile and have noticed that reading each other’s thoughts has been happening more often now. We are more in sync.
Before he slept, he created the possibility that I witnessed. It was real, he saw it, planned it, and did it. Then he took a nap. When I saw him out there, I was viewing what he had created. There was no “before”, as there is no “before”. It is what he created. I tapped into it. Period.
Time is not a linear construct. From any point it moves in all directions. It is more like a sphere. As we vibrate more quickly, we access more possibilities. He created that possibility and, because of our entanglement, I picked it up and saw it.
When our higher selves said “Welcome to our world”, what they meant was “Can you see how when you ask us what will happen next, that we cannot answer? It is an impossible question.”
This reminded me of a part in the movie from about a decade ago, “What the bleep to we know?”, where a scientist says, about why we have more access to the future than the past, is that it’s like trying to figure out the marital status of the number 5. It is an unanswerable question. Both future and past are equally accessible in quantum physics, even though in 3D they do not seem to be.
What we now understand is that it’s true. What you focus on with intent becomes your life. My partner focused on his hedge trimming. It became his life. I saw his intent before it played out in 3D because I had/have access to other dimensions and the intent was set there (in another dimension). I merely saw it. Just like our higher selves and other 4th and 5th dimensional beings see it. They are NOT in 3D.
We can ask them all day long what is going to happen and all that they can do is choose the most probable outcome from what it is we are creating at the moment we ask. Do you see??? It is us. It has always been us.
They cannot predict “time” because time is not linear, nor does it follow any specific form of measurement. All moments are NOW.
There is more.
This week’s newsletter included a conversation that I had with a being who identified himself as Ashtar. The conversation took place on November 6th, 2019. After reading it, Terran Cognito asked his Galactic contacts for more detail about that conversation. He was told this:
So… even our galactic brethren aren’t clear on which moment in “time” we are accessing.
And…this is only the beginning…
Hang on to your hats everyone! We are getting to the fun part.
Messages in this series will be presented as texts so that they can be translated. Please share freely.
We are the ones.
We have anchored the light.
It is done.
With appreciation for all that you are,
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I just love that Being!! Sofias’ paragraph, starting with “We can ask them all day long…..”, really hit home! It really IS!! My heart expanded and my smile too!!
Thank you again BZ for posting such delightful truths!!
I love you