November 2019 & 11-11
bu Denise Le Fay, published on High Heart Life, on
As I start this it’s November 12th, only one day after 2019’s 11-11, and we’ve got miles and miles of November still before us. Because 2019 has been a year of constant intensity and personal, planetary and cosmic high drama, severe pressures and pains, let’s do our best to keep up with these last three months of what’s been a year like no other.
With each month of the second half of 2019, it’s gotten easier to look back at the first half of this year and see how each month has presented us with a spiritual, energetic and cosmic intensity seemingly designed specifically for each of us. While one is in it, one is just trying to get through it whatever it’s been for each of us this year. And as soon as we do, we find ourselves in the next situation and then the next and the next and on and on every month of this unrelenting year. We all can feel the major 2019 grand finale enveloping us. Both exciting and astonishing after having been through so much in every minute of the year already.
It’s like the first half of 2019 all sorts of last-minute, must traverse unpleasantness happened, and in the second half of the year we’re doing our utmost to quickly clean up the residual blood n’ guts, tears n’ fears, exhaustion n’ pains because something wholly NEW this way comes, and quickly.
We can complain about how brutal 2019 has been and still is, but at this late date, we Volunteer First Everythingers, Forerunners, Pathpavers know it’s always ‘darkest before the dawn’ of the completely NEW everything on Earth and everywhere else. So, one more huge year-ending suck-it-up my fellow reality busting, density clearing, negativity removing, NEW world Embodying Light creators because “payday” is finally arriving in the physical.
I’m including a link to a November 10, 2024 article I wrote at TRANSITIONS because it fits nicely with where we are now in the last three months of formidable 2019. It’s a good review and reminder of how long the Pathpaving first Embodiers have been at this, and that many of us are in the final phase of it during these last three months of 2019.
10-10-10 REPOST & Connection With 11-11-11
Very briefly because we already know how hard this year has been, and still is for us and our physical bodies, our Central Nervous System (CNS), our continued expanding HighHearts, consciousness, Higher Awareness, our so-called “lives” such as they’ve been, and everything else.
Because 2019 is the last year of, let’s call it Phase 1 of the Ascension Process (another article coming about that), we already know and can feel in every cell of our bodies that we’ve reached ascension graduation, the “shift”, the complete Separation into an entirely NEW higher level and phase of the Ascension Process. And by we I mean the Volunteer First Everythingers, the Forerunners, Starseeds, Lightworkers, Pathpavers etc. Because of this “end times” of Phase 1 of the Ascension Process, our physical bodies have seriously been through the final rinse cycle all year long. Some symptoms of this completion, graduation, shift etc. have been:
- another phase of hair thinning
- greater skin sensitivity
- greater eye sensitivity to inorganic light & higher frequency Light
- with eyes closed, seeing brighter & brighter white Light. It’s you!
- frequent nausea, often in the mornings
- increased vertigo all year
- increased periods of intense inner cold
- needing more sleep in every 24-hour period
- constant inner ear & head ringing, squealing, screeching from higher frequency Light & last three 2019 months incoming evolutionary Sound waves
- increase in hearing unusual non-physical sounds, noises, voices etc. all year
- increased dreaming all year, most of it very busy & with many strangers
- experiencing strange new body pains & sensations in 2019 you’ve never experienced throughout the past 20–21 ascension years
- CNS over stimulation, feeling fried alive by higher & higher frequency Light, Light waves, NEW codes etc.
- brief moments of ecstatic-overwhelm-panic-freakout-allowance from Embodying some more of your Higher Self/Selves/Soul
- instantly, automatically knowing & feeling more about strangers, life and reality, realities. The more you Embody, the more you know
- constant building irritations of not being fully in the NEW & having to endure the collapsing patriarchal world insanity we all incarnated into. Since 1998–1999 existing in-between the disintegrating patriarchal horrors & the manifesting nebulous NEW Earth
- severely amplified body aches, pains & pressures throughout 2019
- severely amplified pains & pressures in the spine & skeletal structure (Saturn)
- there’s more but you get the drift. It’s been a very severe, extra intense year internally, externally, physically, energetically
Then November 11, 2024 Arrived Bearing NEW Gifts Aplenty
As usual I did my best to find an image that most closely resembles what I Saw clairvoyantly at 11:11AM on November 11, 2019. I Saw this inner image at that time and day for much longer than I usual do. It played in my Higher Awareness vision like a movie for 35–40 seconds, which is an eternity when Seeing nonphysical things. That anomaly was part of this 11-11 2019 visual message knowing.
This image I Saw at that exact time and day was of fire-like plasma flames flickering, increasing in size, flowing horizontal, vertical and in multiple directions simultaneously in a constant, massive wave across space towards Earth and life on Earth. What I Saw looked and moved like physical flames of fire but it was not that at all. Unfortunately the above image is a bit too much on the red side whereas what I Saw was definitely on the blue side. It was a medium to slightly darker periwinkle blue violet colored plasma wave being intentionally sent to Earth and humanity via what Celia Fenn / AA Michael called in their October 2019 channeled message, the “Star Fire Light Codes”.
I was aware of numbers of Angelic Lightbeings involved with this periwinkle blue violet colored plasma wave that somewhat resembled physical flames of fire. I Saw the image of this 11-11-2024 plasma “fire” wave much longer than I usually See non-physical, etheric and/or energetic things because they wanted to get the point across that it is intentionally moving, flowing, leaping and transmitting specific NEW evolutionary codes, energies, consciousness etc. and it’s not a split-second energetic event and then poof it’s gone. The Angelics wanted it consciously known by us that this periwinkle blue violet colored plasma “fire” wave they’ve intentionally sent our way is something that’s going to be in effect for quite a while. Because of this, it will have an accumulative effect on unaware humanity. Said another way, this Angelic plasma “fire” wave of different NEW codes is going to affect humanity and therefore change planetary human consciousness in ways that will impress the most hardened, exhausted, battle-weary First Everythingers. Just in the nick of linear time too I might add because many of us are completely all done with this phase of the Ascension Process.
Hours before 11:11 AM on November 11, 2019, I clairvoyantly Saw another image first. I had just woke up and was staggering, with eye’s closed, to the toilet around 6AM. The first moment I opened my eyes I Saw this bright circular white-Light image that was sort of snowflake-like in appearance. It looked somewhat like this image but was far more complex, much brighter, more beautiful and vibrating with NEW higher level energetic possibilities for humanity. But they all do.
While still half asleep on the toilet, I contemplated this right there, in-my-face early morning 11-11 image and sensed it was another of the many NEW codes being delivered since they began in earnest December 2018. I didn’t perceive much more about it than this and upstairs, if you’re listening, it’s better if you give me a few more minutes in the mornings before you start the Upstairs Daily News downloads. Thanks.
I shared the toilet business about this ONLY to make a point about how much energetic activity and additional NEW codes where arriving on November 11, 2019.
After Seeing this 11-11-2024 6AM snowflake-like brilliant white-Light code image—before the second 11:11AM visual message—I repeatedly clairaudiently Heard and felt, “It’s over. It’s over. It’s over.” There was no interpretations needed with this celebratory message because I knew instantly what it was referring to. It meant that the global patriarchy and patriarchal rule that’s been in place for thousands of years across Earth is now fully, completely, wholly and permanently OVER and GONE. Anything you see or hear resembling it are, at this point, nothing more than impotent ghost images of the negative Dark Ages of old 3D Earth that’s also no longer operative.
And so, November 11, 2024 was just packed full of exceptionally good news! Out with the old everything and in with the NEW everything. No more half-and-half stuff, no more in-between worlds stuff, no more lower negative anything stuff anymore. The NEW codes, Lights, energies etc. continues arriving faster now than ever before which automatically causes the old lower everything to quickly become empty, hollow, dead and permanently GONE.
Another thing I very strongly felt and was aware of was that upstairs—the higher dimensional beings and other aspects of our Greater Selves and ascension co-Workers etc.—are now directly “overhead” all of us. All this means is that the space, the distance between us on ascending physical Earth and the nonphysical other parts of ourselves, kinsfolk and co-Workers are, as of 11-11-2019, much closer to, much more aligned with each other than was able before. This is another external side effect of the Embodiment Process, and of the completion of it for some of us who are the first to Embody our Higher Self/Selves/Soul while living in our physical bodies on ascending Earth.
On 11-11 2019 I also perceived, and I don’t believe this is just wishful thinking on my part although it would be glorious personally finally, that the Volunteer First Everythingers are now close to (1) having the physical body pains reduced greatly and (2) soon be nearly gone completely.
For most of us that sentence, that miraculous claim deserves no less than three scared moments of silence… ❤ ❤ ❤
I’m just passing along what I perceived and received from my Higher Awareness throughout November 11, 2019. No one wants that last bit to be true more than me because my lower back is doing something very painful since October 1, 2024 and it seriously needs to have something fabulous happen asap! I suspect my back injury pain is very much related to these final three months of 2019, the 10, 11 and 12 energies of 2019 and the completion of Phase 1 of the Ascension Process, and for some, the completion of their individual Embodiment Process too.
More to come. There always will be. Enjoy November, and December no matter what because January 2020 will hit it out of the park which is exactly what it’s designed to do so we can begin Phase 2 of the Ascension Process.
November 14, 2024
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Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2019. All rights reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.