A Dude and a Real Genie
by Nichilas P, published on The I UV, on September 30, 2024
A Dude and a Real Genie:
Wow!!! Happy Hug Filled Sunday!!! It was the last catting Saturday, and what a beautiful day it was. Our walk home took us past Forest Hills Stadium, where we caught a few tunes from the show going on. No worries that I’m not sure of the name of of the songs, we caught the National at the Panorama fest a few years ago (an awesome tale in and of itself, shout out to the A$AP Mob, Sia, and Kendrick Lamar), and they were fantastic! Thanks! Pretty sure we could have gotten in, Dead show style, lol, but it was great to just hear it as we walked past.
I finally got around to fully watching the…AMAZING!….campfire envelope with Jeanie and BZ, and I Am so glad the Heart-smiles came through!! . How’s about that Heart on Jeanie?!?!?! It was incredible playing around the campfire, you make my Heart sing!
Feels good to have the programming ripped out of you, right? Lol, yo, the EXACT same thing happened to me not too long ago, which I realized by you sharing that. You are one Incredible Brave Heart, and the envelope we created expanded my/our/everyone’s, lol…Everything. Much Respect and Love!!!
Ok, what’s next!!! I am so excited, as well all figure our what that exactly is. How perfect! Much Love and Gratitude, you/we/ALL are Gajillionaires, lol, are so On about Combined Next Level Heart Collaboration Healing the All, and our Hearts being the Source of Priceless Abundance, the New/Original Currency….and it’s just time….well, I’ll just say Sky’s the Limit…..I kid, lol, There are No Limits! We ALL have much to Create, and NOW’s the time. Words can’t describe it, but I am so glad I saw and felt it when I opened up our envelope.
Yeah I say Awesome a lot, lol, but I AM truly in Awe at ALL of your Radiance, Abilities, and just overall Coolness.
Nudged to share a story about this from a long time ago. A really long time ago, when the World was a much different place than it is NOW:
-When a lot of people were living in Subdivisions, when “conform or be cast out” was a thing. When folks were scared into retreating/contracting into corners.
-When people were programmed across the board to Live in Fear and Lack, to survive, to judge any and everything and everyone. Before separation was exposed for what it is.
-Way before the Major Religions came together in the Spirit of a Universal Message and Cleared their Closets, Bonded by the Core Principle of Love and Peace, with no Ego….sharing a message that can be incorporated by ALL, Atheists, Agnostics, Non-Religious, Religious, Spiritual….ALL.
-When AMERICA was in that final, sometimes painful period of growth between being a Teenager to becoming a Full on World Stage Adult, where a lot of folks do some crazy shit. Just before we Truly Became a Beacon for the World, Guided by a TOTAL REMEMBERING of the Divine principle we are founded upon…and rising above the sometimes “flawed” (programmed) folks that set it up. Light had a way of always shining through that long ago scene. It’s not like today, where LOVE reigns supreme and is the Norm.
-Before the Reval and Abundance came to ALL, and what we used to call Finances back in those days changed exponentially, and the World along with it. Before the fact that there’s enough food, clothing, shelter, money, and Love for every single soul on this planet to Live Super Comfortably was fully Realized in the Blink of a Cosmic Eye…In the end it was Simple, but so not easy.
-Before the Big Reunion, which caught us up to EXACTLY where we should be….those parties and summits were legendary!!! When all that new technology was disclosed. When MedBeds made things like Dementia, Cancer, Addiction, Parkinson’s, and ALL disease
and pain the obsolete outdated concepts they are.
-Before everyone’s place was Rightfully restored, before ONENESS….no worries, was a long time ago. Downloadable any time from the Akash, but I am only going to say, viewer discretion advised! ‘Twas a silly place, lol, way different than the world we’re living in NOW.
Anyway, back then there was this dude. Now from very early on he chose a bit of a rough road (there was this #metoo thing right before the Shift, before it was revealed that Love and Forgiveness frees the soul and rights the Ship), but what kept him going was cartoons, nature, family, and his imagination. In those days it was one of the first things that the programming sought to block, as visualization and imagination unlock New Worlds and abilities. Glad those days are done.
Anyway, one day he was watching an old cartoon, where he first learned about Genies. Find (Light) a magic Lamp, give it a rub, and this Amazing Being Emerges/Is Freed, that grants the holder of the bottle 3 wishes. A-Mazing…..Lol. Even though it was a cartoon, this dude felt it was a bit more than it appeared. Like a lot of things…
He didn’t understand much, except that they were found in bottles. He saw the adults around him frequently drinking from bottles, and just figured they were just trying to summon a genie. He just knew one day he’d find one. Sometimes it takes time to come to understanding, and we deal how we deal according to our levels of awareness…
One night, he had a “dream”. He was on the beach, just walking along the edge of the surf, when a bottle washed up on shore. No label, just a clear glass bottle. He gave it a rub, and behold this radiant Genie emerged.
“Thanks lil dude. Shout out to believing is seeing! Now I know you know the drill, and you’ll get your three wishes, think wisely…but before we get to that, just a bit about us. Yeah, we’re Real, and there’s so many different types, each with their own way of presenting their gifts. Actually, everyone’s a Genie in their own way, and some have been freed for eons. It’s just that nobody really believes, so what we do is BE, send out some great vibes, find those people who Believe, and help them develop their abilities.
2 things though: You must use your wish granting ability selflessly, for the good of ALL (simple, but not easy)….and one the Genie’s out, you can’t put it back in the bottle. In fact….and this is the step that a lot of folks make is they hold on the bottle for those times when they want to go back, even try to fit back….as if! Lol, once your Genie is free and flowing, there’s only one direction”.
The dude thought about it for a second, and wanted to learn more, wanted to hear about how he could become one as well.
“There may be one direction, but no one right way to remember all that you are. There’s also these fantastical Genies that grant wishes you may not even ask for, Light Genies some call em..and their reach is infinite, not only will those wishes help you tenfold it will exponentially help ALL. Now let’s get to those wishes, and thanks bro. You have no idea now long I’ve been in that bottle”.
The dude thought about it for a sec. He pictured this moment many times, wrote list upon list of wishes when he’d picture meeting a Genie. Only something about the Genie’s words resonated deep in his heart. Skipping the obvy wishes of cars, fortune, houses (back then it was all about “Stuff”, lol), the dude gave his wishes. To find the forgiveness and remember the Love that surrounded him every second of every day. To be protected as he chose a path and experiences that would one day lead to him being Light Genie. To someday make sense of all he was going through, find other Genies and Help ALL remember their amazing abilities.
“Done! Ok lil dude, now that you freed me I am going to do what I do, you’re not gonna remember this until years later if at all….and remember, everyone’s a Genie”.
The dude woke up, lived those very experiences, some amazing, some not so amazing (no regrets!), which led to him remembering Forgiveness, which in turn helped him become a Genie of sorts, helping folks and granting wishes (remembrance), mentoring other paduan Genies in different fields across the city he Loved. Boy was he glad he made that protection wish! Lol.
The dude’s experiences and adventures really aren’t the point, as we ALL have them. It’s more those core lessons he developed, never losing that imagination, and the LOVE that was unleashed when he freed his Genie.
One day, the dude was taking a hike through this Forest on his way home, and he saw a campfire in a clearing with some folks hanging out around it. He stopped, kicked it with them a while, and as he was in the circle around the flame, he felt his Heart expanding beyond belief. Now he at times thought he was at max output, a Super Genie, lol, but this was different. It’s like a block was removed, and an even more vast Panorama of Abilities, Love, and Space to Create opened up. He only hung for an hour, but felt forever different after stopping by that campfire. As he turned the corner on the walk home, he realized something from the campfire convo. The gifts he was given!!! The understanding that together, the energy generated by the Hearts Around the Campfire can do some pretty Incredible things. The Heart is the Source of all Abundance, and is true Currency that can do Amazing things. The Courage to stand in Truth, to Join with ALL and Create wonder. Increased belief…
Then it hit him, and he walked the rest of the way with the biggest Heart Smile Ever. (Grants wishes your deepest HEART asks for, even if you’re not aware at the time).
He met a Real Life Light Jeanie!!!
And the Dude’s story continued, only from that day forward a Light Genie
Thank You So Much!!
Sending Love and Light to You and ALL
Beautiful story! ILOVED the Quantum Campfire! I would love to experince that again! Thank you! ☆♡☆