Legalized “Propaganda” On YOU Goes Both Ways !
produced in The Quantum Playground on The I UV, recorded on August 4, 2024
As we play in the HUGE energies of this Pivotal Lion’s Gate Energetic in the moment of 2020… I was nudged to play with the idea of how the propaganda goes both ways.
The legalized propaganda on You, brought forward by both the “bad guys” and the “good guys”. As realization dawns, holding your feelings and your mind chatter in a state of non attachment will be very helpful for integrating and moving through the way things were meant to unfold in the unwinding and unbinding of the false construct.
The completion and resolution of the old vibrational landscape and all that entailed and the creation and flowering forth of the new vibrational landscape…
It is a complex and intricate place to play, and the expansive rewards are nothing short of Love Absolute.
I Love You.
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You are the expert for you.
Only YOU can make the choice to move from fear to knowing.
The time has come to connect with you and tell you The whole Story so that you release fear, embrace Love to walk through the gates that have opened into a New Virbational Earth. Nothing will stop this unfolding.
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Would you like to come play in conversation…have a question or something you would like to share with me. Send an email to me, at [email protected]
Hi BZ, my name is Candy. I’ve wanted to tell you my Mom’s initials are BZ. I’ve just watched legal propaganda and I thank you with all my heart. I needed to hear every word. I have been so angry at the sheep. I have cussed and screamed at the t.v. every time the lie is told again. I love you too. Thank you thank you. Sincerely, Kandis K( Candy) Tuck
BZ, thank you! Really great, in depth insight!
I feel what you are speaking about is very hard to put into words. Excellent job! Thank you so much. One Love❤️
Som Marta nerozumiem tvojmu jazyku ale chcete sa spojiť a byť prítomná v každej situácii, láska , láska, láska,
BZ, I have just watched a video, on a site called A warning to all of us about Transhumanism from an American Dr. by the name of Carrie Madej. An injection using RNA to take people from Human 1.0 to Human 2.0 or artificial intelligence. The people behind this are Defence, Darpa, Moderna, Gates Foundation + others. We will be Genetically Modified and owned by them that have patented it, this is very scarey especially when she said about a substance called luciferase. I would be very interested along with many others in what you know or have to say about it. Cheers.