Skype Conversation in RTS Room from Heather Tucci-Jarraf
[Saturday, August 10, 2024 10:39:55 AM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: Quoting [Friday, August 09, 2024 4:05 PM] Paul Mc: “DOing is the ecstasy of BEing” - Sensei Harte, Olympic Karate Club,
Quoting [Friday, August 09, 2024 5:36 AM]Heather Tucci-Jarraf: “also notices who/what you BE ;)”
Quoting [Friday, August 09, 2024 4:05 PM] Paul Mc:”for my sins, which are many and varied. But which apparently are entirely forgiven? (chuckle)”
Quoting [Friday, August 09, 2024 5:38 AM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: “nothing to forgive, love….I send you eternal love and gratitude ….all that was perceived as broken/bad/evil is healed by being revealed for what it is in Eternal Truth.
As I said, nothing to forgive. If I were to judge, I would give notice of my lack of judgment (heart)”
Quoting [Friday, August 09, 2024 5:39 AM] Paul Mc: “It would appear you just did ; :*”
Quoting [Friday, August 09, 2024 5:43 AM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: ” 😉 if there is any judgment…it would be self-judgment…and all is one so that would be judgment of all …and that “forecloses”/limits my BE’ing….I DON’T CHOOSE ANY LIMIT…THEREFORE, NO JUDGMENT…HENCE…ETERNAL GRATITUDE AND LOVE TO YOU…AND ALL INBODYMENTS OF ETERNAL ESSENCE….(where’s the damn gavel??!!!???? (chuckle)) I BE I”
Quoting [Friday, August 09, 2024 5:44 AM] Paul Mc: “excellent, I love it!”
[Saturday, August 10, 2024 12:45:04 PM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: you are fun! I love DO’ing with you (sun)
[10:41:14 AM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: Quoting [2:16 AM] Kim Fuller: “Did anyone feel that huge wave that just came through at exactly 9pm CST….felt as if I was going to hit the floor…now exhausted. Somethings up…I mean I almost felt as if I was going to start floating or step into another dimension…literally.
Quoting [2:22 AM] Kim Fuller: “I’ve been feeling mistrust, incertainty, doubting….now my third eye is aching. That wave was physical..I actually had to walk out of the room I was standing in. I almost felt as if I was about to step up…that’s the only way I can explain it. Like a huge leap. But confused and unknowing…”
Quoting Heather Tucci-Jarraf: “your body is perfect every moment of NOW…it is eternaly conscious of what to DO every moment of NOW…embrace that eternal truth….and fly baby fly…DO baby DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Quoting[2:30 AM] Bill: ” Some event has happened they know its over”
Quoting [2:31 AM] Bill: “Should show up very public ally soon”
Quoting Heather Tucci-Jarraf: “yes…they know what comes next….”
[Saturday, August 10, 202410:45:14 AM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf:BE ETERNAL LOVE….BE ETERNAL PEACE….BE ETERNAL GRATITUDE
They have all ways had notice that the RV would be the last final DO’ing in the “Divine Plan”….eternal essence in body…in all bodies!!! GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!! DO DO DO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!! (heart)
Quoting [5:35:25 PM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: “Hi Loie!!!!!!!! (heart)(hug):*(*)(sun)”
Quoting [5:35:38 PM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: “awesome work!!!!!!!!”
[Saturday, August 10, 202410:45:30 AM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: I LOVE THE ABSOLUTE PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Saturday, August 10, 2024 10:45:56 AM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: TO ALL INBODYMENTS OF ETERNAL ESSENCE… (bow)(heart)(hug):*
Even so Come. It is Done 🙂 Thank you ♥
So it is not Heather’s foreclosure that will bring down the PTB, but the Dinar RV? Very confusing.
When you decide to speak a language that can be understood, please let me know so I can actually get something out of the message.
Agreed Awaken!!
Great announcement..
We are past the time when 3d language needs to be understood; we are past the time of standing/under anyone.
OK David, tell us the absolute plan, we need to know simply because we are not sheep.
Who is this ‘we’ you refer to?
RV soon sounds good, I bought about 2.5 Millions dong, would be nice to be a millionaire . Thanks Heather….much love.
The Lion of Judah awakens. Hope is kindled. I AM so grateful to you for All you DO.
Am I the only one that is totally confused after reading any info on this matter? I am very interested & try to follow but I feel like I need a translator to understand. It would be nice if there were a place were everything is broken down to where it could be comprehended by all.
The only thing we want to know is WHEN.
Unacceptable non-specific answers include “in this moment of NOW” (because it didn’t happen in previous moments of NOW as previously announced).
These people clearly know what’s going on, but you can tell they’re withholding info. eg. “Bill: ” Some event has happened they know its over”?” WHAT event? What about those “sequence of events” that you’ve been waiting to occur?
ABSOLUTE transparency means ABSOLUTE - set an example by actually living up to these words. The I-UV inchange documents are DONE, why are you withholding them? Elaborate, explain and disclose ALL data so we can participate instead of follow.
This explains how I feel as well.
existence is ever changing and in constant motion. the harder you resist the current ,the more it persists. the when, is an individual knowing. if you know a thing to be truth to you, then it IS. when you doubt…… that will be your experience. how many of the impatient have been out DOing? I AM active in my DOing and in my KNOWING, and therefore I realize that I AM NOW KING. quick translate….. i am aware that as a man or woman , i have the same power as any man or woman on the planet, and the moment another man tries to exercise authority over me, he better be able to provide evidene of that authority. so if you wish to do something …DO it ,but do without harm. you are capable to play any roll in title ….king baker candlestick maker or banker…..head of your estate {emdodiment} . if you wish to translate the english we speak you have to first realize that the public schools produce a 4th grade reading and comprehension level. spelling does not matter? if you are having troubles it is due in large part to graduating a failing curriculum. that said , ignorance of something is only a lack of the correct information. this is why reading with your HEART and not the mind eases the conflicting programming. we have been taught not to think. we got comfortable not knowing ignorance is bliss. feel the words as you speak them….trust your inner self, your gut. your heart. you are the creator of your own reality. if you need help ask someone to help . no fear . when you are truely without fear you are truly free…BE FREE DO LOVE BE WISDOM BE FREEDOM DO LEARN
Dear OPPT-IUV Exchange (or INchange)-TOP… Avant Garde, seems a new class of Heatheristics super competent speakers have join the commentators’ community.
Impressive (!!) yet frustrated absolute, impractical absolute, and ineffective absolute. Why don’t you guys save the effort and go through most of Heather’s radio shows? you’ll realize Heather, speaks our old plain human English just fine!! In fact, besides the technical terms, she speaks more like a teenager. Then, why all that controversy, and eventually division, over her choice of (written) form of communication with us, and supposedly/potentially with 7 billion other fellow humans? Did I or anyone else asked for a teacher or a mentor, to learn a new language? Or did I or anyone else gave the impression they enjoy spending time, playing the game of oracles?..
We, by now, have a good IMpression, at least Heather and D are having a real good time in Morocco! But one wonders, do they, as well as you avant guard people, have any idea, what hardships are most of us facing in our everyday life, merely to sustain ourselves and our families?
Then, why are you’re DOing this, why you keep feeding us all those oracles (turning to false alarms), over and over again? i.e. from “ALL END MAY” Heather’s declaration, all the way till the latest “NOW….the final moment is here…why wait for September 1? LET’S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!”
“to the squad, within eternal essence’s universe: I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! GO, GO, GO, GO…DO, DO, DO, DO, DO!!!!!!!! PEACE. NOW”.
A few days ago, I addressed this last comment-declaration-oracle of Heather’s in a most positive manner. I thought that was it, we’d be able to join the collective (but focused) “DOing”. But here we go again, with those oracles sprinkled with love and hearts…
I don’t know how many people are following this site and/or this blog (this crucial info has been withheld from us, in all lack of transparency). But anyhow, I wouldn’t bet we’re more than a couple of hundred for the blog, and a couple of thousands for the site. From my part, please allow me to depart, and when Heather decides (if ever), to offer us her work, as well as proving its validity by DOing it for herself, I’ll join back. For now I HAve a FAmily to FEed!
ps. so much for Project xiii as well. Does anyone know how many (if any) people are using it?
To, Awaken and Loreen…. Don’t give up too soon on Heather’s language. Heather speaks in code…. I think of it as “Light Code”. Heather grasps the importance of words and how to use word energy to manifest desires. It is an entirely new language… an art, really…. which raises vibrational frequencies. As your frequency rises so will your ability, to grasp her meanings, grow as well.
I decided I’d do better not to look to Heather, to answer all my outer-world questions because, personally, I think the inner-world stuff is her real forte.
This event we are witnessing is a process we have to “feel” our way through. Intellect will do us little good here. The outer-world news is being made deliberately confusing, so as to throw us off-course. If we aren’t in touch with our gut feelings and trusting them, over everything else, we are missing vital information that can help guide us confidently, through this maze of confusion.
ooops… re-read and decided I misspoke on the “entirely new language” remark…. It is probably more accurate to say it’s an ancient language that has been forgotten.
Let Heather’s words settle into you, on a spiritual level, and see if they don’t start to make more sense. Let them raise your vibration.
Love and Blessings to ALL
Thanks, to Heather and The Bridge Crew for all you DO and BE.
I am and have been feeling acute awareness and empathy for those who read Heather’s messages and cannot make sense. The language as written will lack meaning, designed to do so over extended periods of linear time. Not by Heather, but by what could be termed “word druids”, to borrow a conceptual phrase from Linda Goodman. A look at the exclamation marks, and the words “forgive” “judge” and all the words in capitol and this will assist in the understanding. Take away the feeling and set the meaning aside for a time. The feeling is “peace” “joy” “love” “freedom” and these describe a natural state of being. Resist the urge to make “sense” and use the innate “sense”. It will clearly tell that all is forgiven.Then the meaning will become clear.
I have a feeling that what Heather meant by `lets do this` is she said that she wouldn`t release the docs untill her and D went and `did` first to make sure it would work, which it will, she is setting the example of walking the talk 🙂 xx
@sara. This is an example of how Heather’s language gives rise to misunderstandings. This is not in any way a criticism of you, Sara, but that what she says often lacks specificity - and is open to interpretation, and some of those interpretations can differ wildly.
A number of people defend Heather’s obscure language by saying those who don’t understand it are in their head and not in their heart…., or that one has to ‘intuit’ what Heather’s meaning is. Frankly, imho, that is not only patronising, but a wholly inadequate argument. Words are used to communicate meaning, at times obfuscate, at times dodge, at times prompt the listener/reader to pause and reflect, etc. In my case the jury is still out as to my understanding of why she is using such obscure language and syntax and what she hopes to achieve by so doing. So, to use a Heatherism - what do I know? I know that many simply do not understand what she is saying. I know that many who do not have English as their first language are encountering difficulty with her lingo. I know that using language in this way is a choice she makes. I know she can speak perfectly normally if she so desires. I know that her language is frequently and deliberately non-specific. I know that an understanding of the language she uses is significantly simply based on one’s own interpretation. I know that understanding her language (or not) is NOT necessarily anything to do with being in one’s heart or not. I know that others in our world who are very highly evolved spiritual beings use normal language.
It seems so un-necessary.
Perhaps Heather speaks in such way that she will not create followers, which she has made clear she wants no part of. If we are given an exact blueprint of steps to take, would we not just continue to follow? We all have Different Roles to play even now to bring this Earth we desire into fruition.
It is time for each of us to step up to bat and do our work in clearing OUR own lives…past, present, future…healing our own dis-eases: emotional, psychological, physiological, clearing old beliefs, etc…learning to listen to our own guidance, discern, then trust THAT. If we believe we’ve done all the work on ourselves, we need to simply look at our current physical circumstances NOW, to see our progress.
Be gentle on yourselves, be willing to change, it’s a process. By simply INTENDING to clear these old hurts, processing them (taking a look at the lesson, seeing yourself in the mirror, FORGIVING ALL), releasing them, then learning to LOVE YOU, it happens!
We have been conditioned to follow, which served the old paradigm, WE ALL NEED TO LEAD NOW, by ceasing to follow anyone but OUR OWN highest guidance. By clearing our own pain and healing ourselves, with intention, we assist in bringing into our reality, the NEW EARTH we all desire to see manifest.
What we are doing is not logical. Our left brain cannot ‘figure it out’ by design, so that we step out of that and into the greater reality. FORGIVE…HEAL…LOVE…TRUST…YOU!
Well said Wandarer…thank you. I couldn’t agree with you more. It is true that when we do the work on ourselves and learn to discern with our hearts we find peace. I also think you’re so right in that we need to be gentle with ourselves and others through this process. IMO we are all on the same journey, but maybe on different paths and or legs of that said journey and as such I would like to add for those of us that may not be where Heather is that this was posted from a conversation Heather was having with others who clearly understand the language. It was then shared with us..not addressed to us, but shared for transparency sake. I have been paying close attention to the “RV” and it is moving forward…those of us paying attention have been waiting to see if and when they would actually release it. There have been many delays so it’s very exciting to hear that a lot of people believe that the first steps have actually taken place. I will be waiting to see what transpires next…it should all be very telling.
I M Power..BZ…it is great to see you engaging and sharing your thoughts and feelings regarding the posts and addressing our concerns and or questions..thank you!! Your presence in these discussions is much appreciated.
in expressing a thought throgh vocalization, sound, we CREATE, in the beggining there was the word….the word was a sound. when ONE is aware of the true NATURE of MAN there is a KNOWING of a great reponsibility to what it IS that we create. the LOVE is a measure of intent. a message is not graded on how well it is received, rather on how well it is presented. how lovingly, compasionately, knowigly, caringly, willigly, honestly and lovingly. heather is clearly aware of who she IS and of the energetics behind her actions. when one steps out of the programming of what is possible, and truely sees what IS, fear vanishes. if one understands that math is the true language of the universe, and that the english alpha beta is mathmatical bridge to a deeper understanding of the universe. one might wish a code or cipher. look into english gematria and the mathmatical symbol pi ….LOVE
@Wanderer, your post is another example of incredibly blind assumptions, which are, dare I say it, quite arrogant. I am questioning Heather’s use of language, and, according to the logic In your reply to my post, that makes me someone who isn’t looking at myself, someone who wants to follow someone who needs to be willing to change, somehow who heeds to forgive, heal, etc……. All those assumptions based on NO knowledge of me.
This is ‘cult’ like thinking - that if someone questions or criticizes, they are wrong, spiritually inferior and unable to understand.
@ Sara…I believe you used your heart to discern what Heather was speaking to for you and you should follow and TRUST your inner guidance because only your heart and your spirit knows what’s true for you as none of us are qualified to tell you or any other reader or poster here what one should discern. Some of us are still confused and have questions and this is the right place to be posting those questions and seeking those answers, some of us have discerned exactly the same message. Some of us are here because we believe in the work that Heather and the crew have been doing even if we don’t completely understand it all yet and some of us are here just to provide the contrast. I try not to be deterred by those that provide that contrast. There doesn’t seem to be any shortage of those individuals and while that seems so unnecessary to me I’ve come to realize the importance of that contrast and have been trying to learn to be grateful for those reminders as it helps me to stay focused on what I want and don’t want for my future. 🙂
When we make ASSumptions about others’ motives we are usually skating on thin ice.
Thank-you Tonia for your words of support, I don`t take negative posts to heart, I know they are most likely agents of the system sent here to disrupt and cause division amongst us, I feel sorry for them. I understand Heather `speak` as I have listened to her since the beginning, and have listened to all of the radio shows of the One people, and all the other shows to do with this subject, Yes it was hard to understand her at first, but if you put the time and effort in to really listen and learn it all becomes very clear and easy to process, and you need to listen through your heart and not your head, love and hugs, Sara x
Not picking on you Sonya, you make valid points. But consider this regarding your comment “Words are used to communicate meaning, at times obfuscate, at times dodge, at times prompt the listener/reader to pause and reflect, etc.” Indeed they are. And that may be why the comments were made by others to “listen” with your heart, with your feelings, with your intent to know, to understand. There is as much - potentially more - meaning in a look, a sound, an intonation, an image, as there is in words. There can be as much meaning in the space between words as in the words themselves. In the cadence of words, in their harmony.
Despite how much we might wish Heather to speak “more like normal” (or perhaps more like the rest of us ;)) by being wholly who she is, she’s doing important work in pushing us to exercise other ways of experiencing communication. Not unlike going to a foreign land and interacting with others who don’t understand you when you speak, nor you they. You still can communicate, if you “listen” to each other with other senses, including meta-physical ones.
I feel I should add that I sincerely doubt that Heather either needs or wants any of us explaining her, and doing so is not the point. There are experiences to be had and lessons to be learned here, if we care to discover them.
Above when Heather speaks of “RV”, what is that she is referring to? I do not know what RV stands for.
Thank you
Awaken, the RV stands for the Revaluation of 25 + currencies world wide which is supposedly underway, having been put into motion a day or so ago…. depending on different sources. Although there have been no clear demonstrable signs of this as of yet.
So much for Transparency Responsibility Truth Accountability. Can anybody honestly see any proof arising from all the promises and statements made regarding Documents relating to our Value and Project X111? If so show me where it is.
Thank You
It’s interesting to me when people who view life two dimensionally, seem surprised when life has no depth.
I fully understand that Heather must get this exactly right before she can release something that will not end in everyone trying things and end up in Kiri’s position. That said, I back her efforts at this time.
She is either being simply complex in her messages or simply being obscure clearly. In trying to rationalize as to why she would do this the only possible reason I can come up with is that she has access to inside information that she does not want the PTW to know she has and does not want to tip her hand until it is to late for them to stop it. Something like that I can understand. That would be like a replay of her UCC filings which blindsided the establishment.
We have too much to gain here and little to lose. Everything is happening in the timeline it should be happening in.
I do agree that her messages to the masses could be in an encouraging way that all can easily understand. As was said above, English is not the first language of everyone getting her messages. When those of us who’s first language IS English even have difficulty trying to understand what she is attempting to get across to us just think for a minute of how difficult it is for those who have any difficulty with English in the first place to get anything from these messages.
Heather uses the phrase “with specificity” a lot in demand from others. We could expect something close too.
You are in Use(age) of a system you did not create; if you revoke your Citizenship, you are a Trespasser into a system that you no longer have any association with, except through being an Alien. Which, if you start filing bogus UCC-1 Liens against Body Politic(s)/Corporate(s) and their Officers as an Alien to their system, you are therefore now Dishonoring said Entity(ies), and bringing War upon yourself, and them; and under The Law of Nations/International Law, they have every ‘right’ to retaliate however they see fit.
You have no security interest/interest/claim/vested property ownership in any ‘Equitable Title’/Beneficial Title of the “Public Trust” established in 1787 because you .
You need to understand the principles behind Self-Determination and Trespassing on Titles you have no valid interest in.
Self-Determination falls under Jus Cogens. Principles of Jus Cogens have been around since time immemorial; thus, they predate the U.N. and any definition the U.N. can/will/could give to Jus Cogens.
UCC is a tool of the UN.
Our answers are within.
@inward focused
Who are you, a lawyer? working for who? or maybe a NWO propagandizing troll?
For one thing, prohibition of Slavery is Gus Cogens’ first provision! What do you think that means?
Also, who said Gus Cogens displace any other legal system of jurisdiction? Latest proof of opposite is here: International Court of Justice in Hague, “Germany vs. Italy: Greece Intervening”, see page 2
Your whole argumentation is obviously unsound and propagandizing, but I’ll let community’s lawyers take on you, if necessary:-)
PS. Your “system” is the Alien towards the Human Race, not the other way around;-)
Well said, I definitely think we got a couple of agents from the system sniffing around this site, no surprise there, I think it`s best to ignore them, as they deliberately write provocative statements to wind us up and start us arguing amongst our-selves, they also try and make them-selves sound as if they are more knowledgeable in law than us, hoping we will think `oh he/she must be right` just because they throw in a couple of `legal` terms and hope we don`t then bother to do a bit of research to see if this person is telling the truth. There, rant over, love and hugs, Sara x
I was looking through the comments to try and find what it is you are replying too? All of us are The One People “TOP” and as far as I can see no one is trying to revoke citizenship. This is completely about our citizenship and all being created equal verses the rich 3% at the top world wide, and the rest of us in poverty and dying and the middle moving into poverty and then dying. We have every right at citizens of this planet to have what our God given right it, which is the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. The problem is we have not been given those rights, instead being enslaved by a world wide system who is intent on weeding us out for their own benefit. The UCC filings clearly show that the governments of the world lost and we won, yet they keep on going on with the act as if it is real, when they in fact are committing crimes against humanity and keeping the false game going. Could you please let me know what your comment came from and to who it is aimed at.
@P - I think you’ll find there’s a legal definition of citizenship in the ‘old’ legal system, which means that you are an employee/serf/member of the USA corporation, and therefore not sovreign. Basically, it doesn’t mean what we think it does. The hidden meanings of these common words is how they trick us….
Could you please tell me what F&P stands for? Thank you.
Same old faces, same old attitudes. Ascention should bring change and growth. Answers are within. Ask. Seek. Move on. Love and light.
To any agents of the system on this site, it`s too late, the cat is out of the bag, we know the truth now, so you`re wasting your time I`m afraid, we send you love and blessings, and hope you wake up and join the people soon xx
Beware - anyone who disagrees or questions is an agent!! Really!
Fantastico scambio di “VALORE” ….. 🙂 ma i prossimi mesi saranno difficili ragazzi , inutile prepararsi, ognuno di noi ha già seminato, comunque vada il compito è stato assolto. 🙂