Gal Pal Posse’ Live 1.7.21 Potus State of Current Events
produced on Conscious Conversation Central, Live on Thursday January 7, 2024
We… Notice … everything that is going on. The Out there… The In here… and we decode and play with tools to make sense and navigate all of it as we bring the Unwinding and Unbinding to a successful crescendo!
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Would you like to come play in conversation…
You are the expert for you.
Only YOU can make the choice to move from fear to knowing.
The time has come to connect with you and tell you The whole Story so that you release fear, embrace Love to walk through the gates that have opened into a New Virbational Earth. Nothing will stop this unfolding.
You can find the IUV website here
You can find information and videos to help you navigate in waking up to what’s really going on under the Quantum Playground right hand navigation menu or you can click directly on link below.
Direct link to the Quantum Playground on YouTube
Direct link to IUV twitter @IUVPORTAL
Would you like to come play in conversation…have a question or something you would like to share with me. Send an email to me, at [email protected]
Dear BZ, I want you to know how much I appreciate you, your relentless sharing of spirit especially touched me in this video, and when you called your governor Emperor Apple Maggot I couldnt stop laughing, i kept rewinding so i could laugh some more and i really needed to laugh so thank you for all of it! Much love always!
(heart)We are in an amazing moment! Behold your own brilliance and the Light shining forth everywhere… Not One place missing ;- )