A Freedom Story from Joni Bridge, New Zealand
Public/Law Notice
INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE and issue of international and national arrest warrants.
13 June 2024
17:13 NZ time
I am claiming my claim right as an international citizen to issue this public notice as formal notification to the following entities of my right to issue an international civilians arrest warrant for the following humanitarian and environmental crimes.
The United Nations -
for the following humanitarian and environmental crimes, failing to provide the necessities of life to the children of the world. The manufacture, use and distribution of weapons of mass destruction. Inciting terrorism. The purposeful use of violent force to prohibit the children of the world from access to the necessities of life. And forced slavery.The environmental crime of disturbing the natural order of peace and Environmental pollution, and genocide also attempted genocide.
The federal reserve bank of the United states of America, for Fraudulent banking.
The crown of England- for the humanitarian crime of failing to provide the necessities of life to the children of the countries under its reign. The use of violence and fraudulent banking to enforce slavery. The Environmental crime of disturbing the natural order of environmental peace. The manufacture and use of weapons of death and mass destruction. Environmental pollution, attempted genocide, deliberate poisoning of food and water supplies as a humanitarian and environmental crime.
The use of violence and force to prevent the children from obtaining the necessities of life. Terrorism through broadcasting by radio television and media.
Fraudulent banking. The manufacture and distribution of weapons of death and mass destruction. The environmental crime of releasing known petro-carcinogens into the atmosphere, food and water supplies. Attempting genocide. The manufacture and distribution of known cancer causing carcinogens again the humanitarian crime of genocide by poisoning. Perverting the natural order of peace by psychological abuse.
The New Zealand Government.
The humanitarian crime of failing to provide the necessities of life to the children of NZ. Enforcing slavery with the use of violence. Terrorism through broadcasting and media. The use and importation of known cancer causing carcinogens. The possession of weapons of death and mass destruction therefore intentional terrorism and disturbing the natural order of environmental peace. The environmental and humanitarian crime of poisoning the water supply and children with a known neurotoxin, fluoride. The importation of known cancer causing chemicals and the use of them on NZ land and in food supplies. Attempting genocide and disturbing the natural order of environmental peace. Fraudulent banking. Theft and sale of property belonging to the people of Aotearoa NZ without consent.Violation of the children’s human right to freedom of thought belief and movement. Psychological abuse through all forms of media. Perversion of the natural order of peace. The environmental and humanitarian crime of degradation of natural food and water supplies. The environmental crime of the use of force and violence to kill and farm and process animals therefor disturbing the natural order of the environment. The direct attempt and threat to use force to prevent me from expressing my natural right to speak. Tyranny and the act of conspiring with foreign entities in a financially and fraudulent attempt to take over NZ.
The importation and use of a known neurotoxin namely aspartame.
Theft of natural energy resources for the purpose of enforcing slavery
The New Zealand police.
The use of violence and force to prevent the children of NZ from their human right to expressions of freedom. Terrorism. And disturbing the natural order of environmental peace.
Shell, mobil, caltex, challenge
The humanitarian crime of attempting genocide through the manufacture, use and distribution of a known cancer causing agent namely petroleum. The environmental crime of extracting and manufacturing a known substance that can cause death.
Coca cola amatil
The humanitarian crime of The manufacture distribution and use of known neurotoxins and cancer causing carcinogens. Aspartame and petroleum. Attempting genocide and the environmental crime of pollution and disturbing the natural order of peace in the environment.
Fairfax media
Environmental pollution. Terrorism, psychological abuse and disturbing the natural order of environmental peace.
Mcdonalds corporation
The use and distribution of known cancer causing chemicals and neurotoxins. Environmental pollution and disturbing the natural order of environmental peace. Attempting genocide.
Environmental destruction through genetically mutating nature and disturbing the natural order of peace in the environment. Attempting genocide through the removal of naturally occurring beneficial chemicals which provide the essential health qualities necessary for life.
Kind regards joni bridge
i went to our parliament and asked to speak and was told i am apparently not allowed to speak on 13 June 2024
we need a voice, now!!!!
Hi Joni, David Icke.com he has a new tv channel called The Peoples Voice he is calling for reports such as yours. cheers