My 17 year old daughter was charged with driving under the influence based solely on the police officers visual observations.
They’re breathalyzer was broken and they have no actual evidence that this was actual fact. We met with the d.a. for an initial set down, and he threw the book at her. Even without any physical evidence, they wanted to proceed with a full d.u.I. charge with no intention of exponging her record when she turns 18 and directed us to take her down for fingerprints, and to appear in court.
I said no.
I then proceeded to file courtesy notices to our local sheriff, the d.a. himself, and our state d.a. as well. I have yet to hear back of anything from any of them. We didn’t go in for fingerprints, I called the d.a.s office, and he trial date is still scheduled.
I want to stop a possible warrant of arrest for my minor child.
Should I go and argue the points from the custody notice? Or should I abstain? I’m unafraid there will be a warrant if I do not appear. If I do go, what argument should I present?
Okay, this is the delema. Stand up for yourself and pay the price of incarceration and harassment of the Judge and his officers. Anyone have any help for this situation?
Look into Admiralty Law, there is some good info on youtube; “How to make the Judge run out of the courtroom”, ” your red pill”. Study the wealth of information, while you are doing this believe the help you need will be found. I am curious what would/will happen when you show up and refuse to board ship, they cannot say you did not appear.
You need to learn about how the system works, which is by your consent. I would strongly suggest reading Judge Dales Article “How To Defeat Admiralty Courts And “The Law Of The See” ANd his online book : “The Great American Adventure. Secrets of America” - This is the truth of what courts are all about.
I am going threw a process of understanding how the system actually works, Trust law, and how to use my position as a Beneficary/Executor of my Trust (known as my name in all caps) to “fire” the judge, and dismiss all charges. You can do this too, and even if we ignore what the former OPPT did, the fact that you know who you BE, and DO who you BE will shake the system to its foundations.