Do You Choose To View Clarity In Resounding Silence Or Crescendos Of Distortion
produced on Conscious Conversation Central, recorded on Friday October 26, 2024
Come play in the conversation with Sheila Corona, Lisa Rush, and BZ Riger
Expansion is occurring… for ALL beings in these moments of now. We can choose to view/encounter/embrace/flow… with clarity in two all encompassing trajectories… in resounding silence or crescendos of distortion. Clarity will be revealed, as Absolute Data is revealed, that is a given and part of the absolute plan unfolding. Our Choice is the tool and trajectory that revealing takes.
We touch on this very deep and expansive topic a wee bit as we explore just what is packed into our choice to View Clarity In Resounding Silence Or Crescendos Of Distortion.
(of a sound) loud enough to reverberate. (resonant)
the loudest point reached in a gradually increasing sound
the action of giving a misleading account or impression
come join the conversation and share how You are choosing to view clarity for you…
Would you like to come play around the quantum campfire… all are welcome. If you would like to come play in an upcoming energetic envelop of Around The Quantum Campfire or have a question or something you would like to share with me. Send an email to me, at [email protected] and we’ll make it so :- )
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I’d rather view clarity in crescendo distortion so that I’m not misled
I have meditated on silence for many years and now I would say there is no such thing, at least for me, because I hear my own vibration in my ears which is always there. Sometimes it is louder than other times. Sometimes it is softer. The point is it is always there and I look at it as my connection with self.