The Tapestry of Co-Creation is Manifesting before our Eyes
OPPT-IN has given us perMission to Manifest our Lifes’ Mission of perpetual FreeDom in the Eternal space of the Now! The freedom to Do and Be fully in each God-Granted Moment is each of our Divine BirthRight and BluePrint from which We/Source deSigned ourSelves. We/Spirit are here because of Free Will Choice and that Choice is the sea in which we all swim daily, in each MoMent. From minute to minute, we Choose via our Thinking, Feeling and Willing. From minute to minute, those Choices we make Create the next Moment, and so on and so on. Each of US Doing and Being that ToGether, weave each strand and string of our Creation. That is what We/Source are Doing Now. That tapestry of Co-Creation is Manifesting before our Eyes by our Free Will Choices, by our Freedom to Be and Do Truth in the Now and in the Full Light of Consciousness.
Freedom is also a Choice to Be and Do in your most fully Conscious state of Being~By focusing on the Present, we can hone our Conscious Awareness to a focused moment in time, Spirit then Responds by pooling Its/Our most available ReSources toward our Conscious Thought/Feeling.
I think of it as if our Consciousness is like the Sun~Light; diffusing light throughout the vast reaches of space. Now take that source of Light (sun or consciousness) and use a magnifying glass of focused Thought to a very small Feeling Point in time and space. That light transforms from diffused and sparse, to focused and strong; like a Laser beaming into the watery Pool of our Feelings. This Primordial Creation Soup is the womb within which all is Birthed into the New!
That focused light/sun/consciousness Creates an exChange in Energy. It strengthens its effect, from general warmth to a blazing fire. Transformation happens. Just like when our consciousness is focused on the current moment. Transformation happens and a Whole New affects Materializes. What that affect may be in any given moment, depends on US. Together we can Be and Do, to tranSpire and reVeal our True Nature and the True Nature of all Dimensions!
© (next time more on Our TranSpiration of the Dimensions)
In Freedom, I AM DeboRah
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Thank you for inspiring us to Be and Do fully, in each moment. We are fortunate to have your energy as a part of the whole.