Subscribe to get action emails at [email protected] There is ZERO conclusive evidence provided by the CDC that supports healthy or “asymptomatic” individuals wearing a mask prevents the spread of illness. PLEASE GO HERE FOR INFO to write to your representatives. Share this video EVERYWHERE, thank you!! You are not going to believe (Well, maybe you will) what I uncovered. BREATHING is your right, protected by LAW. (Are we really even having this conversation?!?) You do know wearing a mask leads to oxygen deprivation, don’t you? AND it INCREASES your risk of infection! And there are no conclusive studies that show wearing a mask if you’re healthy prevents illness. DON’T MISS: #1 Masks: SHOULD YOU WEAR A MASK? #2 Masks: HOW NOT TO WEAR A MASK IN PUBLIC,: #3 Masks: NO CA LAW REQUIRES A MASK: #4 Masks: MEDICAL INTERVENTION: #5 Masks: MESSAGE FOR BUSINESSES: #6 CDC MASK DECEPTION: If you believe other people should wear a mask to protect you, then kindly present one reputable peer-reviewed study published in a recognized medical journal that CONCLUSIVELY states that healthy people wearing masks prevents the spread of illness. For those who want to UNMASK THE MASKS, go here for all the details on how to talk to businesses, your government officials and others to educate and inform them about the SCIENCE and the LAW that does NOT support wearing masks in public by healthy people:… CONTACT THE BUSINESSES AND ALL LOCAL GOVT, STATE & COUNTY HEALTH BOARDS, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT It’s best to speak calmly, and in a manner of requesting information. Use the bullet point examples below in the form of questions. Be polite but firm and require specific answers and a timeframe that they must respond. Contact the businesses you want to visit in advance. Tell them you are coming, and you won’t be wearing a mask for medical reasons. Speak to the manager calmly and with conviction. Write to the corporate offices with these questions (also good to ask in person at the store) “What are the medical grounds for your requesting your customers to wear a mask?” “Are you aware there is no state regulation requiring that customers wear masks?” “Would you provide me with the peer-reviewed research published in a reputable medical journal that conclusively demonstrates that healthy people wearing masks prevents the spread of disease?” “Are you aware that a licensed medical doctor is the only person qualified to give me medical advice, and wearing a mask is considered a health intervention because it affects the function of the respiratory system. Are you providing a licensed medical doctor at the entrance to your store to provide physical exams of the public to make this recommendation?” “Are you aware that my civil liberties protection (in CA, it is California Civic Code 51 (b) states that I am a free and equal citizen and cannot be denied services by any business establishment due to a medical condition?” And be sure to sign up for your FREE ACTION GUIDE so you can stand for truth and freedom! CA STATE OF EMERGENCY IS INVALID and UNLAWFUL: How to find your elected officials: EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: HELP ME STAND FOR TRUTH AND FREEDOM