Mother Earth Speaks ~ The Spiral Begins Inside The Sun
by Aja, published on February 3, 2024
the spiral begins inside the sun,
and then it dives into the mother,
where it sings and sings,
and becomes the gift of everything
you see and don’t see.
when you walk out this morning with your hat,
with your phone, with your lunch bag,
with your coffee, with your happy, with your sad,
it’s all about to become so very amazing,
so very astonishing,
so very astounding.
all the things you treasure,
that light up your heart
in the glow of forever,
are about to become
just focus on those things,
and RELAX.
treasure being with the things
you can and cannot see,
that are the gifts
of everything in your life.
surrender to the spiral of the sun and the earth,
as they create the new earth
through you,
the creation of the NEW BEING.
OH YES !! Thank you dearest One(s) ….. so perfect …..
On January 28 my vision and journal entry: In the late morning I had a dream that the sun suddenly dimmed. ” I was in another city away from my home. I looked up to the sun, after seeing this dimming, and dark swirls began to turn into it’s center like a pinwheel. I tried to “run home”. Then I tried to buy matches at an convenience store along the way, but there was none to sell. ”