11.2.2024 BQH Journey
Eternal Light- Gold Flame, Lemuria, and near future…
produced in The Quantum Playground on The I UV, published on November 4, 2024
I conducted this BQH journey with Krystale from Journey Intuit on November 2, 2020.
The moments we are in right now are Moving FAST… and may be perceived as chaos and upside down…. how can this be happening and wtf is happening, especially given 11.3.2020, yesterday and the USA presidential election and its ensuing Truths that are flowing forth.
I mention this as I can see now, as always Divine timing is perfect. This session was originally scheduled to take place about ten days ago, instead it took place on November 2, 2020. The first stop I made along my journey was the most expansive, life changing, and physically altering experiences I have ever had. But all that pales in the the astonishingly beautiful sight that I saw/felt/experienced/was enveloped in/was The Genesis of…
My heartfelt desire is that you can step into the energetic envelop of that first stop along this BQH journey and experience it for yourself Directly and avail yourself of a direct personal Knowing of that astonishingly beautiful encounter.
When you do, you will KNOW that we are all exactly where we are supposed to be. And what is unfolding now with the USA Presidential elections is right on track.
“EVERYTHING that is Happening is what IS meant to Happen. You can’t TELL someone with a Closed Heart a Thing. You must SHOW them and Let them CHOOSE to Open Their HEART and KNOW the Thing. With EYES to SEE and EARS to Hear. Consciousness is a FREE Will CHOICE!
What Do YOU Choose?”
I Love You.
Come join the conversation
You are the expert for you.
Only YOU can make the choice to move from fear to knowing.
The time has come to connect with you and tell you The whole Story so that you release fear, embrace Love to walk through the gates that have opened into a New Virbational Earth. Nothing will stop this unfolding.
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Would you like to come play in conversation…have a question or something you would like to share with me. Send an email to me, at [email protected]