The Foreclosure Flyer

by / Tuesday, 02 April 2024 / Published in OPPT Absolute

The Courtesy Notice was introduced in February 2013 and was downloaded 64,000 times in the first 2 days. It is now being used worldwide. Recent information indicates that many more foreclosed entities are now treating the information seriously instead of passing it off as meaningless or baseless.

Foreclosure Flyer
Recent requests have resulted in a Foreclosure Flyer. This 2 page flyer (print front and back) contains the same OPPT filing information but with different intent and purpose. There are no Respondents, Proponents, Witnesses, Signatures or Terms and Conditions. There is nothing to fill in, no dates required, and no need for mail receipts. No special instructions are needed and there are no audio files to listen to.

Just download the PDF file, print it out and give it out. Email it, fax it, thatʼs it!

You may give it to anyone or send to anyone; family, friends, co-workers, a banker,ʻgovernmentʼ employee, or military person. It is for their information and benefit. You can keep copies in the car or your briefcase for handing out at a moments notice. You do not even need to ask their name.

Important text remains, so that a Courtesy Notice may be sent to the same person thereafter with full effect, as though the flyer had not been given previously. The flyer contains links for people to follow and do their own study or research. Just point to those links if people ask questions that you find hard to answer.

So spread the word and letʼs see if we can beat the 64,000/2 day download record!



5 Responses to “The Foreclosure Flyer”

  1. OPPT-IN IRS Corporation Filing Document - OPPT-IN says : Reply

    [...] You can use the contact information for the Centralized Lien Operations Office in the IRS to send the new Foreclosure Flyer to. The Flyer is available here [...]

  2. Volante y Aviso de Cortesía | Información 2012 says : Reply

    [...] Importante información permanece, de manera que un Aviso de Cortesía se puede enviar a la misma persona posteriormente estando en pleno vigor; como si el volante no se hubiera entregado anteriormente. El volante contiene enlaces de Internet para que las personas puedan seguir y hacer su propio estudio o investigación. Simplemente indica esos enlaces en caso de que las personas hagan preguntas que encuentras difícil de responder. Así que corre la voz! (Source) [...]

  3. Courtesy Notice | Información 2012 says : Reply

    [...] Important text remains, so that a Courtesy Notice may be sent to the same person thereafter with full effect, as though the flyer had not been given previously. The flyer contains links for people to follow and do their own study or research. Just point to those links if people ask questions that you find hard to answer. So spread the word! (Source) [...]

  4. John L. Harrison says : Reply

    I need some assistance sending the bond notice to pay the mortgage to BofA for a fraudulent reverse mortgage that she signed and now that she has passed away the bank is foreclosing on our property that has been in our family since 1976. My mother worked her tail off for this house and then took the money to improve the house why should I have to move and give up the ownership?

    So, I would like some assistance filing and paying the bank a pay to order of BofA GSA bond signed by myself with the United States of America on it, without recourse, and siting USDA CFR TITLE 7 1901.508 I KNOW WHAT TO DO BUT NOT EXACTLY HOW IT SHOULD READ AND LOOK. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME.

  5. sonya says : Reply

    @John L. Harrison. Look up the document “The Blank of Ireland”.

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