Report and Recommendation by C.Clifford Shirley, alleged- 11.17.17
BZ: This is not a ; Ruling, Judgment, verdict, decision, motion…
To download the report directly click here
#62 - Shirley's Report and Recommendation
Some comments:
[1:07:02 PM 11.18.17 | Edited 1:08:04 PM] Terran: Judge Shirley issued a recommendation not a decision. He effectively moved the hot potato to Judge Varlin. If he was confident he had jurisdiction he would have issued a decision. Varlin, a Title 3 Judge gave him the power to do either. He took what he believes is the safe route and bought time (they think) for the court.
[1:07:15 PM] 11.18.17 Arthur K: Letter of recommendation. If the person who gives a commercial letter of recommendation honestly states his opinion, believing at the time that he states the truth, he is “not liable in an action of deceit, although the representation turns out to be untrue.’ See Communication, Privileged, 3. ~ A Dictionary of Law…. William C Anderson
[1:47:19 PM] 11.18.17 Reuben Efamily Ⓘ: Interesting - trying to cover his own behind. The only part that is tricky about that is determining whether he actually believes what he is stating to be true, and if he does believe it to be true, why did he pass it off to someone else to make the call… (chuckle)
[2:33:36 PM] 11.18.17 a d: The judge Shirley forgot the Clearfields Trust judgment,
they can not be simultaneously true governments and corporations and the UCC regulates corporations’ operations.
[4:02:01 PM | 11.18.17 ] Paul Francis McDonald: Thank you C. Clifford Shirley Jr., alleged, for entering that document onto the eternal record, duly accepted as it is as “prima facie evidence” of bad faith, collusion and deceptive acts and practices, for ALL of existence to see and whereas the entire system being formerly foreclosed, is NOW rendered entirely demolished, utterly void of any credibility whatsoever and therefore effectively useless for the purposes for which it was perceived and claimed to have been designed, or indeed, for any purpose. END.
ALL the best for now, lotsolove 🙂 (heart)
Knowing that all is perfectly done, I am excited to see the next step in all of this. These courts and their games - and of course, this hearing is going up through the CRIS system. With a bit of luck, a banker will read it and say “WHAT!? THEY’RE ON TO US! LET’S GET OUT OF HERE!”
Wow that just Goes to show they have No jurisdiction at ALL! What is another judge going to Do? Why is Randy still in Jail?
The judge has only given recommendations. The judge-court never proved jurisdiction as Heather had asked them to prove. (In my opinion)
So, no proof-no jurisdiction. My thought is that you either have it or you don’t.
I do wonder what the next step will be.
“…Defy common sense…”
It looks like Shirley is Denying and Defying his own senses, of which many are in “common” with ours. I observe a foreclosed and dead corporation in willful ignorance of that reality.
NO authority, NO standing and NO jurisdiction!
I can feel Judge Shirley shaking in his socks and shoes…total blue screen! He took 30 days to put this ignorance of BS on paper. So many contradictions are obvious. Cognitive dissonance on in full force. I’m guessing he’s thinking OMG I can’t dismiss this case! It would void everything I have done in my (so called) career! I’m retiring! I want my pension! Desperation pass! Go long Judge Varlin! Catch this one before I fumble it! I can’t take responsibility for this!
So buying more time is the only gain for them.(illusion)
Randy should be freed immediately.
“Buying time” extends the misery of the peaceful people: more “loosh”.
“Buying time” extends the time the bank tellers can steal the charges.
Yes, what will another judge do and how long is a process that was supposed to be over August 21st going to continue? January? So what now?
Supervising Magistrate Judge will do what, schedule a trial for January to drag this out more? Decision or opinion there is really no difference as far as time is concerned.
There was no proof provided for jurisdiction as per the request. Ok. Judge Shirley gets to leave with his reputation in tact (?). All those knowing that made statements that this was over and the truth was going to come out, I am curious to know the behind the scenes commentary. Was this effort as brilliant as it was, The Effort or
Is there a hail Mary play coming?
I hope and pray justice for us all. But i really feel for Mr. Beane who is sitting without even a bail hearing or the resolution of his so called outstanding warrants.
Interesting…. Shirley did not actually sign the document, his “signature” is just typed in. Upper and lower case BTW. Although, what was I expecting? Purple ink over his red thumbprint? LOL!
Yes, Cindy !
By NOT signing in ink, this “judge” is NOT taking FULL PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for his opinions (“recommendations”). I wonder what the duress he (Shirley) is under that would prevent him from integrating the needed awareness of his complicity in the perpetration of violence in this situation?
“No harm done” to anyone (well maybe if you consider a “non human/corporate” rule “someone”), yet the Bean still rots in a cage?
I would love to see these “judges” put in the exact same cages (bunking with Boh Boh, the friendly inmate with diarrhea and who snores extremely loudly) for a month or so, as part of their real life “skill set” training. lol
Same “skill set training” goes for the violent thugs some call cops.
Frick, whats it gonna take for massive change?
Well this is a bit of a pickle.. I look forward to hearing Heather’s thoughts on this determination.
The perpetration of violence (the unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibition of such force) continues by the “Just Us” system. The Bean is still in a steel cage. Heather still has a tracker.
This “pass the buck” shell game can go on FOR YEARS. We want change NOW. Its OK for the JustUs “system” to ignore a “gentle” Praecipe and yet impose violence and call themselves “in service to others ~ the community”?
This “judge” is NOT taking FULL PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for his opinions (“recommendations”) …why is this document NOT signed in ink ? It seems obvious that an office stamp is a tool to hide behind the “corporate safety net” of “just doing my job”. I though maybe this guy (Shirely) would be braver.
As a result of this, Bean and countless others who have not harmed anyone, (people who just broke the rule(s) of a foreclosed corporation) are still rotting in a steel cage, paying in currency and time.
The longer the criminals (any “just us” system that is based on the perpetration of violence on peaceful individuals is criminal) drag this out, the longer the misery continues.
When is this nightmare going to end? Soon. I hope. I grow weary of insisting on peace and getting violated.
Heather, is there a Trump Card in this at all?
I am so glad others feel the way I do. So many people and families that felt and feel , this injustice will finally be over and we will be free… Now what? I hope there is a secret weapon that was held back in case the outcome was this weak, souless, recommendation.
I hope there is a brilliant gotcha waiting to be hurled into this, ridiculous performance.
Not signed, or validated, with wet ink….or bio metric stamp such as a finger print. Hmm interesting…and only making recommendations and not making a decision…hmmm I also looked up the current law meaning of the word ‘recommends’.. This word is NOT in any law dictionary.
Interesting to say the least….no motion …? well they still have to prove jurisdiction….
Luv Joey
BZ…what is your take on this document?
Hi Joey,
First its important to remember this case is Not happening in a vacuum- Meaning it is happening right at this moment in concert with all the other myriad of things you see/feel/alt media and MSM media reports of/ channeled messages/Quantum energy updates, descriptions/have a knowing of/direct experience of/passages in the bible/ancient texts/Indigenous lore/prophecies… just to name a few.
As such, when focusing on any one component of it or the whole unfolding narrative it is of great value to remember that we are not in a linear reality any longer. The planet is no longer residing in a 3 dimensional frequency bandwidth and vibrational frequency range. Which means you no longer reside there either. Though through programs and false construct narratives you may still be holding a predominate vibrational frequency of a slower lower vibrational bandwidth. Which will NOT be possible much longer. We are in a quantum flow and we are multidimensional beings beginning to learn how to notice/navigate/read the waters of… that Quantum flow while in embodiment.
A side note here: You do not have to believe this, know about this, or understand all of this for it to be the case. Just like someone who might think, of course there is justice. The government protects us, the Vegas shooting was done by one lone, looney middle aged guy who offed himself… Or a variety of other examples- They do not have to be “awake” to the truth about all of those things, the facts, details, specifics… that are all hidden in plain sight. That are clear as a bell for more and more people to see. The same expansion of perspective is needed to see the quantum…
With that laid down as a platform for expanding ones perception and remembering/ or realizing:
The Judicial system is not what it is purported to be
This case is not a case that follows the “normal” script of what the judicial system masquerade says a purported federal case moves along in specific steps…
This case is an (Disclosure) OP, designed with specificity and particularity to reveal exactly what the “judicial system” Is. What it actually does. What the Courts actually are. What the prison system actually is… With the reveal at the core of that being what the financial system/monetary system/banking system/credit system… is actual built upon and what is the true Value that “funds” it all.
As with everything that is being revealed right now- Noticing the Dots!, connecting the dots, and then seeing how they Are ALL connected!, no matter what the sector/focus/players/system/scenario is. Will help you to not only see how it fits within the whole picture of the Great reveal End picture. But how to really see what the data is showing you and which are the important dots to pay attention to in this particular narrative of the purported court case unfolding in the Eastern Tennessee Federal circuit court system.
Do you know the legal definition of a Praecipe? regardless of Judge Shirley’s scripted stance of mockery of it..
Once you recall the answer to that, ponder why Thomas A. Varlan; a level 3 judge, of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee would pass on a purported “frivolous” made up thing that is not a real motion, onto a magistrate judge? (who happens to be retiring)
As a side note- Thomas A. Varlan, of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, as of November 22nd,has issued 13 sealed federal indictments since October 30th. This will let you know his level of “knowing” of what is going on behind the scenes.
Do you remember what Judge Varlan’s directive was to Judge Shirley when he passed the “hot potato” of the Praecipe over to Judge Shirley?
Once you recall the answer to that, recall what Judge Shirley decided to do , of his two choices… What was the title of the paperwork he filled? And NO, it was NOT a decision/motion/order/finding, contrary to various comments that incorrectly characterize it as such.
Explain why paperwork filed by the Chief Magistrate Judge in a federal court case with such a high profile case on November 17th, is still not showing up in Pacer or the syndicated feed of court documents?
Once you see that dot, you might reflect on whether or not a Foot-Note 17 is/can be directed at a document that does not even exist based on the courts own “legal” record. And what problems it will cause for the alleged judge Shirley when a document is filled that restates in full the report and recommendation, now putting it clearly in the record. That shows with specificity and particularity proof of refusal to provide documented, sworn, validated, and verified identification and lawful authority. Moreover, proof of collusion, ignorance, and corruption. All part of the Federal court record via audio, visual, and transcribed proceedings.
There are so many Dots that are blinking/highlighted/bold in this whole narrative that define/describe/illustrate with specificity and particularity the designated aim of the OP, as it was designed and put into action by all the players in all the agencies behind the scenes that are bringing all data into the light to be fully revealed.
It is one component of millions that are unfolding this very moment in time as ALL changes in ALL of Source’s Multiverses. Bar none.
You can notice and get an inkling at the very least of the steps unfolding behind the scenes. You will clearly see various steps revealed for all this week and the ones that follow.
Do I wish it would go faster, be more visibly demonstrable for all to see each moment? YES ! Mostly because of Randy and his current situation in light of recent events. Even though I know his background and his training for this, even in the midst of him not remembering all of it, on a cognitive, linear level… has equipt, him with what he needs to complete his role/mission, what he was moved to do.Do I understand why things are unfolding as they are given the “Galactic sized” import/scope/complexity of what the end focus is? YES !
We are all in this together. We are the ones we have been waiting for. We’ve Got This!
Its time to Step Up!
BZ Is Heather on a gag order? Can she not speak out?
Heather is Totally focused and has all of her energy, talents, and time directed at the completion for her part in all of this.
As I trust, You, are totally focused on Your part in the completion of all of this.
It is good to hear from you BZ! Thank you for your kindness and always amazing insight. 🙂
The POPE is the head of the HOLY SEE, in that capacity it also makes him in charge of the UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE, so why can’t he be Summonsed to appear as WITNESS for DEFENSE or at least send a written letter stating that the filings were not REBUTTED, so the UCC ruling STANDS AS UNIVERSAL TRUTH.
If this is not true then the UCC is just another tool for them and the POPE to keep humans enslaved.
Hi Noel !
It is my understanding that the popes’ corporate entity (HolySee,VaticanBank,etc) has been foreclosed on back in 2012/2013 by the OPPT.
Given the reality the pope is “working” for an unlawful corpse (I mean ‘dead’ corporation) I doubt the pope is willing or able to accept that his ‘corporate safety net’ of protection no longer exists by testifying that the filings are unrebuttable.
BTW, it seems that the Popes “god” is Lucifer, and not the Creator of All that Is…
For you Judge Shirley: A recommendation from an ORIGINAL.
Be courageous. You have been CALLED.
You have been given a gift as you end of your glorious career, this gift….. single handedly make right the judicial system and in turn give back to humanity its VALUE and FREEDOM.
Choose now……there still time……….Perhaps you are the One who will initiate CHANGE.
The judge may have failed to make the ethical decision, but knowing the scourge of true pychopaths and other malignant personalities in the “just-ice” system, you have to consider the risk of the social pressure he was under in forming his response. In his decisions, he has to consider his personal retirement, security, and personal safety of all his relationship, as there is no extent a psychopath would hold back in trying to destroy someone.
Notice they use terms like “RECOMMENDS” instead of “ORDERS”. Hopefully Wonderland goes on well and we start getting disclosure today and these two can get out soon. <3
United States Inc. is listed in the DUN-Bradstreet with all the corporate numbers including the 96 District Courts, See United States vs John Parks Trowbridge Jr. And United States Washington DC and United States of America Pennsylvania are two apples to oranges in difference. See United States of America vs United States . Gives me Fed ache, some days.
Perhaps he’s related to this Judge Shirley and is being extra cautious…
Well this is getting interesting ! cant wait to here from BZ after she talks to Heather.
I have a Question if someone could answer it for me. Q: If this still goes to court in January will it be in front of a Jury? cheers guy’s.
Why did the transcript hearing last month end with saying the trial will resume this afternoon? what trial only a courts martial operates that way, and this must be disclosed if that’s the case. Is their Generals involved? if so they are not attorney generals. That would be Adjutant General’s persecuting a civilian.
Via Ben Fulford at
…there is a clear sign Khazarian rule is now collapsing, the non-Jewish governors of the Federal Reserve Board are talking about giving money directly to the people instead of their current practice of handing it out to billionaires and trillionaires. For example, John Williams, the head of the San Francisco Fed, talked about “nominal-income targeting,” which is Fed-speak for handing cash directly to the people.
In Europe, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordones, the former Governor of Spain’s Central Bank, told Parliament on November 7th that replacing monetary creation by privately-owned banks with money created by a government-owned institution would be a good thing.
This sort of public commentary by officials who are in actual power over money is a visible sign that the old privately-owned central bank control grid is crumbling….Also, in a clear sign Khazarian rule is now collapsing, the non-Jewish governors of the Federal Reserve Board are talking about giving money directly to the people instead of their current practice of handing it out to billionaires and trillionaires. For example, John Williams, the head of the San Francisco Fed, talked about “nominal-income targeting,” which is Fed-speak for handing cash directly to the people.
In Europe, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordones, the former Governor of Spain’s Central Bank, told Parliament on November 7th that replacing monetary creation by privately-owned banks with money created by a government-owned institution would be a good thing.
This sort of public commentary by officials who are in actual power over money is a visible sign that the old privately-owned central bank control grid is crumbling.
Oh Dear! I would say it straight out like I always do - This Judge knows he is running a massive SCAM. He knows that the Courts are running Admiralty Law UNLAWFULLY which is based on DECEPTION and FRAUD and is part of the Vatican/Rothschilds Cestui Que Vie Trust System which the UCC is part of only the OPPT quite LAWFULLY Foreclosed this SCAM so this Judge is being quite corrupt in this “recommendation” or he is totally ignorant and uneducated about all of this and just wants it off of his hands and left to someone else to decide. You can tell by the way the judiciary and government are handling this they know that they have been Foreclosed and have no jurisdiction and the Judge talks rubbish with regard to people commiiting crimes because if they cause loss or harm to someone else they can still be tried under Common Law but he does not want to admit that they are UNLAWFULLY and DECEPTIVELY running under Corrupt Admiralty Law. If the US is not a Corporation then why is it registered on Dun & Bradstreet just like all the other countries and Courts etc and also on the New York Stock Exchange? The people of the world are waking up to the truth.
In any State of the Union, since the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment and the Slaughterhouse Cases, there are now two distinct state citizens.
The first is recognized at Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution. The next is recognized at Section 1, Clause 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
A citizen of a State, under Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution is a citizen of the several States. A citizen of a State, under Section 1, Clause 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment, is a citizen of the United States.
Privileges and immunities of a citizen of the United States are not the same as privileges and immunities of a citizen of the several States. Slaughterhouse Cases (83 U.S. (16 Wall.) 36, at 74, 1873). Therefore, there are two distinct state citizens. Chadwick v. Kelley (187 U.S. 540, at 546, 1903).
Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution of the United States of America provides that “[t]he judicial Power shall extend to controversies between Citizens of different States.” Jurisdiction then of the courts of the United States is declared to extend to controversies between “citizens of different States.”
A citizen of a State, under Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution, only has to aver that he or she is a citizen of a State of the Union. Brown v. Keene (33 U.S. (Peters 8) 112, at 115 thru 116, 1834). A citizen of a State, under Section 1, Clause 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment, is to aver that he or she is a citizen of the United States AND a citizen of a State of the Union. Steigleder v. McQuesten (198 U.S. 141, 141 and 142, 1905). See also Sun Printing & Publishing Association v. Edwards (194 U.S. 377, 383, 1904).
A citizen of a State, under Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution, can pursue a cause of action against another citizen of a State, under Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution. Brown v. Flectcher (235 U.S. 589, at 594, 1914).
Thus, there are two distinct state citizens for purposes of diversity of citizenship.
The US Constitution was brought in through DECEPTION and was UNCONSTITUTIONAL and is there like everything else to serve the agenda of the Elites as exposed here :
The Constitution is part of the Slave System Scam - The US was NEVER Free or Independent and has always been part of the Crown as exposed here :
So it does NOT matter what the Constitution or Government or Judiciary says as it was all based on Corruption and DECEPTION and like HATJ said in this court case that has all been LAWFULLY Foreclosed and shut down and the Judge quoting CORRUPT and DECEPTIVE “Laws” is not going to change any of these to LAWFUL.
The president said that the people are sovereign.
27 CFR 7211 i state al crimes ae commercal any way!
This case should be dismised due to lack of parse syntax grammar!