Bob Wright- Update From First National Community Bank
Bob Wright- Update From First National Community Bank
This was an update Bob posted in the BTR Skype room 3:41 pm, PST, July 31, 2024
I just got a call from my bank 5 minutes ago.
I spoke with Mary Cummings the Senior Vice President of First National Community Bank. She told me that the Bank refuses to honor my transaction stating that they were not obligated to. I asked her if she had a lawful REASON for not honoring the transaction.
She was reticent to discuss any reason but said that I would be getting a letter explaining why. I then told her for my own edification I would still like a response to my proof of funding, and she told me that they were not required to give that to me.
I then said Mary, can I please speak to you as a person, can’t you see that there is something terribly wrong with the way things are? All of the fraud and deception that this cartel has perpetrated from LIBOR scandal to outright theft.
I told her that the entire world was watching and that her bank had an opportunity to do the right thing to help humanity and because she was duly noticed that she in fact was operating as an individual on behalf of a foreclosed entity, and that she rather was choosing to support debt slavery system and implicating herself in treason.
She said, “Duly noted.”.
I did feel for her position as I know she is only following orders. But I did note what she said, “we are not obligated to accept your deposit.” She did not say that they couldn’t do it, they said they WILL NOT do it.
They did not challenge the validity of what I was saying.
Every FRN issued is an IOU from the Federal Reserve. How can they owe us if first they hadn’t taken it first?
I believe its time to have a serious conversation with our Banks. Those of you who get it, know what to DO….LETS DO IT.
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Thanks for the update bob, it appears to me this is their resolution the (not obliged to), in fact perhaps they are not obligated to do it? if not WHO IS? are we suppose to take back our own rights to the trust? is this the process we have to go through ie. the appropriate channels in order to get rights to our trust back individually resolving all the departments of being a trustee? would this process need to be taken further to the high court under (common law) is that even an option? we understand the banks are doing this completely illegally and obviously they have the power to refuse if they are in fact not obligated. So what is the next process. to me it seems it does not matter if we have 10,000 people sending these documents through or talking to their banks, if all the banks need to say is “we are not obligated to”. over time we have signed the rights over to them, and this currency that is worthless anyway will mean nothing to getting access to our initial bond or trust if the only currency that we use is the one made by the governments and we are not able to cash in on the trust at any stage. Very interesting process thank you for the update. Still many questions arising from this as always.
I just called my bank this morning and talked to the person in charge, gave them the UCC File number and she told me “its a scam” I said its not a scam and gave her the UCC Foreclosure numbers which are #2012114776 and #2012114586. She said she’s going to look into it, and get back with me soon.
I appreciate this update. I wish I had the confidence to do that. I support yall that do. I can definitely see where the documents from Heather will be important to us fraidy cats. Question I have is what is the difference between what you did, Bob and what Kiri did? How did you keep from dealing with the policy enforcement agents? Thanks for the kind of example I prefer to experience with this.
I may be incorrect but I see the difference as follows, Kiri deposited a check from a closed account (your side of the account closed but the banks side remains open for transfers and setoffs as per Blacks law dictionary). In Bob’s case he created more or less a bond certificate and in both cases in full transparency attempted to deposit into their open account at their bank. If I am incorrect in my theory someone please let me know as I am also learning as we go.
We all know what it is we need to do. It is very simple. Each and everyone of us has to withdraw all their funds from the big banks accounts (the big banks being the ones who do not want to play ball). And within a month, the problem is solved. Simply stop doing business with them.
So this is how I see it: 1) we go and talk to top level of a selected number of Big Banks. 2) we advise them: we want you to do this, if you don’t we walk away. 3) If they don’t “oblige” (and they won’t) we walk. We take the money we have in deposit. In concert. A bank run. But not on all banks.
We need to find a bank or a number of them that WILL support us. Triodos Bank maybe? The Lawful Bank in the UK? Or maybe we should get our own bank!! With enough funds, we can get our bank license (you simply buy one) and you start depositing all your money there.
If you don’t have money in the bank but only “debt” to them, simply stop paying the installments and interest.
That will cripple them. Like they did in Atlas Shrugged.
We have the Power. If only we realised it….
nice post Jan - Bob, I like the idea of owning the bank, I have actually looked into this and it is possible. in fact there are people in US already doing this. so this might be a very plausible solution. I just searched the Triodos bank, and also another great initiative. It seems that bob has had some success in the mere fact that they said they are not obligated. Are all banks connected in the same way? would they buckle to pressure from governments if they started allowing people to do this (i would assume so) but as the saying goes, assume nothing.
I don’t think we are obligated to use their worthless notes either. We are free to issue our own value for value exchange units among ourselves.
If we refocus our energies on Truth and Justice and ignore their evil and corrupt ways, then their system will self-destruct.
What would you rather have, FRN’s backed by nothing at all,or eternal essence units back by the energy,skills,talents and creativity of our fellow brothers and sisters
“I don’t think we are obligated to use their worthless notes either. We are free to issue our own value for value exchange units among ourselves.”
Michael, this is exactly why the crypto-currencies are becoming more and more popular. You don’t need anyone’s permission or authority to let you use them. I’ve looked into Bitcoin and it’s outside of governmental/bankster regulation. It’s not free of risk, but then again, neither is the dollar or any of the fiat currencies operating all over the globe. The Bitcoin model looks like it may have inspired Caleb’s work on Project XIII somewhat, but I don’t know that for certain.
What I like about Bitcoin is there will only ever be a set limit of them in circulation, theoretically making it impossible to inflate or deflate the value of it. Anyway, I think it’s a beautiful concept and at least puts us closer to the goal of leaving the current paradigm behind us.
Good for Bob! Keep plugging away at them until something happens!
Yes thanks for that Bob. Between all of The One People that are now awake, we need to come up with other peaceful ideas, remembering that we are their source, so we are the tap and taps can be turned off.
Maybe if we only PLAY with the first bank that accepts us, bugger the others, they can go play with each other.
All for one one for all.
I would like to know if could be possible OPPT it self become a Bank for whole humankind, that could be easy, they have the trusts. We no need the slavery sistem any more.
Hi Raul,
Mate, I believe we are not to refer ourselves to OPPT anymore, OPPT has done it’s job and has been retired, we are now called The One People or TOP as Brian Kelly said on the radio the other night. have a good day my friend .
The banks are painted into a corner. They know that If they accept just one of our deposits of value using the OPPT filings as collateral, then they effectively acknowledge the OPPT filings as valid and in the process they acknowledge their fraud and deceptive practices.
We also have a moral and ethical dilemma - in one breath, we notify the banks that they have been foreclosed because of their criminal activities, then in the next breath we invite them to do business with us.
What do we really want from the banks? Here is a partial list:
- truth, integrity, transparency, responsibility and accountability.
- full and frank public admissions of their fraud and debt-slavery systems and NEVER do those things again.
- the banks must return everything they stole and/or obtained by deception AND provide compensation.
- conversion of some of our value into any representations of our value (money, etc.) we choose that are accepted throughout the world.
- allow us to use the existing banking systems and networks to temporarily store our representations of value, to transfer our representations of value to anyone we choose and to withdraw cash when we need it.
Wouldn’t we be better off to create our own bank(s)?
The main difference between Bob and Kiri’s approach: Bob went in with more of an attempt to get a dialogue. He had all his paperwork and went to a bank officer at the main office. Kiri went to a teller and used a check (if I am not mistaken) from a closed account (with the logo of the bank on it). The bank could therefore claim fraude and misuse of bank property. I think this “detail” is what got Kiri into trouble.
What Kiri and Bob DID have been (& will be) opportune learning situations, and they both deserve huge appreciation for their pioneering efforts. But it’s beginning to seem unlikely, things being as they are now in regards to upper bank management, et al., that the approach used so far will result in an actual deposit of value, @ least in the big banks, generally speaking, although who knows(?), maybe if enough people tested the waters as Bob did, one of them might get a huge surprise. It’s looking like upper and upper-upper management are extremely well trained in putting the immediate whammy on anything that doesn’t profit the current system. Even so,I think some of the above posts’ suggestions about next steps in dealing with the banks would work great if enough people participated, and Heather’s upcoming documents will no doubt bolster the heck out of everyone’s confidence level too. I like Bob’s bank encounter as a model for communicating with the banking personnel at that level. I was blown away by Kiri’s initial notifications and all the political levels she covered prior to her deposit, and now I have to wonder if (ie: assume?) that’s what set off the red flags @ her local cop shop, because in both cases (hers and Bob’s), the Banks didn’t seem to put up any resistance at all prior to and during either of their attempts to deposit their value. Bob’s approach gave us a bit more to go on in terms of the bank’s overall reaction (as opposed to the police), and his bank managers got what he was talking about in a fairly straightforward way (especially when he spoke to them on an individual level) and I found his presentation really helpful, in spite of his bank’s stonewalling. I have to wonder about Kiri’s bank not giving her any indication whatsoever, even after all that notification, whether they would or would not deposit her value, only letting he go through the motions, were they setting her up on purpose, just experimenting, or simply an arm of the federales(?)…
In any case, this entire effort seems so multi-facted, organization to some extent really is called for. We really do have the power, only maybe need to organize somewhat for purposes of communicating with the banks on a larger scale. Those in a position to, could follow Jan’s suggestions 1-3; others could be sending out education packets (per Bob’s docs or Heather’s upcoming docs, with Letter of Intent, UCC filing copy, Foreclosure Flyer, etc.) along with recruiting letters, to some of the smaller banks to ascertain their “willingness” index(?). While that’s going on, to my knowledge it’s still perfectly legal to create local currencies, which realistically needs local organization, even if only a “team of one” to design, print and administer the currency, etc., but imagine setting up a local kiosk of sorts with some local currency (see how Ithaca, NY began their local currency back in the early 90′s; just search “Ithaca Hours”; there are also a sizeable number of other “local currencies” throughout America…). One reference for this is @:
To date, local currencies have been mostly based on exchanging hours, with $10 per hour being a pretty average rate. With our value expressed in units, why do the units have to be FRN’s? Some local currencies are: Massachusetts’ “BerkShares” (started in 2006), Ithaca’s “Hours” (started in 1991), Detroit’s “Cheers” (which started up more recently - good name!, Detroit could use some of that no doubt), North Carolina’s “Plenty”, and on and on..
“Detroit Cheers joins an estimated 75 local currency systems that have sprung up recently in the U.S., said Michael Shuman, author of “The Small-Mart Revolution: How Local Businesses Are Beating the Global Competition.”
[And from a 2012 article]: “While there were only about 20 active community currencies in the United States in 2009, there has been a recent resurgence, with at least a dozen communities developing their own currencies in the past couple of years, estimates Loren Gatch, a professor of political science at the University of Central Oklahoma who researches these alternative currencies. In addition, currencies that have been around for years have seen a spike in interest, with membership doubling in some cases.
Economic instability is on peoples’ minds,” said Gatch.
Now, even state governments are exploring the option. Lawmakers in more than 10 states, including Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, Idaho and Tennessee, have been circulating proposals to introduce alternative currencies — many of which would be issued in the form of gold or silver coins.
The Constitution prohibits individual states from printing and issuing paper money as legal tender, but they are allowed to use coins as currency, said Gatch. Individual communities, however, are able to create their own currencies — including paper notes. Anyone can do it — as long as the money is easily distinguishable from U.S. dollars and values are tied to the U.S. dollar so that income remains taxable.”
As noted in the paragraph above, “…so that income remains taxable,” still applies to FRN’s anyway, so why not at least utilize this option of printing more local currencies to accommodate our value, and creating more local currencies where there currently are none. Especially seeing as this “global” thing isn’t what we’re after in any case. Local currencies are simply a means to an end, and if the FRN banks don’t want to play with us, then what the hey? Why aren’t the creative among us out there working locally to get a local currency going? The CN’s are good for the “tax” thing, we just need more notes to exchange until we don’t need them any more.
It’s been my observation locally that people tend to get in ruts and stay there, especially in the smaller population centers. As per the Huffington Post article excerpt above, local currencies are upsurging as we speak anyway. It’s happen’ folks. Seems to me that after Heather’s documents have been accessible for awhile, if strides can be made in the big banks, we ought to have a pretty good idea how likely those big banks will be to deposit our value, without stonewalling or sending out the paddy wagon. And hopefully that’s a workable theme, but in the meantime, isn’t it basically playing the waiting game to rely solely on what the FRN banks are gonna do?
Some years ago I sent letters and examples around to local city council members and the mayor, but they showed zero interest in starting up a local currency back then (just prior to the leap in gasoline prices). I had partially designed a couple of paper notes for local currency in the event anyone was interested. Maybe it’s time to dust off the drawing board and get it going myself. Apparently one doesn’t have to rely on local city councils for that sort of thing. Something to consider…
Lots of good ideas in these posts, I would suggest more local experimentation on lots of different possibilities and suggestions.
As for alternative banks: also check “The Lawful Bank” in the UK.
I think we can take matters in our own hands. Don’t go for silly fractional banking or unlawful interest claims.
But, it will take organisation to do this. And I don’t know if OPPT/TOP is the “body” to do this?
Can’t wait for heathers next interview, to hear what she has to say.
Thanks Bob and to all the people with the great comments. I’m all for owning our own bank. Looking for Heather’s docs to give me a bit more security before approaching the banks. I know that sounds chicken but I want to be all confidence before going into the bank.
Very Interesting, what this development is stirring up, Kudos to Bob and everyone posting here! Our Creative thoughts continue to be ignited. How synchronistic it is that I just spent the past several hours researching Sovereign Trust Bank based in U.S. and Canada (note they are not well liked by the mainstream bankers, wonder WHY?) Then popped in here to find Bob’s update. All kinds of possibilities to be explored.
I so agree that it would only take one bank to repurpose themselves for the people, and they’d never look back, they would have the peoples flocking to their door steps…. my hunch is this shall manifest in the near future be it an existing bank, or a new bank on the corner, not attached to it being either or … it will be the People departing in droves from the corrupt, fraudulent system… that will eventually bring the old barbaric paradigm down.
The vision for me is so very clear!! I feel it… clearly the only question is when? NOT if… and the only answer to that question is WHEN WE, COLLECTIVELY DECIDE IT IS TIME. Jan you are so right We have the power!! Definitely a season of Absolute transparency and integrity calling and propelling us in new and exciting ways. We are and have always been the VALUE (they just forgot to inform of us this fact, both in and out of school!) that’s okay because it is now out of the bag, in absolute perfected time and has travelled across the planet and think of the fun that lies ahead!!
Remember what Bobs banker woman whispered “I hope this goes through for you because I will be next in line?” I so had my own giggle fest here, hearing Bob share this Monday night!! For me it was absolute confirmation we are all ONE people the Vice Presidents assistant banker her self want to stake claim to her value ….Lets make that reality!! and when it all comes to pass, Bob, I want to join you as you invite the Vice presidents assistant to come along side you to the new paradigm bank so she can join us in re-claiming what was always hers that she’d previously had no access to either. What a grand party it shall be!! Maybe this Vice Presidents assistant would like to re-purpose her employment for the highest and best for all concerned…. sorry I did say I have the vision…. I’ll leave it at that. ~Smiles~
Meant to ask, didn’t see mention of this, but did Bob get his original documents back from the Stonewaller Bank?
Bob, you rock!
This is an excellent discussion…
The idea of starting our own bank is compelling… Thinking along those lines, I keep wondering what role agencies such as SWIFT and VISA will play in the “banking licence”? I assume (and this may have to be checked) somewhere in the legal acts there will have some “gate” to disallow such a loophole - that the One People are exploring here… and I am guessing the reason given for such a “gate” could be inflation…
I think Heather may have some insight into this…
As for OPPT starting a bank, also a great lateral idea imo… would this conflict with the vision of the IUV?
Why should we depend on a corrupt system to give us permission to do anything? The I-UV is not in competition with us on anything, it offers us a platform for ideas and cooperation.
Following recent developments regarding turn down of Kiri’s and Bob’s DOV offers from banks, create a wave of confusion, frustration, diffusion of community’s energy towards new yet unfeasible alternatives, and most of all, they create a risk of diminishing collective faith, which is our own very asset at this point.
Since Heather and D seem to have so much “fun”, why don’t they just take the chance to clear out the controversy.
People are literally dying out there… we already have more than 6000 suicide victims here in Greece as we speak. None of us want to get “rich”, we are only fighting for our lives.
Please, if you’re any serious about transparency, just provide community with the truth: Do we or do we not have a bulletproof set of tools to apply immediately and start building a life out of our current ruins. If yes, how do you know it will work? Why did you allow these two DOV failures (potentially more)? And if all those answers are affirmative, then why don’t you launch the “DOV”? Who in the world do they care if an alleged NWO’s grand plan (aka “party girl with a different dress”, or “pig with a lipstick on” as you call it), will be launched in parallel?
If we are in a position (i.e. possess all evidence and the appropriate legal ground and tools), to prove the world’s financial system’s fraud, then common sense suggest that we immediately go through with it.
The risk of losing out this unique “window of opportunity” is enormous, as it is the moral risk of completely loosing our own and community’s faith, should they occur a few more failed DOV attempts.
Seriously Heather, you should step in and provide a sound update. It may not show, but a substantial part of community members are getting tired, to worn or burn out…
Hello Fotis, I found your post very interesting and yes, we are having suicide problems in the States especially among the over 50s. It seems to me that what we really need as a top priority is alloidial title to a free share of the land and natural resources that it takes to make ourselves self sustaining. People are getting such horrible wages, if they get any at all, that they can barely pay for the basics they need to live. It seems to me that we must insist on an end to hoarding of land by the rich so they can deny the rest of us the use of it unless we pay them penalties for doing so. This is just simply a crazy way to run a country! The people must get the good sense to realize that these basic things MUST be freely available to every single person. When the people are stable in their homes and food supplies then they can accumulate sufficient power to make the social changes we want. Without those basics we are vulnerable to the bribes of the corporate-government and the land hoarders.
The whole concept of what you are trying to do here is odd. Heather says the banks were foreclosed. They no longer exist. Even the CN’s inform them that they no longer exist, there’s nothing there but a bunch of individuals, in absolute personal responsibility. And then you go in with these documents and demand these individuals give you millions of dollars for your personal value. Heather says the foreclosed, non-existent banks are broke - that she took away all of their money. And these individuals that are the only thing left certainly don’t have millions of dollars to give you.
How is this supposed to work? It actually makes no sense. It seems like you want to believe two opposite concepts.
John, the point is to use the system we have already paid for and built as an expedient and a means of reconciliation. However, if they don’t want to play then that shouldn’t stop us Gods from doing what we want.
I am really pleased with this update. Even though it may not be what we wanted to hear, it is exactly what we needed to hear and see. We can infer from the Vice President’s statements that the intent and purpose of this bank and perhaps all banks is to cause us harm and not in fact to help us. Even when faced with a choice to act differently they would prefer to continue to harm us with full knowledge that that is what they are doing. Finally some honesty and transparency from a banking institution! Maybe not we had
hoped for but honesty none the less. Will listen and act accordingly?
It’s for us to do this for ourselves, peacefully, lovingly and in full transparency and accountability.
Bob its still great news because as said they did not question the validity of your presentments. Until the Banks do allow the People to re-purpose them, they are operating as fraudulent entities and therefore the individuals involved are by their own choice choosing to damage the people by their refusal. Perhaps we should all send Courtesy Notices to the Bank and see if they change their minds.
Keep up the good work.
Blessings always
Bob its still great news because as said they did not question the validity of your presentments. Until the Banks do allow the People to re-purpose them, they are operating as fraudulent entities and therefore the individuals involved are by their own choice choosing to damage the people by their refusal. Perhaps we should all send Courtesy Notices to the Bank and see if they change their minds.
Keep up the good work.
In my opinion they are obligated to do as you ask because you are the Creditor and they are the Debtor…. send the IRS to them to collect on your behalf!
Blessings always
We don’t need banks because we don’t need money. We are each and all The Value. Value doesn’t need to exchange anything with itself. Just find out who you be and do what you love. Don’t worry. It’ll all get done and everyone will prosper.
The United States will be the hardest to crack. We are looked upon as the leaders of the free world. Trust that they are watching the activities in the other countries and getting their ducks in a row, to deal with us. I like the idea of the Trust creating a bank. I think this is why the CVAC Systems were thought about in the beginning. (Bank Branches - Transaction Clearing Houses). It is all just numbers on a computer.
John is absolutely right there is too many Banks. If we are the VALUE ie Bank, Then what is left is a foreclosed entity or a new service, which should have been informed of the new Transparency and a Creditors situation Including the restated Common Law. We should not have to inform them about it. Some clarification of status needs to be done here. Too many banks. If they were truly foreclosed and have a different status they should be happy to receive our Value with excitement.with a different name and they should not be called Banks period.
That was easy. I searched “How to Start Your Own Bank” and found an encouraging article of the exact same name @
Date of article: Nov. 2010, reposted 2012 - A few relevant excerpts:
‘According to Smart, “the three-year failure rate for new banks is less than one in 1,000,…
The profits are not too shabby either. The site reports: “6,770 community banks earned $67 billion over the past five years.”‘ [my comment: well, yeah, how hard is that when you're following the current banking "party line" of profiting big-time off every signature that blows past your desk?]…
“The community banks in the general geography are all gone,” said Wall, president and CEO of Global Trust Bank. Global Trust was situated in Silicon Valley and many of the small banks in the area have recently been bought up by big conglomerates. That left a hole in the banking community which Wall and his partners were only too happy to fill.
Global Trust Bank opened on December 3, 2008.
The customer has the ability to walk in the door and meet face-to-face with the senior executives and get decisions made on the spot” says Wall. “It’s one-stop shopping for very high-quality personal service.”‘
So apparently “community” banks have been generally going the way of the mom & pop stores. In any case, given that North Dakota isn’t under the Fed Reserve (weird huh?), I looked there, just to get an idea of N.Dakota’s basic banking requirements (sans the Fed Res), and found it here:
But then it occurs to me that it’s not really “banking” that’s needed, more like “service centers”, which, per one of the above posts, could logically fall under a CVAC. But just to elucidate, look at this (once again, from N.Dakota’s “Chap. 6-02: Organization and Qualification of Banks (SEE also:
“6-02-02.1. Nonbank bank not qualified to do business.
It is unlawful for any organization, association, or corporation, which owns or controls an
institution insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation, to own or control an institution
insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation or eligible to be insured by the federal
deposit insurance corporation which accepts deposits that the depositor has a legal right to
withdraw on demand or engages in the business of making commercial loans but does not do
Well, per the UCC filings, the FDIC no longer exists, right? Anyway, I’m not sure why an “FDIC-type” organization would be necessary in any case when the “value” is coming from the true creditor, us, eternal essence embodied…
So really, along with repurposing all the banks currently in existence, hypothetically including the ones in North Dakota that don’t have to answer to the Fed Res (for however long it continues to exert itself, albeit unlawfully), one would still have the formidable task of repurposing all of these basic local regulations. (Just considering “out loud” here…)
No doubt, on a state-by-state, or local area-by-local area (for non-U.S. consideration) basis, controlling details will vary to some extent, but there’s the question of how intrusive these state or local “non-bank” rules (and unlawfully asserted Fed Res regs in all the other states/relevant areas] would be on an eternal essence value service center. If one opened in your community, would it be in operation for three weeks, only to be invaded and shut down by local or other law enforcement because it “competes for dollars” with local banks? Certainly, its total reversal of debtor and creditor origination would cause a major uproar in the local economy. Hmmm, how to get around this? (Admittedly, I would prefer to avoid friction where possible in any case, barring an all-out need to ensure survival, and anyway, there are the Courtesy Notices, Foreclosure Flyers, etc., to bring locals up to speed, but checking the adversity quotient up-front isn’t a bad idea either, and aiming to steer clear when possible).
Or maybe a secured online value center is most feasible, a la an inviolable Project XIII Data Exchange, etc., etc., along the lines of bitcoin, only through a responsible CVAC(s) with nameable, responsible parties, etc… Unless of course, the banking industry does a “Berlin Wall” sometime soon and the basic barrier just evaporates. Until that happens, I don’t envision a large scale capability for depositing our value without interference from the old paradigm. Excepting what some folks above are saying in terms of simply “exchanging value”, but that doesn’t account for a larger part of one’s value at the moment, which at this point, most folks are greatly in need of. What Anna says really resonates with me, and I’m very eager to see how that would work, but it’s the every day need-filling that doesn’t let up (feeding one’s children/self, etc., etc., that would suffer a major slow-down with no locally exchangeable value representation (ie: notes of some sort). And as Pam indicates, the US will be hard to “crack”, so interference of will probably be a given in the case of a stand-alone [ie: not dependent on any already existing banks] “transaction clearing house” [ie: eternal essence embodied value depository/exchange]. (On the other hand, NZ doesn’t appear to want to “crack” very easily either.) Then there’s the immediate necessity for a locally accepted exchange medium with which to buy produce (or other immediate necessities), as opposed to standing next to your vertical wall garden whispering “hurry up and grow” when your kids are subsisting on saltines and your frig is getting emptier by the minute, an image probably all too familiar as per Fotis’s post above. I’m envisioning the DOV docs having a sweeping positive effect in general, and I can’t wait for some bank to come back with, “cancel paragraph so-and-so of our charter, just deposit this lady’s value, dadgum it!” Pending that reality, in the meantime, there definitely needs to be some immediate transitional exchange going on that translates locally. Something we can count on [inviolable]. Online CVAC anybody? I wonder how quickly it could be up and running while DOV is working on tailwind?
In my journey to become free, as I understand it the Bankers (Federal Reserve) and corrupt government through the scam of our state issued birth certificates monetized us in a trust in which everything is prepaid, my question is how do we take control of that trust, then at that point it would very simple to deposit your value. (Does having the UCC docs. filed eliminate these Trust?) I have read that through bankruptcy if you have your birth certificate showing the liber number and the cusip number listed as your asset the court has to assign a trusty over that account as it is a security account in some form of commerce with a lot of others in the pool. (if there can be a court appointed Trusty can you direct them to release the full Trust to the true Being?) As always I continue to learn and I may be incorrect in this. But who knows as we share information openly the mystery piece of the puzzle may fall into place. Peace and Love to all
Maybe Heather or someone needs to explain, define,exactly what foreclosure of the banks looks like in physically not on PAPER. I know when we the people are foreclosed upon, we loose our home physically or we go to jail?. What does foreclosure of these Private Corporations, energy utilities and corporate/government agencies looks like, after six months? As far as I could see its still business as usual, full steam ahead by these presumed foreclosed corporate entities, as if nothing has happened. Also Common Law. But the Courts(Bank) are still riding rough shot over common law, with force and violence still prevailing at this moment in time..No one is talking about the LAW. WHY not people?
Hi Anna says:
I’m just interested in you saying we don’t need money, but what if I have a cow and you have a pie and I need a pie, your pie is not equal to my cow, my cow is worth say 100 units your pie is worth 5 units how do you pay me my change? with your hairy check book. this may work for girls. cheers from an Aussie mate.
Hi Kenrick,
Mate have you been to a site called I just watched a video on there and they seem to be doing a similar thing there. In the video they are claiming as from 30th June 2013 every debt in the world was forgiven the people and Countries. Everything else is supposed to be happening on the 1st Sept 2013 didn’t Bobs manager mention 1st Sept.
On 1st September 2013 the Vatican will release the accounts and withdraw immunity for judges, attorneys, politicians, bankers etc, so they can be charged for their crimes. They did mention this has a three year window for them to comply and to keep noticing them to hurry it up. I suspect they will ride it out to try and collect as much as they can. cheers mate
I don’t want to rain on people’s parades but the key issue here is not who owns the bank, but the fact that the bank is a privately-owned corporation. How can you allow an institution that is to serve (and sustain the economy) to be at the same a vehicle for profit for a happy few??
That concept is wrong. Whether Rothschild owns it, or TOP (formerly knows as OPPT).
Banks should be community driven. Central banks should be ruled by “The People” (via some form of government). We can abolish interest and use a transaction fee %. To cover the cost of the bank.
When you borrow money for something, you pay a transaction fee for the WORK done to get you this loan. Then you pay back the loan. No interest payment.
Interest is unsustainable. Any system that is unsustainable, dies. And not in a nice way. Put 30 rats together without sufficient food and they eat each other.
I agree that we need a much cleaner definition of “Foreclosed.” Something with “particularity and specificity” to quote Heather here. Something that everyone can clearly understand and will then be able to fully explain to anyone at any alleged bank or other former corporation so they get it.
This also sounds like something that Kiri should have to be able to explain to the former alleged courts and police authorities in a way that they can clearly understand so they know where they’er coming from.
As for “The One Peoples World Bank” (that’s what I would call mine) concept I foresee tons of obstacles to overcome. Even if such a bank could be created how would this entity manage to get an armored car full of FRN delivered to cover such things a cash withdrawals just to buy basic neccesities to feed the kids at stores that might not take debit cards, etc. Plus I would want it located here in Las Vegas so I don’t have to drive to Podunk, Idaho just to get some cash. This bank would have to be recognized by the Federal Reserve or other banks just to get physical cash, let alone have access to an interconnected system to reconcile accounts at the end of each business day, just to name a few obstacles which would need to be overcome. Doable but would take some serious effort.
In reality, if a bank would be willing to repurpose itself and accept our DOV’s it would be a positive win win situation for everyone. Take Bob’s presentation for instance. It is highly improbably that that bank would ever have made $350,000.00 off of doing business with Bob under normal banking circumstances. With Bob just offering them only 10% of of his first deposit and 1,000 others who would flock to the same bank to do the same thing the bank will have made $350 million from just the first 1,000 depositors if they all only deposited $3.5 million of their value. These bankers have to be morons to not accept an offer like that. Here in Las Vegas we have 2 million people. If a small local bank (like mine) could get only half of the people here (and who wouldn’t) to deposit the same amount as Bob tried to do into a repurposed bank, that bank would now have gotten $350 billion in deposit fees alone. Not bad for only accepting our DOV’s and taking our deposits. It’s a complete no brainer and all the bank has to do is process our transactions and keep track of balances and they already know how to do that.
Maybe we need to concentrate our efforts on the smallest banks we can find where we live. Then, literally, make them an offer they can’t refuse. Banks are always trying to advertise for more customers and get more clients and offer more services. If a banks accepts us there would definitely be a run on the bank but in the reverse sense of the word. The bank would have a line a mile long (1.6k) every day when they opened their doors (with new extended hours, 24-7) with people just waiting to sign up and deposit their value.
The banks that refuse us will simply be ‘shut out’ because once the people get the word I seriously doubt that they will stay with the banks that won’t take their value. The people will also never forget the banks that refused them and they will close their accounts and withdraw all their funds ASAP and get in line at “The Bank of What’s Happening Now” to deposit their value. Plus why would people in the know even want to support the very “To Big To Fail” (TBTF ) banks that have been ripping them off for decades even if they come begging to us. They will have gotten their just reward.
On top of that any alleged outstanding loan claims these TBTF banks might allegedly have against all the people who have chosen to move to “The One Peoples World Bank”, for instance, can get in line with their lawsuits because the very people they might try to go after now can string them out as long as they want until they are force to pay up with a small pittance of their value or they have their loans cleared by way of CN’s. Plus the TBTF banks are going to have a hard time finding anyone who is willing to come to work for the pitiful wages they are willing to pay their employes who have all jumped ship. The TBTF banks will become a great place to meditate because it will be quite (no workers or customers) nothing but big empty quite hulls of their former self. No tellers are going to stick around when they are now worth a lot more than the highest paid executives.
Any bank that can do the math will figure this quite quickly. The first one who comes up with the figures wins.
Maybe we just need to present something like the above scenario to each bank around our towns and see who is willing to take a chance.
Just my thoughts at this point in time. Go Bob & Kiri.
Max, Excellent post! Thanks for thinking in solutions! I would like to approach a bank in Uruguay but I don’t understand the documents I’d need to present. Uruguay has an attitude that the happiness of the people is the first priority of government as was stated by the President in his speech to representatives of the 139 countries attending the Summit on Sustainable Development opened by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in 2012.
Now Uruguay will be the first country to make marijuana fully legal. I like the way they think. Maybe they will help us.
I’m sure this has crossed everyone’s mind. When this takes off, in a matter of a month or so the world will have, let’s say, 1 billion new millionaires!! I also image that most of them will not go to work. It won’t be long before many goods and services will either not be available or the price will go through the roof. There has to be a transition plan for something like this. Peoples hearts and minds need to be in a different place. I think we can come together on what goods and services we want and together deliver them without the need of much government or corporate structure but this down the road.
On the other hand maybe this could be a non violent revolution, although messy as they always are, that will get things going in direction that we want.
Joe, good points, but we can’t have a revolution with millions of homeless & hungry people living in the streets. They are just too desperate to act. I think we must demand from the banks the properties that now belong to us (always have actually) but they are hoarding while the Real People are living out of shopping carts. This shits got to stop. The first priority should be getting everybody housed and fed and then local, stable, organic food supplies made available in abundance so we have millions of safe, confident people to help create the new social design.
At this moment in time,what I am observing objectively is more delays,speculation presumptions promises doubts uncertainty and confusion about the evidence the real deal, of all that were stated and how to proceed. Somehow words and deeds are not congruent and no integrated facts has manifested so far. So much for transparency integrity and accountability. Is this my Imagination? Or is this what is really happening? Your thoughts via critical thinking.please.
Hello everyone!
I think that in reference to my last reply the new bank “Americans’ Value Credit Union” could instead of issuing paper currency can issue promissory notes/money orders and that can be used to pay for everything.
[this comment Burt refers to, I pulled out and made into a separate post. ]
Like a check it would be processed through the new bank debiting the issuers’ account and crediting the receivers account with value units which can be accepted as a “dollar unit”. The promissorynote/money order will be a contract between the issuer and receiver that will be exchanging a value for value in substance. Here is an example. I walk into local grocery store and checkout 100 “dollars” worth of groceries. I sign a promissory note/money order “Pay to the order of Foodtown”.
The cashier accepts it as legal tender payment and at the end of the day person from Foodtown takes all the daily promissory notes and deposits them at the bank and the bank will give credit to their account accordingly debiting the issuers account just like a check would be processed. Right now the laws are set-up for the government to process promissory notes/money orders the same way getting the “value” from our treasury exempt account as in the “A4V” process. We will be doing the same thing but instead of using the government we will be using our new bank credit union.
Noel thanks for that I have watched the video, James Mcbride at The first thing I heard he spoke about the Bankruptcy of the US. Heather havent mention that. I’ve have seen many freeman movement, but never heard of this one, Coming from a position of Peace , a conflict cannot exist. Thats a powerful position spiritually taking responsibility by rejecting TPTW presumptions and our own. A lot of sense there. THANKS.
I like the idea of a CVAC running the bank but instead of the profits going to a few people that own the bank those funds get purposed to develop infrastructure, organic food banks, and anything else that serves the community.
I am under the understanding that if we the people contract to facilitate (create) a bank its sole purpose would be to exchange our value into something of substance that can used as a medium of exchange in the community. There would be no need for “profits”. The only overhead would be having a way to “pay” for the electric bill.
Found this,
Looks interesting, will read up some more and look into a few options, I like the Idea of setting up our own bank! I have known you can do this, Then perhaps we can draw against our own value?
Start Your Own Bank For 65,000 complete with online processing everything. NOT BAD RIGHT? this is totally do-able.
Hi there, Does anybody believes that bankers are going to give up their addiction to free money control and power?
I am sure you will agree History repeats its while we sleep. Here is the Bankers Manifesto of 1892 see if anything has changed..The Bankers Manifesto of 1892
Revealed by US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. from Minnesota before the US Congress sometime during his term of office between the years of 1907 and 1917 to warn the citizens.
“We (the bankers) must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them.
At the coming Omaha Convention to be held July 4th (1892), our men must attend and direct its movement, or else there will be set on foot such antagonism to our designs as may require force to overcome. This at the
present time would be premature. We are not yet ready for such a crisis. Capital must protect itself in every possible manner through combination ( conspiracy) and legislation.
The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.
When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power
of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.
History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a state of political
The question of tariff reform must be urged through the organization known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protection with the reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party.
By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expand their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to the common herd. Thus, by discrete action, we can secure all that has been so
generously planned and successfully accomplished.”
Revealed by Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. to the U.S. Congress sometime between 1907 and 1917.
Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an IMPERIALISM of capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discrete action we can secure for ourselves what has been generally planned and successfully accomplished.