The Cure to Cancer Summit - Free Event
Join 22 leading researchers and experts in the world’s first free ONLINE cure to cancer summit
September 18 -28, 2013
According to the event website, during the Cure to Cancer Summit you will learn…
- A variety of alternative cancer therapies you’ve probably never heard about
- An array of integrative approaches that combine conventional and complementary treatments
- Natural healing approaches to reverse disease or avoid it in the first place
- Shocking cancer facts and statistics
- How to balance your PH levels- a key to reversing chronic illness
- A variety of nutritional approaches to healing
- How dental toxicity can contribute to degenerative disease
- The power of a mind/body approach to healing from cancer
- How emotions play a major role in the onset of cancer
- How to shift your consciousness to facilitate healing
- The role of spiritual healing in reversing cancer
- Cancer survivor secrets to activating your inner guide
- How regeneration can keep you healthy beyond the age of 100
For more info click HERE.
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