OPPT Courtesy Notice
As a result of UCC filings by the OPPT, it has now been re- established that you own your body, and no other entity ever did or can. The banks, corporations and government bodies HAVE been foreclosed and as such so there is no ‘debt’.
As each individual BE’comes aware of these facts they will BE’gin to awaken and realize the fraud that has been perpetuated against them and that they can now take back possession of their BE’ing by simply DO’ing – that is, sending out the Courtesy Notices and invoices (if needed) with the right intention, remaining in ‘honor’ by always being polite and sharing the knowledge with others as every opportunity arises.
The OPPT Courtesy Notice process is easy to use just follow the guidelines enclosed in the following download
Updated October 2015- Paper Action Courtesy Notice-
Word version Click here to download directly
Update, October 2015 - Courtesy Notice Invoice-
Word Version Click here to download directly
Download The Courtesy Notice Update
Click to download Courtesy Notice Update V06P00 - COMPLETE KIT WITH AUDIO UPDATE
Page 5 of the Courtesy Notice has been updated. Please swap out this page for any CN that you use.
Click here to download
Courtesy Notice Updates, March 8, 2024
Courtesy Notice Update V06p00 - click here to see detail page
Complete kit with guidelines audio.
Please email all questions on the usage of Courtesy Notices to [email protected]
This is the third major release of the Courtesy Notice documents.
It has PDFs for printout and hand fill plus a tidy up of the Word documents to
make them easier to use in other Word Processors.
Changes in V06
- Minor wording changes to one or two Declaration of Fact sections to include Slavery Systems
- Different techniques used for highlighting text to be replaced in the Word file
- Some formatting changes to accommodate Apple Page and Open Office
- Handwritten PDF versions also supplied
- Reference PDF supplied for the Word docs to help troubleshoot formatting issues
- This kit contains the same audio file as for V05 as it is still applicable.
Changes in V05 (these still apply to V06):
The range of circumstances that these notices can now cover has been expanded dramatically.
Please re-read the instructions and listen to the Courtesy Notice Guidelines-V05p00 audio file
to understand how far it goes.
- You can demonstrate support for any individual being victimized by the foreclosed corporations
- You can also Notice any individual acting on behalf of foreclosed corporation that they are acting
to perpetuate slavery systems. That means the CEO and board of Monsanto for instance!
The files are now all in Word .doc format so they can be more easily dealt with.
They are in US Letter page size but will still print OK on A4 by way of Word’s auto scaling feature.
File List: Courtesy Notice Update Kit-V06p00-08 Mar 2013
Audio Explanation of V05 Courtesy Notices
Courtesy Notice Guidelines-V05p00-01 Mar 2013.mp3
(Issued with version 5).
Guidelines for V06 Courtesy Notices
OPPT Courtesy Notice Guidelines-06p00.pdf
Word Documents- Courtesy Notices in editable form
OPPT Courtesy Notice [Future Action]-06.doc
OPPT Courtesy Notice [Incident]-06.doc
OPPT Courtesy Notice [Paper Action]-06.doc
OPPT Courtesy Notice [Slavery Foreclosure General]-06.doc
OPPT Courtesy Notice [Slavery Foreclosure Individual]-06.doc
Hand Written PDFs- Courtesy Notices in “hand written form’
OPPT Courtesy Notice HAND FILL [Future Action]-06p00.pdf
OPPT Courtesy Notice HAND FILL [Incident]-06p00.pdf
OPPT Courtesy Notice HAND FILL [Paper Action]-06p00.pdf
OPPT Courtesy Notice HAND FILL [Slavery Foreclosure General]-06p00.pdf
OPPT Courtesy Notice HAND FILL [Slavery Foreclosure Individual]-06p00.pdf
Reference PDFs – show how the Word files should look
REFERENCE - OPPT Courtesy Notice [Future Action]-06p00.pdf
REFERENCE - OPPT Courtesy Notice [Incident]-06p00.pdf
REFERENCE - OPPT Courtesy Notice [Paper Action]-06p00.pdf
REFERENCE - OPPT Courtesy Notice [Slavery Foreclosure General]-06p00.pdf
REFERENCE - OPPT Courtesy Notice [Slavery Foreclosure Individual]-06p00.pdf
Invoice document for Courtesy Notice billing
OPPT Invoice (US Letter)-06p00.doc
im having difficulty downloading the CN document. Is there one specifically for a Credit Card Debt?
I am also curious as to how to present these documents or others to debt collectors for student loans.
I would use the same CN as for ‘foreclosure’, at the end of the day, one is only dealing with an individual who purports to represent a now foreclosed corporation / bank.
I would also use for credit card, all similar scenarios and all issued by banks.
Bill Rollinson
There is no credit card debt.
Although it’s called a credit card, no credit is ever issued.
A bill of exchange is created by you and exchanged for the goods or service, the vendor gives that to his bank who take a fee and sell it to the card provider like visa etc.The provider takes a fee and sells it to your bank who also take a fee and then they sell it back to you at face value, charging interest if you exceed the fraudulent repayment terms. As the fee is not disclosed in any agreement/contract the entire transaction cannot be enforced. But argue with the bank, don’t wait until they sell it a debt collector.
I would like to hand out CNs to banks , government employees… I am not needing a CN for personal debt, only as a hand out to educate. I am not sure which one to use for this. Thanks for all your help.
Hi Jeff
If you have no personal issue to resolve, and would simply like to ‘educate’ and help to spread the word, perhaps the Foreclosure flyer would be a better option.
From my eternal ♡ ➤ your eternal ♡
I can’t get any to download?
Where do I download the courtesy notice from?
Here you go Rob.
Bill Rollinson
I have my auto loan through my credit union, will a CN be effective there as well?
Hi there, Can I use the CN for my mortgage & council tax debt in the UK? Many thanks for all your work this is incredible!
Hello: Love and light to you all. Thanks for everything. I am having a little difficulty getting full names for me to send my CN, I have 4 and the are all to the government. Is there place on the IUV site that I can find some great ideas, or here would be good to. Thanks
Ladies and Gentlemen
You all have done a magnificent job for the world in all dimensions and all kingdoms my heart felt gratitude to the trustees and supporting cast
I have a updated apple iPad and cannot download the newer courtesy notices ? please advise if there is another web site to download these documents
Doing and Being : )
The Courtesy Notice documents do no reflect the new website (I-UV.com) nor do they address the removal of the original OPPT1776 website.
Making sense of these changes is critical or we will lose the value of the “branding” that has been done so far.
I know this is an incredible amount of work for you and I want to say how grateful I am for everything that has been done.
Love & Light
Older sites are redirected to i-uv.com
The OPPT1776 website was not removed.
Nyitva van az aranykapu. Ugyanis benne vagyunk az Aranykorban. Minden igazságtalanság fényre kerül. Kérdés, hogyan élünk vele. Ez itt a felsőség vállalás ideje. Ha eddig vezettek, most te legyél a vezető. Tedd meg saját magadért, és a családodért. Fvq.
Which courtesy notice would I use for debt collectors?
Hi MicklePickle
I believe there is a full explanation of which CN to use for a particular situation in the CN Guidelines to be found here https://i-uv.com/oppt-absolute/oppt-tools/oppt-courtesy-notice-guidelines/
In this instance, my understanding is that you would use the CN Future Action as you’d be dealing with an agent of a foreclosed entity. I suggest you do your research as you’ll find that everything you need is on the site - it’s just a case of doing some ‘trawling’ from page to page sometimes.
Best of luck in your BEing & DOing
From my eternal ♡ ➤ your eternal ♡
My 17 year old daughter was given a ticket for a DUI based on the Police Officers report, no breathalyzer was given. I went to the initial meeting with the DA to discuss next steps. He basically threw the book at her and stated that he would not even expunge her record when she turned 18. I said “no” to this initial offer, and she was then ordered to get fingerprinted at a future date. I sent courtesy notices to that DA, the State DA and the Sheriffs office who issued the ticket. I stated that she would not appear for fingerprinting and that that they were not authorized to pursue any charges based on the UCC filings outlined in the courtesy notices. We were not contacted in reference to the notices and I did send them certified. I checked to verify if the court date had been cancelled and it has not. Should I appear?
If so, how should I respond to the Judge’s questions?
Hello Elizabeth
If you have received no communication in response to the CNs sent to the various entities, then, in theory, this is a ‘good thing’ although not necessarily the last you will hear about it, of course! With regard to the court appearance, if you have already received a written notification of the proposed hearing date, then this could be responded to via CN (Paper Action) too [unless this is what you’re referring to when you say the DA.] With reference to appearing in court, of course, it would be preferable not to do this as the act of appearing is tantamount to admission that you agree that the system still exists and has some validity - which clearly we know it doesn’t. Would it be possible to find out the name of the presiding Judge and perhaps send him a Foreclosure flyer before the proposed appearance date? Just a suggestion.
Congratulation of your BEing & DOing to date. Angels be with you.
From my eternal ♡ ➤ your eternal ♡♡s
you need to watch this
Title of the videos? When I clicked on them, it said unavailable
A mi tambien me gustaria poder verlos pero no deja verlos pone que esos videos son privados y no se ve
Kudos to u for standing up so well. Just found this site. Wld like to get acquainted. 949.878.7100 Lyn
I have for now, won my foreclosure, as it was worded illegally. You know now that this opens the door for the IRS to assess very high taxes on the forgiven amount, $218K. Ditto, as well, on the unpursuable credit card debt I have, as it has now passed the three year mark for all of them to sue me. Has anyone dealt with the IRS with these oppt forms—and does it just hasten an armed posse out to your location for stepped up harrassment? …..Anyone?
Hi Patti: I am working on sending the OPPT courtesy notice to an IRS agent, have you done this yet?
Peace, Rob
I was wondering if the Courtesy Notice can be submitted without a witness signature. Can it be effectively sent to respondent simply with proponent’s signature? Or can it be notarized in this case? I have been unable to find someone to witness the Courtesy Notice, my friend is afraid that she might be implicated in some way. Please advise.
Rita, if you can’t find someone to sign the witness line, you can use the Word doc version and take that line out on the one you use right at this moment rather than leaving it printed but blank.
You can also use the Freedom Flyer located https://i-uv.com/i-uv/freedom-flyer/ that is a great way to educate people and does not need you to fill any information out.
I am not sure what to do if I am only being contacted by the alleged corporation and not by an actual individual for my student loan debt. Everything I have ever received` about the debt has come from and signed by the alleged corporation. I sent a CN to the alleged CEO (in my cover letter explaining how I would only work with individuals and not computers) and got a very thought out and crafted response ignoring everything I sent them, signed by the “customer service department”. They did not even sign a name to receive the registered mail. I am unsure of my next step with CN or invoice? I still am not dealing with an actual person. Any ideas?
I am about to start the process of doing my student debt I am doing a lot of research I am wondering if your questions had been answered, thank you and much love
Kia Ora and Thank you ♥ will be reading more into this 🙂
Question regarding the delivery of the documents to the foreclosed agency . Is it necessary to delivery the Courtesy Notice via Notary Presentment?
Great to see all these people getting their paperwork underway.
I filed a courtesy notice with my auto finance co (Santander consumer USA, Dallas TX) in May and my auto was repossed 2 days ago without notice from bank I had to make up 3 payments and repossession cost plus towing and storage fees before they would release it back to me. I also needed to get a release from the Palm Springs police dept for additional cost of $15.00 and cab fares…
I think you should be prepared for the expenses before you take the risk the banks and governments do not acknowledge the foreclosure by OPPT and until we get new governance and new financial they will act with impunity I am a firm believer of the One People but the crooks are still crooks Please be careful and prepared for the alternative actions
Thank you and good luck to my family of the human race embodied …
Question: I have the courtesy guidlines copy and copies of the reference Courtesy Notice. How do I get copies of the notice, invoice (letter) I can use? Are there Courtesy Notices to be sent by mail. Which will be my process. I use public internet access with only one hour segments. I need each type of form mentioned concerning tickest etc. and for future comunication. do you have any instructions.
After serving the notice and invoices what UCC form is to be used and where are the instructions for using them.
Thank you, Damaris June
i do not have (nor desire) a debit or credit card and will need to pay for the download of the remainder of the CN Guidelines another way. Please advise me of other options you accept.
Thank you.
Annie, I am not sure what you are referring to. There is no need to pay to download anything. ^ up at the top of the page you can download the most recent CN packet which has the guidelines… anytime you see documents displayed in the Scribd window for easy display you do not have to pay or have a paid account to Scribd to download those docs, you can get a free account. Most pages also have a direct download link on the page as well.
Hi there I have the same problem than Annie with Scridb, I am stuck on a window with three paying options if I want to access the documents. How can we read the documents without having to pay for it ? Thanks for your help.
Mya, as I mentioned in my reply to Annie there is no need to go to scribd and pay anything.
Look up there ^ in the page there are several places where it clearly says click here to download.
one example - Click to download Courtesy Notice Update V06P00 – COMPLETE KIT WITH AUDIO UPDATE
Lily, Send an ‘Invoice’ to that CEO of the company who sent you something AFTER you notified him (the CEO) of your Terms and Conditions! Look at the Courtesy Notice and add up the fees outlined in that, that he basically agreed to, and mail it to him Certified Mail/RRR! Since he forced a 3rd party (a subordinate of his now-foreclosed-upon company) to send you something, that is another CN Fee!
Please direct me to courtesy notice specifically for credit card debt. Or tell me how to amend the downloadable courtesy notices for credit card debt specifically. Thanks.
Hello Again,
I posted a comment on this page last week, and don’t see it. I had a question regarding fed student loan debt, and issues regarding a lawsuit filed against me from alleged JP Morgan Chase. I also stated that because of the suit, I have to file for bankruptcy. I tried sending my inquiries to [email protected], but it keeps coming back undeliverable. Can someone please answer my questions and not delete my post?
Can someone tell me how I can contact Scott & Chris - have sent an email (twice) to [email protected] which, came back as a failed mail. If the email address has changed I have not seen it posted.
For Courtesy Notice questions
[email protected]
Well today I forwarded 5 courtesy notices, including the supposed senior member with whom I had been trying to resolve a disputed problem, for which they failed to manage to grasp the reality of what was being said. Hopefully by including the member responsible for them and manay others, they may correct or address these issues with a different attitude.
Being able to source supposed “company directors ” and others of a similar position to re-educate the person I had been trying to resolve a problem with, where it appeared to be falling upon deaf ears.
If nothing else I will have had fun in making them think more about what they do and how they do it
Which courtesy notice or other documentation is best suited to stop foreclosure of land/property due to non-payment of “Property Tax”? And if it is just a piece of Land with no “Property” or Structure on it can a “Property” tax even be applied in the first place? If I take such action will I likely end up in court? Thank you.
Hello Douglas
The best option I can suggest is to go to this page https://i-uv.com/oppt-absolute/oppt-tools/which-courtesy-notice/ and then decide which would be best for your situation.
You could also read what’s already been posted on the notice board here https://i-uv.com/share-pn/ to check which actions others have taken and under what circumstances.
Clearly, much depends on your current state of ‘activity’ with whichever ‘foreclosed entity’ your dealing with - no doubt you’ve already been in communication with them for some time so just access this and act accordingly.
As I constantly post on this forum, there is no shortcut here - it’s a case of doing our own reading and research from the resources available. We’re all in full responsibility and liability for our own actions. Isn’t it great?
Best of luck with your situation
From my eternal ♡ ➤ your eternal ♡
I am have troubles with downloading and of the courtesy notices. Does anyone else know a way that I would be able to download? Thank you
Hi Chelsey
If you click the big blue ‘Download’ button (the one with the downward-facing arrow) at the top of this page, you will receive the complete ‘zip file’ in your downloads folder.
From there, simply ‘unzip’ it and select which documents you need.
From my eternal ♡ ➤ your eternal ♡
I am at the stage where I have sent a final notice to a person at my bank. Now they have another 14 days to respond. What do I send after these 14 days have past??
Eddy, If they do not respond that is good, if they do respond in anyway then they enter a contract with you and you send them an invoice every time they respond, even through a third party, give them one as well and give the first person another one for responding through that third party. I would keep record of dates and amounts registered mail though. cheers mate.
Testimonial: I had my wages illegally garnished for the past several years and tried to have it stopped through courts unsuccessfully. A few months ago, I discovered OPPT and sent a Courtesy Notice to the attorney who handled the case for the creditor. Garnishment gone! I got no response and only emailed the one Notice. It worked! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I have been trying to keep up with you guys. Just wanna say, nice job. A Congratulations is in order to all of you!
Is there a way to custom tailor a notice for a demand from a utility company like cell phone, electric, gas etc? I have read there are some in the download for Credit Card, Car notes, Mortgages but I wouldn’t know which it is by the language…if someone would kindly point it out, I would appreciate it.
I don’t have a word processor or anything so I have to wait and go to the library to open these. As for the one for the utility company, if anyone could post something because I would appreciate it very much. I know this doesn’t fit exactly with who you are sending these too, but it’s something that would fit in perfectly with what I’m doing right now. Many thanks to all of you. God Bless!
Hello everybody of the OPPT community,
and a big bunch of thanks to all who worked so determinedly and intensively to bring this magnificent OPPT with its great tools of freedom on its global way. Thanks to the Legions of Light and Love, Justice, Liberty and Freedom!!!
Hence I am right now working with the “OPPT Courtesy Notice” in two cases in which German so called “Law Courts” are involved probably …
I am in need of how to bring the cases to a “UCC Law Court”.
The sinister forces have a “special grip” on Germany as you perhaps know - if not, now you know it.
All so called governmental etc. financial, jurisdictional … “offices” come under increasing pressure to set through the foreclosed system. A few days ago one of these sinister law courts “judged” a guy who declared to do not need to “pay” taxes:
15 years with special security arrest !!! - Imagine this! - there are other cases, too !
So I call alert here!
To make things right clear here:
who can help me … (with both - in English and German translation)
to in advance have the right OPPT-UCC-tool at hand and
be able to confront these sinister “judges” with OPPT-UCC Law Court and OPPT-UCC Law Enforcement !?
Be clear there could come some unpleasant breeze time and again to play out the “pioneer spirit”.
God bless you all with the attitude of divine peace, zero conflict, godly courage, determination, with divine justice, liberty and freedom !
Greetings, Udalrico
Hi Udalrico
Perhaps the latest set of documents here may be appropriate http://heatheranntuccijarraf.info/
Best of luck
Mia ♡ ➤ ♡
Does there exist a sample “terms and conditions”? Does there exist a sample invoicing schedule?
If so, where might they be located? If not, is there a recommended format, schedule, or outline of what they may contain? It would help standardize reasonable terms and conditions or at least educate the masses on what is expected in them.
Hi, I have a question; I have researched around and I haven’t came across my answer yet, I am about to send a Courtesy Notice to my Fed Loans, I want to make sure I start this correctly, I understand filling everything out, and what to do after, but I am stuck at the name, I have read cases in which they have used the represents name they speak with but, to me I want to get to someone like the secretary that actually disperses the checks, or the department which does this, I am going to do more research with duckduckdgo (good brwser and don’t track you) and see what I find until I get a response or I will post my findings here 🙂
love wisdom peace
Banks and corporations must publish CEO (cheif executive office) and the CFO (cheif financial officer) details on their websites and/or annual reports. Go to straight to the top. Rememeber notice to agent is notice to principle. And vice versa.
Do we really need to include the last page of the Courtesy Notice, talking about OPPT, when sending the notice for the first time (to, say, a debt collector)? The web address given for clarification: http://www.peoplestrust1776.org/ is an essentially BLANK WEBPAGE with no information, no logo, and almost looks like a parked domain. Should we reference a different site instead, or leave that out altogether, as OPPT was officially disbanded or reconciled in Jan 2013?
I’m going to assume this is the correct one, instead: https://i-uv.com/oppt-absolute/.
Hi, I was recommended this site and would like to chat w/ someone to see if this could work for me. I am currently in bankruptcy to stop the sale of my house. I have evidence that there are multiple robo signers on my mortgage. Also US Bank tried to enter my note into a trust, 2.5 years after it closed. And if that’s not enough, MortgageIT Inc, the originators of the “loan”, didn’t even have a license to do business in FL when they did it. Bank of America vs Nash addresses that very thing. The judge in that case awarded the man his home and all the money he paid into it. So I have all the evidence needed to save my house. I just need guidance or assistance on how to go about doing it. Will courtesy notices help at all? I hope someone monitors this board. It looks like no one’s posted for awhile.
i want to send something to my local council as im fighting council tax but your notice only mentions US government not UK government which notice do i use
Is there anywhere I can see an example of someones Terms and conditions so I can see how to correctly format it
guys, find out individual names that run the Council and send registered mail only…. Courtesy Notice to each, if any respond send them an invoice every time they do, until they stop. Remember after the Foreclosure, they are the only ones who think their Councils, Government, Corporations still exist and will back them up, WRONG ! they now are operating as an individual on 100% liability, so every Courtesy notice is to go to an individual, until they learn. Hope this helps.
Lynne, Courts decide arguments, no argument, no Court involvement. No one can take you to Court if you agree to pay what they claim you owe, {always agree with conditional acceptance} so if you agree to pay there is no argument. Write to them. Heading your letter with,
…. Conditional Acceptance…..I agree to pay the amount that you state I owe on Condition that you show me,
1.The lawful contract I have with you. 2.Proof of full disclosure. 3.Lawful terms and conditions.4.Both wet ink signatures. For a lawful contract.
PLEASE reply within 14 days, failure to reply with substance will mean that this so called debt is fraudulent and is now dissolved.
They can’t produce this evidence so they should leave you alone.
Guy’s, Go to the top of the page at { OPPT ABSOLUTE } and read all the documents to get to understand them, others can’t hold your hand., YOUR asking questions, only shows that you have not read them, the answers are all in those documents. Hope this helps you all.
The Terms and Conditions are in the Courtesy Notice.
This whole OPPT thing is scam. The bankers are behind this whole thing. All you are doing is recruiting for the bankers. It’s not hard to see through the veil of deceit here. The whole thing is bogus. All the bankers are trying to do is keep control, so they are re-organizing.
Please show us the evidence you have that OPPT is a scam
Is it your low IQ that you don’t understand how the UCC operates if filings are not REBUTED….. and they weren’t.
Therefore the FORECLOSURE of all BANKS and Corporations stand as UNIVERSAL LAW
Just because they don’t stand down does not mean they are not foreclosed, they don’t want everyone in the world to find out and wake up to what they have done to us all, as they would be scared of what the people would do to them.
Hi Bluebird, it is the banks which are the scam, the whole banking system is corrupt.
How can the banks lend you money, they don’t have, plus charge you interest on this invisible money and then fees, if you default in any way. Plus how can they repose your house, if you default, claiming you owe the bank £xx.xx’s, when they never had any money to give you, they reclaim your house when the bank lost no money, because they never put any money forward to it, but you repay £xx.xx’s per month on a house the banks failed to hold any money to cover your mortgage.
Being decent we never look at our Banks accounts to see if they have the money to cover the mortgage you have promised to pay, but we have to account for our every expense so as to attain an artificial debt just within our means.
The choice is yours to make, I do not accept fraud carried out under my name by the banks and I think the banks should stripped of all their big bonuses on money they pretended to hold, criminalising people for failing to repay monies that never existed, but yet attempt to destroy anyone who tries to challenge their business practices.
Thankfully all my banking/financial cases are currently being investigated for fraud and benefitting from the proceeds of crime, so that about sums things up
Love and light from me to you OPPT thank you for opening my eyes to something I felt since I was a child. I will be happily using your tools to free myself and my family after much research of course. Then I will help others do the same. Bless you
do you have one for court???
There are no more courts, just people still believing that they are part of a valid corporation. You would send the CN to the actual individual that calls him or herself a judge and put in the respondent’s area c/o Alleged court . The type of CN it depends on what they have sent you or are about to do to you. So if a ticket or complaint has been served upon you, then that is paper action. If it refers to a future action, then send them the future action one, etc.
Hope this helps.
Hi guys,
I live in England, where it says,
Government Charters Cancelled: (Refer: DECLARATION OF FACTS: UCC Doc # 2012127914 Nov 28 2012)
“…That any and all CHARTERS, inclusive of The United States Federal Government, UNITED STATES, “STATE of …”,
Can this, does this need to be changed to reflect living on the land in England? Or does it stay the same?
Hi Wazza:
It stays the same. Nobody has to add anything to it, since it does have
” any and all international equivalents”. When you posted your reference, you did not see what was further on that section.
I hope this clears things up.
Hi Guys,
Me and my wife were taken to county court almost 3 years ago for a debt of 30k, didn’t stand a chance in CC and was ordered to pay back the debt which i have been doing, solicitors got a charging order on my home for the bank and now solicitors do nothing but harass me for more and more money to pay of the debt. is there anything i can do with the OPPT Courtesy Notice or is it to late as i entered there corrupt system? solicitors always use the company name when harassing us by mail and they never use personal names in letters avoiding third party liability??? Any advice would be fab…. AJ
Hi AJ:
Take this information for what it is worth:
I am not sure how they will respond, or if it will make matters worse or better, but I know one thing, if you don’t do anything new, you will get the same results you are getting now. It is always up to you to take responsibility for your actions and this is just a suggestion. Always stay in Honor and don’t give them any evidence that they can use against you. Also it goes both ways, always collect any evidence that shows them to be in dishonor, since it can always hurt their case.
Do all business by email since someone’s email address has to be used in order to send out emails. Next best thing is their physical address, and sending the documents by Fax is cost effective, should the email or mail not be available.
It might seem too late, but once you come in peace and honor and try to show them with a freedom flyer that there are no more debts since late 2012, then you can act accordingly to their actions and intentions. First I would call them to get the top manager’s full name and email address so you can send them a freedom flyer by email. ( say to them, you want to send them an invitation) If he or she does not have an email, then their address of their alleged business will do. Make sure to send the letter that expresses:
” As my effort to bring peace, harmony and clarity to what can be perceived as confusion and controversy”
If the alleged company has a website, you might be able to find the top person responsible for the department that keeps harassing you. You can also call them and ask nicely for the information you are looking for. You can always attract more bees with honey, so be sweet and nice.
Remember, have compassion for them since they are not aware that all banks and Governments, have been foreclosed as of late 2012, unrebutted. If they respond with this is a frivolous issue and you OWE US and we have a court order to prove it, then and only then can you send the responding party an appropriate courtesy notice. If you cannot send it by email, or FAX , then to their physical address must be. Remember, to make a copy of the original notice and keep the original. You might want to send it certified mail return receipt so you can have proof they were notify properly. Then make friends with a knowledgeable Public Notary so if there is a need to start an administrative process, he can take over from there to send the future documents and issue a Certificate of Dishonor at the appropriate time so you can have evidence to file a lien on his or her assets in UCC. Also be ready to send them invoices and keep track of the dates, so everything becomes evidence for the records in UCC. You can search for the administrative process and find individuals that offer such services. I can’t recommend any since I have never done it or used the assistance of anyone. Just to give you some information, this is the process as shown below:
#1 Claim
#2 Fault
#3 Default
#4 Non-Response
#5 First Demand
#6 Sec. Demand
#7 Third Demand
#8 Cert. Dishonor
If you seek you shall find.
Also remember, every letter that asks for money is a new invoice you can issue. Make sure the Notary Public knows this so you can issue an invoice and be happy that they want to do business with you. Also notice them that you don’t want to be contacted by phone and all communications must be done by email or mail.
Also study all this process fully ( especially the Schedule A where it list all the actions they might take against you ) and any others that might appeal to you and make the best decision for your current state. Always ask your inner intuition, and wait for a response. If it feels good, follow that one. The one that does not feel good to you, stay away from it. Always trust your inner self.
Best wishes,
in case you folks have not figured it out OPPT was and is a bust…Nothing they did works and it’s a scam and sure way to get yourself labeled….I did a video about the scammers here.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpkRoi3myvY&list=PLTS1Qbf0cxsDIMTVrzOTOtwJ07WYpZ9pw&index=1&t=1s
Owlmon, are you at all familiar with how the UCC works? The filings were not rebutted. They are foreclosed. You are making claims without producing any evidence whatsoever and then are fishing for video views. What did you do that did not work?
But then censorship is indeed alive and sick at present so you may net get to find out your being scammed
Can someone help me find a CN to download? I see above that you can download page 5, but where are the other pages? Please and thank you
Does anyone have a clear version of the One Peoples Trust, 1776 document that was signed and filed? I have only been able to find a several generations old version that is hard to read. Would like to have a clean copy on file.
Thanks in advance. Motu Proprio
Hello all, could someone please help me understand all of this. I know the government and banks have been foreclosed on, but how do you get this to work for you? I’ve been looking at becoming a secured party creditor so that I may discharge all of my debt. Could you please explain how the courtesy notice would work at discharging old and any new debt?
What is the track record for 2017 ?
personally i can see the validity of the way this works. I would like to know where to go to find out how to access my birth bond, can anyone point me in the right direction to do this?
I have been all over the internet and cant seem to find out where what how to accomplish this.
any help would be great appreciated from one being to another .
thank you
Do we need to complete and replicate all UCC filings and replace names with our own name for the CN?