by / Wednesday, 23 July 2024 / Published in Absolute Data

Karen Hudes





Published on Maine Republic Email Alert, July 18, 2014



The following is a true copy of a Facebook Conversation which took place July 17, 2024 between Karen Hudes and Anna von Reitz. Read it and decide for yourselves what you think and make sure Karen gets a copy of the final comment that she didn’t read, because she “unfriended” Anna and took a powder.

Karen wouldn’t listen and she wouldn’t answer, but then, she is a lawyer.

Anna von Reitz:

Karen, I am sure that your intentions are 100% good and that your reasoning is sound — however, the Chinese are not the only ones coming to breakfast. The American States and the American State Citizens are OWED a great deal that is not being factored in that I can see, and your contention that there is a “statute of limitations” goes down the drain when you realize that what we are dealing with is FRAUD and there is no statute of limitations on fraud.

Karen Hudes
Karen Hudes

Beg your pardon? Whose side are you on? You want to hand back the world’s gold or you want it to be for the benefit of humanity?

There was no fraud involved in the Global Debt Facility.

The fraud is that the Banking Cabal bought up all the media and then tried to provide inferior education and dumbed everyone down to keep them stupid, so that they would make stupid comments

Anna von Reitz
Anna von Reitz

No, Karen, the fraud is that the corporation doing business as the United States of America (Inc.) — a governmental services company owned and operated by the Federal Reserve — “redefined” us as foreign situs trusts owned and operated under our own Names. They grossly abused the rights of usufruct to do this and created “States” and Americans on paper that they then “Pledged” as sureties backing the debts of the already bankrupt United States of America, Inc.

The further fraud is that FDR then signed over both the debts and the assets of the United States of America, Inc. to the IMF, which glutted itself on the lucrative service contracts via yet another governmental services corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.)

The World Bank, IBRD (International Bank of Reconstruction and Development), and Federal Reserve were ALL creditors in the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc., but the primary creditors were the hapless American people and their organic states. Although the 1934 Bankruptcy Act recognizes THEM as the Priority Creditors, the IMF never bothered to inform them or operate in an honest or appropriate fashion with regard to their material interests.

Instead, the IMF dba the UNITED STATES, INC. and the Bankruptcy Trustee chosen by the World Bank, IBRD, and Federal Reserve — the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico — siezed upon all the assets supposedly represented by the foreign situs trusts that the FDR “administration” created and rolled them over into Roman Inferior Trusts — Cestui Qui Vie Trusts, Karen. You are a lawyer. You should be familiar with what those are? Trusts formed when a person “disappears” for a prolonged period of time and their estate is seized and probated and distributed to heirs assigned by the court?

These Roman Inferior Trusts were all operated under our NAMES — e.g. JOHN QUINCY PUBLIC, and they were all “removed” to Puerto Rico for “safe keeping” by the Bankruptcy Trustee — thereby bringing American State assets and the private property assets of American State Citizens under Puerto Rican jurisdiction.

All these years the IMF, an agency of the UNITED NATIONS, and its spin off governmental services corporation dba UNITED STATES, INC. has been plundering the assets of The United States Trust (1789) and a good portion of that gold that you are so generously and eagerly handing out to everyone belongs to us as well as the Chinese who are already wolfing down the Strawberries and French Toast.

You can either investigate this for yourself — or you can tell your friends at the IBRD and the IMF that it isn’t going to wash because you already know the facts and are acting as a teflon sugar coat for them.

But you had better stop and reconsider if you think that I am stupid, dumbed down, uninformed, or making specious comments.

Karen Hudes
Karen Hudes

But the USA had nothing to do with the sequestration of the world’s gold. In retaliation the CIA overthrew Marcos and then tried to kidnap him. The only ones who are now “coming to breakfast” are the crooks — and they have been unceremoniously shown the door, and so will each and every other crook who comes knocking.

I am no sugar coat teflon and you must be a shill for trying to undermine me. I am no longer having anything to do with you.

Anna von Reitz
Anna von Reitz

Time for me to beg pardon — President Eisenhower did this, but the US had nothing to do with the sequestration? Where do you think all this massive amount of gold came from? It’s a hoard that has been amassed by plundering and murdering the people of this planet for hundreds of years. This whole truth in banking effort started with Basel I, II, and III because the US has been cooking the books for three generations! — but the US has nothing to do with this? The Chinese came to the US District Court in New York and filed suit because not only had “we” not paid them back their gold, “we” hadn’t even paid the interest on it — but the US had nothing to do with any of the gold sequestered?

And then there is the question of where did all the gold confiscated by the Roosevelt Administration go, along with the 8000 tons that once were kept in Fort Knox? If you check out Ron Paul’s website you will see an amazing video — the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve admitted to him (finally) that the gold is gone and they don’t know where it went. All that just “evaporated” under the care of Bill Clinton? We’ve been breathing gold plated oxygen all these years and didn’t know it? Or is it closer to the truth that once the IMF dba UNITED STATES, INC. had the keys to the car, they seized and transported the gold wherever they chose to put it? Maybe the Phillippines? Maybe the Maldives?

And what about the 5700 tons of gold that has been surreptitiously shipped to China over the course of the past twenty years, all clearly shown on the FT-900’s? And, while we are at it, where is Germany’s 3,396 tons of gold that were entrusted to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, but which have suddenly vanished and can’t be repaid except in dribs and drabs over the next however many centuries? Eh? The US has nothing to do with the stockpiles of gold suddenly showing up and just as suddenly gone missing?

It was less than three years ago that Lord Brown rocked the world by noticing that hey, these numbers don’t match…..these numbers indicate that there is a lot more gold in the world than we ever imagined…..and while he shortly thereafter ended up dead, Lord Snowden famously blustered, that there’s only “1,500 tones of gold that has ever been mined in the history of the world” — and yet, here you are, with a certificate from 1934 that this unimaginable amount of gold was sitting safe and snug in the vault of the New York Federal Reserve — but the US has nothing to do with the sequestration of the gold hoard, nor anything with the gold contained therein?

Most of all, I want to know what happens to Mom and Pop American, whose lands and homes and businesses have been put at risk, who have been driven like cattle, enslaved, robbed, defrauded, threatened, and misrepresented by their EMPLOYEES for eighty years? When do they get their day in court and the interest and profit that is due from their risks and labors and miseries? When do they receive back the titles of their private property and the assets of their organic States free and clear of liens, encumbrances, or debts created by false beneficiaries?

Karen, I very much respect you, but I fear that you have yourself fallen victim to the oldest Crown Temple trick in the world. You appear to be thinking and believing that the FED is bad and the IMF and IBRD and World Bank are pure. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you want to end the evil, then simply returning to the gold standard and announcing a Jubilee isn’t the way to do it. If you want to end it once and for all, then the evil of ALL the banks involved MUST be recognized and the Federal Reserve and the IMF must BOTH pay the piper!

The IBRD and the World Bank were in this from the very beginning, too, and though they didn’t play the prima donna role of the BIS, they have plenty of culpability and explaining to do. They knew all this crap was going on and sat mum and let it roll — as you yourself can attest.

Now I am going on sixty years old and I have lived a lot of places and done a lot of things at a very high level and I will tell you frankly that I don’t believe in fairy godmothers or Mystery Saviors. I believe in human beings who either try to do the right thing or do not.

So if you don’t mind, take a look around from where you are sitting and see if you can answer some of my questions? Especially the really important ones — like when do the American States and the American State Citizens get relief? When does the IMF turn over control of our property to us? When does it release all the land and property titles it has held and bonded and invested and profited from under color of law for the past seventy years? When do Americans receive back their own ESTATES free and clear with no more funky pretensions that they “voluntarily” removed themselves to Puerto Rico and agreed to all this abuse? Gold is just gold, Karen. It was chosen as a medium of exchange because of its durability and relative uselessness. You can’t eat it, drink it, or use it for much of anything else. It’s just a symbol, not really much different or better than the paper “certificates” bankers have used to represent it in ages past. The real wealth of the world is in labor and in natural resources, and those are what have been stolen and plundered in America — eighty years of labor, eighty years of human enslavement, and the entire continent plundered for eight decades. Not to mention the value of all the American lives lost in wars for profit. Those things aren’t fungible in gold, Karen. Those things are quite different and more important in value.

So while the IMF and the IBRD and the World Bank and everyone else involved in this hideous fraud scandal are busily making nice by distributing all this gold that Mr. Struck just happened to have sitting around in a vault doing nothing since 1934 — and nobody can explain where all the American or German gold went — you will have to pause a moment and consider that, uh, Karen — these people you are working for are telling us a fairytale. We know that. You should know that. Oh, there may be piles and piles and piles of gold — yes, that is sure enough. It was implied at the time that our grandparent’s gold was confiscated (and never repaid) by the Roosevelt Administration that the same corrupt and evil governmental “services” company would turn around one day and use the gold it stole from us to launch a brand new gold-backed currency market.

Yes, as far back as 1934, Congressman Louis T. McFadden said as much, and here we are.

Still no accounting for where the American gold went, then or now. No accounting for where the Chinese Nationalist gold went, then or now. No accounting for where the German gold went, then or now. Still no action to release the American ESTATES back to the Americans they belong to. Still no action to release all the color of law titles taken against our organic states.

Karen, Karen, Karen — you are a SMART woman, a good woman. Think about what I am saying here. The important thing isn’t the gold. The important thing is the land and the people. And there isn’t a “good guy” bank or group of banks versus a “bad guy” bank or group of banks — that’s all just for show. They’ve all colluded to a greater or a lesser extent ever since World War II!!! This entire circumstance would not be possible otherwise. And any idea that people are going to just take the trinkets and blankets, and sell Manhattan, needs to be put to rest.

Once and for all time, please, tell the rotters and plotters that the American State Citizens demand to be free again and to have their lands and homes and businesses back in their own control, and to have the profit due and owed to them, and to have their Equity Contract honored and to receive the governmental services they contracted for and paid for — and if these terms are NOT met, then there IS no deal and no amount of pretty coins scattered in the streets will make it right.



  1. Paula says : Reply

    Amen! Pray, let it be so. But I think that Karen Hudes is a disinfo agent, myself, and not in any position of power. I thought the gold had all been taken off planet? But now if we could follow Heather’s original plan and establish the People as the Value, then it wouldn’t matter where the gold is…

    • TheHolyCrow says : Reply

      IMHO, it will ALWAYS matter where the gold is, and why it is where it is, and who put it there. Gold, and silver, have been MONEY on this planet since day one, and without MONEY there is nothing but poverty and despair, SINCE DAY ONE.
      We THE PEOPLE want the whole GD story. Where is our gold and who stole it ? And we want to hang who did .

      • Chris says : Reply

        According to an interview done early last year by Brian Kelly with Heather Anne Tucci-Jarraff, the gold was taken off planet by our Galactic family. Cobra in several interviews he has done, says the same thing.

        I disagree that without money there is nothing but poverty and despair. Part of the illusion created by our partners in contrast was that money was where value rested and not in us (for our labor, creativity, etc.). This was done because they knew what our real value was and did not want us to become aware of this. Through the work done by the OPPT and the 5D Media network, the information started to become clear that we (humans) are the real value and that without us, then there is no value. Why else would the Clinton government have borrowed money with the collateral being the “chattel” paper (ie. birth certificates) of the citizens of the US? As people begin to realize that true value rests inside each and everyone of us (we are all eternal essence and equals), the system loses control over us.

        For an excellent discussion of value and money, look at Ron van Dyke’s recent youtube video,

  2. Trish House says : Reply

    We the People can regain our rights, our freedom, and our land with a few simple steps. 1. Hold a debt jubilee and cease all obligation to and support of the predatory oligarchs. 2. Call a crimes jubilee on all no-harm criminals and release them from prison. 3. Insist that through the predatory practices named above we the People have long since PAID IN FULL FOR AMERICA and claim it and the resources as our own. 4. Recognize that there are 2 acres of arable land per living human in the United States, end hoarding, and insist that it is the birthright of each one of us to a free and a fair share of the land and its resources so we can make ourselves self sustaining. 5. Instead of wage-slave jobs for the profits of corpgov masters work together to create free housing for everyone, a free food supply, fierce local government that is by and for the People, free health care, free education, care of the infrastructure, etc. all as part of our social contract with each other. This can likely be done with 3 hours of work per day per person.

    My vision of the future America is a vast garden of self sustaining eco-villages in which all one’s basic needs are provided by community action. It would be a land in which no one would need jobs because their needs are cared for by collective agreement and action. One could travel freely throughout the country and would always be welcome in any village just for the exchange of one’s normal work requirement. I imagine that villages would form with people of like interests and thus there would be harmony. In lab experiments on rats, those that were kept isolated and were fed badly but were offered drugs became addicted to the drugs - when they were released into a rich social environment with lots of healthy food the rats weaned themselves off drugs. I believe that people will do the same thing and without the pressures of exploitative and predatory capitalism we will shed most of the crime and wars that are so much a part of this system.

    Let’s all work together to claim what is rightly ours and shun the vile systems that have worked to exploit and enslave us. We can all live together happily ever after if we just help each other to do it.

  3. jason farahday shepherd says : Reply

    Karen was a very rude lady to most?……She is defiantly batting for both sides??

  4. noel says : Reply

    Karen Hudes blows smoke, would not know if a band was up her unless she got the DRUM.

  5. jason farahday shepherd says : Reply

    Hudes lives in there Matrix, she is one of there robots so most of what she says is only coming from others? I noticed that when she speaks, most of what she is saying is coming from the left hand side of her brain (The Reptilian Illusion side)…I tried to get into a conversation with her once, however we could not communicate much because she was of lower frequency and i could not relate to anything she spoke as being the truth!!……She has got it all wrong in regards to the gold, so my suspicions are she is trying to keep the illusions alive?…..She was also quite rude about heather to me, but before i could go the heathers defense, Hudes decided to end the conversation? She does not feel right??

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