Just To REITERATE Some Basic Facts About The OPPT….

by / Saturday, 07 September 2024 / Published in Absolute Data





Just To REITERATE Some Basic Facts About The OPPT….

This was posted in the RTS Skype room 9.7.13, by Thomas. Heather Quoted it and added her additions.




[4:47:27 PM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf I:


Just To REITERATE Some Basic Facts About The OPPT….

1. The OPPT was a legal tool to recapture value for the One People.


2. The OPPT is a reconciled entity, no longer active, its job having been finished for the purposes of legal filings…. The OPPT was never affiliated with the ITCCS.


3. The OPPT Trustees never signed any documents with Swissindo. Nor did they agree to Swissindo’s “plan”.


4. Swissindo is not the OPPT. They are whatever it is they are.


5. The OPPT has never asked for donations. It was self funded by the trustees.


6. Anyone asking for donations in the name of the OPPT is not the OPPT.


7. Many attempts have been made to co-opt the name and spirit of the OPPT. Sometimes by the same people who have attacked it. Sometimes by people who supported it. We love them all.


What others choose to BE and DO is their business. Just do it in complete transparency and honesty.-AK (clap)(clap)(bow)(clap)(clap)(bow)(clap)(clap) (heart) :*(hug)

(Heather’s addition):

8. Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, Caleb Paul Skinner, and Hollis Randall Hillner were Trustees only over their respective values ….no one else’s…they were just crazy enough to return every one else’s value to them that was “hidden in plain sight” too (chuckle)(heart)

the journey of our conscious expanding during that experience, at every moment a piece of data swung into focus and rattled perception(s), is a matter of public record….and NO… money/donations/bribes/barters were never requested/accepted/a part of the adventure or the revelation (the revealing) of prime energy….LOVE (inlove)

I love you! ALL WAYS! YOU BE AWESOME! :O (music)(heart)


9 Responses to “Just To REITERATE Some Basic Facts About The OPPT….”

  1. Michael David says : Reply

    I understand that all is source, that in 5D there is harmonious one-ness and individuality existing simultaneously. I also understand 3D is still here and now and will be as long as people want or need that experience.

    With all the “5D speak” floating around it’s cognitive dissonance to try to see what’s happening “on the ground” with the “documents” we can use to access our value. People would enjoy if Heather and Caleb could casually share thoughts about their perception of “where we are at” contemporaneously. Heart, face-palm, high-five, sincere request, thanks

  2. Adam says : Reply

    Um I’m confused,you say that you don’t agree with swissindo,however on June this year this site featured a full page report outlying all the details of what this site called oppt/swissindo initiative and there was no negativity displayed by either party towards each other

  3. Sheila says : Reply

    Please explain Heather what has changed? The banks are still operating with impunity and thievery, the corporate government is still spending money that has allegedly been recaptured by the OPPT the filings of UCC documents have not been recognized by any government bank or corporation ? What has changed since you came on the scene and suddenly disappeared after you proclaimed everything is done in May? Where is the IPAGE with our $5 billion value

    Your pronouncement a is all doublespeak and do not address any issues that you D Brian Lisa and Bob and Chris have been talking about what good is Caleb’s project 13 with out our value? This appears to be another cult that has cropped up and disappearedintothe night
    Show us the value that you state you have recaptured for yourselves and the world? No one believes your statements after all this time how do you you Be and Do without value? Where is it ? I know you say we are the value but their is no proof? Thank you

    • Kathelena says : Reply

      I’m not Heather and cannot / will not speak for her, but here’s my take: We, each of us, must take a stand for ourselves, that WE are the value and no longer allow those who have been running this paradigm to continue to do so. The OPPT filings opened our awareness to things the vast majority of us - on both sides of the field - were clueless about. That, to me, is the value of the filings.

      Now then, not everyone (apparently almost no one) is aware of the fact that WE are the value. AND that our value has been being traded for “goods and services” all along, without us knowing it. It makes sense for those of us who do now realize that, to help others become aware. That’s what the Curtesy Notices and other documents are for - tools to help us alert others to what we now know.

      There is nothing more that the Trustees need to do, or even can do, except what is their joy to do. It’s up to us, we-the-rest-of-the people, to help each other become aware of what’s ultimately true - that WE are the value and have been the value all along! Albeit without our knowing.

      Inside that new awareness, each individual then decides what they are going to do with that knowing - because once you know something you can’t un-know it. Once one knows, they can *pretend* they don’t know, but they DO know. Those who now know may not choose as we would choose, and that’s ok. It’s their free-will choice. But now they must take full and complete responsibility for their choices. No longer can they use “so and so company / organization / government told me to, I had to / have to”. Now they know they have a choice of action, and that their choices of action are their responsibility and theirs alone.

      Though many others may choose to continue to make choices we don’t agree with (choices that hurt us or others) I assert that there will be enough who DO choose a new paradigm that eventually the rest will choose that new way of being also. To me that’s how a paradigm shift occurs - one individual being at a time adding their energy to the new paradigm.

  4. Lisa Martin says : Reply

    Can a legal tool capture or recapture value? Does it have a spirit?

    Did I understand heather correctly..it was about the trustees value, no one else’s?

    • nbakay says : Reply

      8. Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, Caleb Paul Skinner, and Hollis Randall Hillner were Trustees only over their respective values ….no one else’s…they were just crazy enough to return every one else’s value to them that was “hidden in plain sight” too (chuckle)(heart)

      the journey of our conscious expanding during that experience, at every moment a piece of data swung into focus and rattled perception(s), is a matter of public record….and NO… money/donations/bribes/barters were never requested/accepted/a part of the adventure or the revelation (the revealing) of prime energy….LOVE (inlove)

      I love you! ALL WAYS! YOU BE AWESOME! :O (music)(heart)

  5. Sheila says : Reply

    i love you too ! But that does not answer my questions above . These statements above does not provide raw data that you said is visible ? Respectfully asking again what has changed in May or June July August Sept ????!? Why is this web site promoting Skype when Caleb and Heather promoted project 13 which is now complete?

    I’m sorry but I think this whole OPPT failed to do what Heather said it would and that is why it was collapsed and disappeared Banks are still operating and foreclosing, corporations are still ripping people off and all governments have not recognized the UCC filings that were done by Winston Strout a few years ago and copied by Heather? I know things are changing in the world by white knights and LIGHTWORKERS who are working for the good of the whole and all people and a new financial system is about to be introduced after the cabals fiat system collapses what about the DOV documents and project 13….? How will they tie in together. I would love for Heather and Caleb to come on the people radio show and explain in lay mans terms. Raw data DOV and explain how to tie them in bob wrights docs did not work because there is a conspiracy to not accept our value until the old system collapses and the rv takes place
    Thank you Heather Caleb and other former trustees for your efforts but it seems to be a failure of the OPPT
    With respect and Love to all our family of LIGHTWORKERS

    • Kathelena says : Reply

      I feel your frustration Sheila, we so want the world not to be what it is!

      “Banks are still operating and foreclosing, corporations are still ripping people off and all governments have not recognized the UCC filings …” That’s true. But why is that so? I say it’s because WE the people are allowing it to happen. WE as a group of Beings haven’t made our intent clear. That’s not up to the OPPT trustees or anyone else. That’s up to each individual on the planet. Combined we are a mighty force, and we’re just waking up to that realization.

      Imagine what it would be like if EVERY individual on the planet who owns a home stopped paying just their mortgage next month, including income properties. What exactly could the bankers do then? Arrest everyone? Everyone isn’t going to do that .. yet. But the more of us who do, along with explaining why and standing in our knowing, the more it WILL come to be, and the faster.

      We don’t need to blame anyone, not even the bankers. And I would assert that doing so just keeps the old paradigm running. The thing to do - as I see it - is take a “that was then, this is now” stance. “THEN I played the game according to rules I didn’t know and didn’t understand. Now I know. Now I understand. Now I play a different game, one that appreciates each and every Being on the planet as worthy, as capable, as equal. One that allows for everyone to experience physical life in ease, harmony, and joy.”

      That’s the game *I* am playing as Spirit embodied as human, and I’m thrilled to be joined by any and all Beings who want to play that game too. In Heather-parlance “DO what you BE.” If you BE free, then DO free. Take a stand. Behave “as if”. If people don’t understand, help them understand. As difficult a concept as this may be - and I admit it’s very difficult - there truly is no where to look for the solution but in the mirror.

  6. ElveTwelve says : Reply

    So does this mean get of the pink cloud and put some boots on the ground??? Does this mean:” we did this for ourselves but now your on your own????? I thought this was about the One people.???? I think we need a recipe for a new stew.
    Some OPPT, some Swissindo, la lot of david Ike an some Corbett report. Thanks Heather for making the tools available.
    Sorry i expect not to hear from the reconciled tool again. We áll have a lot of work to do.

    And not to forget for the NewEarth Recipe a lot of Scott Bartle common sense.

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