Patrick Cody Morgan
This is a letter I saw when I went into Cody’s court docket to get the exact date and time of his sentencing. PLEASE post this letter and ask all your readers to send an email/letter to this judge Lynn N. Hughes and others listed. Each of these people CAN be written to - I beseech EVERYONE to PLEASE write and let them know they ARE being watched and their actions recorded for the world to see!!! I also ask that you ask ANY readers who have friends/relatives in Houston to PLEASE come to the sentencing on Feb 25th at 1:30 PM. The address is: 515 Rusk, Courtroom 11C Houston 77002.
Here are the names of others that can be emailed or sent a letter. Jennifer Lowery, US Attorney’s Office, 1000 Louisiana, Ste. 2300, Houston, Tx. 77002, 713-567-9830, Fax: 713-718-3300, email: [email protected] Judge Lynn Nettleton Hughes, 515 Rusk, Rm 11122, Houston, Tx. 77002, voice: 713-250-5900, fax: 713-250-5650, email:[email protected] US Marshall, 515 Rusk, 10th Floor, Houston, Tx. 77002, 713-718-4800, fax: 713- 718-4848 THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! loving sister of Patrick Cody Morgan Stacy Chapman Hello, My name is Stacy Chapman and I live in Houston, Tx. I sent this after printing off hundreds of pages of your site and sending it to my brother.
It’s hard to explain what has happened to my brother, Patrick Cody Morgan, without being lengthy, but, if you will read this I will try to get to the point as quickly as possible -I promise. My brother filed his UCC paperwork several years ago, expatriated from the Public back to the private, won battle after battle against the IRS and along the way really rattled the cages of some people - just trying to be left alone and live his life. He is a successful businessman in Houston: We also were involved in the High-End Condominium business in Houston. We bought well over 100 condos and resold. Out of those 100 condos, 10 were foreclosed on because the owners didn’t make the payments. The Feds came and investigated. They filed 3 lawsuits against my brother thinking he was an easy target. We also know another reason they came for someone who had no control over whether someone made their payments or not. You can read that reason below, but they didn’t know who they were messing with. My brother KILLED all 3 lawsuits and got a judgement against them on each one. They were based on LIES, FRAUD, etc… and he proved it in his paperwork My brother did ALL his own paperwork and made them look like idiots. Boy, did they get mad!! He made those idiots look just the IDIOTS they were - : ) His case number is: 4:11-cr-00819 People who’ve seen his paperwork say it’s incredible he prepared it all on his own. During this same time, my brother became friends with a gentleman, who’d been in a 27- year legal battle over $30M he was cheated out of in an oil deal. He was a tenacious as a bulldog and dispite threats on his life and financial ruin, he would NOT quit! When my brother got involved, he moved this man closer to exposing the corruption and those involved than he had ever gotten up to that point. Cody helped him get a JUDGEMENT against those involved. During the 27 years the amount had grown to over $1B with penalties and interest. That’s right! This gentleman knew Senator Orin Hatch and Governor Norman Bangeter of Utah. They knew all about this judgement. They had tried to help him get paid by putting him in touchwith some people in Washington. My brother and he, along with others were going to turn this judgement into a security instrument that could be traded on Wall Street. The Senator and Governor lined up some wealthy investors to meet with this gentleman, Bill. I guess others knew as well. He was killed on his way to meet with them. “They” didn’t want this to happen. And they came after my brother. My brother had helped him for 6 years! People in Washington knew my brother had been the one to do the paperwork and they didn’t like him one bit, helping Bill. In fact, they knew my brother KNEW all the ways, through the UCC, etc… to fight them. Right before Bill was to leave on his trip to meet with Hatch and Bangeter my brother was, illegally picked up and held for 3 days without being able to contact his family. He has since been charged with mortgage fraud, tried and found guilty on all charges and is awaiting sentencing. All of it is based on lies, fraud, violations of due process, etc… HE HAS NEVER HAD A SIGNED INDICTMENT, HAD NEVER SIGNED ONE PIECE OF PAPER GIVING THEM JURISDICTION, HAS QUESTIONED THEIR JURISDICTION AND THEY HAVE CONTINUED TO RAILROAD HIM. My brother is a family man with a 9 year old and a 13 year old daughter at home with his wife. The fact that the government has and is doing everything in their power to silence him and put him away for life is unbelievable!!!!! I have NEVER seen anything like it and the man has done NOTHING WRONG!!!!!!!! There are so many others in with him that the government has done the exact same thing to - it’s appalling!! Below is a letter that we are sending Melvin Stamper and anyone else we feel could, possibly help or point us in the right direction. God only knows we could use it or my brother could spend the rest of his life locked up because the government decided to shut him up. This reads like a John Grisham novel, but the problem is THIS IS TRUE! There is NO ONE who will hold these people’s feet to the fire to uphold the paperwork my brother has prepared. His case number can be found on Pacer: 4:11-cr-00819 If we could get some publicity maybe someone will step up to the plate to help us make them FOLLOW THE LAW!!! This is what our government can do to us if they just FEEL like it!!
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