I Declaration Document





The “I” Declaration for Exchanging Value



In the new energetic climate of the I-UV Exchange, new energetic tools will be necessary to compliment the intentions of our value exchange. As Eternal Essence Embodiments we no longer rely on lawyers to draw up mind-numbing “legal” agreements of opaque, ego-based language. Nor will we consider enforcement of such contracts through a fraudulent system of authority. Rather the foundation by which the One People will contract with one another is through the “I” Declaration.

The “I” Declaration is a private contract representing an energetic contract between two or more parties. Using transparency, self-responsibility and personal liability, the parties themselves determine the value being exchanged AND the jurisdiction upholding the contract.

By using the basic “I” Declaration and any amendments designed to your choosing, the One People are implementing a heart-based system of collaboration between embodiments that assures not just the well-being of parties involved but for the greater good of all.

Click here for the Word Doc version of the I Declaration Template

Click here for a direct download pdf version of the I Declaration Template


I Declaration Template


18 Responses to “I Declaration Document”

  1. Lisi McFenn says : Reply


  2. Peter says : Reply

    How do we use this document in business and relationships with others?

  3. Lisi McFenn says : Reply

    Some useful info in that regard was on the most recent One People’s radio show…i took notes which i’ll condense down to post here - detailed info, but as i understand it, more detailed info is forthcoming for using this document. Very interesting!

  4. Lisi McFenn says : Reply

    The following is a condensed version of most of Heather, et al’s, replies to Q’s during the One People’s radio show of June 17/18, 2013:

    Heather (the bulk of her comments are here):

    ‘People NOW HAVE their value, but don’t know how to access it, use it, or transfer it. Many tools can be used for people to access their value.

    The principles and functions of how people access, use or transfer their value is still the same, EXCEPT FOR: it is now done directly between embodiments, from embodiment to embodiment. Anyone who wants to play or engage with you has to transparently come forward (it wasn’t like that in the old system).

    Since everything was CANCELLED in regards to the BIS, Central Banks, etc., you will have to determine whether or not to play or engage with those from the old corporate system. They can still participate, but they will have to be very transparent, and they need to determine how they are willing to play with you, if at all, and if they make themselves irrelevant, then they make themselves irrelevant. It’s your choice whether to re-engage with them or not, make them alive or not, but NOT in their system, just with their entities.

    Every person (embodiment) NOW throughout the universe is a BANK. You hold your value. When you decide to transfer, receive or deliver value, it’s between you and at least one other embodiment, or more.

    Project XIII…really is just a transfer mechanism, because that’s where the OLD system really BOGGED DOWN the ACTUAL VALUE, was through distribution and representation. Now, you get to CHOOSE what representations you’re willing to play with - or use/accept, or you can just go direct to ENERGETICS and work it that way… Either way, you’re in charge; you’re the boss of your VALUE; and nobody else can infringe on that or invade that or usurp that. PROJECT XIII, “self government in a digital age” - digital is just a tool - you don’t need Project XIII, or any of “this stuff” to access your value, but this is one tool that’s there for you to do it.

    IF they (any of the FORMER systems) dishonor or do not recognize your value - AND your declaration, then they would actually be debunking anything & everything they’ve ever done, to date. They would actually have to go in and rebut it. All the work is done - it’s just a matter of you being able to access the value.

    Project XIII…everyone has accounts; they’re responsible for them, , and THERE’S A LOT OF VALUE STREAMS that people can be really creative about…it’s all in EACH of your hands — that’s what’s beautiful about it — nobody can tamper with it and it all sits within the ETERNAL ESSENCE — even if you don’t believe in the Eternal Essense filings; or any of the filings, it doesn’t matter, you can still run your value however you want to. “They” - who want to commandeer it, steal it, usurp it, invade it - they CAN’T TOUCH IT.

    The one-page…I-Declaration…so you go and declare what you have, like any bank… we’ve had “returned” $5 billion for every person or every embodiment involved, for their equity. And then there’s an other $5 billion for anyone who claims damages. All it takes is the DECLARATION. All of the underwriting was already done by the OPPT. So, that’s sitting in there, and it’s unrebutted. So, you’ve already underwritten your entire bank — all that you need to do is DEPOSIT what essentially would be the equivalent of a BOND, for instance - so that you enter into Project XIII, you DEPOSIT that into a bank, so to speak, because YOU ARE THE BANK. You’re just letting people know what’s in there, what you want your “bank” to work with, and they get to go in and start using it immediately - TRANSFER it, USE it - and everyone on Project XIII, or even “out there” - they get to see “who’s using what”, and they (or you) can use OLD tools and NOW tools, and you BE.

    Banks have nothing to do with any of this. If you want to “go & play” with a bank, THEN YOU MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS WITH THEM. You already know how they’re gonna operate and what I would do…I would say, “here’s what I’M willing to do,” but as far as leveraging and all that, I mean, you have to sit down and make your (remarks?), but as far as Project XIII, if I go in and open my account…actually I AM a BANK, so Project XIII just ends up being a NOTIFICATION SYSTEM, as well as my OWN registry system, for all that I do out of MY bank. And so, THEN, I can go out and get a certification from - and go in (“re-purposed” ptw, or embodiments) - go in and say, “Hey, here’s ONE EXAMPLE of how to make a value stream. NOT so much a revenue stream SOLELY, but a VALUE STREAM which also INCLUDES a revenue stream. For example: Heather’s gonna go out, she creates a “representation” (previously what people called “corporations”) - and that entity - just a representation of ME - people can identify THAT with a particular DO’ing that I’m gonna do - can put a CERTIFICATION of VALUE in someone’s BANK, but whether someone finds that certification OF value depends on the AGREEMENT. My agreement (with whoever is asking for the “certification” or “cert”), OR with anyone else - BECOMES an ISSUE OF CREDIBILITY, performance history - that’s just one example. And there are a lot of good people out there that will go in and do work, as far as auditing, certifying - you know - they need to repurpose too, because they used to work for corporations. Corporations are shut down - now they need a place where they can actually work and do something they feel good about, and yet it uses their “NOW” skill sets, right? So, really, it’s about using what’s around.

    What ONE DO’ing can I do that touches as much as possible? In the highest good of all?” And then, go in and look at the “NOW” tools - what is an IMMEDIATE value stream? Because everything’s energetic’. [Here Heather indicates she'll be putting out that part of the value system which hasn't EVER been disclosed]. In that part of the value system that WASN’T told, is the DEBT part of the value system and the FINANCIAL part of the value system - we were only given part of the story… The “mechanics of banking” are not bad guys - BUT “they” only tell you part of it. Now you don’t have to rely on banks to make the choice. You can go in and DO/DECLARE and then it takes someone to REBUT it in order for it to be INvalidated. Simple process…

    Your body is the “vehicle”, your being is the “creator”. For every unit you spend for the GREATEST GOOD of all, it draws more units behind you, which can manifest in any form you want it to. You just have to get your INTENT on what you want it to manifest as. And every unit you spend for the higher good of YOUR BODY, and NOT any of the other embodiments, you pull a one-to-one value behind you, into frontal view so you can use it. And then, if you go in and spend one unit energy to DAMAGE any other embodiment - THAT’S the DEBT SYSTEM. That’s what we know as the debt system, and basically, you lose that one unit, plus you just have created a debt.

    Writing discloses representation. If you need MORE clarity in writing, then DO that. Not knowing someone makes necessary more paperwork or clarity. Because you OWN your own magnetic fields. Eventually, we won’t need anything but energetics via the energetic field.

    So, fill out the I-Declaration with whomever you want to work with, and POST it on a website ANYWHERE online. THAT is lawful notice, notifying everyone else that you are working with this other Eternal Essence(s) embodied, establishing jurisdiction, and declare value, which you can THEN work with the value itself. [Heather indicates she is working on the details of documentation for the bonds.] We will be making bonds in the I-UV Exchange because it gives us the ability to work in all currencies.’

    Some specific points from Chris H:

    ‘Two points that are helpful to know NOW:

    1 - “I-Declaration” - SHARE IT, USE IT, PASS IT AROUND

    2 - “I-Declaration” - can always be amended later

    Use it, but you need to LEAVE the PRESENT CONTENT IN IT.’

    Further points made by Heather, Mark H., Chris H., Bob W., Lisa H. and/or Brian K. [some paraphrasing]:

    Part I of the I-Declaration is about JURISDICTION and VALUE. You can POST that. You can decide what to do from then on… DON’T use corporate government registries any more. OLD forums are DEFUNCT. Establish your jurisdiction ABOVE corporate governments. JURISDICTION is between YOU and ETERNAL ESSENCE. If we start contracting ABOVE the UCC, we are no longer working in the corporations. Heather may do a “rule-free” registry for convenience and to keep the format lawful.

    Most people never knew they were the creditors or the source of the value.

    We can now work DIRECTLY with each other setting up group projects. This eliminates the middleman (ie, lawyer). This document [the I-Declaration] is in the best interest of both parties. Most laws are phony anyway. The I-Declaration is lawful notice common law, choosing how we transact with each other. It declares we are WORKING TOGETHER.

    Practical funding - if you create a bond - deposit VALUE in a local bank, in the amount you wish to extend into that forum - they [the bank] would have to accept or rebut. We go to a bank, we say “bond”, and have money deposited into our current bank account. And you want it to include: (a) normal account banking, (b) a debit card, (c) unblockable access.

    Outside of that, for purchases, if you don’t currently have an account outside of the I-UV, you would have to make arrangements with the [local] bank - until Phase III, when we would offer goods & services, and directly accept I-UV Exchange. I-UV is introducing a whole new currency into the system.

    This is a different paradigm - full transparency - a completely different way of working. Bridging is educating everyone to the actual reality to do this, but they don’t know they can do this - so it’s an ongoing educational process. A missing link would be helping a grocer understand how to use the same system - as when Courtesy Notices bleed into the (old) system, to get everyone to see the NEW system. We don’t have to stay in the “bridging phase”. But we deal with individuals presenting something we either need or don’t need. The BRIDGING side of it: I-UV Exchange, GOODS & SERVICES - create a “bond” with a bank in the meantime.

    I-UV is new global currency, relationships and conversations where people are CHOOSING to use and ADOPT that currency. One scenario: Dollars - struggling, don’t have much, OR, work with this currency and have $billions (of dollars). Education needs to spread OUTWARDS.

    Writing a bond is like writing a personal check; it’s a representation of my value. Offer them [the local bank] a fee for typing it into the computer system. This would have to be done at a higher level than banking manager. Bonds must be protected so that “they” can’t hypothecate with our bonds. WE are the CREDITOR. A CEO, CFO, present them with a bond. Say to them: “This would invalidate everything you have ever done; OR, work in honor with me.” If only one person would have one bank accept the bond - it would have viral results. If we all turn up at the doors of the banks and say, “Hey, we’re gonna give you a limited part of our value, so I can solve certain problems before I move out of your system altogether, and you can have a fee, and it’s your choice to negate everything you’ve ever done, or NOT… It only takes ONE person to get that over the line, then we’re on our way. And, if we have thousands of people with that tool, and one of them gets it over the line, then the door is open. If a bank accepts your bond, they are in fact also admitting that they committed fraud against you when they loaned you your actual mortgage.

    My soul and my physical body, I bond it to my I-currency. It’s my representation of my value in the I-UV Exchange.

    We are going into a time of PURGING the OLD. People may have to move out of a situation they are comfortable with. It’s important to (a) keep a good attitude, (b) follow the energetic trail, and (c) know that the Universe is handling things correctly.

    Phase I = Knowledge of what the value IS.
    Phase II = Access to the Value.
    Phase III = To USE it for goods and services.

    Phases II and III will develop in parallel.

    Project XIII is:
    - the MAIN FUNCTION (similar to Facebook)
    - the “Skype”
    - the “Banking”
    and whatever else Eternal Essences want ADDED to it. Invest in tools to USE VALUE and connect with others.

    For example, on Facebook, your information is being SOLD for $millions to other people and it’s not YOUR data - it (FB) is a harvesting tool. Project XIII - Eternal Essences ARE the VALUE - that is actually where the energetics flow. Project XIII…holds your space in a higher encryption for metadata, then you can download your information when you come in. Digital representations of value - a great way to focus our value.

    DON’T WAIT” to figure out what you want to DO. ASK yourself NOW: If I had access to all the value I needed, what would I do NOW? What’s important to me? To start playing, use this DECLARATION - just IMAGINE, DO & BE what you want your life to be - IMAGINE IT. Start bringing the pieces, the building blocks, together to create a fluid plan, in case of change. It doesn’t take money to starting building the network. Make the contact(s) and in that process things will unfold to allow you to go further without money. Possibly someone comes in with bridge money and will be willing to support your idea(s), etc… MAKE an INTENTION, like Heather’s Moroccan intention - she wanted to pull some people together to work in the same place. It was the DO’ing and an example of what you can do… You can get “money” in different ways. For example, a pet rehabilitation facility - crowd source funding. Start creative possibilities and the money will follow.

    Send in Questions - AFTER the first DATASET comes out from Heather - so we can ask more pointed questions.

    [My note: Only I-UV-related info from the show is included here; apologies for length, mistypes or mistranslations.]

    • AL says : Reply

      Lisi McFenn. I can understand a mutual contract. This is a template But, there appears certain elements in it that it is set in authority under. That is
      Rec. No. 2013032035 PRE-PAID, PRE-AUTHORIZED, and PRE-APPROVE
      Universal and International Record No.2013032035, under perpetuity UCC Record No. 2000043135, all restated and incorporated in full by reference as if set forth in full.
      Ucc records ? Who filed these under what name ? See the problem ?
      Unrebutted UCC filings do not make law. Or foreclose on anything. Foreclosure is a process, part of that process is done in Court. For it to be effected, certain actions need to take place. Just because a claim is unanswered, doesnt mean your claim is true. Govts or Banks wouldnt answer such a claim.OPPT or I-uv have never enterd into a arrangement with them or have taken them to court. So nothing has happened at all.
      Logic of proof , is that if They have been foreclosed, Then the UCC would also be redundant , because it is their system they created. So these gleaming contradictions have rendered this as evidently redundant methodology.
      While i can appreciate that we all see apparent corruption within the system current, they arent powers that were. Nothing has been challenged, so nothing has been won. There are logical proceedings , but nothing logical has eventuated to prove these words of I-uv. In court or as an act of Justice. True law is established by its actions. The courts rule it through and the paramilitary behind it enact it. I-UV has no such backing

      • Aaron says : Reply

        AL is exactly right here. What Law, or even recognized acknowledgment of any sort is available to make valid this declaration actionable and useable by the banks in this instance? (via Project 13 or otherwise?) I mean regardless if the bank wants to “play” or not,etc… what answer is given when this inevitable question comes up? (or do you expect people to simply respond with “the just because reason”..?)

        I found another comment from another thread on this site that I feel is relevant and ties in here also.

        From the comment thread under this page with the roundtable recording explaining this:


        Kenrick says : Reply
        July 3, 2024 at 12:16 pm

        “When we talk about Freedom, we are talking about Freedom from private corporate Slavery. What Law specifically reversed the Legal control,that would be the evidence to show the bank when you request their service to utilize your value? According to my understanding what we called a Bank is really a (Debt Services). Now I believe they will be a Credit Services? Servicing the Creditors or I- eternal essences? Isn’t that appropriate? The document Heathers talking about, presumably illustrate the point where the reversal of our value by Fraud and Deception took place, turning us into debtor slave and the remedy that restored the system as it really was before the Fraud and Deception took place”

        This applies directly to the Strawman deception. But since this basic fundamental template and tool of the old system is based upon this, it ties directly into AL’s comment above in terms of not only explaining/showing the Law or acknowledged process that legitimizes the “unrebutted” claim of this, but makes it actionable, but also as a result of this, what law or acknowledgement informs the bank that this new way of doing things is credible and “Do-able”…. (you really don’t expect that bank officers, low or high level, will just sit back after hearing and reading our requests and say “ummmkay, we’ll do it”….?)

        Listening to this recording, I think Heather has brought up some very good points, and I DO see the validity and logic behind it as a useful tool under the old systems, BUT if there is no “IN-forcement” behind this with regards to PROVING that “unrebutted” = practical application, then I see uphill and impossibly resistant climb for this.

        For example: Heather mentions Gold & Silver as something “they” agreed to as settlement of debts. Well did anyone bother to tell the Fed Reserve that so when the bank that takes us up on the offer to “play” tries to get our FRN tools for use?

        Not intending to be a thorn in the side, but I feel this points above by both AL and Kenneth are valid.

        • AL says :

          Aaron Ive done a search on All the ucc filings,listed here and by oppt, cant find a single one, Can you do a search also and verify that i’m not wrong or have maybe looked in the wrong place. Seeing oppt filed in wa, thats where i searched, cheers, AL

  5. Max Taylor says : Reply

    Is it just me or are the two signature lines at the bottom supposed to read:

    [Name of first party]… and [Name of second party]…

    If this is supposed to be signed by two different parties.

    Also the two lines at the top should also specify the “First Party” (I-A) & “Second Party” (I-B), etc.

  6. Elias says : Reply

    Bitte diese Declaration noch auf deutsch in,
    http://www.wirsindeins.wordpress.com, uebersetzen♡
    Dankbarkeit Heilung Friede

    Lichtgruss Elias

  7. cris says : Reply

    se ho capito bene io dichiaro alla banca di voler depositare la I-D dove dichiaro il mio valore di (esempio) 1 milione di euro , la banca dovrebbe verificare-confutare dove sono questi soldi-valore, dopo di che potrei usarli a mio piacimento.
    Ma con le leggi correnti o ex leggi verrebbero bloccati subito, da questo cavillo debbo dedurre che se non parte project xIII non si può ancora accedere al nostro valore ?

    • sonya says : Reply

      Hi Cris - here’s a rough translation of your post…..I had a bit of trouble with the last sentence, in particular ‘se non parte XIII’ - so apologies if it is incorrect.

      “if I understand correctly I declare to the bank that I wish to deposit the I-V where I declare my value of (for example € 1 million), the bank would then have to check/refute where this money-value is, after which I could use them as I wish.

      But with the current laws or former laws this would be blocked immediately, on that basis I have to deduce that if it’s not part of project xiii one cannot yet access our value?”

      And I agree with you.

  8. Lisi McFenn says : Reply

    (A machine translation of cris’s post): if I understand correctly I declare to the bank where you want to store the ID declare my value (example) € 1 million, the bank should check-refute where this money-value, after which I could use them at my leisure. But with the current laws or former laws would be blocked immediately, from this quirk I have to deduce that if the project xiii can not yet access our value?

  9. Max Taylor says : Reply

    Would someone “please” clarify exactly what is to be placed on each and every one of the lines in this document. To put out a document that affects the entire planet without the least bit of clarifying information as to what should go where is only a half service. I am 100% behind this and want it to go forward but we need to have precise and detailed information about how to properly fill out this document if it is to be respected on a professional level by those we present it to.

    At a minimum this document should possibly have a second page with the precise details as to how to fill it out. Obviously only the first page is to be used and the second page is strictly the instructions on how to fill it out.

    Is anyone listening here? If so please respond.

    With all the best intents.


    • noel says : Reply

      Wait until all is revealed, before going off half cocked. I beieve Heather said she will be the first to go to the bank as the test pilot and it will be revealed on these sites. As well as the UNDERWRITING documents, Declaration of Deposit and Declaration of Representation. You will be shown how to fill those out when the time comes so don’t get your cods in a knot. Patience is a virtue Guy’s cheers.

  10. Attilio Cesare of the family Guadagno says : Reply

    I agree with Max. I am attempting to complete this document blindly… I little help/instruction WILL go a long way! <3

  11. only me says : Reply

    I do believe that there are more documents coming, so please lets not go off half-cocked, until we get all the info about how to use this bullet, we should not use it, it may well explode in the barrel, lets just be patient, keep your heads low and your powder dry, when the time is right we will all do it together and make an impact they cannot ignore.

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