Adam Yates
Criminalisation of Poverty.
…the illuminati are all judges, politicians and bankers using unrebutted statutes against us.
Lawyers are so expensive that Governments win their Court cases by your poverty (Unlawful).
New Statutes and precedents are set in this way for the benefit of those claiming ownership of you by a design copyrighted berth certificate. You are a vessel of funding to the design owners (Courts) therefore under Jurisdiction or Administration of all three forms of statute legislation, they being the designers…the paper statutes are not designers (which pre supposes a proponent with power of voice) and cannot own anything. Statutes are written words (statutes of any law systems have no power in Court unless consented to).
Baptized (under Ecclesiastical), registered (under Crown/Federal) and owned by NI/SSN (under Copyright)
Courts create Laws by voice. Governments create Legislative Statutes to control Law. You hold Authority in Court as Sovereign.
Lawyers are so expensive that Governments win Court cases by your unrebuttal out of poverty (Unlawful). New Statutes and precedents are set in this way.
Not to have money or ‘ownership’ ‘of ‘property’ is the ‘state of insanity, incompetence, absence’ in Statute Legislation (this is not the same as Law).
Written word is Statute by the Author. Voiced word is Law by Being. Do not condemn yourself by silence, always object or ‘notify’.
Ecclesiastical Law by ‘authority of power of god’ is Slavery Law. AUTHORITY IS TAKEN by CONSENT: NOT GIVEN WITHOUT CONSENT .
Authority over you in Court is offered/requested/required/stipulated/endorsed/billed/summonsed/licensed/notified/noticed/presented/asked ‘for’ by the Judge in the form of:
1 commerce (the vessel hull), 2 religion (to be a slave on ship), or 3 claim to own the physical ship or vessel (your body that holds water) by copyright ownership (berth certificate).
You are nothing but a ‘drawing’. You are a ‘drawing’ in a ‘design’ of a Law Vessel copyrighted by the Vatican. The US Copyright laws enable the US to do business for the Vatican as a partner by enforcing Canon Law with a global agenda under the guise of copyright law. Now look up ‘drawing’ in Ballentines Law Dictionary.
The lie is that their Law Systems, Government and Court are NOT ‘vessel’s (defined as a seaworthy craft). They literally hold no water by definition and therefore have no power/authority: only a voice is deemed Authority in a fair Court (fair: without such religious, business and ownership conflicts of interest).
Government and Court cannot float on water; neither can the Vatican even if Jesus did.
They are ideas we either accept (consent) or reject (rebut).
We are not in a ‘vessel’ or ‘ship’ though metaphorically we are if you want to be as a ‘content’ of an ‘employer’ in a ‘workplace’ registered under religious copyrighted ideas.
Step away from the metaphor…be precise.
You can’t copyright something that cannot float in water least of all an idea. Neither can paper contracts survive water.
Water is their ‘value’. Voice is the proven power of Being a vessel, sovereign, freeman, spiritual person who holds ‘value’ by a voice or ’flag’.
Laws are ‘established’ by ‘trials’ and is taught over years of continual changes to Law over time.
Never get to Court: Corporations go to Court. If you are not yet sovereign and have a summons to Court this is for you.
You are owned as a registered entity/company/thing by another copyrighted entity/company/thing.
The CHARGE you get is giving commission to Court on your Court appearance should the prosecutor think they will win and get money, the Court always get a commission, hire charge, paid by the State or Nation. Conflicts of Interest. The Court is proponent ‘giving offer of commerce’.
Courts are paid by governments whose legislation is there to support the occupancy of the system by ‘sadism’, (see dictionary) as if their Terms & Conditions, so governments are supporting the Court system & vice versa. Conflicts of Interest.
Positive Law: Attention is drawn to apostrophe words where meanings stray into ‘legal fiction’.
Above all you are registered: by birth certificate, as owned by the crown under canon law, that appoints trustees to administer your company name registered by the certificate. The trust is a cestui que vie trust. This declares you incompetent/missing/lost at sea shortly after birth. You then become berthed in citizen’ship’. If unrebutted for 7 years you are owned by the crown or government then enslaved by an NI or SSN registration number . See Cestui Que Vie 1666, just after the Plague and Great Fire of London. This Act was amended about a hundred years later to include the incompetent or insane and the creation of mental health statutes ensued thereof as another ‘instrument’ of ‘offers of commerce’.
A ‘person’ or ‘thing’ that can be ’owned’ may be a Vessel or ’ship’ and all the contents which will include ‘people’ to ‘work’ in the ‘ship’, as designed & registered by the US Copyright ‘holder’ as defined by the ‘US Copyright Law’, the US being under Canon Law. Copyright is an instrument for treason.
The Crown Monarch or Nation are copyrighted.
Vatican, governments, departments, all copyrighted….
The three vessels of Law that ‘govern’ the ‘people’ in ‘benefit’ ‘for’ the ‘hull design’ of the ‘Laws’ are Uniform Commercial Code (Trading: by consent), Canon Law (Slave Law: imprisonment, seizure of goods) & Copyright Law to which you consent all the time you do not ‘claim Sovereignty’.
That law is denied the right to reversal of form in court.
Taxpayers or ‘section’ (denoted by the symbol ‘§’) defined as a ‘region contained within a larger area’ i.e a ‘berth’ within a citizen‘ship’ (crown or state). A statute authored & denoted ‘§’ holds no more water than one without if written by a Sovereign.
IN COURT: Show Respect. Make it known you are competent and you have Authority.
Declare Common Law Jurisdiction as Sovereign Being to the Clerk of Court or Justice of Peace by paper witnessed notice and as many friends as will come.
Respondent & Proponent
Never be the proponent unless invoicing as a response.
“…he who attacks first makes himself look the prick…” three full stops before & after phrases denote an action/response/notice/receipt for the ‘invoice’ to a respondent or ‘offer of commerce’ under UCC Law.
Denotes ‘duress’ as you did not ask for the offer.
Recess & Adjournment
When judge calls to recess he is abandoning the ship of Uniform Commercial Code itself (1st Form of Law a court ‘hears’).
You say, “Let the record show Judge has abandoned ship, I claim authority over the Court, and I move to dismiss the charges: Motion carried”
You have declined the Judges ‘offer’ to fight under Canon Law which ‘holds’ religious ‘conviction’ in the Vessel of Roman Law or Slave Law. (Vatican City).
When Judge calls an Adjournment he is returning to Court under the same Jurisdiction of UCC, 1st Form of Law.
Without objecting to the recess you will be under Canon Law on his return and therefore have consented to Ecclesiastical Slavery Systems where you are now considered a ‘thing’ in the eyes of the now Canon Law Court.
“Are you trying to deny me Justice, Your Honour”, is a useful phrase.
Being Competent
A competent is a property owner (Vatican notably) or one who knows the law (Bankers notably)
Mortgage, license, registration, leasehold, is not owner’ship’ or ‘valid competencies’ (by Copyright Law of vessels and Hull Design).
In court you must ‘prove’ ‘competency’ as ‘sovereign’ by ‘copyright’. In court you must ‘prove’ ‘competency’ as ‘sovereign’ by ‘copyright’ or ’property owner’ of a ‘private individual’ and not ‘holder of a deed’ (berth certificate by baptism).
You must write your own letters, and terms & conditions (your opinions that are immovable by water carried in another vessel i.e. the Judge) legal terms are not important since OPPT and this is all OPPT have done…removed the legal need for lawyers altogether at Courts. It is legal to present your case by simply saying no, having the letter witnessed and sent by recorded delivery to a real name in a department of the bullyboy company.
Silence is ‘incompetency’
In Court we have been subjected to ‘rule of consent or imprisonment’ by Canon Law, Fraud Law, and Copyright infringement simply by contesting our ‘innocence, ignorance, incompetence’ of the ‘Straw Man’.
Terms &Conditions/Statutes/Obligation/Bill/Endorsement/Request/Offer/Receipt/Summons/Doctrine.
As Sovereign you may ‘hold’ Court Authority and ‘claim notice served for terms and conditions of witnessed documents’ i.e. the notice of terms and conditions that this Court is under Common Law as well as UCC Law by authority of your ‘paper witnessed notice’. Common Law is abused in favour of UCC Law, ‘gain’, ‘profit’, ‘money’ all the time. This is a commercial court and not applicable to people, only vessels of design. You were not designed you were created!
‘For’ & ‘Of’.
For is used to mean towards or for your own benefit.
Of means you are giving of free will.
When asked in court if you are Mr. Yourname and you reply yes you ‘claim the debt to crown Canon Law by ignorance, incompetence of Law and Vessels of design and Ecclesiastical Canon Law. Therefore ownership of the legal fiction ‘of’ and ‘for’ the Vessel designed ‘by’ (of fabrication or giving, for) ‘Law’ and then your address ‘of’ and you also reply yes or you understand, you have in fact just consented to the Court to take your house and liberty with prison to confine you to ‘quarters’ as a legal fiction or ‘story’. You are returned to the warehouse; prison, hospital.
When you reply no to ownership of the legal fiction Mr. Yourname, by Common Law right, you are able as Registered Sovereign, to be Administrator for the Straw Man with no personal liability to you in your common name, or body. You then become a Court Official and cannot be removed from Court by the Judge lawfully.
Do not consent to becoming owner, agent, deed holder, surety, tax, levy, tythe, toll, licensee, mortgagee, etc
There is no legal definition for: Claim to ‘Free Thought’
‘of’ (you become respondent/debtor/MR/MRS/MS/Taxpayer/Citizen) or ’for’ (you become proponent/creditor/Sovereign Trust)
The Vatican is the biggest owner of property
Taken using Canon Law
Mind your OFS and FORS if you end up in Court
Salvific Law is the ‘Will of God’. i.e. You owe me for the design of the vessel that saves you, rather than pays (govt.) or protects you (crown/state), a ridiculous ‘claim’ without reference to gender.
Having the intention or power to bring about salvation or redemption: “the doctrine that only a perfect male form can incarnate God fully and be salvific” (Rita N. Brock).
[Late Latin salvificus : Latin salvus, safe; see safe + Latin -ficus, -fic.]
Vatican Indoctrination of Male above Female.
That only men can ‘author’, ‘design’ and ‘own’. Women are not deemed good authors and not invited into authorship of Laws or administration of Church trusts. From authorship comes ‘Authority’.
As women they are the creator of the vessel and men the designer though this is not acknowledged in Law as Law refers to Knowing which has no gender whilst statute refers to things as ‘he’. Designer is perceived as more important than creator or worker or labourer although without either male or female the ‘thing’ or ‘article’ would not exist since physical reality needs a male and female to create the creator in retrospect. It is a conflict of interest to claim ‘ownership’, ‘right’ or ‘decree’ to a single company/person since their life exists of the fact of bi-lateral nature, unrebuttable from outset and known.
In order to keep women out of power they are made as vessels that can be designed and owned by marriage certification. These laws favour men.
All law maybe interpreted as ‘advice’.
Created by Copyright (GOD?)
Ecclisiastically Licensed
Commercially Trading
Legally, lawfully, factually and as a matter of public policy OPPT have relesed us from having to know all of the above. Life is excellent!
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Wowo, Powerful info!! And I must say a good place to point people not in the know too ‘catch up’ on our situation. Much kudos and love to the writer of this article, and a massive thanks and sending of good vibes to all who are helping realise the vision OPPT are portraying.
Thanks heather! And all others involved, at the very least you have helped me to just ‘be’. To know I need not the system of old. what’s to fear? death? I think not I have listened to enough coast to coast am over the years to know it is a beautiful mechanism of life. Since sychronisticly discovering OPPT with perfect timing I feel I have evolved 1000 years. Fear is fading and again too all involved THANKS AND MUCH LOVE! * sent with sincere power to all who need *
And that is a point lol, the past few months when ever I saw a shooting star I said to myself, ‘let some body who truly is wishing for help right now have it’. I am hardly well off far from it in fact(id be dead with out a loving family*thanks*), but at the time of seeing the shooting star I did not need a wish so powerful so I gave it away. we have all had thows times when we just need a wish granted, food in our bellies, the boiler fixing asap etc., but if your sound enuf why not grant your wish to some one who really needs it. And since fallowing the conversation each week with the OPPT radio shows and collective imagination I have had less even less need for wishes to be granted, I have faith in thee universe delivering just what I need and do you know? It has done just that. not all I want but need for sure.