Well there that was interesting to say the least, and good to see. I want to say on a different but unique connected note that there is a lot of spiritual connections going on right now, and it is BIG.. GOD SIZE! I have to say that in all of this financial endevour that I have been blessed to be a part of OPPT and trying to get my CVAC in place and knowing that the NWO and Countries are not allowing it to happen, that there is something we can do about it, and we have been. The OPPT foreclosure docs and the docs shows us all who we are, and it is true, we are creators, though we are co-creators only second in-line to the CREATOR. Democracy is crazy and the only TRUE democracy is sovereign freedom, to work together as people with our CVAC and the technology that has been stolen from us, alongside our own Ormus which is true 0 Point Light within our bodies and in every living thing on this planet, and is connected to the 0 Point field known as God or Creator. The GMO’s and our crops in general are grown to destroy the Ormus within our bodies, so it is literally a spiritual war waged against us all by the elites. That being said in meditation I found myself in the Light Chambers, and yes they are real folks the light chambers are real, and God is GRAND and that word doesn’t even touch the feeling. Folks the end of the way things have existed are here, the time to choose is now..it is happening, and I say meditate meditate meditate, if you don’t thats your own sovereign right, but if you are here then you are probably feeling the light already. I just wanted to put a real world experience out here that is not a channeled message or something that feels like it is a message from a higher being, because I AM NOT HIGHER THAN ANYONE ELSE, however, I AM THAT I AM and I KNOW I AM. Get in touch with your inner light God is within us all and always has been.
Thank you Mr.Putin, , an excellent discours, hopegiving for the future.
Well there that was interesting to say the least, and good to see. I want to say on a different but unique connected note that there is a lot of spiritual connections going on right now, and it is BIG.. GOD SIZE! I have to say that in all of this financial endevour that I have been blessed to be a part of OPPT and trying to get my CVAC in place and knowing that the NWO and Countries are not allowing it to happen, that there is something we can do about it, and we have been. The OPPT foreclosure docs and the docs shows us all who we are, and it is true, we are creators, though we are co-creators only second in-line to the CREATOR. Democracy is crazy and the only TRUE democracy is sovereign freedom, to work together as people with our CVAC and the technology that has been stolen from us, alongside our own Ormus which is true 0 Point Light within our bodies and in every living thing on this planet, and is connected to the 0 Point field known as God or Creator. The GMO’s and our crops in general are grown to destroy the Ormus within our bodies, so it is literally a spiritual war waged against us all by the elites. That being said in meditation I found myself in the Light Chambers, and yes they are real folks the light chambers are real, and God is GRAND and that word doesn’t even touch the feeling. Folks the end of the way things have existed are here, the time to choose is now..it is happening, and I say meditate meditate meditate, if you don’t thats your own sovereign right, but if you are here then you are probably feeling the light already. I just wanted to put a real world experience out here that is not a channeled message or something that feels like it is a message from a higher being, because I AM NOT HIGHER THAN ANYONE ELSE, however, I AM THAT I AM and I KNOW I AM. Get in touch with your inner light God is within us all and always has been.
May a violet light bubble surround and protect this dear man!
I like Putin. The time is come to sit and talk to each other, find solutions that will benefit all of mankind.