Katherine J: First Eternal Essence to Share Going Into The Bank
Bank visit in Trondheim Norway today, how it went: “It was soooo much fun!!! 2 min with the bank, like the 2 most awesomest minutes of my life lately!
well in relations to TOP anyways. I should hear by end of Tuesday or I will call or I will call local and american Secret service on him and the manager ” ~ Katherine
A skype conversation Katherine had a few days later with Heather:
[06.11.13 16:14:06] Kathrine Jelstad: Hi Heather 🙂 So I was at the bank on Monday, had a freakin awesome time!! My best 2 minutes of my TOP life so far (chuckle)They havent responded to me in the timeframe I gave them, so I called secret service today, and got no help… So I am guessing its supposed to just BE like this right now? Or am I missing something here? 🙂 (heart)
[06.11.13 17:58:03] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: you are missing NO THING!!!!!!!!! (heart)
[06.11.13 17:58:59] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: …..I am beginning to imagine how many calls secret service has gotten over the last few days. (heart) [06.11.13 18:37:47] Kathrine Jelstad: (heart)
One question, that comes up alot lately:
Why is secret service the people to call, and is there any documenation or something we can give the banks re this?
[06.11.13 18:47:33] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: ……they already know “why”, Love……and they are now very aware that you are about to get it too.
[06.11.13 18:47:37] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: (flex)
You ROCK Kathrine!!!
Such a beautiful and pure person…. Love to see this…. Good for you Katherine:)
There’s an old banker saying:
“If you need an answer in a hurry, it is : No!”
I am sure he will respond that way.
The Secret Service is in the USA, why would they care about a banker’s refusal in Norway?
As someone has said, I think this effort is headed towards an Epic Failure.
Monica M,
If you know anything about banking then you know that the FED New York owns stakes in all larger banks in all countries except IRAN and North Korea. Also note that all banks are linked through World Bank Group and through BIS as well through the SWIFT system which is privately owned by HSBC!
The following has been shared in another thread byt I put it here as well.
“Foreign deposit….Funds placed into US banks located beyond country borders. Do not require reserves or deposit insurance designed to ascertain access to funds in case of debtor default.
The Secret Service exercises broad investigative jurisdiction over a variety of financial crimes. As the original guardian of the nation’s financial payment systems, the Secret Service has a long history of protecting American consumers and industries from financial fraud. In addition to its original mandate of combating the counterfeiting of U.S. currency, the passage of federal laws in 1982 and 1984 gave the Secret Service primary authority for the investigation of access device fraud, including credit and debit card fraud, and parallel authority with other federal law enforcement agencies in identity crime cases. The Secret Service also was given primary authority for the investigation of fraud as it relates to computers.
In the early 1990s, the Secret Service’s investigative mission expanded to include concurrent jurisdiction with the United States Department of Justice regarding Financial Institution Fraud. Also during this time, the Internet and use of personal computers became commonplace and expanded worldwide. The combination of the information revolution and the effects of globalization caused the investigative mission of the Secret Service to expand dramatically. As a result, the Secret Service has evolved into an agency that is recognized worldwide for its investigative expertise and for its aggressive and innovative approach to the detection, investigation and prevention of financial crimes.”
Now calling the Secret Service or “authorities” with similar task in any country does matter cause this gives notice to them that we know that we are the value and that we want our signatures back! This is actually very little about the money it’s about changing the mind set of people who have been programmed in the consumption wheel thinking they are to small to make a difference…
THE EVENT has begun!
Oliver Troll
TOP Sweden
I AM CERTAIN, they have some form of Secret Service in every commercial area of this world.. It may be called something else in Norway.. but at any rate NOTHING beats a FAILURE except a but a TRY.. keep the High Energy Katherine.. I am inspired. Thank you!!
Secret Service their Job is not to Protect the President but the System they are also in Charge of all Fraud with the Mail system Worldwide they are also the IMF, UN, World Bank & the list goes on & on including the Banking system they are not just a US System they are international
“The combination of the information revolution and the effects of globalization caused the investigative mission of the Secret Service to expand dramatically. As a result, the Secret Service has evolved into an agency that is
recognized worldwide for its investigative expertise and for its aggressive and innovative approach to the detection, investigation and prevention of financial crimes.”
Thank you for sharing, Katherine…you’re awesome.
…very brave Katherine…you deserve a medal for leading the charge 🙂
Here is my banks first answer from yesterday btw! (I sent my paper work late Monday this week)
“Hello Oliver,
I don’t think I understand your business?
Are you expecting a foreign deposit to your account?
Please contact us!
Best regards
Sell support Bank”
She mentioned foreign deposit isn’t that funny?!
Oliver Troll
TOP Sweden
TOP Sweden
Here is part of Heathers answer to above which stood out! I’ve discussed BANKING in these terms before with people and here you have it “The King is Banned” Ban-King! This will get some people miffed but.. 😉
“”[10:44:18 AM] Eric Mears: Dearest Heather, may I ask if you personaly have made any headway with the Banking System to receive any of your value ? ..IN love ..Eric. [11:16:23 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: Love, I told every one, repeatedly, that the mission of the banks was to succeed in failing….and they have successfully completed their mission……
…..they will not be revived, love….the energy frequency that created banking….ban king….does not serve any inbodyment of One NOW. [11:18:04 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: ……and, Eric, Love….I have ALL my value….I successfully converted all the former representations back to prime energy so that I could reissue it as I choose…… [11:19:00 AM] Eric Mears: Thank you beautiful heart (heart) [11:19:02 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: that is what the DECLARATION OF CONVERSION was…..I CHOOSE APPLICATIONS THAT SERVE I…AND THAT REFLECT I……..
banking does not reflect or serve I….. [11:19:13 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: thank you, Love!!!!!!!!!! (inlove) [20:21:15] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: ……..THAT is what IS NOW….coming through loud and clear from every perceived direction…..all ways conscious of it within…….external now reflects what IS. ”
Our DO’ing just confirmes.. mission completed <3
Oliver Troll
TOP Sweden