# HATJ: Will be Released Pending Trial Audio recording
Updated 8.29.17 10:00 AM
Conversation with Bill
This was a phone conversation I recorded with Judy right when she came out
This is the link to Judy doing a live stream, on her FB, after we spoke
Thank you everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 Love you all!
This is awesome!!!!!
Cant wait for a response from hatj. 🙂
Update: 9.1.17 AM PDT on HATJ
Heather is settling in and sharpening her BEing and DOing.
Heather will now be focusing all of her attention and energy into the commitments she made to her terms of release, and doing what needs to be done to complete the Pending court case and portion of the ALL that needs to be revealed.
Heather is preparing a public statement. This will be a written and a video of her giving the same statement. She will post them on her website.
Once they are released, I will re-post on the I UV.
Woohoo thank you so much thank you I was praying and doing and being this morning thoughts on Randy now
just cought wind of this vibration today please dont tell me the ark has been closed. Any info from a wise soul would be greatly appriciated.
Great job!! Thank you BZ, Bob and Judy!!! We appreciate you all!!
Thank you all..much gratitude..freedom for all ..love and light..Namaste
Even though I learned about Heather just yesterday….. I forwarded your sites info to many and we meditated , commanded and demanded that the angelic realm, ascended masters such St Germain, Portia Goddess of a justice and so forth were present at trails 8:30am UTah time!!!!! We had people from Chile, San Francisco, mexico and salt lake making light and live calls and decrees!!!!!! Soooo glad she will be released!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@Carmen Thompson thank you, and thank you for your service to humanity. Heather is special, even Zorra and Hollow Earth are backing her up and Prime Creator. Hollow Earth chaneling followers and blogtalkradio broadcast always followed up Heather’s trial since it happened. I thought that was so awesome. And now you and your groups, isn’t it time for us to come together as one? This is awesome! Heather’s trial has brought so many light beings together in one accord, and I’m so grateful to that. I was sad when Heather went to jail, but when Zorra said in one of their radio show that Prime Creator is there in physical form, I was so relief and thankful that the galactic and the company of heaven are in the midst as well. Thank you from the heart and welcome aboard.
BZ, thank you for holding the fort down, you are awesome, and for keeping us update, too. This is such a good news, hallelujah! Hallelujah! Much love and light to all.
Are they releasing her today at 7pm? Yes!!!! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you BZ and everybody for bringing us along for the ride!
3 pots of coffee,2 pack of smoke.that what i did when i got out of jail.
Hooray. It is a good day❤️
As Heather might say, Perfectly Done! It’s wonderful feeling all of the loving expanding energy on the sites following this! I feel privileged to BE a part. Eager for Randy’s hearing, and will be on the call tonight. Thank you to ALL on the frontline this morning, and making so many things fall into place for Heather’s current release, e.g., housing, phones, etc.) I AM seeing Randy’s release as well. Love, love, love to EveryONE!
If there is anything we can do (the public) to help- can you let us know? Donations????
Praying for you all. Thank you for everything you all do for us.
Yes, Donations would be a great help
I hope you really meant “the People” rather than “the public”…big difference; huge!
The people are the living flesh and blood human souls.
The public is no more than a “legal fiction” or a “person” that exists on paper only.
People…it’s time to throw off the yoke of slavery!
You are one of the People.
All are sovereign (a king).
But all are sovereign [kings] self-governing, without subjects.
Words matter; words have power.
The time has come to claim your rightful place!
You are a People.
We are the People!
how do i find the proper sequence of words to cast the spell
This is absolutely great news, except for the fact that she has an ankle bracelet, which I don’t understand. But praise to the Almighty Father in Heaven that she is FREE for now. Love and Light to all.
Awesome ❤️❤️❤️ Sending love and energy that way !!! To Heather & Randy
So happy to hear she will be release. Great news. Thank you all.
Wow, I look forward to hearing from Heather, and all of her travels. Glad she made it out. Thanks everybody for the updates today, and for all of the other hard work.
Here is a link to Frances L. Lloyd Jr. Profile. http://www.lloyd-federal-law.com/about.html If this is the wrong guy, please feel free to correct the link.
Peace, Love, Granola!
HeartToHeart Always in All Ways Love Is ALL
Awesome, thank you! Much love to All ❤️
I don’t know, maybe I’m missing something, but she’s essentially still incarcerated having to wear an ankle bracelet, this is house arrest. I imagine Randy will get the same or remain in jail pending his hearing/trial. They seem to be preparing for something, hope I’m wrong.
Yes, she is still restricted in travel, but she will have more access to info and communication with the rest of the world this way. The set up is for a way to bring everything to light that has happened, including that everything has been foreclosed.
:- ) Yes! It is a crucial step!
You are not missing anything, but many have. She is still incarcerated and chained like the citizen slave and treated as a dangerous criminal. Remember, she has submitted to the ways of the BAR.
Always follow the money as Europe has approved of Ripple as a new digital currency and the Feds have followed a few weeks ago giving their approval. The gig is up on the USD and the account codes are being changed to stop the hacking access to the accounts the Feds claim are theirs.
Here is what the evil money changers and the galactics are up to https://www.slideshare.net/ernestrauthschild
Expect a seesaw ride of calming messages to keep people unprepared.
I am giving thanks and praise to God for the good news. I am now praying for continued protection for Heather and Randall, the people of Texas and elsewhere that are dealing with this weather disaster and for World Peace without World War. Our God is an awesome God. Thank you for posting, BZ.
Much love.
Amazing. Thank you Bz for getting this info out. It’s been frustrating not having any updates since the court ordered no videos. Thinking of Randy as his case is coming up shortly.
Love it..
BZ, I’ve got Marriott points enough for 12 nights that I can let Randall have. There is a Marriott Towneplace Suites about 12 mi from Knoxville. Includes a small kitchen. Contact me if I can be of help. [email protected]
That is a lovely offer. I will let you know. I am pretty sure the Probation SGT. will not allow as we need something for the whole purported duration.
Bless you for offering and I may be in contact specifically about it.
You are Being and Doing Brilliantly, in all of your Doings
Great News!!!!! Now sending Randy the Same!
Great job everyone!! Im so excited that Shes finally being released, hopefully Randy will get a PR bond too!
<3 <3 <3 <3
I have been talking to Judge Shirley all day and will continue. We need his light to help get this done! Thank you to Randall and Heather for this DOing!
I am really glad to see that Heather has been released. This is a groundbreaking precedents setting case. I’m following this case & hoping & praying for a positive outcome. I don’t know Heather but I am so proud of her.
Wonderful news! Hopefully Randy will soon be out. Love to all.
This is wonderful news so happy to be part of such a dynamic community of awareness. Thank you BZ for keeping us updated.
YES!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!
This is amazing! I have followedthis from Randy’s arrest. This is just what the movement needs right now. Love and light!
Perfect and Perfectly Done ! Love to all ORIGINALS
Was awake all night the vibrations keeping me awake i think, but had Heather and Randy on my mind and its great to hear she is getting out,I got chills today when i sent her my energy, its li8ke for a moment there i felt the vibrations of many, about 9;30 am…we are ONE…
Very good…excellent, actually. BZ, there’s something important I’d like to share with you (and Heather) regarding “jurisdiction”, which applies to Heather and Randy. Is it possible to connect via Skype, phone or other for a few minutes? Either way, please let me know. My very best - Aeon
email me Aeon, we will set it up. BZ
[email protected]
This is awesome! Much love to all of you: <3
Amazing, Awesome, Fabulous, Spectacular News. All is well, and perfectly done. Peace & Blessings!!
Great being and Doing Bz Heather Randy Bob Ginger Everyone don’t mean to leave anyone out love you all. We are All One!
Thank God for getting her out of that place. This is great and wonderful news for today .Now it is Randall time ,for him to get out ,love to all. I heard that Trump signed for the RV to go ,is this true. Zorra said this .I believe this .
Excellent news!
Wonderful news…I’m so full of ~J O Y ~ !!!
Woop wooo well I’m an English man in Scotland about to do the Irish river dance, just love this news ❤️
Wonderful news and fantastically moving to see all the support for Heather, and Randy, and all especially you in thr=e USA are doing, Bz I want to congratulate and thank you for all you are DOing and keeping so many balls in the air …. .
hugs and love to all.
Katannya xxxx
Still under their control, with the court dictating all terms. They are just tired of feeding her while awaiting to prosecute.
We are so happy that Heather Ann has been released! We send our love and prayers to her and Randall. Thanks so much for the updates!
The correct term for self defense of the living flesh & blood [wo]man is “sui juris”… NOT suris juris. Also, the living [wo]man does NOT “represent” oneself…The [wo]man can ONLY pre-sent themself because they are indeed themselves “present”…not out-of-body! ONLY a 3rd party can “represent”…. re-present another. Surely Heather knows this…if she doesn’t she will be easy pickin’s-even by a kindly, grandfather of a judge! Without the protection of de jure republic common law, anything goes in the word-twisting, corrupt, de facto Admiralty court system! De facto is as de facto does…just a bunch of Satanic black-robed domestic terrorist gun toting thugs!
To learn the HIDDEN LEGAL meaning and significance of writing in ALL CAPS see:
Yes, this is considered DOG LATIN by the corrupt, demonic Vatican creators for the purpose of deception and the legalese. However, that doesn’t mean that God won’t honor it that much more.
Thank u this is great news Now I want to see them both freee no ankle bracelet …. Bless u all
“For we know all things work together for the good, to them that loves God and are called according to His purpose!” Romans 8:28 I have been following Heather and Randy and yes this is answered prayers but we all know this isn’t over with man’s law and condemnation. I believe God will have the last say so; Heather and Randy will hear the words “well done good and faithful servants, you have been faithful over and few things and now I (GOD) will make you rulers over many!” KEEP THE FAITH FAMILY
Tears of Joy & ny heart overFlowing with ALOHA to each & every ONE!!!
Now we can verily declare “The Future is not what it used to BE!”
Thank U, “Grazie millione” a Heather, Randy, BZ, Judy, Bob, et ALL ~ U * We are amaZ!NG 🙂
Will someone please provide the web link (TDA?) to insert routing #s and Account #s to view account(s)?
They are viewable?
BZ, could you please let us know how to order checks like the fellow on Zorra’s call with you this last week since Zorra also gives his blessing to do this and says “Do it!” but information wasn’t given on how to order checks -the bank to use and the routing number to use. Thanks BZ and Heather!
Glad to hear the good news, I am seeing Heather relaxing, smoking, knowing all the needed data, assistance in place everywhere and feeling good, love you Heather (((hugs))) ! Hope Randal also gets out so he can relax, eat some good food, gain some weight back and feel better too, Love to you Randal (((hugs))). Thank you all for being and doing, hope the families help too, All Originals, better world, better way to live, free, the whole world will be in joy for this Event and then Peace, fun, happiness, joy, forever more, it is time ~ the golden age is here !
I feel like singing and dancing… I have been singing miscellaneous tunes all day long, and interacted/played with wonderful people while I was in town shopping/farmers market. It’s a magical time to be AWAKE on EARTH! Love, light and abundance in everything, Thank you - ALL! Ok, what is the NEWS on Randy??? I’m getting excited, like it’s happening NOW. R trial is quite different than H. LOVE and SUPPORT to all involved in the system to see this goes smoothly.
Hey all. What is the word on Randy?
Love to all
Praise God Heather is out. I pray all is well with the case. God Bless,
This is wonderful news! We love you Heather!!!
Randy we love you too!!!
Any updates on Randys case?
Wow…… so excited but we knew it would work out perfectly as Heather said. Sending love and light. To both
Great job today. Prayers and blessings for HATJ and Randy to kick a$$! Sending all my love and blessings to you both ❤️
Ahho ✵
As I Sent From MATOPAHA.
Glad they both will be out on Bail, make sure of one thing do not under any circumstances unless Medical Emergencies go out by those hours mentioned a Tag is something not to play with so stay within these times no matter what, if they pull you in on the Tag it is unlikely you will be back out during Court procedures…BZ I would like to talk to Heather when she
has the time I have several points Vital to her entire Case I am in the UK I can call for Free from here evenings is best my time or afternoons…There are a few technical ways for this Case to go away & I could not care who is monitoring this Page lol I am not their Fiction…Anyway no Rush but let her know Please I want to speak to her when she is out ok I
can give you my Numbers & email let me know I never use Skype I am also on her Facebook Page as well thanks
This is the shift of energy we need. Yes, Heather! Let’s give her a big energy welcome!
FYI ALL https://www.slideshare.net/ernestrauthschild
Yay! I had a dream about her in court very early this morning right before I got up. Heather had a black gown on with reddish/pink flowers going down one side of it. The judge was telling her she understood what she was trying to do with the UCC1 filings etc. The judge was in this kind of risque outfit & I was asking is that the judge! There was a bunch of us in the court room waiting for the judge to make a decision and hoping for her release!
I know we all were connecting with her in love, meditation etc. for the highest good outcome!!!
Love to everyone! (One Heart)
So glad to here the great news. Now lets get to the real fight and get these bogus cases shut down!
What happen with Randy’s case? Is he out too?
Wow, this is a great step in the right direction. Bless you to accomplish this! Thank you for your bravery Heather. Namaste.
I’m glad Heather is out and hopefully Randal will be too very soon. I am wondering why the individuals involved and those helping (Heather, Randal, BZ, Bill, etc) don’t access the abundance of wealth in their TDA accounts instead of asking for donations?
Welcome back to FREE’ER’DOM you two! 😉
Update 8.29.17 7:17 PM PDT
Heather is Seeing the TN skies!!!!! headed to her safe, comfy, place now for the next steps of ALL
Public Notice to Law Enforcement, Sheriffs,
Elected Officials and Bar Association Members
April 5, 2024
Take Notice: The Roman Curia created the concept of legal fictions- trusts, foundations, and other
corporations for good reasons- however, legal fictions can be misused. By Maxim of Law, those who
create are responsible for their creations. It follows that the Roman Curia is responsible for the proper
functioning of all corporations worldwide. As of September 1, 2013, Pope Francis declared all
corporations and corporate officers fully liable for their errors and omissions. This means you.
Also by Maxim of Law, there is no statute of limitation on fraud. Privately owned governmental
services corporations have been fraudulently passing themselves off as the “government of the United
States” since 1862. The longevity of this fraud in no way imbues it with authority. As an employee of
these corporations you have no public office and no public bond and no foreign state immunity.
Federal Law Enforcement Personnel— except U.S. Marshals: Your status is that of a Mall Cop acting
outside the Mall. You have no authority on the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States. You
are acting under color of law when addressing Citizens of the Continental United States “as if” they
were Citizens of the Federal United States. If you threaten any living inhabitant of the Continental
United States with a gun, taser, or other weapon, you can be hung as an inland pirate. If you remove
any livestock you can be hung as a cattle rustler. If you cause any harm, you can be sued without
limit. If you wear any uniform or display any badge or use any name or office designed to deceive or
project authority you do not have, you can be arrested for impersonating an officer.
You are acting in a purely private capacity and have only equal Civil Rights that may be withdrawn at
any time. You are also acting under Martial Law and may face extreme punishment for infractions
against the civilian populace. Acts of plunder, mortal violence, and mischaracterization of civilians as
combatants are all death penalty offenses.
U.S. Marshals are allowed full egress within the Continental United States so long as they are sworn
and acting as officers sworn to uphold the actual Constitution, are not acting deceptively, nor acting
outside their international jurisdiction while in pursuit of their duty protecting the U.S. Mail.
Lawyers, Judges, Court Clerks— When you address birthright Citizens of the Continental United States
in the foreign jurisdiction of the Federal United States or that of a Federal State, and deliberately
confuse living people with corporate franchises merely named after them, you commit personage. This
results in press-ganging land assets into the international jurisdiction of the sea, a crime outlawed
worldwide for 200 years. It is a recognized act of inland piracy and it carries the death penalty.
Mischaracterizing the identity or citizenship status of a birthright Citizen of the Continental United
States is also a crime under the Geneva Protocols of 1949, Volume II, Article 3. It also carries the
Death Penalty.
Finally, no member of the Bar Association may sit upon the bench of any public court nor occupy any
public office of the Continental United States including Congress. The involvement of any Bar Member
automatically voids all proceedings pretending subject matter jurisdiction related to the actual land or
its assets—including the people of the Continental United States. The Titles of Nobility Amendment
adopted and ratified prior to the American Civil War has not been repealed.
The Federal United States and the Municipality of Washington, DC all operate under the auspices of the
United Nations and are signatories of the Universal Right of Self-Declaration. Anyone claiming to be a
Citizen of the Continental United States having a valid Birth Certificate must be treated as such. Any
debts or charges whatsoever related to vessels in commerce operated under his or her name by the
Federal United States, any Federal State, the Washington DC Municipality or the UNITED NATIONS
must be discharged according to Maxim of Law already cited: you are responsible for what you create.
The Federal United States and its Federal States have created numerous vessels in commerce merely
named after living Citizens of the Continental United States and styled in the form: John Quincy
Adams. The Washington DC Municipality has similarly indulged in this practice and created franchises
for itself named after living Citizens of the Continental United States styled in the form: JOHN QUINCY
ADAMS. Most recently the UNITED NATIONS has created public utilities and is operating them under
names styled as: JOHN Q. ADAMS.
The organizations that have created these franchises are completely, 100% liable for their debts and
obligations without exception and without recourse to claim upon the living people these franchises are
named after.
You may not presume that the living people have consensually agreed to be subjected to statutory
law. You may not presume that they consensually agreed to be obligated for the debts of any legal
fiction personas which have been created and named after them by Third Parties secretively operating
in a private capacity and merely claiming to represent the victims of this fraud.
This is your Due Notice that the living people inhabiting the Continental United States are presenting
themselves and may not be addressed as if they belong to, are responsible for, or indebted in behalf of
any legal fiction personas operated under their given names by any international corporation.
Any continuance of any such claims and repugnant practices will be deemed immediate cause to
liquidate the American Bar Association as a criminal syndicate and to deport its members from our
shores. International action is underway to secure the assets and credit owed to the victims.
Please read, research, and do your own due diligence. You are fully responsible for obeying the Public
Law of the Continental United States including Revised Statute 2561 and The Constitution. Please
respect the established jurisdictions of air, land, and sea— and be aware that you may be arrested
and fined or worse for failure to do so.
Issued this fifth day of April 2015, Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, Alaska State Superior Court.
Here are the Orders by Pope Francis that ALL “public officials” that are under the jurisdiction of the
Vatican City State do no longer have Immunity for the crimes they commit, Primarily Judges in
America which includes the BAR Association.
In our times, the common good is increasingly threatened by transnational organized crime, the
improper use of the markets and of the economy, as well as by terrorism.
It is therefore necessary for the international community to adopt adequate legal instruments to prevent
and counter criminal activities, by promoting international judicial cooperation on criminal matters.
In ratifying numerous international conventions in these areas, and acting also on behalf of Vatican City
State, the Holy See has constantly maintained that such agreements are effective means to prevent
criminal activities that threaten human dignity, the common good and peace.
With a view to renewing the Apostolic See’s commitment to cooperate to these ends, by means of this
Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio, I establish that:
1. The competent Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State shall also exercise penal jurisdiction over:
a) crimes committed against the security, the fundamental interests or the patrimony of the Holy See;
b) crimes referred to:
- in Vatican City State Law No. VIII, of 11 July 2013, containing Supplementary Norms on Criminal Law
- in Vatican City State Law No. IX, of 11 July 2013, containing Amendments to the Criminal Code and the
Criminal Procedure Code;
when such crimes are committed by the persons referred to in paragraph 3 below, in the exercise of their
c) any other crime whose prosecution is required by an international agreement ratified by the Holy See,
if the perpetrator is physically present in the territory of Vatican City State and has not been extradited.
2. The crimes referred to in paragraph 1 are to be judged pursuant to the criminal law in force in Vatican
City State at the time of their commission, without prejudice to the general principles of the legal system
on the temporal application of criminal laws.
3. For the purposes of Vatican criminal law, the following persons are deemed “public officials”:
a) members, officials and personnel of the various organs of the Roman Curia and of the Institutions
connected to it.
b) papal legates and diplomatic personnel of the Holy See.
c) those persons who serve as representatives, managers or directors, as well as persons who even de
facto manage or exercise control over the entities directly dependent on the Holy See and listed in the
registry of canonical juridical persons kept by the Governorate of Vatican City State;
d) any other person holding an administrative or judicial mandate in the Holy See, permanent or
temporary, paid or unpaid, irrespective of that person’s seniority.
4. The jurisdiction referred to in paragraph 1 comprises also the administrative liability of juridical
persons arising from crimes, as regulated by Vatican City State laws.
5. When the same matters are prosecuted in other States, the provisions in force in Vatican City State on
concurrent jurisdiction shall apply.
6. The content of article 23 of Law No. CXIX of 21 November 1987, which approves the Judicial Order of
Vatican City State remains in force.
This I decide and establish, anything to the contrary notwithstanding.
I establish that this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio will be promulgated by its publication in
L’Osservatore Romano, entering into force on 1 September 2013.
Given in Rome, at the Apostolic Palace, on 11 July 2013, the first of my Pontificate.
Hello BZ,
Will we get to hear from Heather tonight??? That would be amazing if we could…. Send her my love from the
THANK YOU BZ and ALL! Love you SO much! So grateful <3 <3 <3
what’s happening with randy???
Blessings and Love to All. In the excitement of being released, let us not forget the achievement of having proven these Treasury Accounts Exist by the prima facie fact there would be no charges against the Defendants were it not for the private account having been accessed.
It is then imperative the Court allow for the Defendants to proceed with Discovery. This is the key to unlocking the Dept of Treasury’ s Secrets in regards to the full extent of the use of the CORPORATE IDENTITY of both Heather and Randy. Without FULL DISCLOSURE no good work will be forth-coming relative to the actual accounts and the lack of full disclosure of the existence of said accounts, and the vague and ambiguous rules allowing the living persona propia power to access any and all accounts being fully disclosed.
This Federal Judge holds the Power to FORCE or Compel Full Disclosure on the desendants Social Security Numbers relative to ANY and ALL history of accounts and revenues attached to their SS#s.
Never before that I know of under case law has this ever been done before. Please take advantage of this rare unique opportunity to prove to the World the existence of any Trusts and every single way our CORPORATE self has generated REVENUES that should be disclosed to every persona propia holding a CofLB.
I hope the paperwork was filed with the Sec of State on Converting Identities so that resolution of dissolution made available by the Sec of State under State Law may be petitioned for and Ordered as adequate remedy directing the Dept of State and Treasury to transfer the Executorship and Statutory Agency holding power over each and every CORPORATE IDENTITY in an Act of Redemption to the newly reclaimed Persona Propia under the UCC. Look at all of the Business Forms under Foreign Corporation as the select form our CORPORATE IDENTITY is currently traded.
We know there is a Form on the Treasury Direct website that allows for transfer of Agency of any TDA account with a Court Order attached.
Please keep us updated the papers being filed in request for discovery.
I hope this makes sense. The window of discovery is short. The Dept of Treasury and all other Departments such as State and Commerce involved in any use (non-dosclosed abuse) must be forced to comply fully with Discovery Request for Subpoena.
Your articulate language will best serve this fine, rare occasion where a Federal District Court Judge has allowed for Discovery of federal departments who may escape full disclosure, but will be COURT Ordered to comply- as required evidence in support of Defendants DEFENSE as to the true nature of the crime being FAMILIAL. or whatever fits the bill.
I am so excited! This case affects most souls held under bondage across the globe, and is a matter of great public interest, as each of us issued a Cof LB was issued a Corporate Identity certified and bonded at birth by the Dept of Treasury at $1million, then proceeding to Do Business As said corporate identity have been generating revenues by the Federal Reserve Bank the entirety of our lives-concealed under abuse of power.
Best of Love and Manifest Intention to you all!!
I am told that the new ankle bands can pick-up and transmit audio.
yeah and there’s a Universal monitoring system that picks up every thought, every nuisance, every anything. tv’s nowadays do the same. nothing is hidden. nothing is private and what does it matter when you are guided by truth. i’ve got nothing to hide ever.
BZ, Heather already had a Jurisdiction date scheduled for Sept. 13th. Why would that be any different? It was scheduled on the same doc as the Detention Hearing.
I didn’t look up the exact date, but I know it was there and the Trial for Oct. 3rd.
Why has Heather left NO comments, audio, or video. Such disappointment to me.
Cynthia - she just got out of jail. Give her a break. She needs rest and relaxation and private time. She owes no one anything. Look at all she has done for humanity to date. How in the world could you be so selfish to be disappointed? Instead be elated at all she has accomplished to date for each of us. Yes, I absolutely look forward to an update from her, but it’ll come in due time when she is ready, which will be in perfect timing.
Feelings are not right or wrong. They are feelings. I am not a selfish person to feel disappointment. I never even had thoughts of what she can do for me or anyone else for that matter. I have lived my life excepting others for where they are in life, rather than judge them. Please give me the same consideration.
Per BZ’s 8/30/17 update. H is settling in, seeing her husband and children, working on her obligations per her release, then, H is working on a public written and video statement that she will release to all. It will be on H website and BZ said she will post here! 🙂
Unfortunately there will be no positive outcome for Heather or Randy. Randy will probably find it difficult to keep sane, things are going to get tough for him. If anyone thinks the controllers don’t want to remain, they are in for a rude awakening.
I believe i speak for many of people when i ask, when will we hear from heather??
whatever happened to being innocent until proven guilty? i find it odd all these people hanging about in jail for non-violent crimes before trial. they are degraded into just plea bargaining… what a system eh? meh I am glad heather is doing well. All I know for certain is she is brilliant and DOes amazing DOings while she is Being her best version of LOVE for ALL. what a fantastic HEART INTENT. I understand energy and how thoughts help create reality, I understand it is important for many to dream the dream together… so i dream knowing it is not useless but the most powerful energy we can generate. It only makes sense to me this is so given how much energy is spent distracting me from being happy and fulfilled. it must be their weapon to inflict fear etc to counter this powerful energy. I do not call it a weapon, because it is love, and well i do not think i can kill anyone with it, i sure can quiet em down with it. they lack love, so naturally it makes sense they need it given to them for no reason what so ever…as we all do.. oh i find this all very very exciting..