#HATJ-100% Attention-Intention on “End” Frequency Feelings Gets It Done Super Fast!
There was a conference call lead by Bob Wright on October 31, 2017. To connect with people and give more clarity on the process to bring the pulling back and tearing down of the curtain on the Duality Reality to a Swift conclusion. This would include the court case in the Eastern District of Tennessee, the TDDA accounts, and the Totality of ALL things that are not Source Original.
I have created a video of the complete call, titled- #HATJ-100% Attention-Intention on “End” Frequency Feelings Gets It Done Super Fast!
I also created three other videos from the conference call. They provide helpful insights and powerful tools to help you move through these moments and navigate the expansive energy frequencies as everything speeds up and the old comes crumbling down so that the New can burst forth into beautiful bloom.
#HATJ-100% Attention-Intention on “End” Frequency Feelings Gets It Done Super Fast!
#HATJ- A Different Vantage Point of Creating Reality 10.31.17
#HATJ-A Concise Description of What is Going on Now 10.31.17
Visualization- Earth’s New Frequency Song- Bob Wright
YES; so right; what we pay attention to is what we are countious of and what we empower and what we experiance. Welcome to my world!
Hello BZ, i know you don’t want very long post and it is fine if not posted … i have typed out (what i could make out) most of what heather spoke of in this video.
THIS IS AS CLOSE TO WHAT i COULD MAKE OUT ON THE LATEST VIDEO … 10/31/17… #HATJ 100% Attention/ Intention on “End”Frequency Feelings Gets It Done Super Fast
10/31/2011 #HATJ 100% Attention/ Intention on “End”Frequency Feelings Gets It Done Super Fast
Bob: from your perspective can you tell us what is happening behind the scenes.
H: I’m here… well before we do that … in order to understand what is behind the scenes … I think it’s very important to clarify what has just always been … you know. You said “we” have done all of this, we all did this … “we” as being defined as all in existence … you know … just quote in any category of being … you know … like light workers or the good or, no it’s everyone in existence. That’s, that’s the definition of “we” that I have experienced and is being made visible now.
Um … and every being has always been powerful, it hasn’t been just … because of a filing. Paper cannot affect the fact … paper doesn’t even affect the fact that everyone is always powerful and always free, and it’s just that many haven’t acted like it and the environment wasn’t conducive not being free. Now the environment is not only conducive but it does not support not being free. But everyone has to make that choice and how to act and I don’t mean um … with opposition, it’s all about what you said, focusing on the end result all that does is magnetize everyone being to that end result … so it goes really, really fast … that’s happening right now.
So behind the scenes of everything … basically has a lot of things, all over the place happening … where everything is just … coming out, full force … every ??? every??? every single category every single ???. You know there’s a lot of stuff that’s ??? right now, let me give you one example … you have indictments and going yah, for purported crimes. ??????????????????????? let me make this concise, nothing is as it appears … that is across the board. So what ends up happening is … is right now you have the indictment I was talking about going on in DC, which happens to be in front of Debra A. Robinson, who I use to live with when I lived in DC…. and that’s the sort of the go to and of course that will be handed off to somebody else and once she goes in and you know does the lynch pins … well … this is not what everyone thinks it is. You have Muller, he used to be the head of the FBI for instance … when all the dirty stuff was going down and I’m talking about all the stuff with the uranium and so much more. And was the one in charge of … basically in charge of cherry picking … where to keep everyone’s attention … all I’m telling you is that look beyond the appearance. If you really needed to build something up so that the whole thing could just be exposed, you have Muller who … pretty much in the same ilk as the ones that are being indicted. So watch how all this plays out. You have the BIS blanket of immunity for all banks on the entire planet was cancelled back in 2012.
And this week you ended up having congress pass a bill so that all the banks in America would have immunity. Plus you have Equifax that just issued an immunity so that they couldn’t be sued by consumers. You have a whole bunch of stuff going on since September 15 with the same day as the ACH payments … you have almost all the accounts basically emptied out towards Europe and Switzerland, and none of that works and now they’re having to fortify, as of this week or last week I should say and now they’re moving everything to China to Asia, Singapore, Hong Kong all of that, so nothing is as it appears guys, everything is … so when you see something coming out whether you agree with it or not from a political stand point or belief stand point, just look beyond the appearance because you can’t deal with anything if you don’t know it exists right? So you need to make it visible first and then everyone has this resounding no coming out of their hearts. This is all energetic and this is how everything … this is how energy works. When you focus on the end result, the details themselves go with a blink of an eye, quite literally … you give it one hundred percent attention pay it to the end result, that’s what you get and that’s why everything is going super-fast cause you have a lot of beings right now from all over existence focusing on the end result … cause everyone’s tired … everyone’s exhausted no matter what part they’re playing.
As far as behind the scenes, there’s just too much to go over … I’m not going to go over it. But it is all interconnected … because everyone is interconnected … and because everything is inner. You have everything in existence inside you. So it’s a matter of conscious choice of how you apply your focus and attention, cause its intention and attention and commitment on focusing your attention. Energy always flows where your focus is.
I had a lot of comments, messages a lot of contacts from people and you know, you even have brought up the fact that you want to make them aware that we are aware … I can tell you after the last five years, plus all the years prior to that of dealing with them, its … they know that everyone is aware … they absolutely know. So really it’s this end focus … by putting a hundred percent on the end focus and what I mean by that is … for instance you want Randy out well go in and really feel, what does it feel like if he’s standing right in front of you … he’s out it’s all over, this case for instance, what does it feel like? Let it just permeate throughout your body and transmit outwards. That transmission makes it so that in that moment it takes your body right to it … it pushes your body right to that moment and pushes everything away. It actually moves the details around so that, that experience is the only one you experience.
So we had a instance where … you know, I got quite a bit of calls before Oct. 18th regarding, you know how people were … how they wanted to write it,… like if they were me, this is how they would want to write it and a lot of it have to deal with … oh well, they just usually just pull you over, they’re just going to be crap, they’re going to be this or that … all I can tell you is the energetics do not support that, because of all the work done by everyone not just on this planet but all of existence. So when those moments came up on Oct. 18th, the only one that has the say over my experience is me. So all I did was focused on the end result … ok, for that moment the end result … and that’s the only thing that happened cause I’m the only one that can write my experience. I don’t care if others try to write it … the point is, the one that happens … that is done for me, is the one I write and focus a hundred percent attention on, well that’s … every moment is actually created that way. It’s easy to point a finger at someone and say, well, they created this and you know, I’m so unlucky or whatever it is, no, you take responsibility that you’re creating it, and just put one hundred percent attention into what you want to experience. Typically we create details in order to feel good and to feel certain frequencies. We create the details in order to do that, well, instead just go in and feel the frequencies you want to feel and the details literally moves itself into place so that, that’s the only thing you feel. It’s a different vantage point … of creating. So that’s really the message as far as … it’s really about frequencies guys and … the home or the party … the end results, the … everyone … you know, all the corruption, all the games … all the … monetizing all the slavery everything else, just imagine how it feels like to have all of that all done … and gone … and everyone’s celebrating. And feel it permeate throughout your body because that literally transmits frequencies that’s measurable … they are measurable and can be seen with different devices but also people around you are greatest measuring devices in existence, so … people get it, they feel it and, it creates. Consciously doing it means it’s powered up beyond measure and happens more instantly.
Whatever end results you want to experience and whatever situation or topic … for instance vaccines’… that was a big one back in 2013, 2014 was vaccines’, everyone who was focused on that material whether it was … you know the … they call it way showers or the ones that were really focused on that in the beginning, the first wave, whatever you want to call it … they really held that space and held that end result where every would be able to see the data and have an informed choice … and that stuff came out, because there was a hundred percent attention put in by …let say it starts out with one and then it start to expand to a hundred, then it expands to ten thousand, it expands from one supposed geo location to all of them, thanks to this beautiful internet. So I mean it’s … that’s what I mean by putting a hundred percent attention into the experience you want to have, you can either focus on your detail and then hope that the feelings are what you want to experience or and hope that the details go on, because if you feel any doubt what so ever, I can tell you just open the door to allow other possibilities to come in, to do that, and they may not be the frequencies you want to experience, so be very confident, be very sure and you can always … you can do creation in so many different ways. I personally choose to focus on the feelings I want to have and the details themselves … I usually say this and better and the detail themselves work out super-fast. And I always experience what I’ve made a base for and better, it usually … well, I can say almost one hundred percent of the time it was better from what I had planned. And when I don’t plan the detail but plan the frequencies, that’s when it’s a hundred percent successful … that’s all I wanted to say.
With all due respect, you’ve had some similar experiences with the families … when we use the words cabal or bad guy or whatever category you want to put it in, that cover for that role to exist. I personally don’t need any bad guy, I don’t need one to play the cabal, I don’t need there to even be a cabal. These … I’ve worked with these … you have too Bob, and my point is this, is that … they are Originals too. Yes they are scared right now because they took on roles, and really truly if you had to sit down with them and I’m talking to everyone that’s on this call or listening to this call, they would tell you … they said it before, they do all of this to actually awaken humanity. I do not agree with the methods, that why we went in to do other methods for awakening and they’ve been more successful than any other methods that have been done in millennium … you know, all of us did it, and when I say we, we and all of existence. Be very conscious of your words, because they create, be very conscious of your thoughts, they create … if you’re going to create a boggy man, that’s what you’re going to experience. And if you’re experiencing a boggy man saying I don’t want to experience a boggy man, then stop creating it. All of us need to stop creating it and empowering it.
Everyone is Original, you put anyone in front of me and give it any props you want and I can guarantee the only thing that you’re going to see left sanding is an Original. And that’s what happened on that Wednesday back in Oct. 18th. … it was hard … for some … it was … yes, let put it this way, whatever joke was thought being played out in the beginning … it wasn’t funny for those ones, at the end. Ok, but the tones were very specific, they were chosen very consciously and they were applied, compassionately. So, just please … please I ask everyone … think about the words you’re using, feel the words you’re using. It goes along ways to say … treat others as you would like to be treated. So, I just wanted to point that out because I know you Bob as far as you and I had very similar experiences with the families, you’ve worked with them … you don’t need ?????????????. I love you buddy (Bob) but I’m not gonna, you know. I told everyone that when I was doing that thing with Sacha Stone, that video with Sacha, you know, sometimes we have to stand in the middle just to make sure everyone consciously creating in this moment, it’s so important. And I trust everyone and I trust everyone’s heart, I know everyone’s tired and I can guarantee you everyone in existence is tired and ready for the party and ready just to move forward. If you’re going to keep empowering, if any of us are going to keep empowering, these storylines … these roles, they will continue to exist. So if you truly want it over, create something different … if you want a different result you got to change the formula … Love changes it all … compassion changes it all but staying firm in that compassion and in that Love, in that knowing of that you are … all that is and everyone is all there is. That is the most powerful formula and that’s the one many of us have been using over these last five years and it has completely hyper accelerated so that there are more solution and arrival into the end result, then there has been in millennium … combined. So just some words of thought and um … you know, I hope … I don’t even hope, I know and I trust in everyone’s heart as we move forward. Just be conscious and know the words that you are speaking. If you truly … I mean look at the words … a lot of people are using software (?citizen) these days which is an oxymoron, just go and really feel what you are speaking and don’t worry about making any mistakes there’s no such thing so, you know just move forward in heart that there’s really nothing to be protected from, not really … not unless you’re creating something to protect yourself from in order to have that experience but please, be conscious and be conscious in heart, that is what ends all ends. Also allows for the beginning to be the only thing in existence. Thank you.
Thanks for taking the time to type this out. I appreciate it.
I enjoyed the call and just wanted to share with all of you a book I recently read - called “The Seres Agenda” I highly recommend it, as it portrays how our earth could go through this transition of duality to the oneness and how it would look. .
First, I listened to this audio which tells about the author. https://youtu.be/_qri6ICwK1k