Hundreds of people have marched to the US consulate in Hong Kong to support Edward Snowden, the ex-CIA worker who leaked secret US surveillance details.
Mr Snowden was last seen in Hong Kong, where he travelled prior to publication of the Guardian newspaper’s stories revealing the extent of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) programme to take data from US internet and telephone firms.
Protesters carried placards and chanted pro-Snowden slogans.
I’m not sure if i’m in the right sector to place this but i’ll do my best:
I should like to inform you about this article from Montague Keen from 9th june. It’s is a warning and everybody have to decide for himselve if this will be true or not……
THEY PLAN TO ATTACK ALL COMPUTERS ON THE 21ST JUNE. So, be wise, and have a rest day. Do not use your computers on that day. They know they were exposed by means of the internet, so now they want to destroy it.
Love, Ireen.