Transcript of call from Heather 11 AUGUST 2024 Heather Recounts Washington DC Swearing In Ceremony Missing From Transcript
originally published on Terran Cognito, on August 13, 2024
Terran note: Text in red are my notes and comments, not Heather’s words.
Heather Phone Call Transcript 11 AUGUST 2024
(transcribed by Denice from a recorded telephone conversation with Terran and Heather)
H: They were asking me do I “swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” And I started out by saying, “By due sworn declaration… “ and I stopped mid sentence because I felt two very strong energetic signatures swoop in… tried to figure out where they were coming from. And I said, can I have a second? She said sure.
H: Then I said, “OK”. She said “OK” that’s it. And I said, no. May I proceed?
H: She said, we still see you did it.
H: No, I said, No. Standing due identification correction. I am source of all that is. Original. Nunc pro tunc, praetera, preterea and I do swear to speak only true, accurate, and complete.
H: That was the entire swearing in and that was the only time I knew I would have to make the standing due identification correction
T: Right
H: So if it is not in there, that is what we call falsifying of the evidence. When they change the transcript like that. Because that right there was the ‘lynchpin’ of them not being able to do the whole identification hearing to begin with.
T: Yeah, it is completely missing from the transcript. It just says”(sworn in)”… [there was one redacted sentence in the transcript]
H: Really? Wow!
H: So here is what happens when you have someone who knows completely how the game is played and they play it perfectly. That’s the best thing they can do is alter the physical evidence. And hope that it doesn’t stick
H: What they don’t understand is every single being is a transmitting/receiving utility. Well they understand that in a monetary sense [as in the TDA accounts with your name and Social Security number], but they don’t understand it in a practical application. [in their lives]
H: Even the conversations that they are having out in the park all by themselves, without their phones and their ‘secret’… those are recorded as well.
H: It makes NSA look like children playing with Fisher Price recording tools
H: So, like I said you can’t stop someone from being corrupt all you can do is accept evidence of their corruption and I can tell you… there is a reason why we are going through all of this… because it is never going to happen again.
H: Those that were in power are effectively being removed as we speak.
H: And they are removing themselves by their very choices. So we have the old world going out and we have the new world coming in.
T: we certainly feel the frequencies here shift.
H: oh, yeah! DC is no longer what it was before I arrived, even after I left it has completely changed. It is just deteriorating [the frequencies] faster and faster and faster. Until it is finally no longer there. And not just DC but all international equivalents, those are what we call Portal cities. Vatican, everywhere. And all the inner earth equivalents.
H: This is how it plays out…
H: Focus on the big picture… focus on the end result. Because that is where all the details go super fast when we only focus on the result. And we just handle the details as they come up.
H: If we focus on the details, it can feel like eternity and that is what makes it really heavy, really resistant. There was a resistance even to my presence physically here… so me feeling their setbacks… those frequencies are not pleasant.. And I have not felt these kinds of frequencies since the first time I ever went to London.
T: Right
H: This is how London felt. Very similar to Virginia, which is a very interesting observation.
T: at the jail there?
H: No I am not just talking about the jail. No the jail itself is a really grotesque example of how the prison systems are banks… this jail actually transports for the US Marshals for free because they get funding for each bed. And the women who are in here… They all know it is a money based operation. It’s very fascinating actually. To have a conversation with the women who are in here. They see what is going on.
H: They (the jail) basically get all this Fed money. You (the prisoner) get nothing in return. Essentially a uniform and some sheets. That’s it. For all the money they are getting for each one.
H: I do not know how much they (jail) are receiving but I know in DC they were supposedly getting 15K a day for each person.
H: But what I can tell you. At least the prisoners who are in here…
T: You can get a nice hotel for that… (laughter)
H: Yeah, right (laughter)
H: Makes Trump International look like the Motel 6
H: Yeah, it is grotesque but as far as Virginia itself… I have only been on the outskirts of Virginia and that was the weekend that Princess Diana got it. This is the first time I have been full-fledged ‘inside’… you know we are not that far from Richmond… not that far from Norfolk… but there’s also another base here about 7 miles from Warsaw. I don’t know the name. [there’s actually two, NSWC Dhalgren (a Navy directed energy weapons lab) and Dover AFB which is purportedly an SSP base]
H: I don’t go anywhere that it is not required. I go some places that it is really toxic and I have gone where there are some really toxic frequencies… but I can tell you this is probably the hardest one where I have been in the densest, toxic in this space. And that’s saying a lot coming out of DC.
H: DC actually felt light. Felt fun. Felt perfect. Ready right. Then there were a couple of decisions that were made… not even in the U.S., and that’s why this all began.
H: So all this talk of National security is a bunch of BS. .All the prison bonds are worthless, all the trading programs globally are worthless, because of the decisions they have made over the last two weeks.
H: They can play whatever semantic games they want, removing Nunc Pro Tunc praeteria preeteria… it doesn’t matter because they are toned. They are seen.
H: Luckily for everyone on this planet it is a paperless system now. So that is recorded, evidenced. And their corruption is evidenced. And we move forward. The Old world is out. It is out.
H: Anything that tries to stop Original from being Original… and how much more evidence do you need of someone trying to stop Original from being Original by removing a few seemingly, a few words? Nunc pro tunc, praeteria, preteria. How scared do they have to be to remove those four or five words? How powerful are those words?
T: I thought it was odd, because they left Parker Still’s sworn in ceremony there [Eastern Tennessee District Grand Jury Testimony]. And they truncated yours to just “(sworn in)”.
H: Oh really? Yeah that would be DC records?
T: I am looking at the grand jury testimony of Parker Still and they swore him in. . .the whole thing was in there. But in DC it isn’t in there!
H: That is not how it is supposed to be. It is supposed to be word for word. They had to swear Parker Still in in DC. They swore him in and asked if he swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Could you look, is it cut for him?
T: Yeah, I will.
[Parker Steill/Still swearing in was trqnscribed as follows in the Washington DC transcript:
Having been called as a witness on behalf of the
Government and having been first duly sworn by the
Deputy Clerk , was examined and testified as follows::]
H: You guys will figure it out. It’s all there. Keep your eye on the big picture. Remember, this case is a Red Herring.
H: And like I told Z, when we talked. He said this is checkmate. I said yeah, it was checkmate four and a half years ago. So everyone wins on this. Just keep our eyes on the results? Ok?
T: Ok.
H: On the big picture.
T: I am going to fly into Nashville and my brother is going to pick me up and take me to Knoxville.
H: Oh good!
B: I saw him in Wyoming recently.
H: Right. Oh, that’s awesome! How far is Knoxville from Nashville?
T: About the distance from Austin to Houston.
H: Ok. Well my love to your brother. Thank him. And I will just see you and Y.
Jail Phone Recording: You have one minute left.
H: I love you guys! Thank you so much! Please tell Lisa to remove the money from the commissary.
T: I will.
H: Ok. Thank you.
T: Bye
H: Bye Bye.
Hey BZ, would you ask Terran to post the audio from this call please? I read the transcripts and found plenty of cause for concern. I’d like to see the 200+ page filings that Bos refers to. Is that exhibit available?
Also, it seems as though many of the UCC forms/documents in your download section are just scans of page 1 of multipage documents. Where are the rest of those pages?
Thank you,
Questions for Heather…
She wants us to focus on the expansive outcome, not the details.
” Focus on the big picture… focus on the end result.”
I’ve been trying since March of 2013 to imagine what the world will look like when we have our complete freedom, when we have our identities back…when the world operates without “money”…without success. Part of our current world model always bleeds into it….could she paint a sort of picture of what that that will look like (in plain english)?
From the conversation with Bill above…
What/who were those 2 energetic frequencies that entered while she was being “sworn in”? Why did she pause? What did she conclude?
” She said, we still see you did it.”
She? the “judge”? Still did what? The swearing in?
” I don’t go anywhere that it is not required.”…”There was a resistance even to my presence physically here… so me feeling their setbacks… those frequencies are not pleasant.”
So why is she there? to clear up the “frequencies”? Why is Virginia particularly “dense and toxic”?
“and like I told Z, when we talked. He said this is checkmate.”
Who is Z? (I thought of BZ but Heather refers to a “he”)
” it is a paperless system now. ”
Like it’s all being captured and stored on a ‘real world’ computer or something more like the Akashic records?
“All the prison bonds are worthless, all the trading programs globally are worthless, because of the decisions they have made over the last two weeks.”
I thought that was from the original OPPT UCC filings…so it relates to the decisions around Heather’s case/incarceration? Something else?
“They can play whatever semantic games they want, …. it doesn’t matter because they are toned. They are seen.”
They’ve been seen for a long time…it hasn’t stopped them. What will stop them now?
“Those that were in power are effectively being removed as we speak.
H: And they are removing themselves by their very choices.”
How are they being removed? By whom/what? Are they “dying”? Frequencies changing? What evidence can all the rest of us look at to see this?
Why is Heather on her way to Knoxville? Yes we know it’s to face the charges that stemmed from her actions esp with respect to Randall…but what’s the real reason? With all her super powers and high level connections why is she still in custody at all?
I’m presuming it’s “required” for the system to be completely changed, but a little more insight on how this is “perfect” would be helpful.
Lotsa questions. I’m thinking if I’ve got them, many others do too.
I truly appreciate the insights that these conversations bring. On the surface, without these conversations being made public, the situation for Heather looks bleak. The insights are valuable, particularly in maintaining a positive outlook yet they do create more questions.
I hope you can get them answered for us all.
Thank you!
Sean I have to admit , i feel the same way as far as the details . I can keep a positive mindset at all times but a little more infos could certainly help . Thanks for asking the questions for all of us .
BZ.. much appreciation for all you do, Being curious I was wanting to know what has transpired in the 4 yrs prior, what actions or not were taken in the “foreclosure” process if i understand correctly, were U.S. Marshalls used , ? people would like to know, what occurred in the 4 prior years, I think that Sequestration, was the result,..correct me if i am wrong, But I knew that Sequestration was not something Congress, willing did,…Love to know some history and more detail about who Heather is dealing with ,..behind the veil,.. Thoughts n prayers, H. n R. n You BZ..
Heather has mentioned this several times, that in the last 4 1/2 yr period, on one hand the PTW have been making adjustments to the totality of what was actually done by the fillings. And so has everyone else. Whether they were conscious of it or not.
As I have said many times, in fact the whole I UV is about this very energy signature… the money is just a few snow flakes on the tip of the iceberg.
What’s the iceberg- the totality of what has been hidden from You/All beings on planet earth. I would qualify that by saying it has not been hidden from all for always.But most, and revealed/seen by more as those moved through “this life time” on planet. Now All are seeing it. Or another way to perceive it, the totality of what is True and real. As opposed to the false construct.
Some are using their free will choice to ignore it. And I don’t mean the PTW.
Its an all encompassing picture. I’ll do my best to answer questions that arise for you.
I found this link that just got put up by Mike obrian. This May be of assistance to Heather and Randall. Please take a look at this and then go to the FB site and see if you can get into the group.
I hope this is helpful!
The old illusion is dissolving into the new NOW! I AM all that I AM, IS DONE in perfect harmony!
We our ALL in the right place and the right time!
I just want to say, I support those who fight for justice and I hope all of this effort goes unwasted.
There seems to be plenty of unanswered questions from the OPPT clan and the Feds regarding the supposed bonds and accounts, and the validity of the UCC filings.
Those who are supposedly using the account claim they’re experiencing problems which means there is a problem with authorized used. Unfortunately, Ms. Jarraf and Mr. Dean are incarcerated, so, we the people in reality, feel it would be smart to leave “Ceaser’s” money, and the UCC book of witchcraft alone.
It’s apparent that these “governmental” entities aren’t buying what she is selling, sort of speak.
I really do hope she avoids prosecution. There has been many like her who tried to stand up to the government and all their atrocities, yet become prisoners.
I do hate to sound so negative, but it is what it is.
If I’m not mistaken…the OPPT officially closed the UCC as well back in 2013.
I can’t find the doc here on I-UV, I may have saved it on my hard drive…but if my recollection serves, he OPPT took ownership and closed the entire UCC.
There have been no further filings by Heather or the OPPT in UCC since March 18, 2024 as far as I am aware.
well there have been other fillings by HATJ, since then but not through the UCC, as that was closed and complete
UCC Doc. N°2012025545: private ownership of full right, title, interest and ownership to commercial registry, UCC, duly secured by Charles C. Miller and transferred to OPPT.
It appears that she needs to set prededent through court verdicts. Precedent is everything. Once a Judge sets precedent, the ruling is there to be used by all other lawyers/attornies/courts… IMO this was why everything has taken place, her arrest and the other events. A powerful entity behind the effort decided precedence had to be set.
I’d love to hear Sean’s questions answered. And I am sending my clarity of all done perfectly and in harmony with all to Heather and Mr.Bean…<3 <3 <3 Blessings to ALL
BZ, thank you for keeping us in the loop. Much love and blessings to everyone and lifting Heather & Randy up! It seems they are trying to railroad Heather & Randy every which way they can. my brother has been battling this for almost 8yrs while we used I AM remedy the court system ignores it ..deems it frivolous and dismisses everything. We’ve almost completed surrender of BC remedy and I hope this puts the nail in it once and for all. I’ve been sharing your updates with my brother and he wishes he could speak with Heather to tell her he’s been living it inside captive, he urges you or Lisa to surrender BC for Heather & Randy. They already caused physical harm to Randy, they are armed, they still sit on their false benches with false titles but continue to sentence illegally and fraudulently. It wouldn’t hurt to add the surrender of BC to help come full circle… all perfectly and in harmony.
What’s happening with Heather and Randy? Haven’t heard anything for a while about where she is and what they are doing with them. Sending lots of love and light to them <3