One Being’s Perception of Going To The Banks
I have been enjoying having conversations with many people about accessing their value, pros and cons, some state that it gives money to feed the dying beast ptw… and so it should not be done….
Here is something else to think about if you resinate with the thoughts…
We are creator beings. We are now aware of what is going on how things work etc. The ptw will get a 10% discount fee, but we get access to a representation of our value to add to our Energetics and Knowing of how things work now and we go forth and PLAY in all sorts of amazing ways… in my opinion that is a Game Changer.
the argument that the bankers will take control of our money and make money on it seems to be shorting the whole picture when what amazing things we can do with our representation of value is not added into the picture.
for those of us who still have money (I don’t have this problem 😉 “they” are already taking it now and making money off of it, and not “feeding” it, waiting for it to run dry, feels like the slow torturous route.
what do you imagine would happen if just a few people went in and got access to a representation of their value, we will use the example of 8 hundred mil as what they each went in and accessed.
then depending on what made their heart sing they …. bought large tracks of land in the amazon to keep pure, they bought whole sections of islands, like say in the Pacific North West, they bought bridges with tolls on them or paid all the tolls for all traffic and had announcements go to the travelers to let them know how their bridge toll was paid for… a wildlife rescue organization had a new large piece of land and all buildings and equipment gifted to them to re-home the organization from its out-moded cramp current facilities… these are just 3 or so examples.
There is Power in these. From an enegetic level, from a playing level and from a 3D PR level, not of who bought something but how their Value was converted to a representation to do it.
Ok now magnify that by everyone in this room doing similar things that make their heart sing with their representation of value.
Now you have the word spreading, you have joy, creativity, fun, possiblities spreading….
YES, the ptw got 10 % discount fee and yes they may have made some money off of your FRNs while you slept…
BUT the tsunami of HIGH vibration energy and the word of mouth discussion would totally out way any of that.
This… accessing of our value and what fees the ptw make get from it is not done in a vacum
we are either creator Beings or we are not, we either have power in the energetics of this Now moment and what we do together or we do not
we either create our reality or we do not
just my perception and feeling on this (heart)
Well put - I am still pondering which documents to use. I understand both angles of thought on this. To play with the banksters or not?? My main thought is, why the heck not - money isn’t anything anyway, so who cares if they “play” with it overnight anyway? I’m the value and depositing a representation of part of my value is all it is - a representation. Flippin heck, at the end of every day, EVERYTHING is a game. NONE OF IT REALLY MATTERS, because in this human body we are merely just a small fraction of the vastness of our true actuality - we are individual stars and star systems and galaxy’s and whatever else we can manifest ourselves as. This experience down here in 3d is just that - an experience. All of this is a GAME. But while we are in it - let’s enjoy it as much as we can - let’s gain comfort and joy. Let’s have some FLIPPIN FUN while we are in physical. I LOVE being in the physical and enjoying Free Forward Motion on the surface of the most incredible creation thus far! Mother Earth and Father Sun are flippin awesome imbodyments of who they really are - the creator of this magnificent UNIVERSE!!!
Why do we care if the ptw gain something from this - they are in this game too. Everyone plays their individual parts. There are no good guys or bad guys. It’s just a game! All any of us desire is to enjoy ourselves!!
OK, I go and ponder some more now . . . .
The main purpose here, as I see it, is to totally repurpose all of the banks into organizations that simple provide us the service of handling our transactions, paper or electronic, and keeping track of our accounts. Once these banks realize that 10% = “Fifty Million” dollars from one person depositing “Five Hundred Million” dollars a lot of things will change very quickly.
The banks will no longer be in the loan business because all their loans will be wiped out or payed off and all of their “risk” will be removed almost overnight. Any student with $50,000 in student loans can fight them or just pay it off over night. (Might be fun to go after them with more money than they are willing to devote to attorneys though just for the fun of it). One single 50 million dollar deposit fee will be more than they could possibly make from a ton of customers over a lifetime, and that’s just one customer. Maybe a 10% one time transaction fee is to much. Something to think about. Really, think about that. Just 10 new customers depositing 500 Million each will make the bank 500 Million dollars. How would you like to make 500 Million off of ten customers? Nothing to laugh at, no risk to the bank, a massive paper work reduction, no more lawsuits from trying to collect unpaid debts or having to deal with 3rd party collection agencies, no need whatsoever to deal in any fraudulent activities (like loans) because it will no longer be profitable once they put up the sign welcoming new customers to deposit their “Value.” They would have to be open 24/7 from that point on alone and it would be well worth it to hire the extra help. They might even start serving free donuts and coffee.
People will have no need for playing the stock market or fiddling with commodities and no real need to gamble (from a guy who lives in Las Vegas and doesn’t gamble but still a very interesting place to visit). People will be able to do whatever floats their boat. To produce the next big evolutionary idea they always wanted to do but didn’t have the money to do it. Many new inventions and technologies will begin to hit the market just because they want to do them and provide mankind with a better less polluting way of life, etc.
At the same time the IRS will probably fold as they can’t tax gifts and those that want to work at specific jobs would not in the least be worried if they were not paid to do their jobs. What’s $15 an hour when your worth 10 Billion so the IRS would have no “income” to tax. On top of that all the employees of the IRS would deposit their own Value and quite working for such a corrupt organization and regain the respect of their neighbors, friends and family. Congress would just close it down. When 300+ million people (in the US alone) are each worth 10 Billion each and there are only 535 in congress the money will really talk or they walk.
Health care? A thing of the past and there will also be no need whatsoever for insurance companies as each person will be personally bonded for X amount of dollars. Do you think Warren Buffet has car insurance, life insurance, or health insurance?
No more homeless persons, no more soup kitchens, no more drug dealers because it won’t be worth their time, no more bank robberies, etc. Crime is about money and how to get. When you have more money than you can possible use crime is no longer worth the risk of setting in jail while your money sits in a bank. That’s just about as dumb as it gets. Even a drug dealer can see the logic in that.
People with money don’t break into other peoples houses. They don’t rob people on the street or steal little old ladies purses. They have no need to steal things from others. They would have no need for so-called “turf” wars when they can easily buy their own and probably in a much nicer neighborhood. Their children will have a much nicer Christmas too and a better education to boot.
Washington DC will become a very lonely place because everyone outside of it will have more money than it has inside so there will no longer be any reason to bribe politicians because it would be like handing pennies to the organ grinders monkey. That’s it, we’ll get each congressman a organ grinder.
Lots of interesting things will be happening on the horizon in the near future. Other than that not much else to say here. Thanks for listening and thanks to Heather and the Gang for OPPT and all those behind the scenes for making this into a reality. Will it be worth the wait? You bet it will.
Haha, nicely put Max.
You know, years ago I remember thinking to myself that if ‘governments’ just gave the people a bunch of “money” everyone would be alright and the problems would go away - you’ve just explained why and how!
I’ve also observed that crime is all about not having enough. Get rid of poverty, get rid of crime, right there and then!
Thanks for an enjoyable read!!!
I am very concerned about unintended concequences of our new monetary system. To put things in perspective, most of the DOV’s I have seen are for $500M. That is enough to buy an A380 and have $92M in change. Obviously the planet cannot support personal A380’s. ;-D With great power comes great responsibility. So I am going to start with a DOV of $10k and learn how to fly an ultralight before i get my A380.
Here is a link to The Hidden Secrets Of Money Part 4. I’d recomend 1, 2, & 3 as well, so we don’t repeat history again.
I agree that depositing 500 million is not a great idea. One mill would take most people a heck of a long way!! Start with something that will help get ourselves to a more comfortable place, then take steps from there I say!!!
Thanks for the link - I will go check it out.
Maybe a better way is a credit union or community bank. Then the 10% commission benefits members… Remember commercial banks only benefit share holders and the stock market.
The Banks taking 10% of this sort money is ridiculous, 7 billion x 10% is a lot to feed the BEAST. I can see that some will start their own banks and charge 1% that would be plenty they would never even spend the 1%.
I can’t see people playing the stock market, why gamble ! when they have more than they will ever need. Who will work for the Corporations after the way they have treated the people.
TY for your latest post it’s exactly how I see it.
This is my take about what is happening now, whit the docs released and people going to banks and others to access their value that is just a minor part of what is happening even though it makes the ball rolling faster.
THIS IS THE EVENT, people are pooring into the TOP Sweden FACEBOOK room wondering what is happening. One lady was at the bank and they asked:” Are there more people coming? astunned about the amount she wanted to deposit.
The success of nonviolent civil resistance has proven to be very successfull see this TEDx video THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN THUS THE EVENT.. people are waking up and TOP is the bridge helping them seeing the changes that needs to be DONE, go go go! Remember most people in the Banks are just people who want to have a good life also..
Heathers response to this message was: yes.
In addition to this we are actually restructuring the current value system as we know it. The old system was based on our unconscious consent. Now we are creating something new with our conscious consent in transparency. If enough people go to the banks the whole structure has to re-purpose since everything is based on money today. Thus actually creating a moneyless society in the end.
Oliver Troll
TOP Sweden
I have been thinking about credit unions too. As a member I can look at their books and find out what their true opperating costs are and price their discount accordingly.
Max, the purpose of markets (unmanuipulated ones) is, price or resourse allocation discovery, a vital function in any system. That is how China ended up with the huge missallocation of resources that are now ghost cities. We also need to correct the imbalances in things like teacher and farm worker pay etc.
This is something I have been wondering about for the last 8 months. We need some sort of Wiki/Craig’sList/SurveyMonkey to mesh resourses (physical and knowlege). production, immeadiate needs, future needs (for production planning), innovation, and others I am sure I missed.
Ok I am off topic.
Concerning credit unions I found a new motion put forth to the Swedish government to look into green investment banking! I could’nt believe my eyes when reading it! Look at the wording in an exempt of the motion below. I translated it into English and published it on scribd. (less draconian)
” From a democratic point of view , it is urgent that the Riksbank’s (Swedish Treasury) power over themoney issue-and therefore credit flows is strengthened. There is a growing international debate surrounding the sharp rise in capital requirements for privatebanks. The two economists Jaromir Benes and Michael Kumhof, tied to the researchunit at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in a report put forward thoughts on 100per cent capital adequacy (full reserve banking). Whether this is the right way to go or if the Riksbank’s position can be strengthened in other, less draconian , with an openmind should be investigated. This Parliament should give the Government announced that it’s meaning” (stance)
Here is a link the the piece I made:
Oliver Troll
TOP Sweden
Behind the doors of the banks , the government is working absolutely strong.
When are now more and more people are no longer willing to invest in the old system , really do not pay back their loans , power supplies and many more not more use - what happens then ?
The old system can no longer threaten us - can try it , but many of us are so far that they simply do not give in to blackmail , no longer able to participate, because they woke up .
They know this and therefore they now worry about what they can offer us. But watch out - it ‘s not about the money - values - this is about all of us, to our VALUE BEING .
We serve them , they have served to make them serve us - and that’s over .
The tide has turned.
Do you know yet ?
Jesus said: THE LAST are THE FIRST !
I think they will make us offers - adopted our debts and offer more .
And since we must be careful how we deal with what we make of it , because it is about NOT SOOTHING , but the CONVERSION to change. This means that the old simply be no room .
This means to me that we as very urgent, official representations should choose for us , anywhere in the world .
THERE are so many people who need our support because sdie are sick, old, too young , weak. That we are too! And the animals, the nature desperately needs - immediately our support.
It is NOT about new parties - it’s now just AROUND THE WELL ALL and ALWAYS .
The challenge now is that we set up centers where we can go , where all documents are always ready for us to sit where consultants , all of us wise and aware and present in love.
Centers to which we can turn in this transition period , we give donations for the sisters and brothers who are really advised or advised in this transitional period in acute distress, because they simply can not represent the previous life .
And so that they can hold out .
I can only speak for myself and I AM THERE - in the village I have a small center - There are not many - but a grain of sand brings to slip a mountain .
May all beings find their freedom _ () _
I am awake but I don’t know how to “not participate” in the system. I need a home, so I pay my mortgage. I need warmth and electricity, so I pay my power bills. I need food, so I pay for groceries. I need clothing, so I buy what I need when needed. when I no longer participate and feed into the system, my home gets forclosed, my power and heat are shut off etc etc. I just discovered I have a child on the way. I can’t “not participate” for the sake of that child, who I wish to exist in as much safety and comfort as I can provide!
it seems the banks don’t respect or fear any of these documents, and that it is so far impossible for people to gain access to representation of their value. what am I missing here? it has been nearly a year since the OPPT and related documents forclosed on “the system”….yet it seems to run on and on and I don’t know of a single person who has reaped any of the declared benefits of what Heather et al has accomplished.
what am I not seeing? can anyone help to clarify all this for me?
thank you
I’m in a similar situation where I cannot participate to the point I would like, simply because I have to respect my families wishes, who don’t get it !!! But the one thing I can participate in, is sending out fliers to inform others.
The more we teach the masses about The One People and the foreclosures, the easier it will get to the change we want. It may not happen overnight but it will happen.
Okay so I have made some major ground but at the same time not so sure. My bank has told me all I need to do is initiate the wire transfer, as the bank is my depositor and it is up to me to get the funds transferred to my account. So my question is how do I get the wire transfer initiated? Who and Where do I call to BE and DO what needs to BE done.