Feeling and Seeing the ALL, Original Network Makes Itself known
by Terran, published on Terran Cognito, on September 12, 2024
Its been a wild experience the last two months dealing with what is clearly a political legal case. I’ve had to deal with emotions of seeing some of Randy’s friends doing some rather unexplainable things that did not help him. I had never conversed with Randy until I got to Knoxville. I was astonished at the inconsistencies and badly researched FBI data to the Grand Jury in Tennessee and the Special Agent testimony under oath where he spells his name two different ways in two different courts to obfuscate his identity. Shocked at the FBI (or perhaps prosecution?) feeding the Southern Poverty Law Center bogus information painting Heather as some champion of the Sovereign Citizen movement, which Heather has a long documented history of saying she does not believe that is the correct approach to what is wrong in this country. They keep trying to shove Randy and Heather into that box. Keep painting them with that label.
Heather hates nobody, has a Moroccan husband and 4 kids, and its the least prejudiced person I have ever met! While Fulford, and legions of bloggers and the Chinese Dragons attacked what they call “the Western Banking Cabal”… Heather has only ever sought to find solutions to close out this banking mess and experience in 3D separation consciousness in a peaceful manner so that everyone wins and moves on to a new world, literally heaven on earth, free of domination by ANY group.
Which begs the question why did they put Heather on a web site, which is used as “vetting source” as to authentic information by Google, a site devoted to exposing those who hate Jews and Blacks when Heather has no history of even hint of doing either? Someone really didn’t do their fact checking!
Are these bankers insane to punish the only one who truly can help them get out of the box canyon they put themselves into? I had to consider maybe for a moment maybe that was so. All their money magic and mechanics is not working. All their teams of cantors and incantors are not working. All their powerpoint presentations, power lunches with Ivanka and P2 lodges are not working. Not much of anything is going their way… Time for another choice of action? Doubling down on the old will not help them.
I couldn’t get over the feeling everything I was seeing was contrived on multiple levels, The riot in Virginia was so obviously staged and then blamed on the President. Janet Yellen’s phone call logs and meetings during all this. The FBI’s case is provably false and poorly researched and how it ever got past the Grand Jury I don’t even know, and even I can see that and I am no lawyer! When we decrypted the prosecution’s “discovery” DVD, there is no primary interviews with witnesses, only summaries by the FBI Special Agent. The FBI is noted for being detailed. Heather’s strange 30 days tour of Federal Prison System, while on “US Marshal Hold” (a kind of protective custody) was also something I did not yet understand. Heather has since related what she experienced there and what she saw and I now see why that occurred from a broader perspective.
We did manage to get Heather out of jail, Randy was not so fortunate as there is still an outstanding warrant for him on a traffic violation. Randy is honestly being treated like a terrorist. He’s the most peaceful guy and gentle man you could ever meet.
None of it adds up. None of it makes sense from the facts of the case. Those accounts are very real. They are in your name and Social Security number and that has been proven millions of times by now.
When Heather called me from Knoxville jail, I expressed my frustration that every thing looks contrived. Heather smiled, and said, yes, but ask the question “contrived by whom?” And she was referring to the ALL/Source of which we are all within.
A few days later over coffee at Star Bucks, Heather was fuming over what she saw could happen to the prosecution and the FBI agent behind all this… she saw the very real potential for them all to be thrown under the bus buy the banking families. I replied “But Heather these are the people that sent you to prison for 30 days!”…. selfishly thinking of my frustration and others of keeping track of her during that time… so she didn’t disappear down some dark hole. She was actually quite protected we just didn’t know that and had no way of knowing that. How many people facing the charges she’s facing even consider the other side? Not many! Heather replied “They are all Source! It does not have to go that way!” The conversation continued that evening when we got back to the house. I agreed events do not have to go that way, but I also pointed out “what about all 99.95% of this planet that want this over?” She replied “Nobody gets left behind…”. I said “That’s what I love about you, even when I do not feel it at the moment!” I told her “I love that about you, as this can only be ended through love and no other way.”
Everything that has happened is to make THE ALL known…. that much is clear. How that happens depends on how we see the ALL. Will this case go all the way to trial? I don’t know. It doesn’t have to. Honestly right now I think those who rashly began this course of events with the courts don’t want it to go forward either. Even if the case were rammed though, it would not stand long. Its that full of holes. Which is good for us… in one view of looking at things… but still there is time to choose another path.
What do we create? What do you create? We are at that moment.
I am feeling a tremendous bliss and joy coming from the ALL right now as the end of this experience, and beginning of new experience is in sight.
There are some things we can begin here to end this peacefully and in love, You, the Galactics, Universals, divines, and every being here and there, and the rest of the ALL will be moved to do your part whatever that may be. Its vital you listen to your heart NOW. To listen to the ALL. Feel it,
All that is required the courage to step out in love and act from the Heart as Source moves you. Its really that simple. You are all one. You are all Original, You are all Source. FEEL IT. BE IT.
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. For some on this planet… even pain came be a comfortable friend if it reminds them they are alive, but there’s a much better way to live than that dystopic way of life! Dream big, dream wide!
Wow I was so Thrilled to read this one! Thank You so Much we are still and always sending Love, Peace, Freedom and Abundance for ALL! Thank You so much for the GREAT Updated.
So much truth. I’m loving it
Dearest Bill,
I want to thank you for what you wrote and shared. There is so much LOVE ABSOLUTE and DATA infused in these words and in this space as a whole. It seems so amazing sometimes when I read/feel what is created/shared through this portal. I can always find/connect with what is needed to pick me up and send me sailing on the waves of love. It can be incredibly difficult at times to see WHY things are happening or playing out the way they are. I have some DOing and BEing coming up tomorrow and this has assisted me in getting back into that PLACE Of LOVING COMPASSIONATE ENERGY that I will need to be coming from.
As BZ said/wrote/sent: “In this transformation, I’ve come to “know” the I UV Web Portal is a colorful, sensory-rich buffet of multidimensional and multimedia conversations we co-create, absent limits, with all of you. We sense what ideas and information resonate with the One People, developing them for the site, facilitating so people can actively play in some areas or watch in a passive way in others what other eternal essence embodied are being and doing.”
I can touch and feel ALL here and re-energize!
Please tell Heather Ann that I/We LOVE all her BEing and DOing (though I am playing with trying, I am not aware enough to know if anyone feels/hears me when I send messages! Lol)!!!
BZ, Have you seen these videos? ACH ONE DAY EXPLANATON VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jTtPM-2NTU and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22iHb4IXYys? Federal Reserves is allowing us to pay our bills as I understand it (phase 2) this Sept 15, 2024 (Friday). Check it out and see what you make out of. Much love and light. Hello Heather, love you too.