Breaking News
by Maine Republic Email Alert, on October 25, 2024
An INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL OBLIGATION LIEN (INDICTMENT) has been filed against the AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION (A.B.A.), the INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION (I.B.A.), and the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (D.O.J.), by a multitude of Lien Claimants in violation of 15 USC 1 & 2 for a total monetary penalty of SIX-HUNDRED MILLION ($600,000,000.) US GOLD DOLLARS EACH, alleging that, since “fraud vitiates all contracts”, ALL commercial contracts, including, but NOT limited to, ALL unlawful sentences & incarcerations of political prisoners (i.e.; imprisoned I.R.S. Lien Debtors, non-criminal offenders), wherein, such commercial contracts were all conceived in fraud, and lacking any moral & ethical character are in direct conflict with Natural Law & Commercial Law, and thus, every A.B.A “contract” since 1882, whether verbal, or written, including, but not limited to all Judicial Oath’s of Office, falsely sworn to, and fraudulently securitized, monetized, and commercialized, are Null & Void, ab initio.
They have been given NINETY (90) DAYS in which to answer the ALLEGATIONS against them. Failure to do so will result in an immediate “Asset Forfeiture & Seizure” of “Accounts Payable” of TWO-HUNDRED-SEVENTY-NINE TRILLION ($279,000,000,000,000.) US GOLD DOLLARS currently held by the A.B.A. and the I.B.A. — and the Secured Parties’ Right to take possession after default.
1. The “PROOF OF ALLEGATIONS” lies directly at the feet of the individual Officers & Crew of the A.B.A., the I.B.A., and the D.O.J., i.e.; their Administrators, Executives, Officers, Directors, Employees, Agents, and Contractors, and with their honor, willingness, and their ability, to respond, protest, argue, or rebut the allegations made, herein, point-by-point, and article-by-article, under an Affidavit of Truth, under sworn Oath, and under the Penalty of Perjury.
2. It is anticipated & expected, that these individual members & contractors of the A.B.A., the I.B.A., and the D.O.J., rather than admit to their crimes against humanity, in-writing, will choose to go silent, or simply invoke the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution, which, again, is NOT open to ANY A.B.A., I.B.A., or D.O.J. member, agent, contractor, or employee.
3. Their acquiescence, or silence, will then, under the weight of Commercial Law & Natural Law, result in their waiving all of their corporate, public, private, and individual rights & immunities, as per 28 USC #455, and they will, also, be attesting 1) to their acceptance & agreement to all allegations made, 2) to accept all fines, fees, penalties & punishments they are deserving of, and entitled to, under Common Law, the Law of Merchants, International Law, Commercial Law, Natural Law, and 3) to have violated their very own corporate laws & selfengineered codifications, which are grounds for the immediate dissolution of their corporate charters.
1. The ledger for this “TRUE BILL” is based on the Truth, the whole Truth, nothing but the Truth, and upon the MONETARY FACE VALUE of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINE TRILLION ($279,000,000,000,000.) US GOLD DOLLARS retrievable from stolen & pirated properties & assets, pursuant 12 USC #411, believed to be of record, and all properties & assets suspected of being hidden in privatized off shore properties & accounts by various individuals & members the AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION, and the INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION.
2. These stolen & pirated “assets” and “properties” will be confirmed & verified by a People’s open, complete & independent audit of the Federal Reserve Bank, and an audit of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
3. This “TRUE BILL” is, also, set against the MAXIMUM PUBLIC HAZARD BONDS/INSURANCES held by the A.B.A.‘s, and the I.B.A.’s Bonding Companies, whether “in-house,” or “independent,” for all of these Entities, Agents, and Individuals, including, but NOT limited to, the individual Lien Debtors listed above.
4. As a Commercial Instrument, this “TRUE BILL” has an S.E.C. Tracer Number of #2640220, which is the Reception No.# assigned by the Mesa County Colorado Deputy Clerk & Recorder, Brandy Emow, for the filing of the fraudulent, fictitious, and fabricated Oath of Office signed by Colorado’s 21st Judicial District Crown Administrative Clerks, Craig P. Henderson, and David A. Bottger, and witnessed by Sandra Casselberry, the Judicial Administrator for Mesa County, Colorado.
5. This S.E.C. Tracer Number of #2640220 is a “commercial securities tag,” and is but a single Exhibit, out of thousands, of the prima facie evidence of the A.B.A.‘s conspiracy to commit sedition, piracy, and commercial fraud, against the Lien Claimants, and against the American people, wherein, any such Oath “prescribed, given, taken,” commercially securitized & monetized, was, and is, a “solemn mockery,” and “equally a crime,” according to the Crown’s very own Supreme Court ruling by US Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Marshal, in 1803.
6. This S.E.C. Tracer Number of #2640220, as related to this Commercial Obligation Lien, may be used as form of identification for any & all “Witnesses,” “Crime Victims,” and/or “injured parties,” when asked for identification by any A.B.A., I.B.A., or D.O.J. contractor, or revenue/tax collector (“Pulbicanus”), (ie; I.R.S. Agent, H.L.S. Agent, F.B.I. Agent, C.I.A. Agent, Sheriff, Sheriff Deputy, Police Officer, etc.).
7. All such “Crown Contractors” are, under the terms & conditions of this International Commercial Obligation Lien/Agricultural Lien/Writ of Injunction & Restraint/Cease & Desist Order, prohibited from engaging with, detaining, arresting, incarcerating, harrassing, coercing, or intimidating, any “Witness,” “Crime Victim,” a.k.a. “any Living Being,” or citing same under any revenue-bearing statute, code, rule, ordinance, or any other “color of law” infraction, providing the Living Being has NOT harmed or injured another Living Being. [Corporations CANNOT be injured! Only Living Beings can be injured!] Without an “injury,” there can be NO crime, and NOWHERE can these revenue-bearing statutes adhere, and no “false presumptions of a crime” shall be made, authorized, or enforced!
8. Any encroachments, or violations, upon the terms & conditions stated above by any “Crown Officer,” “Crown Agent,” or “Crown Contractor,” will result in additional 15 USC penalties being levied upon the corporate, personal, and private properties & assets of these individual “Officers,” “Agents,” or “Contractors,” while operating privately, or in their “corporate capacities.”
9. This S.E.C. Tracer Number of #2640220, however, and wherever, presented, will serve as the People’s Rescission of Consent, and as fair, proper, and lawful notice to CEASE & DESIST with any & all criminal aggressions, trespasses, and transgressions, while operating on the Land, and/or under the ‘presumed & alleged’ jurisdiction, power, or authority of the Military/Admiralty Flag of the Crown Templar.
The Sureties & Certifications of, and for, any & all Corporate, Public, Personal, or Private Accounts, Bonds, Securities, Profits, Procedes, Fixtures, Chattels, and Assets owned/managed by ANY individual operating within the jurisdiction, or control, of the A.B.A., the I.B.A., the D.O.J., or their, “in-house,” Bonding Companies, under the indirect, or direct control of the A.B.A., or the I.B.A., their Nation/State franchises, Inns of the Court, The Federal Reserve Banking System, or The International Monetary Fund (IMF) for these Entities, Agents and Individuals, are all considered forfeitable assets, and as “debt obligations” to the Lien Claimants, their assigns, and/or their heirs. As such, the Lien Debtors are lawfully responsible for producing, upon this commercial demand, these Sureties, Accounts, Financial Statements, and all Certificates of Liability & Indenture.
1. The Affiants & Lien Claimants, without prejudice, and Reserving All Rights, declares this Commercial Obligation Lien to be self-effecting, self-evident, and self-enforcing, noting that the US Marshal Service, is now lawfully restored to the People’s Executive Branch of the Continental united States of America, and they are no longer contractually obligated to the A.B.A.’s subsidiary corporation of the Department of Justice,
both of which, are, hereby, dissolved for by the People for cause, and by necessity.
2. The US Marshal Service, a Constitutional Law Enforcement Agency, and NO LONGER a “Legal Enforcement Agency,” in the State of Illinois, and elsewhere throughout the 50 States, Washington, D.C., and their 94 government offices, will be tasked & charged with executing the seizing, freezing, and recovery of all the A.B.A.’s, and the I.B.A.’s corporate, public, personal, and private properties, found upon the Land, at sea, or found to be held by any & all individuals operating under the A.B.A., or the I.B.A., until such time, as it is determined that the full face amount of this Commercial Obligation Lien can be satisfied, and that all other Claims for Remedy made, herein, are unconditionally satisfied in full.
3. The US Marshals, having been given the preponderance of evidence, and probable causes stated, herein, that crimes have been committed, and that, crimes are being committed, shall under their own authority, jurisdiction, and powers, as dejure Marshals & Sheriffs, commence, IMMEDIATELY, with serving Notice of this Writ of Injunction & Restraint/Cease & Desist, without the need of a court order, or warrant, as is their privilege, duty, and obligation, under Law.
4. On the NINETY-FIRST (91st) DAY after receipt of this Lien, the US Marshals & Interpol, are to commence, at once, with the freezing, forfeiture, and seizing, of all corporate, personal, public, private, and individual properties, accounts, and assets, known to be in the possession of, or under control of, the A.B.A., I.B.A., D.O.J., and/or any & all of their corporate contractors, however related.
5. Fair compensation shall be made for the anticipated expenses & services rendered by these agents, and for their abiding by their own Oaths of Office ( The US Marshal Service & Interpol will receive TWENTY(20%) of the recovered assets, and these funds will be divided equally. A Promissory Note shall be tendered to the dejure United States Treasury, and earmarked to the US Marsha Service & Interpol in this amount. The full face amount of the Promissory Note will be made payable to the US Marshal Service & Interpol immediately upon the successful recovery, reclamation, and return, of the Lien Claimant’s “Accounts Receivables.”
6. Should it ever be miscontrued, or misrepresented, that this Promissory Note, and/or payments made to the US Marshal Service & Interpol, is some form of bribery, the Lien Claimants shall argue & deny same, and declare these funds lawful & appropriate compensation for the tasks & expenses the US Marshals & Interpol are tasked & charged with. These funds constitute stolen & pirated properties & assets of the American people, and these compensations are to be considered “bounties,” “prizes,” and “rewards” for honest service by the people’s law enforcement agencies & agents.
For direct pdf down load file of AFFIDAVIT OF COMMERCIAL LIEN-ABA EXECUTIVES Click Here
Affidavit of CoAFFIDAVIT OF COMMERCIAL LIEN-ABA EXECUTIVESmmercial Lien Aba Executives
BRAVO !!! This is a great, tremendous piece of work ! I bow down ☯.
This is awesome; please read and research the Supreme Court Case
wow,,,,this is, BIG NEWS, GREAT NEWS the same thing needs to happen in England with our fake courts, civil contracts and the mischievous robbing councils, very well done, as 90% of us have been on the planet, since the great robbing land grab of the 1500’s.Great news…Thankyou so much..
How would I go about using this information in court and is it really official, can someone help with this ?, thank you
Reply back to
bedju, you mentioned you are needing some clarity on the SOF , see Heading: ” AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact).” Any Statement of Fact, uncontested or debunked, after allotted time frame, 10 days, 30 days, and in this case 90 days, to reply back to this Statement of Fact. If they do not reply back within the desired time frame indicated of by the creator of the SOF, then whatever the consequences stated in the SOF is set in stone. Golden Rule. This is it, no court will ever overrule this, it is a done deal. You will never have to go to court and ask for it. The Courts can help you collect or sieze the properties and assets in your behalf. With the above instrument, you can go to court and demand the monies due you as a victim or a witness of a crime by printing off, adding your name on the list of claimants, and fill out and sign everything needed. Record it in the court house and post it in the newspaper for two weeks in a row in your area in local newspaper. After the set time frame has passed and no reply, it is now a Matter of Fact, and nothing can overturn it.
Filed by yourself and others, by the people, for the people.
Am I able to add my name and the names of the IRS and agents that are sending me correspondence? Add my name and their names and addresses then send a copy to the court where it was filed and send the IRS copies of the entire 44 pages showing they have been added?
We need more people like you all who put this together! Awesome document! Yeah for the good guys!
Trowbridge has them on the run as well. He chooses the military to round up the traitors and bring them up on treason. Now I understand why the last time I was in court the magistrate treated me so respectfully. Why because their game has played out. Onward through the fog !
It’s about time. The judge who was president of the bar association was friends and alumni with my ex husbands attorney, so she does an illegal one sided exparte investigation and decided our children’s custody via email. My pictures were never seen. My story was never told. My children now live with their abuser. My rights to due process were violated, hell if you got the transcripts she even said once that she didn’t have to obey the laws of the state of Kansas. She recused herself and put in a no contact order as revenge.
How can I verify that this is a real document that has been filed? I tried calling the SEC, but was not sure which department to be directed to. Does someone have an SEC contact number to call?
Can others be a part of this action.
hmmm has it been 90 days yet? i don’t see any foreclosures??
How do I add my name to the lien? It says you can add your name to the claim but for some reason it dose not do it.
thanks for any help here.
U.S. Supreme Court exposing the American “BAR” Association as a NAZI PARTY
Schware V. Board of Bar Examiners, 353 U.S. 232 (1957) New Mexico:
Roscoe Pound eugenics and The American BAR Association “AKA NAZI Party.”
Rule 60. Relief from a Judgment or Order | Federal Rules of Civil Procedure | LII / Legal Information Institute
McLaughlin v. State (8/14/2009) ap-222
Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137: “The Constitution of these United States is the supreme law of the land. Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution is null and void of law.” Code is based on Law. If the code does not agree with Law…it is void. Marbury v. Madison. I do not suffer fools well….unlike the public fool system.
The Supreme Court . The Court and Democracy . Landmark Cases . Marbury v. Madison (1803) | PBS
Murdock v. Penn., 319 US 105: “No state shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and attach a fee to it.”
Litigants can be assisted by unlicensed laymen during judicial proceedings. Brotherhood of Trainmen v. Virginia ex rel. Virginia State Bar, 377 U.S. 1; v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335; Argersinger v. Hamlin, Sheriff 407 U.S. 425
Sounds good… but where was it filed? And if what capacity? I didn’t see any reference to both the Fed. and the A.B.A and I.B.A. being P.M.A.’s (Private Member Associations) and as such any real reference to any real laws or precedents that would all the author to invoke any action against the PMA’s. I mean a lot of what’s written is laid out “as if” it were incontestable fact… and if there’s one thing I’ve seen about the Law… everything’s contestable.
I would also like to add my name to the indictment, but it would not except it where it says add your name. What do I have to do?
This was posted over one year ago…and I first seen this the same day it was posted for the first time…the filing of this, was on October 15th, 2015 (15 months and 6 days now) and the first court appearance according to this information written here within these documents and the court that over heard, which was held in Mesa County, Colorado on October 25th, 2015 which was over ( 14 months and 26 days ago), so when is the wow…second court appearance…talking about justice moves very slowly…I have been watching this very closely and of course the female that entered this into the courts apparently being so-called Alaskan US District court Judge Anna von Reitz….and I have come to conclude that all of this is a very big distraction only and deliberately and it is that distraction as so ” We the People ” follow this type of crap instead of doing the doing and getting the what’s what done…to free us all of the entire global fraud played on us all and costing us everything here on this planet, including the bloody planet and everything the planet holds for us to our well sounded prosperity and abundances. I believe that only our Savior the Lord Jesus will have to do it all….our job or duties is clear…to the Lord Christ…pray and remove all forms of corruption…then He will return to us all that are God’s children. Amen.
I have followed Anna Von Reitz and read her book and nearly all of her articles. I tend to believe what she says - but I have been looking for confirmation that anything that has been put out by her or anyone else propagating her work is valid.
Where are the original filings? Where is there an actual record of the filings that can be seen or verified in a public “official” forum or capacity? In what body or organization are these legal claims being heard? Who is hearing them?
Where are the acknowledgements and responses to these filings? For instance, if you place a $279 Trillion dollar lien on an organization — where is there response? Seems strange. Perhaps responding admits guilt, but then again, how do they proceed in business with a $279 Trillion dollar lien? How does this not get reported anywhere? It has been over a year since this was filed… and I see no response or status update about what has transpired.
Anna also says that she has been “authorized” (my word) by the Pope to sort this out in some kind of legal advisory capacity. Where is this “authorization” - where is the communication from the Pope? Where is any of the communications with the Pope that validates any of the affidavits, open letters, and notices that are being put forth? Is this purely a one-way conversation?
If all of the bankruptcy proceedings of the governmental services corporations around the world are underway right now and they are indeed in liquidation — what official body is this occurring in? The UN International Court of Justice? I don’t see any cases posted I get that maybe they don’t want to be heard by the UN given the issues. How about the Vatican Court. Again, I don’t see any mention of it anywhere.
I see she has put out lots of Notices and Open Letters and that in many cases she has sent these letters to the people she claims with proof via return receipts. I, however, see nothing posted in response from anyone acknowledging or disputing what she claims.
She has had correspondence with Karen Hudes, Legal Council of the World Bank - and I accept that Anna’s responses are far better than Karen’s. This is the only person who I see that has responded. And Karen’s form of communication in most instances is a gobbled mess of twitter and facebook messages and email correspondence where she again references more twitter messages. It not only impossible to follow logically, it is nearly non-sensical. It is quite possible that this is done by design as Karen appears to be a shill doing bankers work. If she indeed had legitimate claims, her work would reflect that legitimacy and be issued with strong logic and reasoning in an ordered fashion. I don’t see evidence of this. Has anyone found any official responses from anyone else who has any official capacity to respond to these claims?
I see that she has issued a payment bond here However, I don’t see anything that indicates any official recognition by another person or body — in this case the Vatican or the Pope or perhaps the UN International Court of Justice. I don’t know enough whether that bond substantiates anything or not. It is signed by her, Herold Carol???, and what appears to be Christ. Can anyone determine how much validity that holds.
According to Anna, the bankruptcy proceedings are being addressed by bankruptcy trustees. Who are these people, by name? What organization do they work for? What publicly available information exists regarding the work or progress that is being undertaken on this effort?
She says here,, that “The Bank of International Settlements has already agreed, the World Court has already alerted all six branches” — where is the documentation of this? Isn’t this something you would want to post online?
She also says in the same publication that “We formed an alliance with the Lakota and the Athabasca, two of the largest Native American nations—-which are “federal” and which have internationally recognized tribal governments, and we filed Sovereign Letters Patent and a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty.”
I don’t see anything on this site; which indicates it is the official site of the Lakota tribe, regarding any deal to make them the government services corporation for the American states. Wouldn’t this be big news for them? Why is nothing written? Is there another resource that I am missing? Where is their communication on this matter?
I don’t even see anything online for the Athabascan people. This site indicates that they are a nomadic culture. So maybe they don’t have a website? That might make it hard to run a multi-trillion dollar economy that is the united States of America. Is there anyone who can find any person or documentation that verifies the claim that either of these Native American tribes are now our chosen government services contractors?
Here is the letter of joint sovereignty.
I don’t see any specific names of the people heading these tribes or who will be acting in any official capacity in the new government services corporation. There are signed names. Clearly Anna and her husband James Belcher are included… but I can’t make out other names and they are not printed anywhere. There is no seal or filing number.
I see that these documents and others have indeed been written and sent to important people and “received” as indicated by the mail receipts. However, who are they filed with? Is it sufficient to just post what you writen online as filing, as if public notice equals recognition by other bodies within the traditional body politic that is being fought against?
Here is the moto proporio from Pope Francis.
I don’t know what to make of this as I am not a Vatican legal scholar. It doesn’t state anything in clear terms that resemble the claims made by Anna. It is quite open ended in terms of understanding for the lay person. I mean, there is nothing in the letter that references any person, place, thing that can be connected to the topics Anna is discussing. The Pope did write it but, it is open to interpretation about what it is really referencing. Are there any definitive connections that one can point to that connect what Anna is saying and this letter?
So, if all of this is true…even though it sounds plausible and true… where is the corresponding recognition from others? One would expect to see this recognized by someone or some office in some capacity. I would expect to see dialogue. This would be a huge effort to undergo. I can’t imagine it is all occurring in complete secrecy. People have to be corresponding with each other. There has to be organization of that correspondence and there has to be organization of the activities required to undergo something of this magnitude. Where is the evidence of the correspondence from others involved? Where is the evidence of those actions being taken by others? Where is the news coverage, even if not in the mainstream? Where are the consequences of these activities being played out? There has to be massive consequences to these actions, and all of that can’t be hidden completely.
I get that maybe the mainstream news isn’t going to publicize this… but somewhere, someone one, should be talking about these activities. It is not sufficient for other people to simply spread what Anna has put out. Where are the legal and non-legal correspondence back from these people she is notifying? This all can’t be happening in a vacuum.
Does anyone have any definitive proof about the accuracy and status of what Anna has claimed so that I can confidently share this information with others and convince them of the merits of this work? If so, please point me in the right direction so that I may document evidence and proof of each of the claims and the total claim as a whole to share with other people.
James Links makes some very valid points there