Positive Energy Questions Discussion… All of it Moves All of US Forward
Positive Energy Questions Discussion… All of it Moves All of US Forward
Last evening August 29, 2024 there was a conversation in the RTS Skype room. Early this morning (I am PDT, time zone) D read through the conversation that had taken place when she was sleeping and quoting parts of the conversation joined in with her thoughts.
Below is that part of the conversation from early this morning August 30, 2024 PDT. Enjoy the positive energy, questions and discussion which I believe moves all of us forward when we use our internal resonance meter and take what our Heart shows us is of value for us personally. BZ
[Friday, August 30, 2024 1:26:39 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:13 PM] kevin blundell: okay, I guess I just woke up to all of this stuff….I was away on vacation for a bit….did D actually state that there is not going to be an RV or new financial system? and that if there is any of the above that they will be controlled by the same old corrupt rulers that we are trying to break free of?? And if this is true…..if D is correct, then why is Fulford, Nidle, Wilcock, Beckow and Arch Angel Gabrielle, to name a few, still telling us about a pending RV and/or prosperity????
D Breakingthesilence: Oh they probably will still try and put them through. but as there are absolutely no assets backing it, it will collapse within weeks if not days. I have zero problem with them putting th erV through- neither does heather- as I’ve said fromt he beginning: the highest form of contrast ever seen, and it will lay out everything for everyone to SEE that contrast.
[1:29:00 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:22 PM] kevin blundell: the Asian families are taking over the financial management of the planet….wrestling it away from the corrupt cabalists like the vatican, fed reserve, royals of britain, bushes, etc… that is ongoing now
but we have been told that the dragons for example are interested in prosperity and peace, and healing and stopping war etc
D Breakingthesilence: here’s the thing. as I’ve said several times, madam Wu and General Wong- who are involved with the RV right up to their necks and are a driving force behind it- are NOT working with the Old Man. The Old Man is making everythign very visable right now- making it transparent for all the world to see it- and to see the corruption.
[1:35:54 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:26 PM] kevin blundell: I am asking these questions because I have not found the answer. If we agree that the new financial system and RV will be controlled by the same old rulers then what is the alternative…what will take place instead?
once the fed reserve collapses, which it is doing…what will replace it?
while we move towards a future where we are the value and it is recognized globally, what is the transition that will get us there once the fed reserve for example collapses?
D Breakingthesilence: bridging will happen darlin. Think of it this way. the banks want to make money, right? they’ve been promised this knight in shining armour to rescue them with an RV and “New” financial system, right? hence the fact that they are holding on for dear life- because if this DOESN’T happen then they see the collapse of teh entire system as they know it. and yet…… if after Sept first a whole bunch of people walk in and say to the banks- “Hi, you’re bankrupt, but we’re willing to hlep you out by negotiating with you- say 10%- to deposit some of our value in your bank…. would you like to play?”
it is my understanding that as of Sept first all these guys are now accountable for their actions and to deny us access to our perceived “value” in monitary terms would be fraud, and therefore an offence that they can be held accountable for.
now, this is MY opinion only. but I think that once the crash of the old system is in route, these guys will have no alternative BUT to accept our terms and conditions, because they will need real value in their banks to keep operating.
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:32 PM] kevin blundell: but, the rest of the world does not know yet…billions don’t know yet…so what will happen once it collapses?
D Breakingthesilence: then , in my opinion, the world will be told that it IS the value
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:34 PM] kevin blundell: none are credible??? Wilcock, Fulford, Nidle, Cobra….none of them are credible?
D Breakingthesilence: it’s not that THEY are not credible, it’s that where they are getting their information that is not…… exactly neutral,nor unbiased. Wilcock has excellent information but is led by his ego and highly controlled, fulford is also highly controlled by the dragons and various financial/government groups, Nidle gets his information from faction 3 pleidians who are working wtih the so called “ascended masters” who are pushing the Divine Plan as hard as they can, and loosing. and Cobra…. yea, I have zero faith in anything he’s talking about because to the best of what I can decern he’s also working with faction 3 pleidians. So it’s not that they are not credible, but they are only relaying wha ttheir sources tell them too- and all of them have an agenda
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:36 PM] DanielW: Wilcock is credible insofar as his work in hyperdimensional physics and he has done an excellent job in his Financial Tyranny series, but that particular information was coming from sources that wanted certain information to be put out that was limited to creating a more sophisticated level of slavery.
D Breakingthesilence: bingo!
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:43 PM] Dan: I feel the bridge is banks asking people to underwrite new currencies and agreeing to be liable if they use that currency to damage another person or group of people, eg, a company.
D Breakingthesilence: that’s possible
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:43 PM] kevin blundell: a transition and we wont move from oil to zero point in one day
D Breakingthesilence: why not?
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:45 PM] kevin blundell: I will remind everyone that Heather stated that everyone was to get 5 billion initially (not trying to pick a fight…I believe in the OPPT)
D Breakingthesilence: she stated that every beings value was worth $5B is pre 1933 gold…. that works out to about $200 B now days but let’s talk about what “value” is…….
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:45 PM] kevin blundell: so…Daniel, what will occur? instant freedom…I think not…there will be a time of great education…a transition
D Breakingthesilence: why not instant?
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:47 PM] kevin blundell: as we move to 4D or 5D, okay, recovery, yes…possible….but I think that the planet will need to be void of slavery systems before that will take place….thus the collapse…but then there will be a great awakening
D Breakingthesilence: I’m stayign right here in the perceived “3D” this is the place to be folks- we are the creators we have been waiting for…. right HERE!
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:48 PM] kevin blundell: do you think that many will not panic? the billions still asleep?
D Breakingthesilence: but what if they are not sleeping any longer?
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:49 PM] DanielW: Do you panic when you wake up from a dream?
D Breakingthesilence: exactly!
[1:53:30 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:53 PM] kevin blundell: ascension will occur, but when the planetary level of conscious awareness if complete and when everyone is free and the planet and everyone is healed
D Breakingthesilence: says who?
[2:01:10 AM] DanielW: We don’t believe in ascension anymore Kevin, because we are already aspects of the Creator and always were.
[1:55:46 AM] DanielW: This Ascension is strictly New Age Religion stuff
[1:55:46 AM] kevin blundell: I have always believed that…but what of higher vibration and dimension….
[1:55:49 AM] kevin blundell: interesting…
D Breakingthesilence: Look closely at the sources of all of the “you must raise your vibrations” type messages……
I will tell you that from the very beginning of my journey everytime I heard/read those words it made me angry- seethingly furious in fact. All these messages from the perceived Galactic Federation and so called “ascended masters” and the self proclaimed Arch angel Michael and St Germain…. telling us that WE have to raise our vibrations to THEIR level….. BULLSHIT!!!! THAT is their agenda! They are harvesting your “higher vibrations” and energy just as surely as the cabal is down here. Their entire motive of inserting their “Divine Plan” here on earth has been a ploy to continue the slave system and keep them in their positions of hierarchy…..
…. I hate to tell you this “Michael” but we ain’t falling for it!!! nice try on the sales pitch, but we don’t need another vaccuum or another set of the encyclopaedia britanica thanx.
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:57 PM] kevin blundell: to ascend is to raise your vibration…to blink out of the 3D existence and move to the next level up in vibration
D Breakingthesilence: again, take a close look at who told you that.
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:00 PM] kevin blundell: yes, I agree, we are existing on all dimensions I think….this 3D existence is an aspect of true soul self we will remember, yes
D Breakingthesilence: eXACTLY!!!!!
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:02 PM] kevin blundell: I have been told that I am from the 12 dimension and that I am here to help hold light on the planet during this time not sure if I believe any of that however….but it is interesting to me
D Breakingthesilence: no my friend. you are Eternal Essence inbody and you ARE the light
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:03 PM] DanielW: But in order for the second possibility to occur it has to be axiomatic that our organic technology is what all the mechanical tech has been based on in the first place, and I have seen enough evidence to convince me of that already
D Breakingthesilence: ALL tech is derived from our own eternal tech.
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:05 PM] kevin blundell: I agree Daniel, acess our value or manifesting….but you did say transition….how long will that take and what will happen during the transition?
D Breakingthesilence: during the transition, everything will be in order- there will not be grand chaos, there will not be panic…..
[2:11:54 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:07 PM] kevin blundell: so, what happens during this relearning curve? and many will not believe, at first that will take time how does the world operate?
D Breakingthesilence: If I walk up to you and I manifest out of thin air a nice juicy tomato in my hand, right in front of you….. you will probably say “How did you DO that!!!?” and then I hold out my other hand and say “Like this….” and I manifest another juicy ripe tomato in the other hand….. and you SEE it and you KNOW it,,,, then you KNOW it’s possible and it’s that easy. So you hold out your hand and you manifest a juicy ripe tomatoe. then you turn to your best friend/brother/mother/wife and you show them the exact same thing, and they say how did you do that? and then you hold out your other hand and show them again….and then they say “AHH HAAAA!!!!” and then they turn to their friend and hold out their hand and manifest a juicy ripe tomatoe…….. Do you see how that goes? If someone else does it- easily, without sweating, wtihout any waving of magic wands nor any “raising their vibrations”, without any permission from anyone……. then you instantly KNOW that you can do it too.
How fast do you think it will spread?
[2:16:15 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:09 PM] kevin blundell: but she never states how we will get there she tells us what needs to happen now…and she is correct collapse of the old and this is how it will or should be on earth
D Breakingthesilence: if she tells you how we will get there, how is she any different than some ascended master telling you what you HAVE to do? If Heather tells you “the game plan” and outlines all the steps to what will happen and how it will happen….. how is that any different than any of these others out there tryign to tell you what THEY will do on “your” behalf? YOU are the one YOU have been waiting for. She is not going to tell you what to do or who you have to be or how you need to act. Do you see that?
[2:17:36 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:13 PM] kevin blundell: while there is need of money there will always be corruption and hierarchy.
D Breakingthesilence: an dthose who will try to control distribution and control who has what.
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:14 PM] kevin blundell: you can not move on energetically when you have any form of slavery system afoot….so a whole new reality must be born
D Breakingthesilence: Kevin you are so fuckin awesome!!!!!! I love you (heart)
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:14 PM] DanielW: And she never is direct in anything she says, but directs us to find our own truths
[2:18:46 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:15 PM] kevin blundell: she does not know what will happen next
D Breakingthesilence: (chuckle)
[2:20:37 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:20 PM] DanielW: Do what I did when I first came into the room Kevin, absorb information and then connect the dots and until you have a firm foundation of what a room is about, then the questions will be more pertinent
D Breakingthesilence: I disagree daniel- Kevin is asking very pertinent questions he’s doing an awesome job of bringing everyone together to think about it ALL- doing a review of sorts of everythign we KNOW, everything we FEEL, everything we resonate with. thank you Kevin!!!!!
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:25 PM] kevin blundell: but, many many many channellers, and bloggers are saying that a new system of finance is coming. now D says it is the same old same old give the people a bone and the old evil empire continues but under the vale of a new system
so, ok D, lets say you are right
then, what comes next? we all just start manifesting? we all just start remembering who we are? the vale is lifted?
D Breakingthesilence: why not?
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:25 PM] kevin blundell: just like that?
D Breakingthesilence: just like that darlin. why not?
[2:23:10 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:27 PM] kevin blundell: I think that there will be a transition
D Breakingthesilence: i thnk you might be right. or not. does it matter? what will happen is what is going to happen and it will be according to the absolute plan of what is going to happen. I control my world around me. I am the ONE that I have been waiting for. YOU are the ONE that YOU have been waiting for.
[2:23:30 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:27 PM] Allison R: The veil is already lifting…
D Breakingthesilence: actually, more like being torn to shreds, lol
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:28 PM] kevin blundell: what resonates is a slow transition to the world that Heather says is coming….it is coming, but how we get there is not defined. yet
D Breakingthesilence: yet
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:29 PM] kevin blundell: so, everyone here thinks that there will not be a transition? is that right?
D Breakingthesilence: nope. many in here believe there will be a transition. as I wrote about way up there ^ ….. probably not all that clearly though as I had only one cup of coffee in me at that point, lol
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:29 PM] kevin friesen: For those of you just tuning in, welcome to today’s episode of Contrast (chuckle) (heart)
D Breakingthesilence: no contrast- just Eternal Essence making sure that we all review all
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:31 PM] kevin blundell: so, I agree with D actually….a new system of finance is just more control okay
D Breakingthesilence: exactly.
[2:28:30 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:36 PM] kevin blundell: I can not confirm or deny any of their claims, and I can not confirm or deny what D says either
D Breakingthesilence: exactly!!!!! you can only confirm what’s withIN you!!! I love those tools of resonance!!!
[2:29:48 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:40 PM] Sue Rhoades: I have given up all expectations to the universe. The highest good of all is my intention and my heart. Period. The rest doesn’t matter to me.
D Breakingthesilence: (clap) let go of attachments. detach from attachments and just BE who you are and DO. that’s all that matters in this moment
[2:31:30 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:45 PM] Joseph: just look into the ghetto’s and u will see the mass perceptions around the world
D Breakingthesilence: the ghettos are just a representation of what has been programed into society by the cabal.
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:52 PM] kevin blundell: I take the middle ground always and have great balance in my life…..none of this conversation moves me towards stress or anger or fear
D Breakingthesilence: perfect!!!! because you are letting go of the attachment to those things.
[2:43:14 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:53 PM] kevin blundell: my goal is to make sure that when the old systems of corruption finally collapse, no one panics. I don’t think the ET’s want panic…none of us want that sort of energy out there.
D Breakingthesilence: there will be no panic The perceived Galactics will see that. there might be confusion…. there might be questions…. there might be stunned expressions of… well stunnedness. but there will be no panic.
[2:45:56 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:55 PM] DanielW: Well then it seems to me Kevin that you want to control how people feel about things and that is the job of the Contrast
D Breakingthesilence: not even slightly Kevin is doing an awesome job of getting everyone to think and use their inner tools of resonance and to go within and see what resonates with them and what their hearts tell them.
I’m literally almost in tears here. You guys are the most FUCKIN AWESOME BEACONS OF LIGHT I HAVE EVER MET!!!!!
I’m honored to be here with you all in this time of NOW. I have no words to express the love I have for each and every ONE of you!!! (heart) you are all so fuckin amazing!!!!!
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:55 PM] Joseph: “Perception is the measure of soul progressions”
D Breakingthesilence: I would say “Perception is the measure of Eternal Essence’s inbodyments experience”
[2:48:59 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 7:01 PM] kevin blundell: I serve others not myself. If the illusory systems of control collapse, what will you do to help those who are in shock?
D Breakingthesilence: we are the fuckin beacons of light- to shine peace on every INbodyment of Eternal Essence. And so every IN bodyment of Eternal Essence shines of it’s own accord.
[2:49:12 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 7:01 PM] Kathy Kelley: We are all ONE every one of us, contrast roles included are an aspect of Source experiencing itself through our eyes. To condemn or judge another is to condemn and judge self, as we all make up the whole that IS Source. This does not just include humanity either. Everything that IS is an aspect of Source and conscious, air, water, plastic, literally EVERYTHING.
D Breakingthesilence: exactly
[2:49:57 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 7:02 PM] kevin blundell: that is my point how will those in the dark transition?
D Breakingthesilence: is there dark? or is there just a perceived role?
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 7:07 PM] kevin blundell: the world will not evolve until money was gone for good, the root of all evil…this is what I have thought since a child
D Breakingthesilence: what is evil? (chuckle)
[2:55:02 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 7:12 PM] FunkyKatnissmadmanina .: (kevin bundell “7:45 PM I will remind everyone that Heather stated that everyone was to get 5 billion initially (not trying to pick a fight…I believe in the OPPT)” )
actually, Heather never said we would all get 5B. She said we are WORTH 10B. Semantics. We all heard what we wanted to hear. not to answer FOR heather (I will never speak on heather’s behalf as only she can do that)- our value has nothing to do wtih “money”. Money is a construct of the cabal and the slavery system. Gold has no value higher than any pebble on the shore. it’s value is a perception of hierarchy and slavery- set up to control humanity.
D Breakingthesilence: Our Value is the energy of BEing. Our Value IS Energy!! The energy to create and manifest anything.
Quoting [Thursday, August 29, 2024 7:17 PM] kevin blundell: okay everyone….thanks for all the insight and conversation. hope I didn’t ruffle any feathers out there
D Breakingthesilence: Thank YOU my friend
[3:12:15 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Friday, August 30, 2024 1:53:39 AM] Alessandro Vitamoderna: D, (wave) I would be grateful if you could address this question, and also grateful to Heather if she could. (bow) . The next period (from sept 1) seems to be connected to the possible crash of the financial system. Many souces are (again) telling to organize food storage and also money/silver/gold. Some of them seem not to be fear mongerers, and also from some weeks I feel (collective thought) that all that is happening (I mean so many group trying to gain a position in the ‘new’ financial system and all the rest…) is, from a matherial point of view, connected to this forecasts of financial crash, and his restoration.
The question IS: do you consider to (again) inform gently from our blogs etc the people to have food storage, … as in http://www.roadtoroota.com/public/422.cfm for example?
And also for us and our families… (coffee)(pi)(^)(beer)(d)
D Breakingthesilence: I do not believe there will be any shortages. Everyone I have seen who’s been speaking about this topic has been coming from information from people/beings with an agenda. the perceived galactics, ascended masters, light worker groups etc… are comign from the divine plan agenda- which is failing. the patriot movements/militias/constitutionalist… are also comign from this agenda as it’s being driven by the so called “good guy” military (who are working with the pleidians), and the dragon families of the east, who are working from a divine agenda as well.
Quoting [Friday, August 30, 2024 2:15 AM] simon dawe: O man! I was buying into that raising vibration stuff too… (doh)
It’s not easy to know who creditable sources are now that my world has been turned upside down
D Breakingthesilence: my friend… YOU are your creditable source. Only YOU
[4:18:33 AM] D Breakingthesilence:
Quoting [Friday, August 30, 2024 2:15 AM] Alessandro Vitamoderna: But, D how can you be so sure about this things, I mean :O smooth transition and so on …. :^) (heart)(heart)(heart) where your certainty comes from?
D Breakingthesilence: from my heart darlin. from my heart. That’s all I know.
[Friday, August 30, 2024 5:42:20 AM] kevin blundell: just read back through your comments D…thanks for the insight.
[5:42:57 AM] kevin blundell: I am a high school teacher and musician…I enjoy interactive debate…
[5:43:57 AM] kevin blundell: I am excited about the future, the now, the everything. Always have been really.
[5:49:05 AM] kevin blundell: All of your comments made perfect sense to me D. I am aware of Heather’s and your perspective. Thanks for the insight about Nidle and the others. I have never really put all my faith in all of the sources I mentioned, but aspects resonate with me and they all were a very big part of my awakening a couple of years back. I have learned to find balance and peace and do not allow energetic pulling to occur with myself. I don’t let them influence me like that, but I stay up to date on what they are stating so as to stay informed on how things are unfolding on this beautiful planet.
[5:50:30 AM] kevin blundell: All I can do is continue to meditate on love and peace for all, visualize a beautiful future for humanity, and live outwardly that way I feel inwardly. This is key. Positive energy will help heal and move us towards the future that we all desire.
[6:02:50 AM] kevin blundell: have to run now….gone for the long weekend…I will try and check back in in a few days time. thanks for all your insights and input last night and thanks again to D for all your insights as well. thanks to Daniel for his comments as well….I enjoyed it all.
There are many who need the conversation to take place. This is part of what I am all about. bye for now
24 Responses to “Positive Energy Questions Discussion… All of it Moves All of US Forward”
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BZ, this is a wonderful discussion which illustrates the process we are all going through right now.
Do you think it would be possible to post conversations from the Skype rooms regularly, perhaps weekly? There seems no place else to read lucid conversations like this, so it would be very helpful to those of us who do not have access to the Skype group.
What a waste of time and energy!
I am very grateful for this post, thank you all
Sheila, what do you think is a waste of time and energy? Why do you think so?
If she can manifest tomatoes in her hand as she is implying, then why isn’t she taking her own advice and showing others?
More here: http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.com.au /2013/08/skype-discussion-from-rts-positive.html
Yet again she dodges the main question of when the documents will come out - her response being “they will be coming out ”. She is bashing these other insider people for following wrong intel, yet she is just as culpable in that she wholeheartly follows and believes in Heather, to the extent that she physically relocated to Morroco.
Let’s see what happens on September 1-3. If nothing happens (yet again) and we followers and acolytes are told to trust in the Absolute Plan and BE and DO… well, then this movement will officially degenerate to useless cult status. Enabled only by the anonymity and distancing that the internet can provide, which frees Heather and co. from ACTUALLY being accountable or transparent. They are NOT transparent and they have NOT taken accountablity and responsility for their previous statements and claims.
Please feel free to prove me wrong in the coming 1-3 days.
Okay, so D keeps poo-pooing on people like Sheldan Nidle, David Wilcock, ArchAngel Michael etc. as if she is some sort of definitive authority on dimensions, hierarchies, spirituality, reality and what not. eg she claims David Wilcock is driven by his ego … well … is she not also driven by hers? Any why is that a “bad” thing?
I don’t care if someone operates from their ego or not, in fact I prefer it - it shows “true colours” and is the variety that is so refreshing in a group. Spice for Life.
I “get” more ego from her than I do from him, so it’s kinda like the pot calling the kettle black … and that is funny (but it’s getting kinda old and lame, hence this post.)
There are 7-billion somewhat people on this planet, therefore you have 7-billion somewhat separate and individual realities too. Each person’s perception and experience of reality (on any level or dimension whether of matter or of spirit or any flavour in between) is just as valid and real as the next. None is “more correct” than the next.
EVERY perception and experience of reality is just as valid and “correct” as the next.
If the AAM you have heard is pushing hierarchies, then your reality is valid, but the AAM I have heard is NOT pushing hierarchies, and my reality is also valid.
D, you may have much knowledge on the fin-world and such and I respect all that, but you are NOT the authority on reality, spirituality, dimensions etc. since you are still very much as mixed up in all this as we are. No offence but, your shit still stinks as much as ours. Your reality or perception of it is no “more correct” than the next, and you have claimed: “and all of them have an agenda” … well, looky here … SO DO YOU.
Well, WHY is it okay for you to have an agenda (to push your reality and perception of it as if de facto) on to others, but it is not okay for another (be that David Wilcock or AAM et al) to do the same??? (being labelled as an agenda as if that is a bad thing.) That’s your ego right there, rearing it’s head. … and it’s okay, it’s good, but don’t go poking the stick in another’s eye when you still have a log in yours.
(BTW, both the stick and the log give character, it’s funny to look at, it’s good. Love the bling!!!)
Everybody has a very similar agenda: to get more “converts” to their own unique perspective of reality and interpretation of belief structures.
EVERYBODY runs around with a virtual billboard saying “believe me, trust me, I know shit.”
Instead of poo-pooing someone else’s “agenda” (that is the stuff of 3D aka “duality”) we should be recognising, acknowledging and celebrating their agenda’s (that’s the stuff of “unity” … isn’t THAT what we WANT???)
Why are we shitting on each other and poking sticks at what we perceive in and of others, simply because we don’t like it or agree with it? Why are we DOing “duality” and “polarity” when what we claim we want is “unity” ???
If we want the bullshit out there, outside, “in reality-world” to stop, then we have to first stop the bullshit in here, inside, “in my private Idaho”.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” (Ghandi.)
nicely said
from a to z
now is the time
it is not a dream anymore
This is THE most important conversation that we need to be having right now.
Thank You.
I could’nt agree more with your post ….Thank you for your insight and perception into the reality of what we have been hearing from both D and HEATHER… If I remember correctly, Heather stated in one of her few appearences on the Monday or Tuesday night calls that the IUV and Project 13 that we would have a web page with a starting value of units of $5 billion? And she stated it was done back in May……?? If reading the above correctly, D has denied that statement and does not answer on behalf of Heather.. We all need to get on the same page and listen carefully . I truly believe that we are entering into a new golden age and that we will have currency revalue and prosperity will be forth coming from the St Germaine trust and other programs. I do believe our value is limitless GO ONE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD : )
Love you all and your contributions and energy Sept is the month !
Will the American prison slavery system collapse with the rest? So very many Americans incarcerated over victimless crimes and even petty theft -imagine if people were not that desperate for a means of survival. People seem to forget about them and figure they must of deserved it. When they get out of prison, all the cards are stacked against them in society from jobs to housing -all basic survival needs with no assistance or debriefing (so to speak).
Heather DID say people would receive their money. Originally, the CVAC’s were supposed to be for distributing the $5 billion………and Heather was supposed to have removed all the wealth for safe keeping - oh, and we were supposed to see the gold manifest, somehow, on the streets……but without any clear explanation, and without any consultation with the People, that narrative was ditched in favour of some ill-defined spiritual thingy , the Trust was quickly collapsed, Heather stepped back, and from that point onward all I see is smoke and mirrors and self-appointed gurus making all manner of, as yet, empty promises and all kinds of opinionated spiritual pronouncements.
And if you don’t believe in what they are saying you are considered to be just not spiritual enough to get it.
At least some of you here are beginning to see through all the lies and bullshit. You can only spin a story like the OPPT so far until it falls down like a pack of cards. Heather DID promise 5 billion to all. project 13 was to help deliver all this - and what have you all got. Sweet nothing and that’s all there is!
This can all come to a sudden halt if the BANKS AND CORPORATE GOVERNMENTS REBUT the filings. WHY haven’t they ? Simply Because they can’t, the Uniform Commercial Code works on Truth and the filings were true and the BANKS OR CORPORATE GOVERNMENTS cannot prove otherwise. So they have to provide remedy. They were beaten at their own game by their own laws. So whether you believe it’s true or not, does not matter a rats arse, it’s now Universal Law.
So to you doubters stop your bullshit, you are only proving that you do not understand. It has taken a long time to get to where we are today, so it will take a lot of undoing, we have never been down this road before and neither has Heather, we are all just feeling our way, so have patients.
Okay, so why is Dee so “seethingly furious” about “raising vibrations”???
D Breakingthesilence: Look closely at the sources of all of the “you must raise your vibrations” type messages……
I will tell you that from the very beginning of my journey everytime I heard/read those words it made me angry- seethingly furious in fact. All these messages from the perceived Galactic Federation and so called “ascended masters” and the self proclaimed Arch angel Michael and St Germain…. telling us that WE have to raise our vibrations to THEIR level….. BULLSHIT!!!! THAT is their agenda! They are harvesting your “higher vibrations” and energy just as surely as the cabal is down here. Their entire motive of inserting their “Divine Plan” here on earth has been a ploy to continue the slave system and keep them in their positions of hierarchy…..
…. I hate to tell you this “Michael” but we ain’t falling for it!!! nice try on the sales pitch, but we don’t need another vaccuum or another set of the encyclopaedia britanica thanx.
Only Dee can answer that, but I can guess: it’s because she does not know what it means.
There are many sources (scientific and woo-woo: David Wilcock; Greg Braden; Nassim Haramein; ArchAngel Michael/Gabrielle/et al; Jesus/Yeshua (Sananda); Saul; Matthew; Hilarion; Bashar; Kryon and many, many more) that discuss “vibration” and “love” and “fear” and all that stuff, and they pretty much all agree: fear is a measurable energy that is of a lower vibration than the measurable vibration from love. Both science and woo-woo agree: raising your vibrations MEANS being more loving.
Now let’s look at what “dark” and “light” really is. Dark is not the opposite of light. Dark is the absence of light. You can’t get a bottle of “darkons”, but you can get a bottle of “lightons” (they’re called “photons”.) Now call that bottle, your body. Now cast your mind back to Dr Bruce Lipton’s work: the cells in our bodies are bio-luminescent … we are already beings of light (from a woo-woo perspective AND from a biological aka world-of-matter perspective.) Now let’s look at WHY the cells in our bodies store light: and yes, this is ArchAngel Michael speaking:
Each time you raise your energy vibration or grasp a moment of enlightenment you are encouraging purification within your being. It could be likened to a scan that takes place with each step of enhanced awareness, which erases all that doesn’t resonate or align with the new awareness. This scan of the entire being purifies you and allows you to completely embody the new awareness.
/quote ref: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/archangel-michael-via-natalie-glasson-support-from-the-angelic-kingdom/
So … when an ArchAngel tells us to raise our vibrations … that is not only a woo-woo invite, it is also a piece of scientific advice. When we BE more love and DO more love, our bodies (the bio-luminescence) store and contain more light, and our spirit operates from a higher energetic level … aka, our vibrations have been increased.
more love == more light == higher vibration == more energetic.
There is NO HIERARCHY in the call to “raise your vibration” (then there is NO harvesting of your energies) … it is a call of love/light to return to love/light. It is a call to be more pure … pure what? Be more pure of what you already are: pure light/love.
I’m sure this is not the place to ask this question but I am having a hard time finding what I need on this site. I need to know where I can find the documents needed to present to my bank to claim my worth?? I saw at one time of a man that has done this and he showed all the documents he used but I can’t even find him anymore. Can someone direct me to the right location?
Thank you
Awaken you can find what you mention here
there is also a new skype room just started tonight called “Bankers Working with Eternal Essence room”
for people to work co-creatively and collaboratively in the energy of heart space and collaboration with the banks
I want to address concerns of folks who complain that promised dates aren’t being met. As a software developer, I know that dates are impossible when you are doing something that you’ve never done before. When you do something over and over, then dates are easier. In the case of materials relating to I-UV, none of this has been done before, so it is very difficult (if not impossible) to deliver something by a given date. You can do it fast, or you can do it right. You can’t do both. I do feel this is an expression of anticipation - but it seems silly to me to hinge your entire belief system on a single date. Relax - things will happen when they happen. If you want to do something to move things along, there are many opportunities, including doing it yourself. We are all part of a machine, and each one of us has our own unique role.
My only question is
My understanding of foreclosure is when the bank takes back the physical property that they allegedly loaned you some money or value and then rip you off again for any equity you have accumulated over the years SO YOU GET RIPPED OFF TWICE BY THESE BANKS THAT HEATHERS SAID SHE FORECLOSED ON. .? WHERE DID THE VALUE GO THAT HEATHER TOOK BACK FOR SAFE KEEPING ? WHERE IS OUR IPAGE WITH $ 5 billion of units or credits or dollars or script or mula?? Please someone help me as to where Heather has gone with our value? Thank you for yourself with this gaping hole of BE and DO and what transparency has the OPPT given us? Much love
Well done Sheila for asking the HARD questions that others here don’t want to face up to. IM Power - here you are advising someone where to find documents to access value when we KNOW that this did not work for Bob, Kiri OR ANYONE ELSE. Dream walker the dates thing - how many dates were things promised and nothing happened! You can only postpone for so long before you must smell a rat. We’ve all been had.
I don’t know if anybody has been had yet as i don’t understand this stuff to its core. So i will persist in my search for understanding with the knowledge that nobody is going to do the work for me. The originators found the way and we now know there is a goal. People are connected together with a new paradigm of thinking. It takes time to allow ones old way of thinking to change into a new one. It is made easier knowing which direction to head and having a community of people to travel with.
As a free and independent person, or at least on that path, i realise my own awakening is solely up to me. As my father likes to say, which i didn’t hear for many years, ‘If it’s to be, it’s up to me’.
On that note, i see some confusion about ascending and vibrations and i can probably help to dispel some myths. It is all a matter of perspective really. Whilst standing vertically we can say that the lower vibrations of the physical are lower, whilst the higher vibrations of the heart and the mind and the spirit are above those lower centers. but what about if you are lying down? To even classify that one is superior to the other is to make a fundamental mistake, but one we all make. We compare and contrast as is natural but then we add personal like and its resultant bias into the equation and then the comparing and contrast becomes judging and then hierarchical judging and then we are a bit lost about what it means to be a human being, which is a little broader than most of the groups we normally tend to identify ourselves with.
This is yet another group, but it is surprisingly fresh and honest and the bias is at a very low level.
For evidence of some of the information in here actually working in the real world check this link out when you have half an hour. It is the case of an Australian names Scott Bartle, an ex merchant shipper, who over the course of a year he battled customs charges on a new Mustang he had brought into the country. During this time he discovered that the Australian Government is actually a corporation masquerading as the government. Further to this he beat customs by simply asking them to prove they were his government and ‘not’ a corporation masquerading as his government. He received no recognition that his assertion was true, however, within days of this final letter, his car was freed, with no charges after being held for 9 months
the video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umVj5XQYAi8
and a link i just found that is good background - http://www.absolute-data-exchange.com/news/corporations-masquerading-as-government-part-ii-which-government-can-we-trust/.
Sure. Ken got justice in the end but what a fight. Eventually some bureaucrat saw the sense in what he was saying and waived the charges. This cannot be seen however as somehow the government didn’t want to be seen as a corporation so then had no choice but to let it go through. You see there is a different mind set understanding why he eventually succeeded. Governments must register as a corporation because of legal requirements. But this is very different to a corporation having shareholders, listed on the stock exchange etc. Why do us in the OPPT make such a big deal about this corporation thing as if it is part of some dark conspiracy?
Apparently I-UV has become more lenient with what they agree to post for all to read. Not to long ago I posted something and not only did it NOT make it to print so to speak but I was unable to post anything for awhile. I guess that was their way of scolding me. I would say more and help you all figure out what is going on but I doubt it will make it. Well, let me give it a try. First let me see if this will make it.
By the way….shouldn’t the simple fact that a site does not allow it’s contributors to post freely set off any alarms? If they felt confident in what they claim, they would have no need to moderate the forum.
For me this whole Be/Do , OPPT/I-UV is likened to a baby learning to walk. A being who has an innate desire run by the imprint inbody to become vertical despite gravity, more improved after having sat on the floor independently , then having crawled fast, slow, backwards.
My choice to submit a Courtesy Notice in June (how many of you have actually implemented this process?),,and now learning 2 1/2 months later from support now available which was not available then, that I could have started Invoices much earlier in my process…and now attempting to find out how to print all the Invoices used….feels much like being the baby learning to walk. So I choose it is all good, and will persists, and mail Invoices off with Love and Light for the quickening consciousness of the person receiving it, in the Spirit of Oneness.
Couple this activity and mental learning curves with my inner process of really seeing how I have been a slave in this life, and , have enslaved others (mainly my 2 kids when they were little, to society/cultural/familiar beliefs, behaviors,best choices to make). Makes me realize we are co-creating the possibility of slavery crashing in and around us individually and in the systems that are currently imploding, and creating living in the higher vibrations which is where I choose to hang out SIMPLY BECAUSE IT FEELS BETTER TO ME!! when I can FEEL Love,Light,Gratitude,Love,Happiness,Creativity, Joy,Bliss, I LIKE ME MORE. and, I have learned to endure my own self-imposed inner severe weather patterns as part of my process of shedding the skin of judgement, frustration, anxiety, nervousness, hopelessness, aloneness.
so the quicker we keep seeing who we all are, and spread the word to all, and tune into astrological happenings,joining up with as Above, so Below, we will manifest our collective dreams of peace on Earth. Paz de Sophia.