Mostbet in Kenya

Mostbet has been operating in Kenya since 2017 and is one of the leading online sports betting sites in the country. It is known for its wide variety of betting markets, excellent customer service and competitive odds. The site offers a comprehensive range of sports bets including football, basketball, cricket, hockey, tennis and more. Punters can also take advantage of the live betting feature which allows them to place bets on ongoing matches. The site also provides a range of promotions and bonuses, such as free bet offers, bonus money and cashback rewards.

Update by January 10, 2025

Provider is known for its commitment to responsible gambling, with several measures in place to ensure that players are protected from problem gambling. This includes features like reality checks, deposit limits and timeouts. The site also works with independent third-party organizations to promote responsible gambling practices. In addition, Mostbet is regulated by the Betting Control and Licensing Board of Kenya (BCLB). This ensures that players can enjoy a safe and secure betting experience on the site.

Bonuses & Promotions at Mostbet

Company offers a range of bonuses and promotions for players to take advantage of. This includes welcome bonuses, deposit bonuses, cashback rewards and loyalty points. They also run regular promotions such as free bet offers, money back specials and leaderboard competitions.

In addition, Mostbet also has a VIP program which rewards loyal players with exclusive bonuses and benefits. This includes higher deposit limits, personalized customer support and access to special promotions.

Mostbet Welcome bonus in Kenya

Welcome bonuses

Welcome bonus is a great way to get started with this bookmaker. New players are eligible for a generous welcome bonus of up to Ksh 10,000 upon registration. This bonus can be used on any sports betting market or event that the site offers.

Deposit bonuses

Provider also offers deposit bonuses on all deposits made to the site. This bonus is usually a percentage of the amount deposited and can be used to place bets on any available sports betting market or event. The size of the bonus varies depending on the amount deposited.

Cashback rewards

Players can also take advantage of cashback rewards at online casino. This is usually a percentage of the losses incurred when placing bets, and can be used to place more bets on any available sports betting market or event.

Mostbet prizes in Kenya

Loyalty points

Players can also accumulate loyalty points when placing bets at this bookmaker. These points can be used to redeem rewards such as free bets, cash bonuses and other exclusive offers.

Regular competitions

In addition to these bonuses and promotions, company also runs regular leaderboard competitions where players can win prizes such as free bets, bonus money and cash rewards. Players are ranked according to their betting performance, and the top three players on the leaderboard receive prizes.

Mostbet Odds

Provider offers competitive odds across a range of sports and markets. The site has one of the highest betting margins in Kenya, meaning that punters can get better value for their bets. They also provide a wide range of bet types such as single, multiple and system bets

The site also features an extensive range of special markets, such as Asian handicap bets, combo and accumulator bets, as well as in-play betting.

Mobile app

Players can also play on the go with the Mostbet mobile app. This is available for Android and iOS devices, allowing punters to place bets quickly and securely. The app features a range of features including live streaming, cash out options and push notifications.

Features of Mostbet website

Mostbet has a user-friendly website that allows punters to access all of their features quickly and easily:

Overall, the official site is a reliable and secure online betting site that offers punters a great range of features and competitive odds.

Advantages of the official site

Disadvantages of the official site

Mostbet Types of Bets

Mostbet offers a wide range of betting options for punters, including:

  1. single bets,
  2. multiple bets,
  3. system bets.

The site also offers live betting on ongoing matches, as well as in-play betting on pre-match markets

In addition, bookmaker also offers Asian handicap bets, combo and accumulator bets, as well as special markets such as first goal scorer, number of goals and correct score.

Mostbet accumulator bet in Kenya

Types of sports for betting at Mostbet

Mostbet offers a comprehensive selection of sports for punters to bet on. This includes popular options such as:

Mostbet Payment Options

Mostbet accepts a wide range of payment methods for deposits and withdrawals. This includes:

  1. credit cards,
  2. debit cards,
  3. e-wallets (Skrill, Neteller, ecoPayz),
  4. bank transfers,
  5. mobile payments (Safaricom and Airtel)
  6. cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin.

All transactions are secure and protected with SSL encryption technology , ensuring that players’ funds are safe and secure.

Mostbet Credibility

Mostbet is licensed and regulated by the Kenyan Betting Control and Licensing Board (BCLB). This ensures that it complies with all local laws and regulations, meaning that players can be sure they are playing in a safe and secure environment.

The site also uses advanced encryption technology to protect user data, ensuring that personal information is kept secure. The company also has a strict responsible gaming policy that ensures players do not bet more than they can afford to lose.

Support at Mostbet

Company provides players with 24/7 customer support, via email and live chat. The site also has a comprehensive FAQ section for any general queries or issues that may arise.

The Mostbet team is helpful and professional, providing assistance with deposits, withdrawals and technical issues in a timely manner.


Mostbet is a reliable and secure online betting site that offers punters the opportunity to bet on a wide range of sports. The site has a great selection of features and competitive odds, along with excellent customer support.

Punters can also take advantage of a variety of payment methods, as well as attractive bonuses and promotions. All in all, this bookmaker is a great choice for online betting in Kenya.


Yes, this bookmaker is licensed and regulated by the Kenyan Betting Control and Licensing Board (BCLB). This ensures that they comply with all local laws and regulations.

Provider accepts a wide range of payment methods for deposits and withdrawals, including credit cards, debit cards, e-wallets (Skrill, Neteller, ecoPayz), bank transfers, mobile payments (Safaricom and Airtel) cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin.

Yes, the company is a secure and reliable online betting site. The site uses advanced encryption technology to protect user data, as well as having a strict responsible gaming policy.

Yes, bookmaker provides players with 24/7 customer support via email and live chat. The site also has a comprehensive FAQ section for any general queries or issues that may arise. The Mostbet team is helpful and professional, providing assistance with deposits, withdrawals and technical issues in a timely manner.

Bookmaker offers a wide range of betting options for punters, including single and multiple bets such as first goal scorer, number of goals and correct score. The site also offers virtual sports and other betting options.

Yes, Mostbet offers a wide range of bonuses and promotions for punters. This includes welcome bonuses, no deposit bonuses, free bets and more. All the latest offers can be seen on the site. Players should always read the terms and conditions before opting in to any bonus or promotion.

Yes, punters can download the mobile app for both Android and iOS devices. The app provides the same features and functions as the main website, allowing players to place bets and manage their accounts on the go. Players should always ensure they have a secure Wi-Fi connection when using the app.

Yes, players can withdraw their winnings from Mostbet as long as all wagering requirements are met. The withdrawal process is easy and straightforward, with a variety of payment methods available for deposits and withdrawals. The time it takes to receive funds may vary depending on the payment method used.

Yes, Mostbet offers live streaming for many sports, including football, tennis and ice hockey. This allows players to watch games in real time and place bets on their favourite teams or players. The live streaming is available for free, but only for eligible customers who have made a deposit.

Mostbet currently supports English and Swahili, allowing players from Kenya to use the site in their native language. The team also plans to add more languages in the near future, so that players from other countries can enjoy the experience on the website too.