Heather’s final post to her web page…
Originally published on American Kabuki on October 29, 2014
BZ: This was a Skype message from Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf to Bill:American Kabuki
[10/29/14, 2:48:50 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf I: Bill, as this next bit is done, and before it gets really wild….I just wanted to say thank you for everything…including, and, especially, helping me to do the website… I just posted the final bit…Source Fource……and, when this next bit is done… the website can be retired (and if we forget to retire it due to all the cool, magical and fantastical “stuff” we are all doing… it can just naturally expire ).
….I wanted to let you know so that there are no automatic renewals of the website or questions in that regard in the meantime.
[10/29/14, 2:48:54 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf I: H[10/29/14, 3:32:15 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf I: ps….the update to the website is nothing that has to be reposted….Source Fource uses IComms and all inbodyments are accessing…it is my way of loving closure and gratitude to the internet and the former tools…
See the post here:
What is Source Fource? Anyone?
that’s right mate, what is Source Force Heather ?
We are all source. So all we ever need is within - we just need to connect to it.
“May the ‘fource’ be with you.” (Oh, actually - it already is! ,-) )
Awesome … Thanks to all versions of I AM specially Heather… I AM can retire some websites… lets use the IComms …..beautiful
As much as I would like to know about Heather’s last post, I just don’t understand people that talk in riddles, then again I was never a Batman fan. To those who do know please explain it to us DUMMIES. thanks Noel.
Right out of it !!!
It seems we are still the “mushroom mode” as we were to date.
What happened ? How are we to use the material of the work of Heather & Trustees ?
What does she mean be the final post which than should be expired?
Can we create such documents and use them in our defense against the unrelenting
system which ignored in our face the fact that were dissolved as corporations?
Please Heather a simple language for us to understand.
With love only
Perhaps it is like that which was said of eckhart tolle … “gone, gone, gone, gone to the farthest shore.”
Left for exploration … if you choose.
no explanations ! just more bloody confusion, don’t know who can be trusted. I’M REALLY SICK AND TIRED OF THE 2 years of BULLSHIT…………That’s the real truth so I will really know when this is not published
Go within, Noel, and ask what you need to see.
What happened in the last 2 years, from your perspective? Were you given a glimpse of a different way perhaps?
From my perspective, we’ve all learned a lesson in ditching the ‘Saviour’ mentality and the tendency to swap one set of ‘parents’ for another.
We are all I AM, and are the ones we’ve been waiting for - we just didn’t SEE or KNOW it.
Choosing to be ‘sick & tired’ because expectations weren’t met is a choice. So to quote a ‘Heather’ism’ make a different choice - or not 😉 It’s all free-will choice after all.
Mia, I had no expectations of seeing anything, but do you remember been told that the OPPT foreclosed all Banks, Corporations and Corporate Governments and every person would get Billions of Dollars. You asked me what happened in the last two years from my perspective ?…. NOTHING……….. Banks, Corporations, Corp Governments still continuing on the way they were……..people getting access to their MONEY ……….. that didn’t happen neither. However you were right about one thing, I did choose to be SICK and TIRED, not because of my expectations,{please read it again}, I’m sure I said BULLSHIT. …. please explain to me the dummy, what is different, I AM no different. Please let me know how this has changed your life? Can’t wait to read your answer. noel
Has Heather given up everything or is she going to explain things to people in everyday language so they can understand what has happened and where do we go to from here in her opinion.