George W. Bush Appointed 6th Circuit Judge Sutton’s Court Decision on HATJ and RKB
published on September 26, 2024
BZ:When reading this, these, documents… Notice. Notice what Your Mind says, thinks. Notice what your body feels… Notice what your heart is communicating if it can get through the din from the mind… Notice. (I noticed the timing, the feature piece timing, the “injured party”, who/what entity is mentioned/is not mentioned… Notice.)
Along with the two pacer documents that were released late eve on September 24, 2024 I have included a few other relevant things to Notice.
I Love You
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
“Decisions issued by the Sixth Circuit were reversed by the United States Supreme Court 24 out of the 25 times that they were reviewed in the five annual terms starting in October 2008 and ending in June 2013, a higher rate of reversal than for any other federal appellate court during that time period.[1]”
USCA 18-5752 Pacer DDoc# 44 - Court Decision HATJ 09.24.19
to download directly click here
USCA 18-5752 Pacer DDoc# 44 - Court Decision HATJ 09.24.19
USCA 18-5777 Pacer Doc# 28 - Court Decision RKB 09.24.19
to download directly click here
USCA 18-5777 Pacer Doc# 28 - Court Decision RKB 09.24.19
Daily Dicta: When Smart People Believe Crazy Things-Tough Love from Sixth Circuit Judge Jeffrey Sutton
The former Jones Day partner just penned a remarkable opinion that tackles thorny questions of mental illness, personal responsibility and the right to be represented by counsel—not to mention how to steal $31 million from the government with a few clicks of a mouse.
The “opinion” and documents and the Judge, real low energy beings. Then again, you see these people everywhere, in positions of influence but they are being exposed. Nothing is hidden under the sun. All is being revealed.
Instead of sharing 13 pages of opinion with you. I’ll share some quick facts. All judges and most lawyers are freemasons. Most bankers , law enforcement, and alphabet agencies are freemasons. They are under oath to lie to non initiates. They are under oath to “help out” their brothers even if they don’t know each other. The initiated establish identity with a unique claw type handshake to know who the freemasons in the room are. They will also say “are you a traveler?” , if the initiated hears a yes; will then ask ” where are you traveling from? ” . The initiated will say ” from East to West”. Now they know they’re brothers. At the beginning of a court trial when attorneys approach the bench, a judge will give a unique head nod to the attorney who will win the case, as he’s already decided the outcome before the lengthy proceedings occur.
It’s predominantly a white mans club with few exceptions. Our entire country was founded by them and global dominance was their plan all along. You’ll notice a lot of 13’s & 33’s in what they do. Many freemasons won’t realize their God of light is Lucifer until the 30th degree. Separation of church and state? Yeah right.
They believed CRAZY things, yet were COMPETENT enough to stand trial alone for acting upon their “crazy” theory. Which, in fact, they were able to achieve ($31 million), that which they were crazy enough to “believe” IN their theory - which got them $31 million for believing they could use the theory they knew, and was successful at executing, but was crazy for thinking the money came from a trust connected to their SS#, which they used their SS# to carry out their “theory” that got them $31 million of The Private Federal Reserve dollars, which is using the same accout # of their SS# - Which you use your SS# at The Private Federal Reserve to open a private account.
it hasn’t got a leg to stand on 🙂
The funny thing is that HATJ was the only one who made any sense in the whole so called trial. Yet she and Randy are CRAZY! I guess I’m CRAZY too!
The truth is being revealed…
Gratitude for all Heather and Randy are doing…
Quite interesting how the story (narrative) keeps changing and the “facts” cannot be found. This document is a joke.
They said he used his ssn but with one digit changed. Now the change is not mentioned. Furthermore, this is an opinion, as is stated in the title. It is merely one point of view without experience. Even though the perspective is expressed as absolute guilt, they still cannot admit the accounts exist, and must include the notion of “alleged” accounts.
How backwards and thoughtless all this seems…
This is not an example of limitless love. All choices will flow back into one; how quickly we can sense the the deep deprogramming of the bodies energies. Humbling nonetheless. God bless ❤️❤️❤️