Poof Interview by Brian on Behalf of American Kabuki
Brian: Hello this is Brian.Poof: Hello this is Poof.Brian: Wow right on the second of the stroke of 3:30!Poof: Well I do my best (laughter)Brian: How ya doing?Poof: Oh, I’ve been kicking man!Brian: Oh, very good. Very good. Well, I’m excited to talk to you man. I had no idea you did any type of consultation until I read a post from Suzy Star about your most recent post – and I know there’ve been people who have been trying to get interviews with you for awhile and you’ve kinda turned them all downso I’m curious as to how these calls go. I’m throwing my money out there because I just want to talk toyou really.Poof: It’s basically based on – why I’ve done the news letters in the first place. Over the past year had todo with holding up the torch until they got the job done. And the job IS the transfer of the wealth of theworld into the little people’s hands. These guys have had long enough to run their little ruse and they’re being foreclosed on. That’s what’s behind all this. They borrowed and never paid it back and this goes back for a couple hundred years.Brian: Yeah - I think what originally struck me onto this work was David Wilcock’s
Financial Tyranny
Piece. I’m sure you’re familiar with it – I know that was close to the beginning of this year. I think Ifound links to your posts very shortly thereafter. I have a whole list of questions that I have for you – some of which you probably won’t be able to answer, others you might be able to.Poof: Just go ahead.Brian: Ok, Poof I know you’re pretty incognito right now – but what can you tell me about who you arewhy should people trust you?Poof: Well, I’ll put it like this. They came a long time ago to me; I was sitting minding my own business – and something I’ve learned since is people are watching you that you don’t even know are watchingyou. And apparently that was what was going on because they come and asked me if I would help doingwhat they were doing and what that was, was transferring the wealth of the world. I said well that soundsreally good, I said how are you going to do that? They said you find out how they had set up to do it andall that we will make sure you’re up to speed as the time goes by. And so all those things they have done,so they have proved themselves to me cause I would have never stuck my head out here and talked aboutany of this kinda crap even though I knew what was going on. I wasn’t interested – I thought they werecrazy any how. (laughter)Brian: Why did they go to you?
Poof: Because they found that they could trust me. They watched me and they found they could trust me.And I had a friend of mine and – he got a hold of me too from my newsletters and he’s a Templar. And hetold me that when he left the Pentagon he was walking down the street and somebody came and walkedup beside him – he was an older gent – came up and he started telling me about myself. He was like – youknow you raise your eyebrows and “What do you know? Who are you?” you know? And that’s when hegot asked to be a Templar because they asked him and he was trustworthy. And that’s what they look for in people. Are you committed to what you say? Will you stand behind your words? You give me a reasonto stand behind the words (laughter) and I’ll do it – no problem!Brian: What is a Templar exactly? I’ve heard the word thrown around. Can you explain that a little bitmore?Poof: They are a group of people who basically figured out something. They were in the crusades andthey got underneath a temple in Jerusalem. And they found something – whatever it was but they becamethe bankers of Europe. And the church got really ticked off because the Templars wouldn’t do it? KingCharles was king of France [then – so finally] the Pope of the time said you know you need to get rid of them. And so he did – he turned on them. And that’s where you got Friday the 13
- it came from there because on that Friday the 13
he went and turned on the Templars and tried to kill them all. And a bunchof them got away but they had money stashed all over the planet. What they were doing was lending tothe little paupers – you know, people that needed something to get by with – to buy more seeds or whatever. And that’s what they were doing. And they dropped a lot of money – gold if you will – aroundthe planet in different places – stash it for, you know, for the future whenever it was needed. Their moneyhas now been monetized and they’re ready to go themselves. It all has to do with taking care of the planet – that’s what everybody’s job is – taking care of the planet. So you got holes in the atmosphere it’s all polluted. And they’ve got the equipment to do it. They went for it. They actually have been in muchcloser proximity to the U.S. military than most people understand. This craft for example, which I’veseen, it was photographed over top of Paris – it looks like a UFO but that’s a craft they had built out thereat Edwards Air Force base to clean the atmosphere with. They’ve got a couple of em.Brian: Got cha. OK. I’ve got some questions about a few of those things that you just brought up. I’ve been reading your posts for awhile and I’ve always got the feeling like you’ve got some really goodsources of information and I think there’s a lot of other people out there who feel the exact same way. So,aside from a lot of this stuff that I follow, because I follow a lot, but I follow a lot less now than I didmaybe six months ago because I’ve found there’s some I can trust a lot more than others. But how do youknow personally that you can trust them completely with the information they are feeding to you?Poof: One of the things is there’s a consistency, there’s a pathway that I got way back when I lived inMemphis. There’s a path. You’ve got to stay on that path and if anybody is talking off of that path,they’re off in the weeds somewhere. And so as long as somebody is consistent in their information they’reon track and they’re with the people doing it. And you change gears to hear it – you gotta know. Andthere is no such thing as the bad guys winning this game – forget it. They’re not going to win and there’sall kinds of reasons why not. If you pre-own or if you’re the loaner of all this stuff that these guys have been doing and all this kind of thing– think how anybody – the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers – name em – it doesn’t matter they all owe those Dragons over there in China and they’re making them pay up now.Brian: So with that being said and that being the case and based on the tone of some of your most recentmessages and a lot of other stuff – that information that’s flying around out there in regards to thefrustration that things haven’t happened yet – what is the hold up at this point?
Poof: They had to get the bad guys out of the way and that has not been easy because they have been in power for so long. If they feel something is getting ready to happen they’ll go throw a hand grenadesomeplace and mess something up and it takes them a week to fix it - because it’s a drag on time.Brian: Kinda like what went down with Benghazi and the whole James Holmes incident. So the process isunfolding. Are your contacts approving of your posts before they go out or do they trust that you’re goingto release the right information?Poof: Some of them got a hold of me because I didn’t post. Because they knew I knew what I was talkingabout. And so they, like the Dragons, they reached out to me and they said “hey, yo” and they convincedthemselves to me for a minute – and he was showing me all his credentials. He said “I want you to knowwho I am and we’ll talk later.” (laughter)Brian: So their benefit of using you as a resource is that they knew you had a following of people who arereading your messages and you can be. . .Poof: Because I know how to keep peace. When I was writing earlier I said I’ve created this website tochop – to slice and dice, and we’ll play a little. I used to have a website called [inaudible 10:52] and that’swhere I started.Brian: I guess the question of the hour across the entire community of followers of this information andI’m assuming you’re probably sitting on some information you’re not sharing which is totallyunderstandable because to me it seems like there’s a big silence thing going on on the internet with not awhole lot of information being reported as to events unfolding that is really kind of advancing the ball if you will.Poof: That’s because they shut them up at the end of last week. They told them all to shut up- the guysthat know what’s going on. Whatever, shut up – don’t say another word. And they have done that; theyhave shut up. And I’m telling you, none of those people will talk to me at this particular point. That’s ok because I still know a Dragon. I still know a Dragon – that cuts through. If you’re below that then youhave your rumors – you understand things. But when you’re a Dragon you’re right in the middle of it.How I get answers out him sometimes is to by saying something obvious that I know he was involved in.It’s like when they were transferring all those trillions of dollars over here last week, I said to the Dragon“are you done with JP now?” (laughter) [inaudible 12: 33 pretty much]Brian: Oh god I love it. I love it. So do you think there’s going to be an election? Are we going to get tothat point where we get to the voting polls or is something big going to happen?Poof: Well, you know, it could happen. I don’t know at this particular point because they’re being veryquiet at the moment. If they go ahead and get this out right now which I [inaudible 13:08] does, thensometime after about a week or so after the people have access to what they call inaudible 13:19] money,then Mr. Obama will come out and talk and he’ll explain how this country has gone back to theconstitutional treasury – there’s no more Federal Reserve and Interpol will be doing arrests?. And thereason why Obama did that executive order is that people are going to see the 82
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runningaround – because their job is to keep the peace because once people hear the announcements, some of them are going to snap.Brian: Who is going to be the main voice of all those announcements – is it going to come from thePresident or?
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